June Club Night Eastham Ferry Hotel Ferry Road Eastham CH62 0AU
Issue No 196
June 2014
W I R R A L A D VA N C E D M OTOR C Y C L I S T S Group Council 2014 Web Site
IAM Group 5115 http://www.w-a-m.co.uk
Tim Brown
Vice Chairman
Ken Smith
Honorary Treasurer
Lindsay Boston
Nina Jeffries
Associate Coordinator
Derek Jeffries 07957341692
Honorary Secretary
Rob Cooper 0151 648 4503
Events Organiser
Dave Spotswood events@w-a-m.co.uk
Newsletter Editor & Minute Secretary & WebMeister
Peter Lovatt
Group Shop
Martin Titley 0151 632 3570
Gift Aid Coordinator
Rob D’Cruze
Ride Out Coordinator
Rob Tutchings
Other Council members Ian Roberts Nicole Rigby Carl Mason Cliff Evans
Rob Cooper Coopers Upholstery The Old Bank Everton Valley Liverpool L5 0RH
Distribution: Magazine Dispatchers and the Post Office!
Editor: Peter Lovatt Duplication: Martin Titley
Yoda writes…… As I type this up on 4th May, the first of the test passes from FLC 1 in they are coming. The Roll of Honour is inside this issue. The ‘core’ process of the club is getting people through the IAM test it is. A Big Thank You to all Observers go it must, and Mike and Derek are doing a Sterling job of organising the Observers and Courses. And for those who Associates are, these words you must remember: Only a fully trained Observer, with the IAM as his ally, will conquer poor riding. If you end your training now - if you choose the quick and easy path as some do - you will become an agent of evil - and join ROSPA So to June’s club night we go. Geraint Hughes is the speaker for the night, and may be expected to talk about ’Reading the Road’ he will. As some of you know, Geraint is one of the IAM Examiners, WAM uses. A good night it should be! There was a good ride out to RAF Cosford in April. Lead by Pete, it was a B Road ride, and a good day out it turned out to be. I’ve included some images in this issue, from the ride. If you want more to see, pix from the day can be found here, they can, on the Official Forum:https://uk.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/WAMOfficialForum/photos/ albums/225606749 Rob Tutchings ride out for this month, is planned as The Peak District, this issue the route is in. Good it should be, and Carsington Water the destination is. Also in this issue, an article from Bike Magazine - something to think about - the Perception of Advanced Riding. Also from Steve Lord, a write up about the ‘Tribute’ Egg Run there is. So, this month, I’ll see you all I will May the 4th be with you Yoda
Club night Venue Eastham Ferry Hotel Ferry Road Eastham CH62 0AU 3
Diary of Events www.w-a-m.co.uk *************************
June 10th Club Night - Geraint Hughes – ‘reading the road’ talk 22nd Official Ride out - Peak District *************************
July 8th Club Night - WAM barbecue 20th Official Ride out - either The Lakes or Yorkshire This is the link for the WAM Official Forum, set up for Members of Wirral Advanced Motorcyclists ONLY. It is a forum for Associates, Observers, and members of WAM to discuss Official Group Rides out, riding techniques, FLC matters, and similar topics. To join you MUST give your name and Postcode when you Subscribe. Group name: WAMOfficialForum Group home page: http:// uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/WAMOfficialForum Subscribe: to subscribe to the group send a BLANK email to WAMOfficialForum-subscribe@yahoogroups.co.uk Unsubscribe: to UNsubscribe to the group send a BLANK email to WAMOfficialForum-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.co.uk Once your submission has been approved, you can then post emails. 4
2014 “Tribute Egg Run” Several club members including myself took part in the revamped 2014 Egg Run “Tribute Ride” on Sunday 6th April with an estimated 3,500 bikes taking part, over £3,000 raised and 600 eggs donated by riders and members of the public. The last official Egg Run took place in 2012 but didn’t take place last year due to the high costs of policing and stewarding for the event. The
charity was wound up last year and it seemed that was it…until a group of bikers led by Tony Gray and Steve Kelly stepped in (not sure if Tony and Steve have connections with the Empress Motorbike Club, New Brighton, who started the original run back in 1980?). They decided to run the same route just before Easter last year in aid of Claire House. Over £700 and 300 Easter Eggs were collected on the day and an estimated 1,000 bikes took part. Boyed on by last year’s success, they decided to expand it further and to find some where suitable for all the bikes to finish, as last year they were not allowed to enter the Clatterbridge Health Park, so Claremont Farm on the Old Clatterbridge Road, where the Wirral Food Festival used to be held came to their rescue and also, it was decided to add two more charities, The North West Air Ambulance and North West Blood Bikes. When bikers arrived at Claremont they could donate money directly to the three nominated charities. For those of you who don’t know, I’m also Chairman of Radio Clatterbridge 1386
AM which has a long association with the Egg Run. The event was always broadcast live and we had a road show at the finish to entertain everyone, so we were a bit sad to not see it last year. So with having two bikers at the station, Gray Hawke on his Royal Enfield and me on the Royal Tiger, we covered the event live from 10 in the morning.
I also did live reports back to the studio in transit along the route and also interviewed representatives of Claire House, North West Air Ambulance and North West Blood Bikes (Adrian Cowley) when we all arrived safely at Claremont Farm. With my Observers helmet on, the vast majority of riders stayed within the speed limits, a part from one muppet that I saw on the country section between Caldy and Heswall! There was a heavy Police presence before the start with five motorcyclists and two patrol cars and some thought they had come to stop the run starting but as it turned out, they stopped the traffic ahead at roundabouts instead to allow the run to progress! I did hear from a colleague at work that some bikers were doing wheelies and a quad bike did a 360 on the Moreton roundabout and almost caused a pile up! The only bottleneck was at the new lights at the junction by Grove Road Station in Wallasey Village which changed too quickly and that caused a tail back as far as the start. Having taken part in the last official run, I wasn’t expecting too many
spectators on route but this wasn’t the case, with Moreton and Hoylake seeing the largest crowds and I seemed to be getting a good reaction for the station with lots of waves on route. The biggest safety issue still is with bikers slowing down and insisting on doing “high fives” with spectators who are usually just young kids but that was also an issue on the official run too. It was a bit chaotic once at the Clatterbridge Drayton Motors roundabout, as very quickly the Old Clatterbridge Road which had been closed off for bikes to park was full but Drayton allowed those following behind to park their bikes at the back of the garage, so everyone could get to Claremont Farm OK. Once there, a field had been allocated for the various charities to set up their gazebos, along with places to buy food and drink. I mentioned to Chairman Tim that perhaps we should consider having the WAM gazebo there next year, as a part from a large Bike Show, it is probably the largest gathering of bikers to spread the IAM gospel to and clearly some of those taking part clearly need it! Overall, taking with others and looking at an official quote from Tony Gray in the Wirral News which read, ““It was absolutely fantastic. Everybody behaved tremendously, and it was just an absolutely brilliant day”… I’m sure it will be back next year, so long as they can find a larger area to accommodate everyone at the end of the run. Steve Lord.
Forthcoming Gift Aid trawl Due to the poor uptake, within WAM, of the Gift Aid funding facility, Group Council have reluctantly decided that it is now necessary for a trawl to take place in order to maximize income for WAM from the Gift Aid money that is freely available from government. The Council's initial consideration was that there would be a keen uptake for Gift Aid, based on members being pro-active in financially benefiting their club, but that has not proven to be the case. The trawl will be undertaken in July & August by Rob D'Cruze, in his capacity as Gift Aid Co-ordinator; and will take the form of a person to person email. WAM can only claim the Gift Aid money once a Full Member or Group Friend (not an Associate) has provided WAM with a Gift Aid donor declaration; and this is money paid to WAM at no cost to you as the donor.
Please read the Gift Aid tab on the WAM website, as this contains both the Gift Aid donor declaration form and the relevant information. If you have any questions, email Rob at giftaid@w-a-m.co.uk If you print off and complete the Gift Aid form, please tick all three boxes (past, present & future) as a claim can only be made if it is triggered by your membership payment, and Rob has access to that information so as to administer Gift Aid for the club; therefore it is not possible to claim for more years than you will have been a Full or Group Friend member of WAM. Return your form to Rob at 34 Myers Road East, Crosby, Liverpool, L23 0QZ or hand to him personally. Notwithstanding the above, when the trawl is undertaken, Rob will not send emails to members who have already made a Gift Aid donor declaration, or to those who Rob already knows are not in a position, or have previously declined, to make a declaration. Naturally, a member does not have to make a Gift Aid donor declaration as a condition of being a member of WAM; and it is a private matter for the individual as to whether or not they make a Gift Aid donor declaration. To that end, during the forthcoming trawl, any member need only inform Rob that they do, or do not, want to make a Gift Aid donor declaration.
Members are not required, and should not feel obliged, to offer any explanation for their decision. Once a member has informed Rob that they do not want to make a Gift Aid donor declaration, that person will NOT be personally asked again. It will be their responsibility to inform Rob voluntarily, should they change their mind. Future combined membership and Gift Aid renewal form
As the reminder to members to make a Gift Aid donor declaration has previously occurred at the same time as the WAM membership renewal, and so may have been overlooked by members, Council is currently considering amending the WAM membership renewal form to include the Gift Aid donor declaration. Doing this will mean that members cannot miss the opportunity to make, or to decline, a Gift Aid donor declaration; and will also mean less administration and associated cost to WAM. If the proposed combined form is considered to be a workable solution, it will take effect in February 2015, i.e. the next renewal.
Congratulations on passing the IAM Test George Pearson Mark Palmer Dave Rees
Michelin Pilot Road 4 Trail tyres If anyone is using these it could be best to check yours as one of the Wirral Roadrunners had a problem with the front tyre on his GS on Easter Sunday. The tread had a huge bulge in it – see pix. The tyre was only 4 weeks old and had done 1200 miles only Pete
Tour of The Peak District, via Carsington Water Sunday 22nd June 2014, 9.30am. There will be an Official IAM Wirral Group (5115) Organised Club Ride Out in accordance with IAM Policy, (Medium Pace) starting at the Tudor Rose Car Park, Two Mills, Parkgate Rd, Wirral CH66 9PD. The Briefing will be at 9.32am Please be prompt with a full tank of fuel.
Ride leader will be Robin Tutchings using the drop off system, and will be medium paced. Wirral – Carsington Water: TR A540, TL A5117 to A56 & TL. In Fr odsham TR onto B5152. TL B5153 to Northwich, TR A559, TL on unclassified road to Winsford onto A54 to Holmes Chapel via Middlewich, onto A535 to Jodrell Bank, TR B5392 to A537, TR and enter Macclesfield & cont on A537 up the hill to The Cat & Fiddle for a few minutes. Cont on A537. TL A54, into Buxton and exit A6 northbound, TR A623, to Baslow, TR A619, TL B6012 thro the grounds of Chatsworth House, TR A6, TL B5056, TL A5012. In Grange Valley, TR B5023, TR B5035, TL for visitor centre. Carsington Water - Wirral: Exit left fr om visitor centr e and TR A517, enter Ashbourne and exit on the A52, soon after turning left on the B5032 and then the B5030 to Uttoxeter, exiting on B5027 to Stone, exiting on B5026, crossing the A519 and A53, TR A5415, TL A51 to Nantwich, TR B5074 to Winsford, TL A54 and re join the A51 and in lay-by before A55, re group and disperse.
Please note: This a medium distance ride, each section taking about 90 minutes. For I.A.M. Insurance reasons this Ride Out is for full members and Associates. This is also a great opportunity for non members wishing to join WAM. They are permitted one Official Group Organised ride out per year following an initial assessment, provided they are considering joining the IAM group to complete the Skills For Life Course! Anyone requiring to be Observed please bring it to the attention of one of the ride out team on the day. If numbers are large we may have to have more than one group in which case there will be one further group with a leader and sweeper. If it snows heavily the ride may have to be curtailed ! other than that the weather will not stop this thoroughly good day out. The tail rider, probably Dave will be riding at the back looking after the rear of the group! If any other Full members are interested in leading another Group Organised Ride Out or have good ideas for future ride outs please contact: WAM Ride out leader: Rob Tutchings 07950 626622. Lead Bike. 17
RAF Cosford Ride - a brief revue 27th April was the Official Ride out, lead by Pete, to RAF Cosford. The route out was a roundabout route using mostly B roads, the only ’problem’ being that there was a big motorcycle event going on at the same time that being Bike4Life, which had a few thousand bikers on a ride into Cosford, Luckily, because we arrived at the entrance of Cosford on a side road, we were guided into the
proper car park, away from the ride in riders (Except Dave S who managed to get entangled with them) The event itself had various vendors stands and stalls and a very loud rock band, which necessitated the use of earplugs. As we found out last year, there is so much to 18
see - lots of interesting aircraft, of various types, mostly of British origin when we used to be a manufacturing country, knocking out some fantastic designs, at the forefront of aviation. So here are some pictures taken on the day from Tim, and Pete. Thanks to everyone who turned up for the ride, I think everyone enjoyed it Pete
Surface to air missile, above
Vulcan above
And view from the viewing gallery, right
The articles published herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Institute of Advanced Motorists Ltd, or the Wirral Group of Advanced Motorcyclists. They are the opinions of individual contributors and are published with the view that free expression promotes discussion and interests. So you have been warned. Interested in doing the Advanced Car Test? Wirral Advanced Motorists are the people to see. Go to www.wirraliam.co.uk