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Dependent Variable = E-Governance
and secondary schools. Governments can introduce policies to reduce the costs of the Internet. The other important variable promoting capacity is the establishment of a culture of openness. Without a culture of openness, efforts to build e-capacity will be fruitless. The issue of openness is vitally related to the level of democracy and civil liberties. Although the issues of democracy and civil liberties are complex and will require considerable time, every country can make improvements in openness for the purpose of improving service delivery.
The central focus of the book is to assess the impact of globalization on public administration. In the following pages of this chapter, the research explores the effects of globalization on e-governance. Intuitively, we may conclude that e-governance and globalization are closely related. The rise of the Internet and communication technology is instrumental to the process of globalization. However, it will be worthwhile investigating the influence of different dimensions of globalization on e-governance.
dependent varIable = e-governance As stated above, there are various definitions of e-governance. “E-government” includes the processes and structures relating to the electronic delivery of government services to the public. E-government involves the use of ICTs, including government operations and processes in the delivery of government services (Fraga 2002). E-government not only means the use of the Internet and communication technology to improve relations, but also aims to fundamentally transform the production processes by which public services are delivered, thereby influencing the relationships involving citizens, businesses, and other governments (Leitner 2003). E-governance is measured by the United Nations’ E-Government Data Base (2016), known as the E-Government Development Index (EGDI). This index is measured by an expert survey of all UN member countries on the websites in the delivery of essential services based on the department and the ministries in health, education, social development, welfare, labor, finance, and environment and the capacity for participation (UN E-Government Survey 2016).