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Bureaucratic Politics Bureaucratic politics can complicate decision-making. The bureaucratic model assumes that policies are made through the interactions of various agencies. Each bureaucracy is also influenced by its own goals and standard operating procedures. Where each bureaucracy stands depends on where it sits. Globalization has complicated the use of the bureaucratic model in understanding the crises of today because of the involvement of global actors in policy making. “The actual locus of contemporary policy advice is now a broadly based, but complex, set of influential players all seeking access to the key political actors. Never has Allison’s (1971) concept of “bureaucratic politics” been so applicable to contemporary policy making: “Where you sit is where you stand. One needs further clarity on who advises and on how, where, when, with whom, and why they advise” (Kouzmin and Jarman 2004, p. 398). To understand the goals of the international actors is very complicated because they are intertwined with the socio-political and economic contexts. The bureaucracy is different in every country. It makes the tasks of coordination extremely difficult when the administrators have to deal with different bureaucracies of the world.
Garbage Canners
Decision-making is complicated by the involvement of different actors. The complexity of decision-making is explained by the garbage-can theory (Cohen et al. 1972). This theory assumes that an organization is a collection of choices, striving to find solutions to the complex problems: “The theoretical breakthrough of the garbage can model is that it disconnects problems, solutions and decision makers from each other unlike traditional decision theory. Specific decisions do not follow an orderly process from problem to solution but are outcomes of several relatively independent streams of events within the organization” (Daft 1978, p. 139). According to Daft, (1978), the four streams are: (1) problems occur both inside and outside the organizations and leaders go through the garbage for solutions; (2) solutions: participants may be attracted to special solutions; (3) Choice opportunities for making the decisions; (4) participants may have favorite solutions. In a globalized world, public leaders may face problems for which there are no easy solutions based on the garbage can. They need to be very innovative in finding the solutions. Cohen et al. (1972) suggest that leaders can make a difference in the “garbage can” by carefully timing issue creation, and by being sensitive to shifting interests and involvement of participants.
Contracting Out
One of the major challenges of public leaders under globalization is contract management. The public leaders are under increased pressure to save costs, even if it involves so-called contracting out or outsourcing: “One of the challenges involving ‘the deregulation era concerns the prospect of decreased safety and increased vulnerability as rent-seeking private firms contract the planning and management of former “public goods” (Scahill 2007) and even “core” functions of sovereignty” (Verkuil 2007). According to Saul (2005, pp. 67–87), “the emerging neoliberal, ideological “fantasies” saw the emergence of a “crucifixion economics” which espoused deregulation under conditions of sociopolitical “shock” (Klein 2007) as a form of libertarian freedom and with privatization being equated with entrepreneurship and innovation, rather than patronage.” Therefore, they have to decide whether or not to outsource. When they decide to outsource, the public leaders must ensure that the services are delivered by maintaining the quality. The public leaders are in a difficult position to ensure accountability on an outside agency on which they do not have any direct control. The public leaders must ensure both the efficiency and the accountability of the contracting agencies. The leaders are under pressure to justify the reason for contracting out on the basis of cost savings, and at the same time, ensure that the services are provided adequately and equitably.
This chapter analyzes the major challenges of leadership in an age of globalization. Ultimately, public leaders bear the responsibility to deliver services for the welfare of the people. Globalization, with the involvement of various formal and informal actors, complicates the situation. The leadership is under constant pressure caused by the ever-changing environment. The success of leadership is conditioned by the events outside of their jurisdiction and by the actions of the actors not under their control.
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