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第四期 Issue #4

行动受限制 - 生活却充实

Despite the Control of Movement - My Life is Enriched 文:叶丽娟

By: Leanne Yap | Translated by: Chloe Woo

《行动受限制-生活却充实》 在行管令这段时间,我的睡眠质量更好了, 而且每天都做足九十分钟的运动。虽然出外的行 动受限制,也带来了许多不便,但却更乐意地为 家人做了很多大家喜爱的糕点、蛋糕。所以,我 觉得生活过得蛮充实。也或许是因为我参与了星 期二的祷告祭坛、星期三的查经、小组等等…… 所以在这个情况下一点也不无聊及无所事事! 《一个小小的见证》 这段期间,我每天都以读经、祷告、唱诗歌 来亲近神。每次唱诗歌敬拜赞美主的时候,心里 总是很平安、很舒服。 有一次在唱诗歌时,我忽然很想感受耶稣的 同在,很想见到祂,心里向祂祈求...... 就在 那一刻,忽然在心里“看到”主耶稣在天上,白 云围绕着祂,就像是一道门,主耶稣站在那里看 着我在敬拜赞美祂,好像是在跟我说祂一直看顾 着我。我顿时感受到前所未有的平安与喜乐。感 谢主耶稣的爱。

“Despite the Control of Movement, My Life is Enriched” During the Movement Control Order, my sleep quality has gotten even better, and I’ve been doing 90 minutes of exercise everyday. Although stepping outside had been difficult and thus brought much difficulties, I had more time and energy to prepare food and bake for my family. Hence, I feel rather fulfilled. Moreover, as I’ve been joining the prayer altar on Tuesdays, the bible study on Wednesdays, and my cell group meetings, my daily schedule was always filled and I was never left bored. “A Small Testimony” In this period, I read the word of God, pray, and worship to seek Him everyday. Whenever I worship Him, my heart would always be filled with peace and comfort. There was once when I was worshipping, I deeply desired to feel the presence of Jesus, and I wanted to encounter Him. Hence, I pleaded to Him in my prayer. At that moment, an image of Jesus appeared in my heart. He was in the sky with the clouds around Him, forming the shape of a door. He stood at the door and looked down upon me, as if He was telling me that He had never left my side. I was instantly filled with tremendous peace and joy. I thank the Lord for His love.

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