欢 喜 快 乐 敬拜神 因为疫情的缘故,小组聚会不 得不从聚会后有吃有喝的实体形式转 到线上聚会。但因着弟兄姐妹们爱主 的心、感恩的心、信靠主的心,使得 线上的小组聚会更加喜乐、更加亲近 神、也蒙神接纳。为什么这么说呢? 第一,我们小组的组员大多数是 乐龄人士。他们本以为年龄大了,不 会上网,恐怕不能参加线上崇拜和聚 会了。感谢圣灵在我们中间作工,让 一些熟练的人积极主动地帮助不会的 人,很快地就克服了“网盲”的障碍。 感恩的是,就连86岁的彩莲姐也在 我们组员的协助下能够参加线上崇拜! (她没有参加我们小组)想象一下, 他们有多么的开心啊!而颜老师不仅 参加崇拜、小组聚会、就连每周的祷 告祭坛,查经班她都出席。她每天都 抽出时间读圣经,当读到感动的经文 或文章时,就发在小组里,彼此分享。 有的姐妹说:“感谢神,叫我们在疫 情中成了“网上通”。”每次线上聚 会,大家都充满着感恩的心及喜乐的 心。虽然,我们都在各自的家中,但 大家仍然尽情地歌颂赞美耶稣。那是 一种从心底里发出的感恩赞美!
第二,坚持用圣经的道来建立及坚固弟兄 姐妹的信心。我发现在疫情中,我们更加渴慕 神的话语。每次小组聚会之前,大家都会预读 当天的经文,有不懂的就记下来,大家一起讨 论。有的组员特意申请周六休息,以便能参加 小组的圣经分享。也有的组员重新买字体大的 圣经,以便查阅。我们小组中,有一位刚刚信 主的姐妹和两位参加教会不太长时间的会友, 但他们都很热心参加小组,若没听到查经分享, 会感到很遗憾。那种热忱和氛围实在是感人! 第三,彼此关爱,彼此坚固。虽然我们不 能参加实体聚会,但我们彼此没有因此失去联 系。我们通过组内探访、互相分享食物、庆祝 生日等方式彼此联系。谁家有大事小情,都在 线上小组里发布、彼此代祷、分享,像极了一 个大家庭!这样,大家就不会觉得孤独,仍然 可以感受到教会的温暖——主内大家庭的温暖。 弟兄姐妹们,没有任何的拦阻能阻止我们 亲近神、赞美神、感恩神!让我们冲破重重障 碍,在患难中更加欢喜快乐敬拜神!阿门!
Issue #29
Worship God more Joyfully in Adversity By: Teacher Zhao; Translated by: Chien Chin
Due to the pandemic, all the physical care group meetings which usually ended with food and drinks had to be switched to online meetings. However, with a heart of love for God, gratitude, and trust in the Lord among the brothers and sisters, online meetings have become more joyful, drawing us closer to God, and it is also delighted by God. Why do I say so? Firstly, most of the members in our care groups are senior citizens. Initially they presumed that they were not able to join the online worship services and care group meetings because they were not Internetliterate. However, thanks to the work of the Holy Spirit among us, some tech-savvy members took the initiative to help the non internet-literate members, and soon the obstacle was overcome. We are grateful that the 86-year-old Sister Cai Lian could also join the Sunday worship online with the assistance from our team members! (She didn‘t join our care group). Imagine how happy they are! And Teacher Gan has been attending not only the Sunday worship, care group meetings, but also the weekly Prayer Altars and Bible Study classes online. She allocates time to read the Bible every day, and she will share with us some scriptures or articles that touched her in our chat group. Some sisters said: “Thank God for making us ‘internet-literate’ in the pandemic." Everyone is filled with gratitude and joy during every online meeting. Although we are all at our own homes, everyone still sings and praises Jesus heartily. That is a kind of gratitude and praise from the bottom of our hearts.
Secondly, we are determined to use the truth in the Bible to build and strengthen the faith of brothers and sisters. I found that during the pandemic, we thirst for God's word even more. Before every care group meeting, everyone will read the scriptures in advance and write down our questions for group discussion. Some group members specially apply leave on Saturdays in order to join the bible study in care group meetings. Some team members even bought new Bibles in large fonts for easy reading. In our care group, there is a new believer - a sister, and two members who had joined the church for just a short time, but they always look forward to the care group meetings; they would feel sad if they missed the bible study session. This enthusiasm and atmosphere of faith are really touching! Thirdly, love and strengthen each other. Although we cannot meet physically, we never lost contact with each other. We still connect with each other through visitation among group members, food sharing, birthday celebrations and so on. Everyone will share in the chat group on big and small matters and pray for each other, just like a big family! Thus, all of us will not feel lonely and can still feel the warmth of the church—the warmth of the big family in Christ. Brothers and sisters, nothing can stop us from getting closer to God, praise God, and thank God! Let us break through these obstacles and worship God even more joyfully in adversity! Amen!