第九期 文:杨以乐
神 使 万 事 各 按 其 时 变 得 美 好
第一页 2020年3月14日:当我从金马仑高原的一个为期六周的寄宿圣经学校(RBS)回来时, 收到了一些令人震惊,不太好的消息:1. 政治格局发生了变化,一夜之间,Tan Sri Muhyiddin,取代了Tun Dr Mahathir,成为马来西亚的第8任首相。2. 马来西亚的新冠肺 炎病例激增,以至于政府不得不从3月18日开始施行行动管止令(MCO)。对性格外向的我 来说,这真是一场噩梦。在金马伦高原“被困”了六周好像还不够(还好当时还有许多同 伴),现在我还必须在家隔离,而且隔离期还是个未知数呢!我所有规划好的计划都被迫 取消。不能与朋友聚会、没有郊游、没有青年团契、不能去教堂崇拜……听起来蛮令人沮 丧的。 MCO的前两周,我感到很无助,我无法接受这个事实。因此,我每天晚上都与不同群 体的朋友进行视频通话,以发泄我的不满。 虽然如此,我还是尽量充分地利用这段时间学习一些新技能和知识。我平时的生活很 忙碌,通常都没时间烹饪和烘焙,现在我却觉得非常有趣,甚至对之上瘾。没骗你,我想 我应该有点太沉迷于烘焙了。此外,自我反省时光和写日记也成为我日常生活的一部分。 我意识到,我在MCO之前的生活中没有什么自我反思的环节,因为每次当我尝试反思时, 我都会在第二天早晨醒来。我了解到,不时地反思和平静自己的心是非常重要的,因为它 有助于建立情绪上的自我意识。通过花时间去反思自己的日常行为和习惯,我对自己有了 更深的了解,尤其是我的弱点。
第九期 文:杨以乐
神 使 万 事 各 按 其 时 变 得 美 好
第二页 尽管如此,到目前为止,我在MCO的最大亮点之一就是与我的RBS朋友一起完成一个为 期30堂课的罗马书查经班(由Scripture Union的一位同工带领)。我从来不晓得我会那 么喜欢查经!我非常期待每一次的查经班,并积极的参于(准确地说,我们每周有三次的 查经)。通过阅读使徒保罗写给罗马教会这本具有挑战性的书信,我发现这里边的真理令 我感到震惊,并被激励。通过这查经班,我更加了解基督教的教义和福音的真实含义。更 妙的是,我生命中许多未得解答的问题都得到了答案!这更鼓励我要持续阅读圣经,以更 能了解上帝美好的旨意。还有另一个亮点就是,自MCO开始时,我就和大学里的几个姐妹 一起跟着Youversion圣经网站的灵修计划每天个自灵修。然后,每周一次在网上彼此分享 灵修心得。此外,我们也分享所遇到的挑战、坏习惯、感恩的事情、被垂听的祷告等等。 我真的非常感谢上帝赐我这几位敬虔的朋友,他们在这期间陪我一同走这信仰之路。如果 MCO没有发生,我认为我的灵命,生活和情感上都不会有那么多的成长。神使万事各按其 时变得美好(传道书3:11)。 原来,MCO并没有我想像中的那么糟糕。反之,它给了我不一样的体验,是个祝福!
Issue #9
Page 1
A Blessing in Disguise
By: Dorcas Yeoh
14th March 2020: My return from a 6-week Residential Bible School (RBS) in Cameron Highlands was greeted with some shocking, not-so-great news: 1. The political landscape changed overnight and Tan Sri Muhyiddin became the 8th Prime Minister of Malaysia, replacing Tun Dr Mahathir; 2. The coronavirus cases in Malaysia spiked up so high that the Government had to implement the Movement Control Order (MCO) starting from 18th March onwards. Being an extrovert, this was a total nightmare. As if being “stuck” in Camerons for 6 weeks wasn’t long enough (thank God for the company though’), I had to be quarantined at home for (God-knows) how long !?!?! All my post-bible school plans immediately went down the drain. No RBS reunion, no outings, no youth fellowship, no church…. pretty depressing. The first 2 weeks of MCO was full of rants, rants and more rants (Let’s not forget the part where the Government slowly extended MCO when I had my hopes up). I couldn’t accept the fact that I couldn’t see my friends for such a long period of time, so for the first 2 weeks, I had video calls with different groups of friends every single night. I was so, so sad (#extrovertproblems). However, I tried to keep myself productive and acquire as many new skills as I could. Social media played a big part in encouraging me to try out new skills and hobbies that I don’t usually get to do due to having a busy schedule. For instance, I never knew I would enjoy baking and cooking this much! Not gonna lie, I’m a bit addicted to baking now. Besides, self-reflection and journaling became part of my daily routine. I realised that my pre-MCO life had no self-reflection sessions because every time I try to reflect, I end up waking up the next morning. I’ve learnt that it is important to reflect and quiet down your heart once in a while as it helps to build emotional self-awareness. By taking the time to question my actions and habits, I gained a better understanding of myself, especially my weaknesses.
My baked goods
Issue #9
Page 2
A Blessing in Disguise
By: Dorcas Yeoh
Nevertheless, one of my biggest highlights of MCO thus far would be completing a 30-session bible study on the book of Romans with my friends from RBS, led by a staff from Scripture Union. I never knew I would enjoy bible study this much and you have absolutely no idea how much I looked forward to every bible study session (to be precise, we actually had it 3 times a week). The truths that I discovered by reading this challenging book written by Paul to the Roman church were both mind-blowing and encouraging. Through this bible study, I managed to get a better grasp of our Christian doctrine and the true meaning of the gospel. What’s even better was that many of my life’s unanswered questions were answered! This gives me all the more reason to continue reading the bible to understand God’s will better. Another highlight would be having weekly sharing sessions with a few of my female friends in uni. Ever since the start of MCO, we’ve been doing Youversion bible app plans together and also having a sharing session at the end of each completed plan. We’ve shared our struggles, addictions, grateful moments, answered prayers and etc, and I really thank God for providing me with faithful Christian friends in uni who can journey alongside me in this marathon of faith. All in all, if MCO didn’t happen, I don’t think I would’ve grown so much spiritually, mentally and emotionally. God has made everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). After all, maybe MCO isn’t as bad as I thought. A blessing in disguise indeed.