PESS e-Zine PESS| e-Zine| Oct 2014
Head of Department Welcome On behalf of PESS I would like to welcome you to the fourth edition of the online magazine Physical Education and Sport Sciences e-Zine. Further staffing changes have occurred since the last edition of the e-Zine and I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Gary Ryan (Physical Activity Health Lifestyle and Sports (PAHLS) Project Manager), Dr. Matthew Herring (Lecturer in Exercise Psychology) and Ursula McCarthy (Applied Studies Coordinator). David Kelly, Grainne Hayes and Caoimhe Tiernan are welcomed to the Department as Teaching Assistants and Michelle Dillon returns to PESS for a 11-month appointment. The Department is particularly proud to acknowledge that Drs. Brian Carson, Mark Campbell and Mark Lyons were successful in the most recent round of progression.
the graduating year of the Physical Education programme, was awarded the School Placement Award 2014. PESS is delighted to be introducing a new Masters programme in January 2015 titled a Masters in Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology. Further information on the programme is included in a related article in this edition. I trust you find the information and articles in this edition of PESS E-Zine informative and ask that if you have any interest in collaborating on teaching or research with PESS that you contact me directly at Regards. Ann
I would like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to the article in this edition of the e-Zine that pays tribute to Professor Pat Duffy. A number of colleagues in the field of physical education, sport and coaching are still struggling with the untimely passing of Pat whose vision, energy and continual hopes for Irish physical education, sport and physical activity provision were unfaultering throughout the years. Again, the calibre of PESS students has been acknowledged at the August 2014 conferring ceremonies with Lisa Bolger, a 2014 graduating year 4 Sport and Exercise Sciences student, receiving the Silver Medal award for the highest scoring student across all Education and Health Sciences programmes. Also acknowledged were James McAssey and Brendan O’Keeffe from the graduating cohort of the Physical Education programme who jointly received the Silver Medal award for the highest scoring students in interfaculty Lisa Bolger (BSc SES) and Dr. Ann MacPhail
Note from the Editors
elcome to the fourth edition of the This issue looks at the breath of some of the research activities, and events that have happened or are ongoing in the Physical Education and Sport Sciences (PESS) Department since February 2014.
The semester is in full swing and we hope that this edition of the e-Zine can bring a little break to your busy lives! This edition offers research news about DEDIPAC, a recent Sport Pedagogy retreat, the 8th PEPAYS Forum, competitor fatigue in cross country rallies and research from the Biomechanics Research Unit. Outreach activities continue in PESS and there is an update from the Siel Bleu study, recent work between Dr. Mark Campbell and colleagues and the Power Chair Football National Team as well as the visit by some of the 2014 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition participants to the PESS department. Dr. Will McCormack takes time out of his day to tell us about his experience of combining work in research and industry. Following a similar theme, two of the recipients of the PESS internships describe their unique PESS internship experience so that other students can see the tremendous benefits of securing these practical placements. PESS staff and student achievements are acknowledged and celebrated in the latter pages of the e-Zine. We would like to thank all our contributors to the October 2014 edition we hope you enjoy this PESS e-Zine edition.
Rhoda Sohun and Ian Kenny The PESS E-Zine is published by the the Physical Education and Sport Sciences Department. We would be delighted to receive your comments and ideas for future editions. The opinions and views in the publication are those of the contributors and not necessarily of the PESS Department. While every care is taken to ensure accuracy in the completion of this E-Zine, the PESS department cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions or effects arising thereof. However, such errors may be brought to the attention of the Editors. All material is copyright.
CONTENTS Physical Education & Sport Sciences|
|Oct 2014
4 Research 6
DEDIPAC: The Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity (Konwledge Hub)
Sport Pedagogy Research Retreat Dr. Missy Parker
Saving Lives in Cross Country Rallies: Evaluating Competitor Fatigue Dr. Tadhg MacIntyre
Funded Research Opportunities in PESS PG Scholarships & Internships
Validation of an Optical Timing System to Measure the Reactive Strength Index Robin Healy (PESS PhD Student)
How Recreational Runners undertake Distance Running Events Michelle Norris (PESS PhD Student)
Outreach Activities 7
The Real Game of Thrones: Sport Psychology in PESS works with Powerchair Football National Team Dr. Mark Campbell University of Limerick partners with Leading Charity in Adapted Physical Activity: SielBleu Ireland Jessica Eynaud 2014 BT and Young Scientist &Technology Exhibition Participants Visit PESS
Features 4
An Appreciation of Pat Duffy Liam Moggan (Coaching Ireland) P.J. Smyth (PESS Department)
Graduate Profile of Dr. Will McCormack
Diary of a Conference Debutant Ian Sherwin (PESS PhD Student)
News 2
Head of Department Welcome Dr. Ann MacPhail
New Programme: Msc. in Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology
Prof. Alan Donnelly receives a 2014 Irish Heart Foundation Research Bursary
PAHLS update
PESS Graduations 2014
PESS Graduate Appointments
PESS Staff, Student & Graduate Achievements
An Appreciation of Pat Duffy (1959-2014)
Liam Moggan (Coaching Ireland)
first met Pat in Thomond College in Limerick a little shy of 40 years ago. Early in the first term of my third year notices appeared on the corridors of college. They posed a question about the presence or otherwise of an Athletics Club. They were followed by invitations. Those with an interest in Athletics were asked to attend a meeting in the lecture theatre. These notices were unsigned.
doing things. Pat was the living description of the word pioneer.
For those of us who held, what we felt, were important positions within the then Athletics Club these notices created quite a stir. Of course we attended the meeting, full of youthful fire and curiosity. Shortly after the appointed starting time of the meeting, an until then silent, first year student went from sitting amongst us to stand and take a position at the top of the lecture theatre. He introduced himself. He had our full attention. That was the first time I met Pat Duffy.
Of course others were involved in these projects. Pat was first to say that and to acknowledge each and every one, by name, always and ever. I have purposely left out names because in his generosity to credit others the light did not always shine on Pat as it should have done. He did not always get the recognition he deserved. He was the master collaborator. I think of Pat often as like a character in a play; someone who stays in the shadows and leaves the spotlight to others.
That day Pat challenged us to have a greater presence on Campus, to be a better club, to be more visible, inclusive, more helpful, more welcoming and to spread our wings to embrace all of the students in the College. You can imagine our reaction, us experienced grown-up second, third and fourth year students not just of PE but of life!
In the early days of National Coaching and Training Centre (NCTC), Pat invited many of the leading people in the world of Coach Education to Limerick. These impressive people were impressed with Pat. They shared the same language. They held a similar vision. They challenged each other from the same base.
Of course we listened to Pat that day. We listened not because we had to. We listened because what he said made sense. He spoke words that got clogged up in our minds. He described a place that was better for all of us. And without knowing it then we went on to listen to and listen for Pat from that day onwards.
Pat was our home base; to see him, hear him, watch him conduct himself as he did, gave us belief. He filled us with confidence. He fuelled us with energy and passion and drive to make things happen. He helped make all those lucky to be around him, better for being around him.
Think for a moment of the type of character that could do that, the type of young man that could invite, introduce, set-up, challenge, inspire and lead others; a young first year student with that kind of confidence, togetherness and I’d have to add, courtesy. For that’s what Pat did that day and went on doing thereafter. He led others. He inspired others. He invited, introduced, challenged and led people so that they could do things and become better for themselves. Pat was a pioneer. He helped open new lines of thought, new activities, new methods, new technical models, new ways of 4
Unlike most of us who live our lives in a series of short stories that seldom connect or never manage to fully get finished, Pat has left an extraordinary print on many good things that impact on many of us every day. Let us remember that it was Pat who wrote the policy documents that steer our approach to all levels of sport in Ireland. It was Pat who introduced a new, effective way of coaching coaches, of teaching PE and of training people who work in the Health and Fitness industry. It was Pat who was responsible for a completely new way of supporting our international athletes. It was Pat who became one of the worlds’ leading influences on all that is good in sports coaching.
I think many of you will remember a time when Pat asked you to do something that frightened you. He had a knack of doing that. He’d ask you to do something, he’d leave you to sweat over it and he’d support you every step of the way irrespective of outcomes. Pat believed in people, he believed in process and he landed those beliefs right back on your lap. Many people are wired to see a problem to every solution. Pat was the opposite. Pat saw solutions. He thought of things we never thought about. He thought of ways of making those things real. He was a visionary blessed with a vocabulary and delivery style that allowed us see the pictures he described.
Pat was a worker. He got his Masters. He got his PhD. Professor Patrick Duffy travelled far without ever using titles. Most times he travelled a road never travelled. He was persistent, humble, polite and fiercely loyal. Despite his busy schedule Pat could make time appear still. He gave you his full attention. We listened to him that first day in Thomond College as only we knew how. Then Pat demonstrated the art of active listening at levels we never knew existed. While Pat travelled and was away from home for long periods he never forgot home. Family and place meant everything to him. I heard him many times in many places tell stories of Deirdre and his five children. Pat loved life; he loved living; he loved scones with loads of butter and jam on them; he demolished ice-cream, he enjoyed the group Chicago and particularly their song ‘25 Or 6 To 4’, he simplified difficult concepts into neat boxes on flipchart paper, he loved gardening, he enjoyed all sports, he could talk knowledgeably about anything. It is no exaggeration to say that Pat Duffy was one of the greatest Irishmen of our time.
PJ Smyth, Emeritus Lecturer in the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences knew Pat Duffy for many years and has taken the time to offer some words about Pat.
1982 Published a book for physical education teachers “Physical Education: An approach for Youth”, Exemplar Publication, Colo. Meath. 1983 Masters in Physical Education from Springfield College, Massachusetts. 1984 Appointed Lecturer in Education, Thomond College of Education. 1984-1989 President of the Physical Education Association of Ireland. Revived an ailing association. Obtained funding from a number of government agencies and set up the PEAI’s headquarters Thomond College of Education with an admin- istrator and secretary. 1988 Led the move to standardise and regulate the fitness industry with the establishment of the National Council for Exercise and Fitness (NCEF). The NCEF is now part of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences with its programmes from certificate to degree level accredited by the University of Limerick. 1991 Appointed Head of Coach Education at the National Coaching and Training Centre (NCTC). 1993 – 2003 Director of National Coaching and Training Centre (NCTC)/Coaching Ireland: To roll out the best coaching education system possible in this country. Along with Giles Warrington he was also responsible for creating a much more transparent system of funding Ireland's elite athletes by setting up and originally administering the national 'carding' scheme which gives athletes financial and medical support. 1994 With Liam Dugdale as co-editior published a book “HPER- Moving towards the 21st Century”. Human Kinetics Pub. This book consisted of selected papers from the ICHPER (International Council for Health Physical Education and Recreation) 34th World congress held at University of Limerick 12-16 August 1991. 1997 PhD from St Patricks College in Maynooth. Title of thesis: “The Development of State Policy on School Physical Education in Ireland. 2000 Appointed Chief technical advisor to South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC). One of his most recent achievements was the completion of a blueprint for South Africa's new integrated coaching system. 2005-2009 Chief Executive: Sports Coach UK. Led the development of the UK coaching framework. 2007-2014 Vice-president for Europe of the International Council for Coach Education.
Some of Pat Duffy’s Achievements and Contributions to the Development of Physical Education, Coaching and Sport. 1980 BA Physical Education, Thomond College of Education 1980-1982 Physical Education Teacher, St Declan’s, Cabra 5
2009 Appointed Professor of Sport Coaching at Leeds Metropolitan University. 2009-2014 Professor of Sports Coaching at Leeds Metropolitan University. 2009-2014 Vice-president of the International Council for Coach Education (ICCE).
The DEterminants of DIet and Physical ACtivity (DEDIPAC)
knowledge hub
To address major societal challenges and enhance cooperation in research across Europe, the European Commission has initiated and facilitated ‘joint programming’, i.e. defining, developing and implementing a common strategic research agenda, based on a shared vision of how to address major societal challenges that no Member State is capable of resolving independently. The Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity (DEDIPAC) Knowledge Hub (KH) is the first action of the European JPI ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’ and was launched in November 2012.
There are five academic institutions in Ireland involved in the DEDIPAC knowledge hub: University of Limerick; Dublin City University, School of Health and Human Performance, University College Cork, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, Trinity College Centre for Health Sciences, Discipline of Public Health and Primary Care and UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Population Science.
UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK In 2013 Prof Alan Donnelly and Dr. Ciarán MacDonncha were awarded €340,000 from the European Consortium.
OBJECTIVE The objective of the DEDIPAC KH is "to understand the determinants, at both the individual and group levels, regarding dietary, physical activity and sedentary behaviours using a broad multidisciplinary approach, including biological, ecological, psychological, sociological, economic and other socio-economic perspectives and their interrelationships, and to translate this knowledge into a more effective promotion of a healthy diet and physical activity."
Prof. Alan Donnelly is a partner in Thematic Area 1 of the (DEDIPAC KH) consortium. The focus of this thematic area is on assessment and harmonisation of methods in diet, physical activity and sedentary behaviours for future monitoring and evaluation of interventions. Alan is the deputy leader of work package 1.2, which focuses on the assessment and harmonisation of assessment of physical activity and sedentary behaviours.
CONSORTIUM The DEDIPAC KH is a multidisciplinary consortium of scientists from 46 research centres supported by joint programming funds from 12 countries across Europe.
THEMATIC AREAS The work in DEDIPAC is divided into three Thematic Areas (TAs): ● TA 1: Assessment and harmonisation of methods for future research, surveillance and monitoring, and evaluation of interventions and policies. ● TA 2: Determinants of dietary, physical activity and sedentary behaviours across the life course and in vulnerable groups. ● TA 3: Evaluation and benchmarking of public health and policy interventions aimed at improving dietary, physical activity and sedentary behaviours. In the initial three years (2013 to 2016) the DEDIPAC KH will organise, develop, exchange, harmonize and share expertise, methods, measures, data and other infrastructure. This should further cross-European research and improve the broad multidisciplinary approach needed to study the interactions between multilevel determinants in influencing dietary, physical activity and sedentary behaviours. Insights will be translated into more effective interventions and policies for promotion of healthier behaviours and more effective monitoring and evaluation of the impacts of such interventions.
Dr. Ciarán MacDonncha is a partner in Thematic Area 2 of the DEDIPAC KH consortium. The focus of this area is on the determinants of diet, physical activity and sedentary behaviour across the life course and in vulnerable groups. Ciarán is the deputy leader of work package 2.2, focusing on the examination and identification of determinants of physical activity behaviour across the life course. Dr. Kieran Dowd (post-doctoral researcher with the DEDIPAC KH in PESS) is working under the guidance of Prof Donnelly, and is responsible for performing Systematic Literature Reviews to identify state-of-the-art methods for the measurement of 1) physical activity and 2) sedentary behaviours in free-living environments across the life course. Kieran is also responsible for developing an open-access web-based toolbox for both subjective and objective measurement techniques. Dr. Fiona Ling (post-doctoral researcher with the DEDIPAC KH in PESS) is working under the guidance of Dr MacDonncha as part of work package 2.2. Fiona is responsible for the explorative secondary data analysis of determinants of physical activity behaviour and for the development of a framework of determinants of physical activity behaviour.
The inaugural European Powerchair Football Nations Cup took place from July 17th - 20th in the Sports Arena at the University of Limerick. Prior to this major championship the Irish Powerchair Football team had a series of training camps here in UL. During this time sport psychology students and staff from PESS were lucky enough to have the opportunity to work with these talented athletes. Led by Dr. Mark Campbell and ably assisted by PESS students Ian Sherwin (PhD Candidate), Clodagh Butler (MSc Sports Performance and PESS PhD Student), Lisabeth Burke (PE) and Hannah McManus (Co-Op place- ment) the team delivered two tailored workshops on psycholog- ical skills training and mental preparation for performing your best when it matters most for the team.
L-R): Ian Sherwin, Clodagh Butler and Dr. Mark Campbell who delivered Sport Psychology workshops to the Irish Powerchair Football Team.
Briefly, Powerchair football is one of the fastest growing disability sports in the world and allows people who are power wheelchair users to participate in the sport. Powerchair football came into existence in the late 1970s but has only been played in Ireland since 2003, where there are currently 6 clubs operating at the current time. Games are contested by teams of four players who, over the course of two 20 minute halves of action, push or strike an oversized football around a court, attempting to outscore their opponents in the same way as mainstream football. Players use powerchairs equipped with footguards to attack, defend, and spin-kick a 13-inch (330 mm) football in an attempt to score goals. 2009 saw the establishment of the Association for Irish Powerchair Football (AIPF) by the FAI and the sport nationally has grown from strength to strength in recent years, culminating in their participation in the inaugural European cup this summer.
Additionally, the first game was against Switzerland and came with a twist. It was a winner Powerchair Football takes all match, with the victor guaranteeing themselves a Sport Psychology place in the world cup next year in Brazil. Therefore, the psychological demands and Session 2 pressure on the team were immense! Accordingly, the two workshops dealt with practical Mark Campbell psychological strategies and Ian Sherwin skills that the team could Lizabeth Burke incorporate and use in their Clodagh Butler preparations. Such strategies and skills related to effective team communication, coping skills, enhancing concentration and pre-game and pre-shot routines. Both workshops were very interactive and practically-oriented and individual challenges and goals were worked through over the course of the two sessions and with some homework in between. And the end result? Well, the team beat Switzerland 2-0 on the opening night of the event in a terrific performance that was exceptionally well supported with a very vocal home crowd cheering them on. This result was a major milestone for the team and now their preparations focus on their first world cup next year in Brazil. Additonally, the Irish team placed a highly regarded fourth in the European cup standings at the end of the week. France were crowned the eventual winners of the tournament beating England 5-0 in the final. Well done to the team and a particular mention goes out to the team captain Aoife McNicholl, herself a current second year Psychology student in DCU who led her team with gusto.
Nick Harrison, head coach of the team contacted PESS before the Summer looking for some sport psychology expertise for his team. Specifically, being a home championship and with the anticipated very large home support, Nick was looking for ways for his team to deal effectively with the big day nerves and fully utilise the home support that would be there. Aoife McNicholl, Irish Powerchair Football Team Captain in Action.
Dr. Mark Campbell Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
EXERCISE YOURSELF TO GOOD HEALTH - A YEAR ON Jessica Eynaud (B.Sc, M.Sc Sports Performance)
Siel Bleu is a charity dedicated to the physical, social and mental welfare of Ireland's adult population and believes in the positive effects of exercise for everyone. Almost one year on from Siel Bleu's partnership with the University of Limerick, Siel Bleu is now delivering exercise classes to over 60 adults in the Limerick community aged between 60 and 80 years old. The University of Limerick has contributed greatly to the initiation of this programme in two aspects. Firstly, venues for the exercise classes are located on campus (multi purpose gym in the Physical Education and Sport Sciences building and Kilmurry Village Hall, UL). Secondly, participants who come on board with Siel Bleu have the opportunity to become part of ongoing research under the ULBC study (University of Limerick Body Composition and receive a full body composition analysis by Dual X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) and Bioelectrical Impedance (BIA). This assessment is a great opportunity for participants to receive accurate and useful information relating to their body composition and health status. This measurement has become part of discussion with the participant and their general practitioner (GP) on how they can improve their health status based on the results of their scan.
GREAT LIMERICK RUN 2014 On May 4th 2014, participants who were attending Siel Bleu classes on weekly basis and their trainer took part in the 6 mile event of the Great Limerick Run and completed the race in 1 hour and 46 minutes. To take part in this event and complete it in under 2 hours meant a lot to those who took part. The Siel Bleu trainer collected sponsorship for the event on behalf of Siel Bleu. As Siel Bleu is a non for profit organisation, donations and funding play a vital role in the long term sustainability of the company.
FEEDBACK FROM THE GROUND Participants who became involved with the programme were asked for to provide feedback through a questionnaire. Eighty-one percent of participants surveyed report 'improvements in mental well-being such as reduced stress, tiredness, mood changes and increased motivation'. In relation to the physical aspect of the classes, ninety per cent of participants describe improvements such as 'increased strength, balance and flexibility'. The consensus among the participants was that 'being with people my own age' and 'the atmosphere in the sessions' brought them back to Siel Bleu classes each week. BODY COMPOSITION The average age of adults who received a body composition assessment was 67 years old, with a group BMI of 27.8 (kg.m2). Not all participants availed of the 12 week repeat scan. Fifteen participants completed the 12 week exercise programme in full and returned to the University for a repeat scan. The data suggests a group total mass loss (kg) of 9.5 kg over the course of the programme with an increase of lean tissue (muscle) mass of 33 per cent from baseline to repeat scan. 8
Siel Bleu trainer Jessica Eynuad with participants in the Siel Bleu/University of Limerick study who took part in the Great Limerick Run in May 2014.
On behalf of Siel Bleu, Jessica would like to thank the University, particularly the PESS department for their involvement in the programme through the provision of venues, exercise equipment and access to gold standard method of body composition analysis.
Dr. Melissa Parker Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
Sport Pedagogy Research Retreat Teacher professional development (PD) has been at the forefront of educational change and reform discussions for the past decade (Darling-Hammond & Bransford, 2005). Central to this discussion is that effective PD involves meaningful topics identified by teachers, is socially constructed, and sustained over time (Darling-Hammond & Bransford, 2005).
By forming a community of teacher educators within Sport Pedagogy a conduit for on-going dialogue, individual and group reflection, systematic action, and mutual respect, creating an environment that nurtures deep learning and thought fostering individual and collective research capacity is effectively created.
Communities of Practice
Work Session of the Retreat
Frequently, PD of this type exists in the form of communities of practice (CoP). More recently, researchers have begun to focus attention on teacher educator CoP as key players in improving the quality of teacher education and, by association, examining the role of teacher educator professional learning and development (Brody & Hadar, 2011). These communities emphasize active practice, reflection, and engagement rather than abstract discussions (Darling-Hammond & McLaughlin, 2011; MacPhail, Patton, Parker, & Tannehill, 2014). The value of communities is their emphasis on interpersonal relationships and activities among members with relatively short cycles of practice and learning. The communities serve as opportunities for organizational improvement, professional development, innovation, and the enhancement of practice (Talbert & McLaughlin, 1994) and break traditional academic isolation. Regardless of context, school-based or higher education based, these groups share a passion for something they know, and through regular interaction, learn how to do it better.
The retreat was grounded in work sessions focused on identifying individual research goals and needs and establishing group projects. The sharing of current research projects resulted in the setting of six month goals with supporting mechanisms for each participant. Discussion of collaborative group work prompted the submission of multiple evidenced-based proposals for the 2015 SHAPE (Society for Health and Physical Educators) Conference in Seattle, Washington. Moreover, in an effort to guide and focus future direction, initial strides were made in coalescing personal interests into overriding research themes for the group. These work sessions were punctuated with social activities allowing members to develop more enriched professional relationships. A second follow-up retreat is planned for some time in late autumn or early winter. The ultimate aim is for the community to advance knowledge, professional practice and policy in physical education, through high quality and innovative teaching (professional learning), research, and service to the university and the wider community. References ● Brody, D., & Hader, L. (2011). ‘I speak prose and I now know it’ Personal development trajectories among teacher educators in a professional development community. Teaching and Teacher Education 27, 1223-1234. ● Darling-Hammond, L. & Bransford, J. (2005). Preparing teacher educators for a changing world. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. ● Darling-Hammond, L., & McLaughlin, M.. (2011). Policies that support professional development in the era of reform. The Phi Delta Kappan, 92,81-92. ● MacPhail, A., Patton, K., Parker, M., & Tannehill, D. (2014). Leading by Example: Teachers’ Professional Learning Through Communities of Practice. Quest. 66(1), 39-56. DOI: 10.1080/00336297.2013.826139 ● Talbert, J. E. & McLaughlin, M. (1994). Teacher professionalism in local school contexts. American Journal of Education, 102 (2), 123-153.
Brigitte Moody and Dr. Daniel Tindall at the Sport Pedagogy Retreat in Coolbawn Quay in May 2014.
The Research Retreat Adhering to what is known about best practices for teacher professional development, and committing the department to developing a teaching and research team that would become a CoP, the first sport pedagogy faculty research retreat was held 29 – 31 May at Coolbawn Quay near Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. Ten sport pedagogy faculty – Ann MacPhail, Louise Masterson, Ursuala McCarthy, Jaimie McMullen, Brigitte Moody, Missy Parker, Ann Marie Ralph, Deborah Tannehill, Daniel Tindall, and Ann-Marie Young - wishing to increase their research capacities by learning from and with other, embarked on a three day retreat away from campus. The purpose of the retreat was to begin to establish a community of practice. 9
Dr. Missy Parker is the Course Director for the Professional Master of Education in Physical Education. This programme is a full-time two-year initial teacher education to prepare graduates for a professional teaching qualification in physical education. Graduates will be skilled in designing instructionally aligned, evidence-based physical education programmes. The course culminates with a demonstration of the: 1) ability to conduct applied research resulting in a research paper, and 2) achievement of Teaching Council professional expectations for teachers documented in a professional portfolio. Applicants must possess a level 8 honours degree (2.2 or above) recognised by the Teaching Council as providing all content, applied and theoretical, to teach physical education.
ResearchResearch News
Saving Lives in Cross-Country Rallies: Evaluating Competitor Fatigue Dr. Tadhg MacIntyre Department of Physical Education and Sport and Exercise Sciences
Human factors research demonstrates that driver inattention and fatigue may be a major cause of both crashes and fatalities in driver performance. However, researchers have largely overlooked competitive motor sport as a to study driver attention. In order to assess the role of fatigue on performance among World-class competitors, an exploratory study was conducted at the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge in April, 2014. One of the world's most prestigious international cross country rallies, the five- day event consists of driving in temperatures of up to 55C, at speeds up to 180 kph across challenging terrain for several hours each day. The incident rate is typically very high with up to 12 medivacs annually. “Safety in the Desert Challenge is our number one priority� according to Dr. Mohammed Ben Sulayem, chairman of the organising committee and a Vice-President of the FIA. Statistical comparisons with circuit racing in (e.g. Formula 1) show that the rate of serious injury was 12 times higher in the cross-country discipline of motorsport. Consequently, the goal of this research was to examine much closer than ever before how fatigue affects competitors contesting events of this nature. Fatigue typically reduces attention and vigilance which can impair decision-making, risk-management, anticipatory abilities and reaction time (RT). Twenty-seven competitors (n=7 bike category; n= 20 in car) from 10 countries participated in the study. Daily reaction time was measured prior to the start of each leg of the rally and self-reported sleep data were also recorded. In addition, critical incident de-briefing was provided to assist with the psychological recovery of both competitors and medical personnel after a fatal incident during the event. The main findings were that on day one, two-thirds of competitors responses had been categorised as high reaction times and by day four, this had reduced to one-third. For some competitors their reaction times had doubled from 250 milliseconds to 500 milliseconds. Furthermore, of major concern was the fact that the quality of driver’s sleep halved across the four days event in which testing occurred. Other than lack of quality sleep, the inability of the competitors to maintain their response time may be attributable to other factors which include dehydration, concussion and local muscular fatigue. Consequently, among the recommendations 10
of this pioneering study are specific amendments to existing regulations (e.g. weigh-in for competitors to enable monitoring of hydration). Furthermore, given that undiagnosed concussion may have occurred among the racers, pre-event baseline testing for concussion should be conducted.
Dr. Tadhg MacIntyre conducting field testing at the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge
A follow-up interdisciplinary study with experts in sports medicine, psychology and sports physiology is currently being designed. It will be a systematic season-long study to investigate potential contributors to a loss of reaction time (e.g. dehydration, concussion & fatigue). At a conference at the UAE University in Al Ain, the theoretical underpinnings of this study and the follow-up study were recently presented. The goal of this human performance study is to translate from theory at the academic level to implementation at a practical impact. This pioneering study has connected with stakeholders in the world of motor sport, academic institutions internationally and the competitors and teams. This study presents the road map in terms of safety which can become a winning formula for all, and may both help save lives and make driving safer for all. Dr. Tadhg MacIntyre is a lecturer in Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology in the PESS Department. He is the course director for the new taught Masters in Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology. His research interests are focused on motor cognition, an area concerned with understanding the representation of actions.
GRADUATE PROFILE Will McCormack PhD, BSc. Will McCormack recently graduated with a PhD from the University of Limerick which was titled ‘Milk Protein Supplementation and the Regulation of Lean Tissue Mass in Healthy 50 to 70 Year Old Women and Men’. He graduated with a first class Hons degree from Sport and Exercise Sciences in 2002. Will takes time out from his busy day to describe what it is like to work in both research and industry.
Will McCormack, PhD and Clodagh Toomey PhD
Who are you employed by? Carbery Group, Ballineen, Co. Cork Ireland. Carbery are a major international food ingredients, flavours and cheese manufacturer headquartered in Cork, Ireland. Carbery ingredients are primarily based on whey; a highly bioavailable source of protein which has exceptional nutritional and functional properties. I also work as part of the Food for Health Ireland (FHI) research consortium (of which Carbery is a member). FHI unites world-class science and dairy industry know how in one Technology Centre aimed at developing, marketing and selling nutritional ingredients and functional ingredients to improve consumer’s health and wellness.
Will McCormack and Catherine Norton (PhD) in one of the PESS Physiology laboratories.
What do you do? Within UL my focus is on writing up the outcomes from the first phase of the FHI programme as publications. I assist the new researchers that have started as part of the second phase of the FHI programme to find their feet and not make all the mistakes that I made as a Ph.D. student! I developed limited analytical skills during my Ph.D. Which I am now re-engaging with. I am a member of the UL Body Composition team and assist in scanning the GAA teams that use the service (Limierick hurlers, Clare hurlers and footballers, Kerry footballers) as well as the Munster based IRFU players. For Carbery my official job title is Physiology and Sports Scientist. One of Carbery’s main area of expertise lies in whey protein solutions for sports nutrition. The sports nutrition industry has been the subject of massive growth over the last number of years and this is predicted to continue for some years to come. Carbery wanted someone who could add value to their business through their knowledge with respect 11
to understanding the interaction between exercise and nutrition….who better than a Sports Scientist! It also helped that I was involved in FHI as I could also bring the knowledge that I gained through that programme to the business and help to communicate the science from FHI both internally to Carbery employees but also to our existing customers and hopefully new customers who will buy products that may be commercialised through FHI. I also support our commercial team with scientific literature on the existing product range and travel to meet with customers to discuss potential areas of interest to them. Although based in the PESS Dept, UL I am onsite in Ballineen in Cork for Carbery on average every other week for at least a few days. It helps that both my line manager in UL (Phil Jakeman) and Carbery (Aine Hallihan) are easy to work for. They let me get on with the job and appreciate that my work is split between FHI and Carbery and I do my best for both. Can you comment on the industry experience? It’s been fun so far. I’ve had great opportunities to travel. I have recently been to France, and will be in in Chicago and Las Vegas with Carbery in October 2014. Those are not necessarily opportunities I would have if I wasn’t working for industry. It can be challenging at times. Communication with sales and marketing has its moment, especially when they wish to make a product claim that doesn’t necessary stack up. Also, science is always slow. Delivering high quality science doesn’t happen overnight. That’s an issue with industry sometimes, they want it yesterday! What I’ve definitely benefited from is the opportunity to communicate the work that we do as part of FHI to those who don’t work in science or have a science background. There’s a skill to delivering information to someone at a level that they can understand and appreciate and is relevant to them. Can you sum up your PhD Experience and offer some advice to current PhD students? It was the best of time and worst of times all rolled into one. Don’t get too high when p < 0.05 and similarly don’t get too low when everything is going to pot. You will finish it. You’ll know who your friends are by the end of it too and they’ll be your friends for the rest of your life because if they can tolerate you while you’re writing up than you’ll never be able to alienate them!
Will McCormack analysing a scan in the Body Composition Laboratory.
Department of Physical Education and PESS Postgraduate Scholarships
PESS POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS Over the past number of years a maximum of two four-year PESS Postgraduate Scholarships have been awarded each year. Scholarship recipients are expected to work on a full- time basis on their PhD and enrol on a structured PhD programme. Scholarship recipients are also expected to contribute to PESS-related tasks (e.g., teaching, demonstrating, organisation of events) for the duration of their scholarship. The successful applicant must be a new research student (i.e., are not currently registered as a postgraduate student in UL). It is anticipated that a further two will be advertised in March 2015. For those interested in considering a PESS Postgraduate Scholarship it is prudent that you identify a PESS faculty member that you can approach to talk through your initial interest and area of further study.
PESS has also furnished a number of PESS Internships. The PESS Internship is an opportunity for individuals to spend up to eight weeks in PESS gaining experience in one of four research areas: (1) Food for Health, (2) Physical Activity and Health (3) Sport and Human Performance (4) Sport Pedagogy The internship allows individuals an opportunity to work with PESS faculty, explore further their interest and disposition to postgraduate study and / or to consider working in a university setting. The internship will allow individuals to gain experience in working on a project that entails collecting and processing preliminary data. It may be that a PESS faculty member already has data that requires further analysis and, in such circumstances, the internship would contribute to an already established project. Clodagh Butler and Jennifer Higgins have both completed internships in the PESS department. They both offer an account of their experience below.
Clodagh Butler, BA:, MSc Why did you apply for the Internship? After completing the MSc in Sports Performance, I was left with the oh so common thought of ‘what’s next?’ Knowing my interest in research I was advised by my supervisor, Dr. Tadhg MacIntyre to apply for the PESS summer internship and to work with him on a HRC seed funded project he was developing entitled ‘Mind matters in Elite Rugby Academies: An evaluation study of a
resilience training programme for at risk elite-athlete’. To my delight I was accepted and I started the internship the first week of June 2014. A major benefit of the internship was the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research activities of the project. What this meant for me was that I would not only be working with individuals within the PESS department but also a multidisciplinary team, with researches from other departments within UL (Kemmy Business School, School of Psychology) and organisations outside of UL (Institute of Child Education and Psychology Europe (ICEPE) and the Irish Rugby Union Player’s Association (IRUPA). The research team consisted of one sports psychologist, one psychologist, one work/organisational psychologist, three health psychologists, two MSc in Sports Performance students, one PE undergraduate student, three members from ICEPE, a number of facilitators from IRUPA and finally myself. The context of the project (the development of an on-line resilience training programme) incorporated both my undergraduate and postgraduate studies in one project (Health Psychology and Sports Performance). Having already completed three dissertations, I was fairly competent in my ‘dissertation’ research requirements, but I needed to learn how to be innovative and learn the organisational structure of research and academia if I was to pursue a career in this domain. Fortunately, for me this is exactly what my internship ended up doing for me. What is the project? The aim of our research is to develop a bespoke intervention (Hope, optimism and resilience [HOR] programme) which is unique in its self as the online learning platform which will be easily accessible to athletes to promote positive mental-health, increase performance, positive lifestyle changes, team dynamics, coping strategies etc. Participants will monitor their well-being, mood and lifestyle patterns which will be useful as indicators of both peak performance and overtraining or staleness and mental health. Internship Duties: The core of the project was the development of 8 weeks’ worth of the online content. My job was to take an already existing positive psychology module (from ICEPE) and develop it (along with a team compromising of MSc and undergrad students with elite rugby coaching/playing experience) into an up to date, student friendly, sports (primarily rugby) specific positive psychology module. The final content was sent off to ICEPE to be programmed into its online platform. In addition I was responsible for the development of workshops with team members, development of baseline testing questionnaires, and recruit- ment of the sample (Irish Provincial Rugby teams, Irish Women’s 7s team).
d Sport and Exercise Sciences
After the internship As the internship was only for 8 weeks I am currently being funded through the seed funding to continue to work on the project. This extra time to work on the project is helping to fulfil my goal of understanding and developing innovation within research. Working alongside a multidisciplinary team has given me more experience and opportunities than ever expected. I am expanding my connections and developing working relationships with researchers, academia, sporting organisations and professionals. I am brainstorming on every level of the project; expanding ideas for development whether it be online content, workshops or measurements. When the project goes live and data collection takes place, my role will expand into the tutor role. I will be helping individuals by engaging with then in online group discussions, one-to-one information/help, questions and queries. I am currently lecturing the ‘Psychology of Work’ autumn semester module based in the Kemmy Business School and shadowing/leading consultation work with athletes. All of which came off the back of doing the PESS internship and my work on the research project.
Jenny Higgins
Jenny Higgins BSc. Why did you apply for internship? After a research CO-OP in PESS in 2013 I applied for an internship during summer 2013 and really enjoyed this experience developing time-management, problem solving and leadership skills which greatly benefitted me during my FYP. With a view to pursuing further research following I applied for a further internship in 2014 to gain further experience in conducting re- search more independently. The internship was to assist Dr. Brian Carson with research to investigate the effect of a single bout of aerobic exercise on metabolic flexibility. Internship Duties: My principal role was to collect and analyse further data connected to my FYP with a view to publishing findings. My day to day roles included: ● Recruitment of participants, scheduling and preparation for testing ● Literature review – including the effect of exercise on substrate utilisation and insulin resistance, obesity, the effect of diet and physical activity on metabolic flexibility, methods to investigate metabolic flexibility ● Data collection – VO2max testing, body composition (DXA), exercise monitoring, implementation of dietary intervention, collection and analysis of respiratory (Douglas bag) and blood samples ● Data analysis and preparation for presentation ● Providing feedback on aerobic capacity and body composition to participants 13
Benefits of Internship: The internship provided an opportunity to improve skills such as data analysis, interpretation of results and presentation of findings. I also had a chance to transition to postgraduate life and to get into a routine that will hopefully make the next few years both productive and enjoyable. Advice to students who are thinking of doing an internship: ● Have a plan for what you want to do – what area do you want to work in going forward – what sort of project will help you get there and what skills do you need to develop? ● Discuss your ideas with a potential supervisor early so you have a clear plan ● Ask questions, discuss ideas and listen to others – learn from people’s experience It’s a great opportunity to learn and gain relevant experience if you’re interested in research and really beneficial when you have a plan for what you want to achieve from the outset. Plans for the future I have started a PhD in PESS (supervisors: Prof. Phil Jakeman and Dr. Brian Carson) looking at bone health in athletes and hopefully applying some of the experience in exercise and metabolism gained through the PESS internship. Findings from the internship have been accepted for poster presentation at the University Hospitals Limerick conference in October 2014.
DETAILS OF THE PESS INTERNSHIPS A maximum of three internships have been awarded over the past two years. Internships receive €200 a week over a maximum of eight weeks and the eight week internship can take place at any time throughout the June 2014 to May 2015 period. Interested candidates are asked to approach a member of the PESS faculty to initiate a discussion on their interests in undertaking an internship in one of the four research areas listed above. The feasibility of the individual working with the faculty member to complete the internship application as well as the faculty member’s availability to oversee the internship should also be established.
Research News Research News
Validation of an Optical Timing System to Measure the Reactive Strength Index Robin Healy BSc Sport and Exercise Sciences Department of Physical Education & Sport Sciences Devices to assess vertical jumping have become increasingly popular in recent years for researchers and coaches alike. The countermovement jump, the squat jump and the drop jump are the three most commonly assessed jumps with various protocols devised to assess multiple aspects of performance. The drop jump is unique however as it allows coaches to assess an athleteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s reactive strength which is a vital component of elite performance.
Fig: Subject performing a drop jump with the Optojump and force plate systems recording concurrently.
What is Reactive Strength Index? The reactive strength index (RSI) is a measure of an individualâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ability to change from an eccentric contraction where the muscle lengthens to a concentric contraction where the muscle shortens. This has been considered a measure of explosiveness and has been widely studied because of its association with rapid sports movements such as sprinting. The reactive strength index can be examined when an athlete performs a drop jump i.e. where an individual drops from a set box height and immediately upon landing performs a maximal effort vertical jump. The reactive strength index is derived from two jump variables i.e. the time spent in contact with the ground (contact time) and the maximum height achieved from the subsequent jump (height jumped). Height jumped can be calculated once time spent in the air (flight time) is known using the equation; 9.81 X ( =
) 8
Once contact time and height jumped are known the reactive strength index can be calculated as follows; =
Current Issues with Measurement Various technologies have been used to examine drop jumps with a force platform system generally considered the gold standard for measuring both contact time and height jumped. Major disadvantages exist with the use of force platforms for coaches due to their high cost and lack of mobility as they are generally mounted within the floor of a laboratory. Alternative devices such as jumping mats and optical timing systems are better suited for field testing as they are mobile and relatively less expensive. Although research has established the validity of jumping mats for estimating height jumped large errors have been reported in the measurement of contact time and as a result an error in RSI calculation. Recent research has validated the Optojump system of photoelectric cells for 14
estimating flight time and height jumped of countermovement jumps and squat jumps (Glatthorn et al., 2011). The validity of this device to assess contact time and RSI during drop jumps has yet to be established. PESS Research Study A research study was conducted to compare the Optojump system to the gold standard force platform for the measurement of height jumped, contact time and reactive strength index during a drop jump. Thirteen participants including seven males and six females performed drop jumps and single leg drop jumps which were assessed by a force platform and Optojump system concurrently. The results show that the Optojump system systematically overestimated contact time and underestimated flight time which led to an underestimation in the calculation of height jumped. RSI was found to be underestimated by approximately 7%. The difference in the measurements between devices can be easily explained by the physical set up of the Optojump system as the Optojump transmitter is positioned 0.3 cm from ground level i.e. the surface of the force plate. This results in the transmitter detecting the initiation of contact time before the foot is in contact with the ground and a delay in the detection of flight time until the individualâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s feet pass the 0.3 cm high photoelectric cells. This is practically significant to coaches and researchers alike as the results illustrate that although both the Optojump and Force platform devices are highly reliable they cannot be used interchangeably and measures taken should not be compared directly. The research has subsequently been presented at the 32nd International Society of Biomechanics in Sport (ISBS) held in Johnson City, Tennessee, USA.
Robin Healy graduated from UL with a B.Sc. in Sport and Exercise Sciences in 2013. His Ph.D. research under the supervision of Dr. Andrew Harrison and Dr. Ian Kenny evaluates the role of resistance training in the development of acceleration and maximal velocity of track sprinters. Funding for this research is supported by the Irish Research Council (IRC).
Michelle Norris BSc Sport and Exercise Sciences Department of Physical Education & Sport Sciences
arlier this year a study investigating the running patterns of recreational half marathon runners followed 6 runners training for and completing the Great Limerick Run Half Marathon. The study involved runners wearing lightweight accelerometers strapped to their lower legs, bilaterally, tracking their running patterns and also filling out a weekly injury and training log for 12 weeks. Currently acceleration data are being analysed but what is clear from qualitative data is that how people undertake training programmes vary greatly. When looking at overall mileage none of the 6 participants matched or surpassed the mileage outlined by the programme over the 12 weeks (345 km). Whilst 2 of the 6 participants completed total running mileage of over 300 km, participant 6 completed less than 100 km whilst also having the second highest negative mood and stress score. Participant 6 also had the greatest variance in mileage from week-to-week and recorded the greatest amount of ache/pain occurrences, supporting research stating that large increases in week to week running volume may place you at higher risk of running related injury onset (RRI).
Accelerometer position on runnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s legs
Also of interest was how subjects faired in completing the half marathon compared to their half marathon predicted time. When using the popular online McMillan running calculator 5 of the 6 participants came within Âą 5 minutes of the McMillan calculated half marathon time, based off their best 10 km time. The only participant who varied greatly from their calculated predicted time (+ 29 minutes) was subject 6. These results seem to support the use of this online tool when following a training programme in the lead up to this type of event however it is clear that it only produces accurate results when the mileage is undertaken. Biomechanical Data
hile this qualitative information shows us how people undertake programmes the accelerometer data can give us insight into the biomechanical process of running training. Currently deriving information such as stride times, flight times and peak tibial acceleration we are interested in how these parameters evolve over the 12 week period and to see if this has any connection to performance and/or RRI on-set. Lastly, this study is now being recreated utilising 6 participants training for the Dublin City Marathon. Whilst we are still collecting data it is already clear that the marathon mileage places a far greater strain on runners bodies as RRI occurrences and pain/ache occurrences are already far greater than those seen during our first study. It will be of great interest for us to see if any of our accelerometer derived parameters can indicate why this may be. A summary of the data are presented in Figure 1. Michelle Norris graduated from UL with a 1st Class Honours degree in Sport and Exercise Sciences in 2012. Her Ph.D. research under the supervision of Dr. Ross Anderson and Dr. Ian Kenny is a longitudinal examination of movement health indices via wearable sensing technology. The objective of this research is to establish if variability within a movement pattern can be linked to injury risk.
Accelerometer Figure 1. Summary data of half-marathon participants.
Research News
How Recreational Runners Undertake Distance Running Events
8th Physical Education, Physical Activity and Youth Sport (PEPAYS)-Ireland Forum 2014 at Waterford Institute of Technology, 5th-6th June 2014. The ‘Active/Smarter Travel’ Forum was officially opened by Dr. Michael Harrison (WIT) and Prof. Mary O’Sullivan (UL) on Thursday evening and was well attended by an eager audience who had travelled from all around Ireland. Dr. Sarahjane Belton (DCU) delivered an excellent and interesting presentation on ‘Ireland’s Report Card on Physical Activity in Children and Youth’, a multi-national collaborative study involving 15 different countries. Mr Paul Jarvis from StreetGames UK delivered a keynote presentation on ‘Using sport to change lives in disadvantaged areas’. Active travel was the focus on Friday morning with a keynote by Mr Tom Rogers (Dungarven Smarter Travel) on a case study of promoting active travel in Dungarven. In addition Dr. Barry Lambe, WIT, presented his research on ‘Testing the efficacy of Active Travel to increase physical activity: Lessons from Smarter Travel in the South-East’. There were concurrent symposia on Active Schools/Active Communities and Developing Talent and Coach Education and a stand-alone symposium on Inclusion and Teaching, which afforded a host of researchers from nine different Institutes of Technology and Universities to present. The third keynote address, delivered by Dr. Catherine Woods (DCU) and Dr. Ann MacPhail (UL), provided an update on Irish physical activity and physical education policy and practice. Poster presentations and the launch of the Centre for Ageing Research and Development in Ireland (CARDI) report, ‘Stay active – the Physical Activity, Ageing and Health Study’ followed the final keynote. The Forum concluded with a lively interactive session on ‘Rethinking sponsorship in sport and health’. The Forum was highly successful with an impressive number of attendees presenting a range of research. Dr. Niamh Murphy, Dr. Jean MacCardle and Dr. Aoife Lane and their team were excellent hosts. The PEPAYS-Ireland Co-Directors, Prof. Mary O’Sullivan and Dr. Deborah Tannehill, took the opportunity to organize a PEPAYS-Ireland members meeting on the Thursday afternoon before the opening which was well attended. The discussion allowed members to comment on how to best develop PEPAYS-Ireland through examining the mission statement and proposed strategic plan. At the conclusion of the forum, the PEPAYS-Ireland Advisory Board were delighted to announce the appointment of two new Co-Directors of PEPAYS-Ireland: Dr. Ann MacPhail (University of Limerick – and Dr. Elaine – Limerick College, Immaculate (Mary Murtagh Ian Sherwin ( is a PEPAYS-Ireland Scholar and provides administrative support to PEPAYS-Ireland. The next PEPAYS-Ireland Forum will take place in Limerick in June 2015 and will be co-hosted by Mary Immaculate College and the University of Limerick. The Forum will mark the 10th anniversary of the founding of PEPAYS-Ireland. 16
PESS is delighted to be introducing a new Masters programme in January 2015 titled a Masters in Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology. This MSc. programme is dedicated to providing a thorough grounding in the knowledge and application of psychological principles to sport, exercise and performance settings in order to enhance wellbeing and performance. It seeks to equip candidates with a sound understanding of theory and research and develop core competencies and professional skills across a range of key domains including the following: motor cognition and skill acquisition; performance psychology; exercise and mental health; applied positive psychology; organisational behaviour and wellbeing; professional issues and ethics; and research design and methods. The core aims of the programme are to create an outstanding and distinctive learning experience through innovations in teaching (e.g. e-learning module in applied positive psychology), instilling a scientist practitioner approach across both sport and exercise contexts and highlighting the role of ethical considerations in practice.
MSc Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology
The MSc. Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology aims to: ● Provide a learnerfocused and connected curriculum to enable students to develop their capacity to think critically and acquire a broad set of attributes as identified by the UL as knowledgeable, proactive, innovative, responsible, articulate and collaborative. ● Extend the traditional remit of sport psychology by focusing on performance restoration, resilience and mental health, rather than exclusively targeting performance enhancement. ● Enhance the understanding of mental health challenges in sport contexts using a positive psychology approach ● Develop a multidisciplinary mode of graduate enquiry coupled with an ethical scientist-practitioner basis. ● Lead the provision of postgraduate training in this evolving field of Performance psychology. ● Achieve accreditation from the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) and the British Psychological Society (BPS) in advance of January 2015 so the Masters course may have "Accreditation Applied" status. ● Provide stage one of the recognition process for sport and exercise psychologists for PSI and BPS. ● Include the appropriate skills to enable graduates to develop a case study submission as part of their application for professional membership of the Irish Institute of Sport. Application Deadline: 11th December 2014 For more information: Course Director: Tadhg MacIntyre BA MA PhD AfBPs c. HPC Reg. Psychol. Ps.S.I. Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences University of Limerick Phone: +353 (0) 61 213430 E-mail:
were coached by Brianne O’Rourke. Brianne’s work with the Psychology students drew wide praise from Prof. Orla Muldoon (Professor of Psychology) who commented that ‘as well as being proud of these students, I would like to extend my congratulations to these PESS and Psychology students and the staff for a job well done’.
A Report by Dr. Mark Lyons The 2nd year Sport and Exercise Sciences class, as part of their ‘Coaching Science and Performance’ module this year organised the Jacinta O’Brien 10k race, an annual run in memory of Jacinta O’ Brien, a former member of the teaching staff in the PESS Department. Jacinta passed away at peace in her sleep from the condition of SADs. This year marked the 10 year anniversary of her death. Whilst remembering Jacinta, the race also generates much needed funds for charities. In the weeks leading up to the race, a launch day was held on the university campus which proved to be a huge success with lots of money raised through competitions like “Guess the amount of Bon-Bons”, selling cakes [baked by the students] and the offer of prizes such as a signed Munster jersey, gym membership in the UL ARENA and Elverys vouchers to name just some. The race was promoted through local radio stations and newspapers, a race website, facebook and twitter.
Rachel Clancy (fastest female in a time of 39:02) being presented with her €100 first prize by Daniel Brophy. Michael Carmody (fastest male in a time of 31: 34) being presented with his €100 first prize prize by Daniel Cunnane.
Winning Team of Aaron O’Brien, Michael Carmody and Peter Fennell being presented with their prize by Daniel Brophy.
From L-R: Claire Shanahan, Elizabeth Buckley, Megan Walsh, Conor McNamee, Cillian Treacy, Colm Canning, Sean O’Fogartaigh.
The race this year took place by the UL Arena on Sunday 6th April 2014 in glorious sunshine with 386 runners of various levels and abilities taking part. The route took in the spectacular UL campus including the Kemmy business buildings, Thomond Bridge, the Pavilion, Irish World Academy, the Medical School and Living Bridge before finish- ing on the running track. There were a number of prizes on the day. Bank of Ireland sponsored the 1st place male and female prizes (€100 each) and Lenmac sponsored the 2nd (€75) and 3rd (€50) place prizes in both categories. The Stables and Sports Bar in UL also provided team prizes. This year also saw Brianne O'Rourke, an Erasmus student offer free training sessions for those interested in training for the race. Sessions were run on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 6.15pm on the outdoor running track. These proved to be very popular and well attended by runners of all abilities. More than 100 first year psychology students participated in the race this year, many of whom 17
Postgraduate students Cormac Powell and Hannah McCormack played a big part in the overall organisation of the race, chairing planning meetings with the students to ensure all the different groups worked together to put on a safe event whilst also on budget. A total of €5,000 was raised this year with €2,500 going to each of the two chosen charities, the Mater SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) and Donal Walsh-Live Life. Great credit is also due to this year’s race leaders Olwen Kennedy, Jacob Cairns and Shane Hassett. Well done to everyone concerned !
First things first, as part of the structured PhD in EHS you are encouraged to attend conferences and I was directed by my supervisors (Dr. Mark Campbell and Dr. Tadhg MacIntyre) towards the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) annual congress which was to be held in 2014 in Amsterdam. Having submitted an abstract and pitched for an oral presentation in the hope of getting either a mini-oral or an e-poster, my abstract was accepted for an oral presentation! Over 2750 people registered to attend the congress which began on Wednesday 2nd July and concluded on Saturday 5th July. I arrived in the Netherlands the night before the opening day and had booked a studio apartment for the duration of my stay. It was a ten minute walk from the conference venue which was a 20 min tram-ride from the centre of Amsterdam.
DAY 1 - familiarising yourself I spent the first day getting used to the surroundings and taking in as many sessions as I could to familiarise myself with how things worked. It’s good to get a handle on the way different people present, their attire, the line of questions at the end of each presentation and possible connections for research. After registering at 08h00 I took off armed with my conference pack for one of the two 4-hour satellite symposia running that morning. I found the room, G105, the same room in which I was scheduled to present the following day. Always nice to have a picture in your head so you can visualise when you practice! Seats for 120! The session was on “Publishing in Scientific Journals”. I soon realised that this session was remarkably similar to a module I had taken on one of the CTL courses in UL so I opted to go to the ECSS general assembly meeting which was taking place simultaneously instead of returning for the second half of the session. 18
IAN SHERWIN BSc., MSc. Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences I had a bit of time to spare before the next session on my programme plan so I dropped into the “speaker-ready room” to upload my presentation. This had to be done 24hrs in advance of your scheduled slot. I took a stroll around the exhibition area, got chatting – it’s good to network – to a few people. Met Wendy Brown from Queensland, small world, she’s in the same university, same department as Eimear Enright formerly of the PESS Department, UL!
focus on the first presenter and then I was up! Managed to stay within the time limit and after answering the three questions from the floor I sat down, relieved it was over. The rest of the session was a blur but social media was active! Further networking took place that evening over dinner and a few beers to celebrate the debut!
PRESENTATION FORMAT There were 17 concurrent presentation sessions which started in the afternoon with mini-orals. Each session was chaired by one or two people, usually invited speakers who introduced each presenter and managed questions. There were also two volunteers (students from the hosting university) assisting the chair. One monitored the time, a yellow card indicated you had one minute left, a red card and you were overstaying your welcome! A very interesting day ended with the official opening ceremony.
DAY 2 - DAY OF PRESENTATION Day 2 was different, not just because I was scheduled to present in the penultimate session but there were more people, the presentations were sharper, the questions more particular and searching. Needless to say this did nothing for my nerves! I took in one of the morning sessions then spent an hour fine tuning my presen- tation. I was surprised at the number of people I recognised and went along to see some of them present their work. I was really trying, to no avail, to take my mind off my presentation so ended up going over it again. And again! Eventually the session rolled around, I was the second of five presenters in the session. All seats filled and there were people standing. Didn’t really
Live tweets from the presentation
REMAINING DAYS OF CONFERENCE Day 3 was similar to the previous day but I was able to enjoy it more. I was surprised how different the final day (Day 4) was, where had everyone gone? There were no more than 30 people at any of the sessions I attended in the morning and viewed the city in the afternoon. I returned to the conference centre for the last session, closing ceremony and closing party which took place later that evening at the Science Museum in the Nemo Centre. I’m grateful to the department for funding the trip. As this was my first academic conference I wanted to see it all from start to finish and I’m glad I did, it will help me plan for the next one! ● Plan your programme in advance. ● Use your free time to network. ● Be prepared for your presentation. ● Accept comments as helpful even if they appear otherwise! ● Follow up with everyone, it helps to develop your network. ● Learn something from every session. ● Ask a question, state your name and institution clearly and make sure everyone knows who you are. Overall, a great experience.
New research into the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been recognised by educational bursaries awarded by the Irish Heart Foundation (IHF) which included new stroke prevention bursaries supported by Daiichi Sankyo. The Irish Heart Foundation established the bursaries to promote original innovative work in the area of cardiovascular disease which is not easily funded by other sources. Congratulations to Alexandra (Lexi) Cremona (Research Assistant in the PESS Department) who completed the gruelling Isklar Norseman Xtreme triathlon on August 2nd 2014. The triathlon is limited to 250 athletes with a male to female ration of 85/15. The Xtreme triathlon starts with 4 meter drop off a ferry into a fjiord and athletes swim 3.8 km in temperatures between 13 and 15 degree celsius. The swim is followed by a mountainous bike route of 180 km, and ends with gruelling 42.2 km marathon 1,850 m above sea level. The total distance is 226 km with a total ascent of 5,000 m. Lexi finished 22nd out of 44 females in time of 17 hours.
Prof. Alan Donnelly receives a 2014 Irish Heart Foundation Research Bursary Award
The national charity’s newest research bursaries presented at the Royal College of Physicians on 16th April 2014, were particularly focused in the areas of hypertension, heart failure, childhood obesity, stroke prevention and atrial fibrillation. The national charity supports projects ranging from everyday health interventions like measuring the long term effects of workplace dietary interventions to the use of advanced technology and science to explore tissue engineering of heart valves. Professor Alan Donnelly, PESS Department, UL received an Irish Heart Foundation Research Bursary for the project: Sitting around all day doing nothing? The effects of sitting, standing and light activity on adiposity and cardiovascular disease risk in adolescents.
UL Ladies Footballers and Camogie Team In March 2014, UL Ladies Footballers captured the O’Connor Cup for the first time since 2004 after a final victory over Queens University Belfast. Final score UL 3-7 to QUB 1-9. Physical Education and Sport Sciences students on the team included Julia White, Kate Keaney, Lorraine Scanlon, Jennifer Grant, Roisin Leonard, Laura O’Sullivan, Aine Tighe, Naimh O’Dea, Rachael Flynn, Hillary Griffin, Aoife Hyland, Máire Condon, Dara Walsh, Aine Mannion, Elaine Murphy, Anna Galvin and Amy Hopkins. The team management included Dr DJ Collins (Senior technical Officer- PESS Department), and Dave Diggins (PhD, PESS Department). UL Ladies Footballers: Winners of the O’Connor Cup.
In February 2014, UL Ladies Camogie Team achieved their dreams after overcoming a resilient performance from defending champions WIT in the Ashbourne Cup Final. Final score was UL 0-12 to WIT 1-08. PESS students included: Laura McMahon, Aoife McGrath, Aideen Hogg, Aileen Sheehan, Catriona Hennessy, Ellen Horgan, Grainne Egan, Katie Healy, Lisa Bolger, Muireann Creamer, Patrice Diggin, Rebecca Murphy, Sara Murphy, and Sarah Dunphy.
Dr. Drew Harrison: 2014 Geoffrey Dyson Award Recipient Congratulations Dr Drew Harrison for receiving in July the 2014 Geoffrey Dyson Award from the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS). The Geoffrey Dyson Award of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports recognises sport scientists who, throughout their professional careers, bridge the gap between biomechanics research and practice in sport. It is the most prestigious award of ISBS because it is a recognition of individuals who embody and carry out the mission of the Society. Dr Harrison delivered his keynote address on joint stiffness and application to sprinting and jumping performance.
[1] Dr. Drew Harrison (ISBS Past President) receiving the 2014 Geoffrey Dyson Award from the ISBS President, Prof. Joseph Hamill. [2] Dr. Drew Harrison with some of the past and present PhD students he has supervised who presented their research at the ISBS 2014 conference. (L-R) Robin Healy, Dr. Sarah Clarke (Leeds Metropolitan University), Dr. Laura-Anne Furlong (Loughborough University), Róisín Howard.
UNIVERISTY OF LIMERICK PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, HEALTH, LIFESTYLE AND SPORT INSTITUTE (PAHLS) The mission of the PAHLS initiative is to establish a world leading environment for the practice of physical activity and sport at all stages of the participant pathway. Four core objectives have been identified, reflecting the intention to deliver, lead and innovate: i. Environment: Establish a world leading environment for the practice of physical activity and sport at all stages of the participant pathway. ii. Delivery model: Devise and implement an enhanced model for the integrated and sustainable delivery of physical education, sport and physical activity in school and community contexts, supported by enhanced programmes of professional preparation.
iii. High performance: Establish successful high performance programmes in sports that deliver success consistently on the world stage. iv. Policy: Play a leading role in shaping and responding to policy in sport and physical activity. A sustained programme of research into physical activity, sport, health and lifestyle will underpin each of the four core objectives. The PAHLS initiative has been supported to date by PESS, UL Sport and Campus Life Services. The recent appointment of Gary Ryan as the PAHLS Project Manager is a significant development in raising the profile of the initiative. Gary is currently spending a significant amount of time meeting with those interested in contributing to the PAHLS initiative as well as considering the establishment of a PAHLS Advisory Group that will support the direction of the initiative. If you are interested in hearing more about the PAHLS initiative Gary can be contacted at or 061234980
BEST SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATION AT NAEMSP 2014 Congratulations to Kris Beattie who was awarded the prize of best paper presented at the NSCA National Strength and Conditioning Association 2014 International Conference, held in Murcia Spain in April 2014. The paper was entitled The Relationship between Neuromuscular Force-Velocity Characteristics and Performance Indicators in Competitive Distance Runners. Kris’ PhD is nearing completion of the first of two longitudinal studies on ‘The Effect of Strength Training on Performance in Competitive Endurance Sports’ and is supervised by Dr. Ian Kenny, Dr. Mark Lyons and Dr. Brian Carson.
2014 BT YOUNG SCIENTIST & TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITION PARTICIPANTS On May 23rd the department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences department hosted an event for schools that presented sport science related projects at the 2014 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition, held at the RDS Dublin. Students from 11 schools attended the event, and all students were category award recipients. The secondary students presented their projects to PESS faculty and staff and other students and teachers attending the event. Presenting on the day included the Runner Up Group from the 2014 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition, Conor Gillardy (15), Evan Heneghan (16) and Calum Kyne (16) from St. Gerald’s College, Castlebar, Mayo in May 2014. Their project was titled “Gumshield communication device for managers and players’. The students developed a physical prototype for this project and continue to work on the design of the product. After the presentations, students had the opportunity to attend two workshops in the areas of either exercise physiology, exercise psychology or sport biomechanics after the student presentations. Guest speakers also presented to the secondary students on the role sport and exercise science plays in their professions today. Guest speakers: Dr. Ian Kenny (PESS), Caroline MacManus (Irish Institute of Sport), Dr. Mark Campbell (PESS), and Feargal O’Callaghan (Munster Rugby).
Runner Up Group at the BT YSE & Technology Exhibition, Conor Gillardy, Evan Henegahan, and Calum Kyne (St. Gerald’s College)
Guest Speakers (L-R): Dr. Mark Campbell, Feargal O’Callaghan, Caroline MacManus and Dr. Ian Kenny.
ERASMUS & International Exchange Agreements
Dr. Clodagh Toomey Eyes High Post Doctoral Fellow
The PESS Department is one of the most sought after departments at UL for incoming ERASMUS, Study Abroad and International Exchange students!
Sport Injury Prevention Research Centre University of Calgary
Dr. Catherine Norton Nutritionist Munster Rugby
Dr. Laura-Anne Furlong Postdoctoral Research Associate inImpact Biomechanics, Sport Biomechanics & Motor Control Research Group Loughborough University
Caoimhe Tierney PESS Teaching Assistant
Grainne Hayes PESS Teaching Assistant
PESS & PESS Affiliated Programmes
B.Sc. Physical Education
2014 Graduate Appointments
B.Sc. Sport & Exercise Sciences Professional Diploma in Education (Physical Education)
During the Autumn 2014 semester, PESS has welcomed 62 incoming ERASMUS, Study Abroad and International Exchange student module registrations. Students studying in PESS this semester come from France, the United States, Brazil, and Canada - to name a few.
Graduate Diploma/M.Sc in Teaching Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity
This semester also sees nine year three Physical Education students on exchange to the University of Michigan, California State University Long Beach, Slippery Rock University Pennsylvania, and Illinois State.
Structured PhD
Graduate Diploma and MA Dance M.Sc Sports Performance (Taught) M.Sc Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology (Taught)
Certificate in Exercise & Health Fitness (CEHF) Diploma in Exercise & Health Fitness (DEHF) Bachelor of Science in Exercise & Health Fitness (B.Sc.)
PESS GRADUATIONS 2014 1. Dr Catherine Norton, Dr. Will McCormack and Dr. Clodagh Toomey. 2. Lisa Bolger BSc SES 1st place in EHS faculty and Dr. Ann MacPhail. 3. Brendan O’Keefe and James McAssey, Joint Bsc PE medal winners1st UL inerfaculty. 4. Graduating class of the M.Sc Sports Performance.
5. Megan McCarthy BSc PE School Placement medal winner. 6. Dr, Brian Carson and Eadaoin Moore, BSc PE. 7. Dr. Laura-Anne Furlong, Prof. Mary O’Sullivan, and Dr. Daniel Tindall.
August 2014 Graduations: ● Lisa Bolger, Sport and Exercise Sciences graduate achieved the award of top student QCA in the Education & Health Sciences faculty. SES graduate Lisa Bolger (SES Graduate) was shortlisted and commended in the 2014 International Undergraduate Awards for her final year project work. ● Brendan O’Keefe and James McAssey Bsc PE joint medal winners, 1st interfaculty. ● Kathleen Martin who received the Dugdale medal for highest QCA for Professional Diploma, Physical Education. ● Megan McCarthy BSc PE School Placement winner at graduation in August 2014.
Congratulations also to PESS faculty and staff who were involved as player management in GAA championship season - Gary Ryan (Tipperary hurling senior panel strength and conditioning), Dr Mark Lyons (Limerick hurling senior panel strength & conditioning) and Ed Coughlan (Mayo football senior panel strength & conditioning). Congratulations to Eanna Madden (3rd year BSc SES Student) won the national 200 m title at Glo-Health National Athletics Championships in July 2014.
Congratulations to current PESS students who fared brilliantly in this year’s GAA championship season.
Noel Brick, PESS PhD candidate at UL won the Postgraduate Innovation in research award at the 36th Annual Congress of Psychology Students in Ireland 2014 held at DCU on April 12th. Noel’s presentation was entitled Attentional focus in endurance activity: New paradigms and future directions. Noel Brick is part of the first cohort of the BSc. Sport and Exercise Sciences students who graduated from UL in 1997.
2014 All Ireland Winners Kerry Senior Football Team: Shane O’Callaghan. Kerry Minor Team: Shane Ryan. Kilkenny Minor Hurlers: Alan Murphy and Ronan Corcoran. Clare U21 Hurlers: Tony Kelly, Aidan McGuane, Seadna Morey, Keith Hogan, Geraoid Ryan, Jack Browne. Cork Senior Camogie All Ireland Winners: Julia White. Limerick Intermediate Camogie All Ireland: Niamh Ryan, Muireann Creamer.
Dr. PJ Smyth (Emeritus Lecturer) delivered a public lecture at UCC on “Fundamental Movement Skills in Physical Activity and Sport: Some Concepts, Facts and Myths” and a seminar presentation on Fundamental Motor Skills: Importance for an active life, their development and how we can assist to Chartered Physiotherapists in Paediatrics (CPP) Mid West Region, St Gabriel’s Centre, on 24th April, 2014.
2014 Defeated All Ireland Finalists Tipperary Senior Hurling Panel: Jason Forde, Bill Maher. Donegal Senior Football: Karl Lacey, Michael Boyle. Wexford U21 (Captain): Shane O’Gorman. Limerick Minor Hurlers: Tom Morrissey, Sean Finn, Eoghan Costello. Congratulations to the PESS students who were part of the ladies and mens UL teams that won the Fresher's GAA All Ireland competitions in October 2014. Congratulations to PESS graduates for their successes in this year’s GAA championship season: 2014 All Ireland Winners Kerry Senior Hurling Panel: Michael Fennelly. Kerry Senior Football Team: Cian O’Neill (Traenálaí), Fionn Fitzgerald (Captain), James O’Donoghue. Cork Senior Ladies Football All Ireland Winners: Valerie Mulcahy, Geraldine O’Flynn, Angela Walsh, Brid Stack. Wexford Ladies Football All Ireland Winners: Fiona Rochford. Cork Senior Camogie All Ireland Winners: Jennifer O’Leary, Angela Walsh, Maria Walsh, Amanda O’Regan, Sile Burns. Limerick Intermediate Camogie All Ireland: Sile Moynighan. 2014 Defeated All Ireland Finalists Tipperary Senior Hurling Panel: Paddy Stapleton.
Congratulations to Clodagh Toomey, PhD graduate from PESS who was a team member of the TAG Rugby team who became All Ireland Mixed Open Regional Champions in June 2014. Congratulations to Lynne Algar who has been appointed by Triathlon Ireland as a Performance Triathlon Coach. Lynne also completed the OCC (Orsières Champex - Chamonix) event at the Ultra Marathon Mount Blanc with Ross McLynn (SES Graduate 2013 and Triathlon Ireland Regional Club and Coach Development Officer). Lynne finished in a time of 9:34:41, 56th finisher out of 274 athletes. Congratulations to Prof. Phil Jakeman and Dr. Mark Campbell for who are partnering with the company Wyldsson to investigate the impact of specialised nutrition for golfers. The study is being funded as part of the Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher Scheme. Congratulations to Drs. Deborah Tannehill, Ann MacPhail, Melissa Parker, Mark Lyons and Prof Mary O’Sullivan who were recognised with other EHS staff at the EHS Book Author Showcase in May 2014..
PESS PUBLICATIONS (FEBRUARY - OCTOBER 2014) Congratulations to Dr. Tadhg MacIntyre and Dr. Mark Campbell who were awarded a €6,000 Irish Research Council (IRC) New Foundations grant for their grant application "Motor Cognition: New Paradigms and Novel Applications".
Book Chapters 1.
MacPhail, A., Campbell, M., Kenny, I., Tindall, D. & Tannehill, D. (2014) ‘Patrick’, in K. Armour (Ed.) pedagogical cases in physical education and youth sport, 49-62. London: Routledge.
The research will investigate cognitive processes underlying action using neural imaging and other methods with expert sport performers.The aim of the collaborative study is two-fold. The research group will attempt pioneering research to investigate the degree to which action simulation is grounded in multi-sensory experiences for novel and acquired motor skills. In addition, the group will apply innovative methodologies (e.g., eye-tracking) to measure action simulation for sports skills.
Campbell, M. & Moran, A. (2014) The Practice of Applied Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology- Irish and International Perspectives. In L. Tashman, & G. Cremades (Eds) Becoming a Performance Psychology Professional: International Perspectives on Service Delivery and Supervision, Routledge/Psychology Press
Bolger, R., Kenny, I.C., Lyons, M., and Harrison, A.J. (2015) Sprinting Performance and Resistance Based Training Interventions: A systematic review. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research [in press]
Congratulations to Dr. Missy Parker and PESS visiting scholar Dr. Kevin Patton who were recipients of the Journal of Teaching Physical Education Metzler-Freedman Exemplary Paper Award for their article “Meaningful Learning in Professional Development: Teaching Without Telling.” The article was nominated and selected among those published in the 2013 volume of JTPE based on its significance, the quality of methods and writing, and its potential to impact the field of Physical Education Pedagogy. The award was presented during the 2014 JTPE Editorial Board meeting at the AERA convention at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on April 5th 2014.
Breen S., Kenny, I.C. and Harrison, A.J. (2014) Dynamic knee joint mechanics after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 46(X): xxx-xxx. Accepted in press (ISSN: 0195-9131) DOI:10.1249/MSS.0000000000000389
Burns, C., Murphy, J.J., MacDonncha, C. (2014) Year in School and Physical Activity Stage of Change as Discriminators of Variation in the Physical Activity Correlate Profile of Adolescent Females. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 11(4),721-728.
Campbell, M.J and Moran, A.P. (2014). There is more to green reading than meets the eye! Exploring the gaze behaviours of expert golfers on a virtual golf putting task. Cognitive Processing. Online first DOI 10.1007/s10339-014-0608-2.
Floria P., Gómez-Landero, L.A. and Harrison A.J. (2014) Variability in the application of force during the vertical jump in children and adults. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, XX(X):xxx-xxx. accepted in press (ISSN: 1065-8483)
Floria, P., Gómez-Landero, L.A., Suárez-Arrones, L. And Harrison, A.J. (2014) Kinetic and kinematic analysis for assess- ing the differences in counter-movement jump performance in Rugby players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Re- search. XX(X): xxx-xxx, Accepted in press. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000502
Furlong L-A.M. & Harrison, A.J. (2014) Differences in plantarflexor muscle tendon function during a stretch shortening cycle task due to limb preference. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition. Vol. 16(X): Published ahead of print. xxx-xxx.
In June 2014, Dr. Brian Carson presented his research on metabolic flexibility and its adaptations to exercise at the ACSM annual meeting in Orlando, Florida. This is an ongoing collaborative project with researchers at Central Michigan University whereby Dr Carson is developing a novel methodology for the measurement of metabolism and investigating metabolic responses to nutrient and physical activity interventions. This presentation also resulted in the publication of the abstract in the journal of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (ISI Impact Factor 4.106).
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY ● Winter Graduations Mon 19th-Wed 21st Jan 2015 ● Registration opens for ICAMPAM see
● All-Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences and Physical Education (date TBC). Contact Mark.Lyons for further information.
Peer Reviewed Papers (ISI Indexed)
10. Furlong, L-A.M. & Harrison, A.J. (2014) A motion analysis marker-based method of determining centre of pressure during two-legged hopping. Journal of Biomechanics, 47(8): 1904-1908. 11. Herring MP, O’Connor PJ, Dishman RK. Self-esteem mediates associations of physical activity with anxiety in college women. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2014;46(10):1990-8; PMID: 24576867. 12. Joyce, J., Smyth, P. J., Donnelly, A.E. et al. (2014) The Simon Task and Aging: Does Acute Moderate Exercise Influence Cognitive Control? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 46(3), 630-639.
13. Kenny, I.C., Campbell, M.J., Surmon, S. and Bressan L. (2015) Drive Performance for Able-Bodied and Disabled Golfers. Inter- national Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 10(4), xx-xx [pub ahead of print]. 14. Knowles, G., Ling, F.C.M., Thomas, G.N., Adab, P., & McManus, A.M. (2014). Body size dissatisfaction among young Chinese children in Hong Kong: a cross sectional study. Public Health Nutrition, doi:10.1017/S1368980014000810 15. Hall, A. M., Kamper, S. J., Hernon, M., Hughes, K., Kelly, G., Lonsdale, C., Hurley, D. A., & Ostelo, R. Measurement tools for adherence to non-pharmacological self-management treatment for chronic musculoskeletal conditions: a systematic review. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, In Press. DOI: 16. Norris, M., Anderson, R. & Kenny, I.C. (2014) Method analysis of accelerometers and gyroscopes in running gait: A systematic review, Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 228(1), 3-5 17. Power, O., A. Fernández, R. Norris, Riera, F. A., & FitzGerald, R. J. (2014). Selective enrichment of bioactive properties during ultrafiltration of a tryptic digest of βlactoglobulin. Journal of Functional Foods, 9, 38-47. 18. Tannehill, D., MacPhail, A. (2014) What examining teaching metaphors tells us about pre-service teachers' developing beliefs about teaching and learning. Physical Education and Sport Pedgogy,19(2), 149-163 19. Tannehill, D. (2014). “My journey to become a teacher educator”. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy.
26. Ling, F.C.M., McManus, A.M., Masters, R.S.W., & Polman, R.C.J. (2014). How useful is the Rehearsal Scale for Children – Chinese in measuring emotional rehearsal in preadolescents of different ages? Southeast Asian Psychology Journal, 2, 1-19. 27. Ralph, A.M. & MacPhail, A. (2014). Pre-service teachers’ entry onto a physical education teacher education programme, and associated interests and dispositions, European Physical Education Review. (DOI: 10.1177/1356336X14550940) Conference Proceedings 28.Beattie, K., Kenny, I.C., Lyons, M. and Carson, B.P. (2014) The relationship between neuromuscular function and economy in competitive distance runners. Presented at the 2014 All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences and Physical Education, 24 January 2014, Limerick, Ireland. 29. Beattie, K., Carson, B.P., Lyons M. and Kenny, I.C. (2014) The Relationship between Neuromuscular Force-Velocity Characteristics and Performance Indicators in Competitive Distance Runners. Proceedings of the 2014 NSCA National Strength and Conditioning Association International Conference, Murcia Spain, 26 June – 28 June 2014, Murcia, Spain. 30. Bolger, R., Kenny, I.C., Lyons, M. and Harrison A.J. (2014) Sprinting performance and resistance based training interventions: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Presented at the 2014 All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences and Physical Education, 24 January 2014, Limerick, Ireland.
20. Whelan N., O’Regan, C., Harrison A.J. (2014) Resisted sprinting does not acutely enhance sprint performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28(7):18581866. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000357
31. Browne, P., Tucker, C. and Kenny, I.C. (2014) A 3D Analysis of Golf Swing Kinematics, with a focus on Relative Shoulder and Pelvis Rotation, in different clubs. Proceedings of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Student Conference 2014, 8-9 April 2014, Portsmouth, UK.
Peer Reviewer Journal Paper (Non ISI Indexed)
32. Carson, B.P., Bellissimo, G.F. & Betts, J.J. et al. (2014) A Preliminary Investigation Into The Effect Of Exercise On Metabolic Flexibility Using A Novel Methodology. Presented at 61st Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 46(5) s1, 157- 157.
21. Al-Nakeeb, Y., Dodd, L.J., Lyons, M., Collins, P. and Al- Nuaim, A. (2014). “A cluster analysis of lifestyle and health habits of youth from two geographically and culturally diverse countries”. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine. No. 4., pp. 193-203. 22. Clonan, M., Cullen, E., Kiely, K., O’Malley, B., & Tannehill, D. (summer, 2014). Part 1. USG meets SSLFS: Engaging Targeted Groups of Young People. PE Matters 9(2). 23. Coll, L., Enright, E & O’Sullivan M (in press). ‘The Dangers of a Single Story’: Heteronormativity in Physical Education. In Flory, S. B., Sanders, S. & Tischler, A. (Eds) Social and Cultural Issues in Physical Education: Case Studies for Teachers. Rowman & Littlefield: Maryland. 24. Hastie, P.A., MacPhail, A., Calderón, A. & Sinelnikov. O.A. (2014): Promoting professional learning through ongoing and interactive support: three cases within physical education, Professional Development in Education, DOI: 10.1080/19415257.2014.924425 25. Howley, D., & Tannehill, D. (2014). Crazy Ideas. The Physical Educator. 71 (3).
33 El Ashker, S., MacIntyre, T., and Campbell, M. 2014. Impact of actue moderate boxing drills on cognitive performance and coordination abilities in Irish boxers. Presented at 3rd World Scientific Congress of Combat Sports and Martial Arts, at University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland. 34. Furlong, L.A.M., & Harrison A.J. (2014) Assessment of lower limb asymmetry: differences with test condition. In: Sato K. & Sands, W. eds. Scientific Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, East Tennessee State University, TN, USA, , 12th - 16th July 2014. 35. Furlong, L.A.M., & Harrison A.J. (2014) Influence of loading on plantarflexor function during a stretch shortening cycle task. In: Sato K. & Sands, W . eds. Scientific Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, East Tennessee State University, TN, USA, , 12th - 16th July 2014.
36 Furlong, L-A., Rundle, S., Hallissey, M., Tucker, C. and Kenny, I.C. (2014) Injury Incidence in Underage Male Field Hockey Players during a Three-Day Tournament. Proceedings of the 2014 Physical Education, Physical Activity and Youth Sport (PEPAYS) Research Forum, 5th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6th June 2014, Waterford, Ireland. 37. Harrison, A.J. (2014) Geoffrey Dyson Keynote. In: Sato K. & Sands, W. eds. Scientific Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, East Tennessee State University, TN, USA, 12th- 16th July 2014 38. Healy R., Howard, R., Kenny, I.C. and Harrison, A.J. (2104) A comparison of methods to examine double and songle leg drop jump performance. In: Sato K. & Sands, W. eds. Scientific Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, East Tennessee State University, TN, USA, 12th-16th July 2014 39. Howard, R. Healy, R., Cottrell R. and Harrison, A.J. (2014) A method comparison of force platform and accelerometer measures in jumping. In: Sato K. & Sands, W. eds. Scientific Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, East Tennessee State University, TN, USA, 12th- 16th July 2014 40. Jensen, R.L., Furlong. L-A.M. and Harrison, A.J. (2014) Influence of jumping measures and squat 1RM on sprint speed in Rugby union players. In: Sato K. & . eds. Scientific Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, East Tennessee State University, TN, USA, 12th-16th July 2014. 41. Kenny, I.C., Madden, D., Downey, J., Murray P., Campbell J. and Breen, S. (2013) Biomechanical modelling of leg movement following knee surgery, Accepted for presentation at the 2013 University Hospital Limerick Inaugural Research Symposium, 18th October 2013, Limerick, Ireland. 42. Moriarty, T. and Kenny, I.C. (2014) Strength, balance, and flexibility characteristics of golfers of a variety of handicaps. . In: Sato K. & Sands, W. eds. Scientific Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, East Tennessee State University, TN, USA, 12th-16th July 2014. 43. Norris, M., Anderson, R. and Kenny, I.C. (2014) Previous and potential use of inertial sensors in longitudinal running gait analysis â&#x20AC;&#x201C; links with running related injury. Presented at the 2014 All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences and Physical Education, 24 January 2014, Limerick, Ireland. 44. Tucker, C., Anderson R., and Kenny, I.C. (2014) The Effect of the Application of Different Levels of Movement Variability on Movement Outcome. In: Sato K. & Sands, W. eds. Scientific Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, East Tennessee State University, TN, USA, 12th-16th July 2014. 45. Tucker, C., Anderson R., and Kenny, I.C. (2014) The Creation and Validation of a Large-Scale Computer Model of the Golf Swing. In: Sato K. & Sands, W. eds. Scientific Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, East Tennessee State University, TN, USA, 12th-16th July 2014.
Reports 43. Mac Intyre, T. & Petherbridge, S. (2014). Saving Lives in Cross-Country Rallies:Evaluating Competitor Fatigue. A Report to the FIA/FIM by ATCUAE.(REPORT)
Department of Physical Education & Sport Sciences Telephone: + 353 61 202896 FAX: + 353 61 202814 EMAIL: