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The Challenges of Local Government
and time. Social media have provided opportunities for both collaboration and participation (Magro 2012). Government is increasingly using social media to connect with the citizens both for the delivery and the improvement of services. Government can invest in social media technology to connect with people. Dadashzadeh (2010) identifies the necessary steps for the strategic use of social media in government: 1. Outcomes-Based Focus—Focusing on improvements in the social and economic conditions of the citizens. 2. Balanced to Ensure Fairness—Serving the public by allowing access to all government decision-making. 3. Engagement to Co-Produce Public Value—Engaging the citizens to improve the quality of life by their cooperation in public value. 4. Improving Government Accountability—Increasing transparency in government activities by providing citizens the opportunity to criticize when governments fail to deliver expected public value.
tHe cHallenges of local government One of the major challenges of e-governance is faced by local governments, who lack the resources to develop the technology. The local governments play a crucial role in the delivery of the services. However, local governments in many countries are ill-equipped to implement e-governance. Streib and Willoughby (2005) identify the problems facing local government. They are the stable environment, slack resources, and the lack of knowledgeable leadership, skilled and supportive staff, and good communication. Streib and Willoughby (2005, p. 77), assert that “beginning an e-governance initiative and making it work in local governments will require bold action.” On the other hand, Symonds (2000) claims that, as monopoly suppliers, local governments may lack the incentives needed to pursue e-governance vigorously. Another problem with local government is that they tend to be risk-averse (Ammons 2008). Further, local governments do not have the expertise to deal with the complex problems, which involve privacy, security, ensuring equitable access, hardware/software savvy, changing the relationship between staff and citizens, and generating and maintaining public interest (Streib and Willoughby 2005).
The federal or national government can help local government by providing the logistics and technology to deal with the problems of