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神有美好的计划! 文:郭慧雯

在行动令期间,我了解到,尽管新冠肺炎给 我们的经济带来了不利的影响,但我们应该往好 的方面想。例如:我们有更多的时间与家人共度 美好时光,并做一些可以自我增值的事情,例如: 锻炼身体和参加网上课程。 在这里,我想分享一个关于我家庭的小故事。 某天,我父亲告诉我们,他朋友的一名工人被检 测出对Covid-19呈阳性反应。不巧的是,这位朋 友曾到过我父亲的办公室。我们为此感到担心。 当时,我的两个姐妹要求身为基督徒的我为父亲 代祷。我对她们的要求顿时感到即意外又感动。 那是我们第一次的同心祷告。当结果报告出来时, 所呈现的是阴性反应! 身为家里唯一的基督徒,信仰的路有时是艰 难的,是艰辛的;但我看见主在我们家中有祂美 好的计划。感谢主,阿门!




Issue #6

God’s Plan is on the Way! By: Kok Huey Wen

Throughout the Movement Control Order (MCO) period, I learned that although this pandemic has adversely affected our economy, we should think on the bright side instead. We can spend more quality time with family and do things that can improve ourselves, such as exercising and attending online workshops. Here, I would like to share a little story about my family. One day my dad told us that one of his friend’s worker was tested positive for Covid-19 and this friend of my dad actually visited my dad’s office a few days ago. We were extremely worried that my dad would be affected. At that time, both my sisters actually requested me to lead in a prayer for my dad. Being the only Christian at home, I was both shocked and touched by their request. I thank God for all these and that my sisters actually took the first move to ask for a prayer. We prayed together for the first time and thank God, the result was out and it was tested negative! Being the only Christian at home is tough at times, but I can see that God has His plan on the way in our family.

Online workout session

My family

Washing parent’s feet

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