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Club Night - 9th February Eastham Ferry Hotel Ferry Road Eastham CH62 0AU

Issue No 212

February 2016

W I R R A L A D VA N C E D M O TO R C Y C L I S T S Group Council 2015-2016 Web Site

IAM Group 5115 http://www.w-a-m.co.uk


Tim Brown


Vice Chairman

Ken Smith


Honorary Treasurer

Lindsay Boston



Nina Jeffries


Associate Coordinator

Rob D’Cruze


Chief Observer

Mike Boston


Honorary Secretary

Rob Cooper 0151 648 4503


Events Organiser

Dave Spotswood events@w-a-m.co.uk

Newsletter Editor & WebMeister

Peter Lovatt

Minute Secretary

position vacant

Group Shop

Martin Titley 0151 632 3570


Gift Aid Coordinator

Rob D’Cruze


Ride Out Coordinator

Rob Tutchings



Other Council members Nicole Rigby Carl Mason Cliff Evans Derek Jeffries Graeme Thow Steve Lord



Editor: Peter Lovatt

Rob Cooper Coopers Upholstery The Old Bank Everton Valley Liverpool L5 0RH

Duplication: C3 Imaging, Liverpool Distribution: The Post Office! 2

Welcome to the first WAM Magazine of 2016. I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year and is suitably refreshed for the new riding season! I’ll crack on, and turn back time, to December and the WAM Christmas Club night at the Eastham Ferry. As it turned out it was a very well attended event, and I believe about 50 people were there occupying most of the ground floor of the pub. I think everyone enjoyed themselves!!!!! Thank you to Dave Spotswood and Nina for all the organisation. Very well done. Some pix from the night are inside this issue. So now jumping forward to February - Yes, it’s the yearly WAM AGM, where the WAM members can have some input into the running of the club. Hey, you may even end up on the Council!! So inside there is the AGM agenda, and as its also that time of the year again, the WAM membership renewal form, but this year it now incorporates the Gift Aid Declaration. More info is inside this magazine, so please read through, and more importantly, renew your WAM membership, so you keep in the best IAM group this side of Watford Gap. And a little late, but as they say, better late than never, a BIG Congratulations to Derek ‘Dell’ Horton and Francis Lawlor on passing their IAM tests in 2015 See you all out and about Pete


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 36th Annual General Meeting of Wirral Advanced Motorcyclists will be held on Tuesday 9th February 2016 at The Eastham Ferry Hotel, Eastham, Wirral AGENDA Apologies for absence. 1. Minutes of previous AGM. Any matters arising and approval of. 2. Chairman’s annual report. 3. Accounts and Treasurer’s annual report. Details and approval of. 4. Group associate scheme and membership report 5. Election of group council members:

(Resolution No.1) (Resolution No.2)

The following members retire in accordance with the group constitution: All Council Officers, Nicole Rigby, Rob D’Cruze Members for re-election in accordance with the group constitution: All Council Officers The following member(s) offer themselves for election onto the Group Council: Tim Holme (Resolution No.3) Election of Officers and the Group Council:¬ *CHAIRMAN Tim Brown *VICE CHAIRMAN Ken Smith *HON.SECRETARY Rob Cooper *HON.TREASURER Tim Holme * MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Nina Jeffries *ASSOCIATE COORDINATOR Derek Jeffries, *CHIEF OBSERVER Mike Boston *MINUTES SECRETARY Steve Lord *GROUP SHOP Martin Titley *EVENTS SECRETARY Dave Spotswood *NEWSLETTER EDITOR Peter Lovatt *GIFT AID COORDINATOR Tim Holme *RIDE OUT COORDINATOR Rob Tutchings *SOCIAL MEDIA Steve Lord Other Council Members

Carl Mason, Cliff Evans, Lindsay Boston, Graeme Thow


Nicole Rigby, Rob D’Cruze (Resolution No.4)

6. Any Other Business Voting will take place on Resolutions 1 to 4 as detailed above. 4






Diary of Events www.w-a-m.co.uk *************************

February 9th Club Night - WAM AGM *************************

March 8th Club Night - to be confirmed *************************

This is the link for the WAM Official Forum, set up for Members of Wirral Advanced Motorcyclists ONLY. It is a forum for Associates, Observers, and members of WAM to discuss Official Group Rides out, riding techniques, FLC matters, and similar topics. To join you MUST give your name and Postcode when you Subscribe. Group name: WAMOfficialForum Group home page: http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/WAMOfficialForum Subscribe: to subscribe to the group send a BLANK email to WAMOfficialForum-subscribe@yahoogroups.co.uk Unsubscribe: to UNsubscribe to the group send a BLANK email to WAMOfficialForum-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.co.uk Once your submission has been approved, you can then post emails.





The articles published herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Institute of Advanced Motorists Ltd, or the Wirral Group of Advanced Motorcyclists. They are the opinions of individual contributors and are published with the view that free expression promotes discussion and interests. So you have been warned. Interested in doing the Advanced Car Test? Wirral Advanced Motorists are the people to see. Go to www.wirraliam.co.uk

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