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Capacity Building and Challenges
comParative PersPective Globalization brought the issue of comparative public administration to the forefront. The issues of public administration can be studied comparatively in order to form a better idea of the problem. As a result of globalization accompanied by transparency, it is possible to have more access to data on important issues on public administration. Globalization has also broken the barrier in terms of language and access. Globalization has facilitated common language on the important problems faced by the nation. The readily available data have created opportunities for global comparison. For example, the data on emissions on the carbons and the income inequality can be used across nations. These data can help any country to comprehend its stand on these issues and how it can improve the situation. Public agencies can create benchmarks for improvement based on the available data. The countries with records of improvement can help those countries, which are lagging behind. The public agencies need to accept the current situation and take appropriate actions for its improvement. Jreisat (2005, p. 231) emphasized the utilization of cooperative teams, multi-case analysis rather than single-case analysis, the influence of culture on public administration, and administrative practices across nations.
Government effectiveness Globalization has also raised the issue of government effectiveness resulting from an increased level of competition in the world. Both public and private agencies are under pressure to improve services to compete in the world. Public agencies are under pressure to maximize the scope of public services at a minimum cost. Every one of them is under pressure to do more with the least available funds. To be effective, public agencies have devised ways to improve performance. One of the main themes of New Public Management (NPM) and the Reinventing Government programs introduced in the 1980s and the 1990s was to improve performance by cutting the levels of size and waste in government programs. The other consequence of the NPM and the Reinventing Government program is the privatization movement. The widespread use of privatization took the forms of outsourcing to other entities either domestic or abroad.
If the government can no longer discharge its responsibilities effectively, this may lead to serious resentment, as occurred, for example, during the financial crisis in Greece in 2016. Karamagioli et al. (2014,