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天伦之乐 天伦之乐


我是一位全职妈妈,跟一般家庭女性一样, 我重新整顿思维,唤回被我遗忘的尊贵身份: 扮演着多重身份,是当今社会每个家庭里不可或 1.妻子是丈夫的帮助者 缺的要职。话虽如此,我依然被普罗大众简称 “耶 和 华 神 说 : 那 人 独 居 不 好 , 为——阿四。 我 要 为 他 造 一 个 配 偶 帮 助 他。” 一周七日,我们一家五口各有各忙,大家相 (创世纪2:18) 处最长的时间只有周末,生活作息可谓安然无恙。 行动管制令开始后,一家人终于可以24小时 2.妈妈是儿女的好管家 腻在一起,享受天伦之乐。这岂不是社会关怀推 “儿女是耶和华所赐的产业,所怀的胎是他所给 崇的家庭亲子理念吗?如此难能可贵的时机,是 的赏赐。” (诗127:3) 丈夫和儿女是上帝赏赐 否雀跃不已呢? 给我的家人,不是累赘。 第一天,温柔贤惠 上帝在唤醒我,放下自我,以祂居首。 第二天,坚忍耐心 “好指教少年妇人爱丈夫,爱儿女,谨守, 第三天,咆哮如雷 贞洁,料理家务,待人有恩,顺服自己的丈夫, 妈妈们,可否有类似境遇?不知怎么了,我 免得 神的道理被毁谤。” (提多书 2: 4 – 5) 的小可爱们有永远装不满的小肚袋。我的大宠物 瞬间孕妇上身,有永远点不完的餐单。半天时间, “我终于清楚看到你一天所做的“家务”, 百多则未读信息,都是一班毛小孩无厘头的键盘 原来是这么的繁重!” 先生语重心长地说道。 娱乐。为了找老师的一则重要信息,犹如海底捞 我哽咽。我的先生开始体恤,尝试配合,重点是 针。家里顿时变成办公厅,中少幼都在上线忙 不再随意点餐了。现在,丢垃圾已经成了他的专 “开会” 。 属任务。偶尔,还会递来一杯热乎乎的黑茶,淡 我区区一个阿四,何德何能啊?上帝,祢何 淡茶香,暖胃更暖心。那孩子们瞬间变得乖巧懂 苦为难女人呢?身体疲惫不堪,心情坠入低谷, 事,人见人爱吗?答案:没有。 曾经一度无法抽离。 上帝可没为我施展祂的魔法棒。他们依然淘 “你过得还好吗?” 上帝的时间恰到好处。气,没完没了地吃,还有堆积如山的功课。纵然 祂差派天使,Dorcas姐妹来安慰我。我很幸运。 挑战依就,而今我已晓得如何以喜乐良药处之泰 适时的一句简单问候,能给予无限量的温暖,不 然。 可轻看。 当我愿意谦卑孕育出为上帝服待的心,祂给 “人心忧虑,屈而不伸;一句良言,使心欢 我出人意外的回馈。 乐。” (箴言12:25) 同时,我有幸参与每逢星 “智 慧 妇 人 建 立 家 室 ; 愚 妄 妇 期一的妈妈小组,研读《智慧的母亲》。过程中, 人亲 手 拆 毀 。” (箴言14:1) 姐妹们的分享与勉励,彼此代祷,心灵被浇灌。

反思: 1. 谁是主宰家庭氛围的灵魂人物? 2. 你还记得最后一次对家人说谢谢,是什么时候吗?

Issue #8

Quality Quality Family Family Time Time By: Corlynn Kho |Translated by: Mandy Loh I am a full-time mother, just like any other woman in other families, I am playing many different roles, and it is an important position in every family in the society today. However, I am still commonly referred to by the public as – maid. My family of five used to be busy with our own things seven days a week, the longest time we spend together is only during the weekends. Our daily life routine is well but ordinary. When MCO started, my family could finally stay together for 24 hours every day, and we could enjoy quality family time together. Isn’t this the ideal family relationship which is highly promoted by the social concern ideology? Wouldn’t this precious opportunity bring us great excitement? On the first day, gentle and kind On the second day, patience and perseverance On the third day, roar like thunder Mothers, do you have similar experiences too? Somehow, I wondered why my little cuties were having bottomless tummies. My big pet also suddenly transformed into a “pregnant lady”, who never stops demanding for all kinds of menu. In just half a day, I had more than hundreds of unread messages, mostly the non-important conversations among the kids as a means of their entertainment. It felt like searching for a needle in the ocean whenever I needed to find an important message from the teacher in the chat group. Our home had suddenly turned into an office, the young and the elder are busy having “meetings” online. I am just a “maid”, how much can I do here? God, why are You making women’s life so hard? My body was exhausted, my mood was at its lowest, and I was unable to get out from there. “How are you doing?” God’s timing was just right. He sent an angel, sister Dorcas to comfort me. I was very blessed. A simple concern at the right timing can bring immeasurable warmth, this act can’t be underestimated. “An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.” (Proverbs 12:25) At the same time,

I was blessed to join the Mother’s Care Group on every Monday, and we are now reading a book named “Wisdom of a Mother”. During the care group meeting, my soul was nurtured through the sharing and encouragements from fellow sisters and prayers for each other’s needs. I reorganised my thoughts, and recalled the honourable identity that I had forgotten: 1. Wife is the helper of her husband “The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”” (Genesis 2:18) 2. Mother is the good steward for her children “Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him.” (Psalm 127:3) Husband and children are gifts given from God, and they are not a burden. God is calling me to humble myself and put Him first. “Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.” (Titus 2:4-5) “I finally figured out how heavy are your “household chores” in a day!” my husband said to me thoughtfully, and I whimpered. My husband started to be understanding and tried to cooperate; he stopped demanding for his preferred food menu. Now, disposing rubbish has become his exclusive mission. Sometimes, he will also make me a cup of hot black tea. The fragrance of tea certainly warmed my heart. Have my children become more understanding, obedient and lovable? The answer is NO. God did not do me the magic. They are still naughty, eating non-stop, and they always have unfinished piles of homework. Although the challenges are still there, now I know how to live with it with joy. When I am willing to humble myself and nurture the heart of worship to God, He gives me unexpected rewards. “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down” (Proverbs 14:1).

Reflections: 1. 2.

Who is the main person who dominates the family’s atmosphere? Do you still remember when was the last time you said “thank you” to your family?

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