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The Challenges of Recruitment
Globalization and Human Resources Management in the Public Sector
Definitions of Human ResouRces management (HRm) What is the impact of globalization on human resources (personnel) management (HRM) in the public sector? The chapter analyzes the challenges of HRM in an age of globalization characterized by growing interdependence, porous borders, and increasing use of the Internet and communication technology. To be effective, HRM must adapt to the forces of globalization. The chapter analyzes the issues of recruitment, compensation, retention, public service ethics, organizational justice, diversity, strategic management, and cultural competence affecting human resources management.
Human resources management in the public sector in an age of globalization faces serious challenges. Despite the advocacy of limited government and the drive toward privatization, the government still plays a primary role in the delivery of services. However, with the recession of 2008, followed by auto, banking and housing industry failures in the United States, there is now an increased demand for government control. Despite the call for the reduction of the role of government by President Trump, his ambitious plans for border security and immigration control and economic regulations will require the recruitment of more public personnel. Most of the world’s countries now face complex problems, which defy easy solutions. As a result,
© The Author(s) 2018 H.A. Khan, Globalization and the Challenges of Public Administration, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69587-7_3 33