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4 Globalization and Leadership Challenges
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Globalization and Leadership Challenges
In an age of globalization, increased importance is given to the study of public leadership. Present-day leadership cannot afford to limit its actions within the borders or the sovereign territory of one nation. Modern leaders need to think globally in terms of any public policy, which is interconnected with the world at large. However, Schoen (2013) speaks of the failure of leadership, especially by the United States. The tasks of public leadership have become complicated by the involvement of formal and informal actors, both domestic and international. In a globalized world, leaders find themselves limited by international financial organizations. Even within the country, the leaders find themselves limited by the civil society from different countries but united in a mission. Moreover, the issues are complex and the solutions require actions which are conditioned by factors beyond their control. Despite the constraints, leaders are crucial for the overall welfare of countries.
At first, the chapter analyzes the various theories of leadership and then investigates the challenges posed by globalization. It focuses on strategic and transformational leadership and offers an analysis of cultural competence, contracting out, training, and collaboration.
The leader has been likened to “a savior like essence in a world that constantly needs saving” (Rost 1991, p. 94), and leadership to a “social delusion that allows ‘followers’ to escape responsibility for their own actions and inactions” (Gemmill and Oakley 1992, p. 119). Rost (1990)
© The Author(s) 2018 H.A. Khan, Globalization and the Challenges of Public Administration, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69587-7_4 69