Moxie Summer/Fall 2014

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moxie! summer/fall 2014

health. fitness. life.


Kick it up a notch!

Consuela Johnny Was KUT Flying Tomato Double D Old Gringo Blu Pepper Jack Rogers VaVa Jon Hart Jewelry by Love Tokens Vintage Revival

3946 IHFALL/WINTER 35 South • San Marcos 2 MOXIE! 2014


contents summer/fall 2014 Roots Run Deep Kat Balmos’ story........................................................................................20

on the cover model Kathy Simmons photo by Beth Bizer








Healthy You! Bio-identical Hormones............................. 8

Coconut Oil Good for your body, inside and out.....16

Brain Fitness.................................................30 Your mind, your health

Your Best Energy Dive in to fitness!........................................10

Healthy Recipe Banana Nut Muffins...................................18



Body Confidence! Summer shape up plan............................14

Moxie Makeover Total re-do!....................................................24 Tricks of the Trade Hairstylists top secret tips.......................28

Moxie Message The 9 O’clock Meeting..............................34

from the editor

Are you ready to dive in? “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”


love this quote by philosopher, theologian, and civil rights leader Howard Thurman. Ripp Hardaway sent it to me after I told him the theme of this issue of Moxie! was DIVE IN! It’s such a simple, yet profound, message. Many of us know exactly what makes us come alive. Others are still seeking. If there is something you want to do with your life, what are you waiting for? Take the plunge! Dive in! In this issue of Moxie! we’re giving you the tools you need to come alive…fitness tips, healthy

nutrition advice, and brain power! Turn to page 10 for Margaret and Jill’s no-nonsense fitness basics that will keep your body healthy and strong. Get the scoop on the benefits of coconut oil from food blogger Karen Schuppert on page 16. Then sit back and focus on Meredith Patterson’s article on Brain Fitness (page 30). I’m sure we could all use some training in that area. We will be featuring more of Meredith’s articles in upcoming issues. Dive in to life! Dive in to your passion! Dive in to your joy! Dive in to what makes you come alive! Be you! Be happy! Be MOXIE!


Writers: Leslie Tatum, Margaret Polser, Jill Sharp, Brittney Mathews, Karen Schuppert, Nancy Meadours, Kristy Hurst, Lauren Williams, Meredith Patterson

Editor in Chief: Georgia Williams

Photographers: Beth Bizer, Pauline Stevens, Pamela Miller

Design Director: Pete Williams

Copy Editor: Kelly Williams Advertising: Caryn Benson - 512.627.1020

Moxie Magazine P.O. Box 310191 New Braunfels, TX 78131-0191 830.832.1207


Bio-identical Hormone Replacement By Leslie Tatum ISTOCKPHOTO/WATEROTTER

Hormones influence every cell and function in the human body. They regulate our metabolism, sexual function, growth, tissue function, and mood among other things. These hormones can easily become imbalanced or even lost due to aging, childbearing, hormones in the foods we eat, stress and other environmental factors.


ormone imbalances can occur at any age and are becoming more prevalent among younger generations. Fortunately these imbalances are fairly easy to correct through Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, or BHRT. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy uses natural hormones to correct the hormonal imbalance. These natural bio-identical plant derived hormones, such as wild yam root, have been prescribed by European physicians for well over 50 years. The molecular makeup of the replacement hormone is biologically engineered to match the patient’s own naturally produced hormones 8 MOXIE! SUMMER/FALL 2014

at the precise level that they need. Because Bio-identical hormones are chemically identical to natural human hormones, they are almost entirely free of side effects, unlike synthetic hormones. Estrogen and progesterone balance is crucial to a woman feeling healthy and like herself. Imbalances in these two important hormones can lead to symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, lack of energy, low sex drive and weight gain. The typical imbalance is that estrogen is too high and progesterone is too low. Along with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, a healthy gut flora with Omega 3’s will assist estro-

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy uses natural hormones to correct the hormonal imbalance. gen release from the colon, instead of being reabsorbed and stored in the liver. In men, testosterone begins to decline after the age of 20. By the time a man is 40 he has about half of the testosterone that he did in his 20’s. Symptoms from this decline in testosterone can include a decreased sex drive, loss of energy, irritability, muscle loss or weakness, increased body fat, erectile dysfunction, and memory loss. These symptoms can easily be alleviated by bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. With the assistance of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, we are finding that the nutritional value in the body is testing stronger. The body is no longer as stressed and needs less outside support than before treatment. So, if you are ready to feel healthier and younger, take the next step and experience what bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can do for you. Leslie Tatum, owner of Living Health, has been dedicated to helping people discover a healthier lifestyle for over 23 years. From a holistic approach, Leslie is able to get to the root of your problems, not just mask symptoms. Leslie looks forward to helping you discover a healthier and happier ‘you’. You can reach her at 830.732.5906 or

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your best energy By Jill Sharp and Margaret Polser

DIVE INTO FITNESS According to the Mayo Clinic, starting a fitness program may be one of the best things you can do for your health and we agree! Physical activity can reduce your risk of disease, improve your strength, balance, and coordination, help you lose weight, and even improve your sleep quality and overall sense of well- being. So whether you are embracing fitness for the first time or getting back into the swing of things after taking a short break that turned into a long break, here are some things to keep in mind and guide your efforts for the best possible outcome and experience.

1. Assess your current level of fitness You probably have a general idea of how fit you are. But establishing and then tracking some baseline fitness scores can give you a way to measure your progress. Here are some that we find valuable: Measure your heart rate both before and after you walk 1 mile; count how many pushups you can do at a time; see how far forward you can reach while seated on the floor with your legs extended in front of you; measure your waist circumference; assess your body mass index and body fat percentage

2. Create your fitness plan It is one thing to say that you will exercise every day and quite another to actually do it, so this is where a plan is essential. First, consider your goals. Are you working to lower your blood sugar levels or are you training for a triathlon? Clearly defining these will identify your course of action and help gauge your progress. Second, create balance in your routine. For basic health purposes, most adults should aim for a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week coupled with a minimum of 2 strength training workouts per week. And don’t forget 5-15 minutes of stretching/flexibility each day!

3. Go at your pace, vary activities, and remember to allow for recovery time If you are just beginning to exercise or haven’t done so in quite some time, start slowly and progress incrementally. If you have an injury or medical condition, consult your doctor and look for professional guidance for ways to improve your strength and endurance in a way that creates discomfort for your body but not pain. Cross training is important. Alternate activities that emphasize different parts of the body to reduce risk of injury and keep boredom at bay. In addition, many people start exercising with great energy and enthusiasm, often working out too intensely or too long, and then throw in the towel when soreness or injury become overwhelming. Your muscles need appropriate recovery between workout sessions so that they can repair, strengthen, and have great energy for the next go at it.

4. Hydrate and fuel your body Plenty of water before, during, and after exercise is an important part of any fitness program. Find a portable bottle that allows you to track your intake throughout the day and keep it with you everywhere you go. Fresh, nutrient-dense food is also an integral part of the plan. Make sure that you fuel appropriately with high quality carbohydrates before your workout and take in the same paired with a lean protein source post workout (ideally within 30 minutes after) to assist in energy replacement and muscle repair.

6. Track your progress 5. Get started! Tips: Give yourself time for a good warm up that gradually elevates your heart rate and allows for some dynamic stretching to loosen muscles and prepare them for more strenuous activity. Gradually increase your pace, and as your stamina improves, work your way up to 30-60 minutes of exercise most days of the week. You don’t have to do all of your exercise at one time. Shorter more frequent sessions are beneficial, and the research shows great benefits for lowering blood pressure when workout sessions are divided into 2-3 sessions of 10-15 minutes per day. Find ways to include your family and friends into your active lifestyle. How about a weekend hike or bike ride? Does ballroom or country and western dancing sound fun? Most importantly, listen to your body. If you feel pain, shortness of breath, nausea or dizziness, take a break and pay attention to the signals your body is giving you. And if you are feeling overly fatigued, give yourself permission to take the day off from your workout so that you will be ready to give great energy to your workout the next day.

Revisit your fitness assessments six weeks after you start your program and then again every 3-6 months. This is a great time to reassess your goals. You may notice that you need to increase the amount of time, intensity, or variety of your workouts in order to continue improving. And if you find yourself losing motivation, it may be time to set new goals, try a new activity, or grab an exercise buddy. By setting your intention and goals, planning carefully, pacing yourself, and listening to your body, you can establish a healthy fitness habit that supports good health and lasts a lifetime. Jill Sharp is a certified group fitness instructor and personal trainer with over 20 years of experience in the fitness industry. She is also an experienced corporate trainer and performance coach, specializing in the development and delivery of personal and professional performance improvement programs. (jillmsharp@ Margaret Polser has a master’s degree in education and is a certified personal trainer.  She is also a trained and certified Wellness Coach, specializing in physical fitness, nutrition, and stress management.  (

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Body Confidence!

Summer may almost be over, but there are still plenty of barbecues, sunscreen, picnics, and (eek!) SWIMSUITS in our near future! For some, the thought of putting on that itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini, or even a one-piece, sends a chill down the spine. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Susan Taggart shows you six exercises that will strengthen your body and give you that boost of confidence you need when sporting your summer swimsuit of choice.


Equipment: A step or bench that allows you to step up at a 90-degree angle. Action: Standing tall with your shoulders back and core tight, step up, planting your foot on the step. As you step up, push through with your heel. This will activate your glutes (everyone wants a tight booty). You can also target the hamstrings by adding a leg lift when stepping up. Make sure to squeeze the glutes and hold for at least two seconds before returning to starting position. Muscles being used: Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings


Equipment: Dumbell Action: Place feet wider than hip width apart. Point your toes out, away from your body. Hold the dumbbell at the head with both hands, like you would hold a large goblet. Slowly squat with your weight on your heels, going as low as your body will allow. Hold for a couple of seconds, then slowly come up. As you perform this exercise, make sure your abs are pulled in, shoulders are relaxed, you are standing tall, and you are looking straight ahead. Muscles being used: Glutes, Hamstrings, Adductors (Inner Thighs)


Take these exercises and perform three sets of ten repetitions each, and you will be on your way to a stronger, fitter summer self. And remember, be confident with the body you have. Take care of it by exercising and eating healthy, and you’ll rock that swimsuit like nobody’s business.





Equipment: Yoga Mat or Towel Action: Lying on your stomach with arms outstretched, lift both arms and legs off the mat. As you lift up, make sure you are looking down at your mat to keep your spine neutral. Once again, pause at the top and slowly lower. This exercise not only strengthens your back and helps with your posture, but will help make your back look nice in that swimsuit. Muscles being used: Erector Spinae, also known as your main back muscle.


Equipment: Yoga Mat or Towel Action: In plank position with your arms apart, in line with your elbows, palms flat, lift your glutes into the air (dolphin pose). Make sure your core is pulled in as you lift up. Think navel to spine. Slowly lower back into plank position. Muscles being used: Core, Back and Arms


Equipment: Yoga Mat or Towel Action: Lying on your back, place your feet hip-width apart. Think navel to spine as you slowly raise your hips off the mat. Keeping the weight in your heels as you rise, raise until your body is at a 45-degree angle. Hold for a couple of seconds, then slowly lower until your glutes barely touch the mat, then raise back up. Muscles being used: Glutes, Hamstrings


Equipment: Bench, Step, or Chair Action: Ladies commonly complain about the back of their arms looking like “bat wings”. Performing triceps dips will help strengthen and tighten this area. With hands facing your body, slowly walk your feet out with heels dug into the ground. Keeping your elbows tucked close to your body, bend at the elbows and lower yourself down. Once again, pull the abs in and relax the shoulders. Do not bring the shoulders up to the ears. If you find that this position is too difficult for you, you can modify by bending your knees at a 90-degree angle. That takes some of the weight off, allowing you to do the exercise with proper form. Muscles being used: Triceps MOXIE! SUMMER/FALL 2014 15


r o f o o Cuck ! l i O t u Cocon


Coconut is a healthy fat! There, I said it. And I feel so much better. Not just because I said it, but because I eat it…and often. I haven’t gained a pound or lost an ounce of energy in the process. I eat it in all forms – raw, oil, milk, shredded. In case you hadn’t already figured it out, just ask my classmates how loco I am about coco.


ow did this luscious fruit get such a bad (and dare I say, undeserved) rap? For years we have heard the ‘experts’ make claims that fat makes you fat, canola is the healthiest cooking oil, and coconut is a bad fat which promotes heart disease. Actually, none of these widely accepted ‘truths’ are in fact true. But don’t just take my word for it…here are more experts as to the reasons why: An article in the New York Times by Gary Taubes appeared in 2002 questioning the validity of many medical claims that fat was the Evil Empire. Fat is actually our greatest source of energy, protects our organs, helps us absorb vital nutrients, and provides that feeling of satiety to keep us from overeating (see, it can help with weight loss!) Bauman, 2009:45. Lita Lee, Ph.D, tackles the confusion of coconut and fat: “Coconut oil has been used as cooking oil for thousands of years. Popular cookbooks advertised it at the end of the 19th century. Then came the anti-saturated fat campaign and the promotion of polyunsaturated fats, such as flaxseed, canola, soybean, safflower, corn, and other seed and nut oils plus their partially hydrogenated counterparts (margarine, “I can’t believe it’s not butter”, etc.) as the way

to go. Indeed, saturated fats have been supposedly linked to high cholesterol and heart disease, multiple sclerosis and other bad health conditions (when the true culprit is trans fats)…Nearly all commercial foods, including bread, crackers, chips, dips, many candies, zero cholesterol coffee creamers, mayonnaise, bottled salad dressings, many pastries and ice creams, most dietetic (for weight loss or diabetes) “foods”, many cereals, and nearly all crunchy

How did this luscious fruit get such a bad rap? snacks contain either polyunsaturated or partially hydrogenated fats known as trans fats. These foods are often advertised as healthy “all vegetarian,” “no-cholesterol” foods, but the chemical manipulation of these ‘fats’ make them anything BUT healthy. Coconut oil is a medium chain fatty acid (MCFA) which is digested differently than other saturated fats. It is processed in the liver and is used as energy which gets burned right away, not stored as fat. MCFAs don’t have a negative affect on LDL cholesterol – as a matter of fact, they actually increase the good (HDL) with their positive influence on ramping up our metabolism.”

In a ‘nutshell,’ here is a summary of the numerous health benefits coconut has to offer: (from “The Good Fat Cookbook”) It’s a low-fat fat, several calories fewer per gram than other fats It has zero cholesterol It increases metabolism rates It’s high in fiber It’s used for energy not stored as fat It’s the safest cooking oil * It has strong antiviral properties and is effective against herpes, hepatitis C and HIV It prevents wrinkles and premature aging – a great skin conditioner! It’s antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti fungal, and anti inflammatory It’s full of antioxidants

Is this a super food, or what? Here are a few tips on what to look for when purchasing: Coconut oil has a high smoke point and is widely used in stir-fry’s or sautés. Remember that it will be solid, so for baking you might want to warm it up first before measuring. Organic, unrefined, extra virgin and GMO free options are always best. The extra virgin type will produce a stronger more coco-nutty flavor, so keep that in mind when making your selection.

Additional resources: The Oiling of America, by Mary Enig and Sally Fallon Coconut Kelly the Kitchen Kop Live Well 360 - See more at:

Banana Muffins From the healthy kitchen of Nancy Meadours

½ C. coconut oil 1¼ C. gluten free flour 5 bananas, very ripe 1 tsp. baking soda ½ tsp. sea salt 1 C. brown sugar 2 large eggs, lightly beaten ½ C. walnuts, chopped Peel bananas and beat with an electric mixer. Add sugar, coconut oil, eggs and walnuts to the bananas and mix well. In a small bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt. Add to the banana mixture and stir. Pour into lightly greased muffin cups and place in lower third of 350 degree oven. Bake for 25 minutes. PHOTO BY PAULINE STEVENS

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Roots Kat Balmos

RUN DEEP By Kristy Hurst Photos by Pauline Stevens

In some families, perseverance runs strong. In Kat Balmos’ family, hardwon independence can be traced back in time, along a line stretching back seven generations.


he owner of the eclectic shop Lot 59 in downtown New Braunfels, Kat is carrying on a family tradition of “up by the bootstraps” persistence and ingenuity that began when her great-greatgreat-grandfather, Julius Voelcker, made the treacherous journey from Germany to New Braunfels in 1845. The young pharmacist was only 24 when he sailed across the open ocean toward the promise of free land for settlers in the Texas hill country. After landing, he made his way to New Braunfels shortly after its founding, where he laid claim to Lot 59, built a home there, launched a pharmacy business in the downtown building that now houses the Red Stag, and dug in the roots of a family that is still here almost 170 years and many successful businesses later. The site where his home once stood is now a parking lot, but Lot 59 lives on in the hearts of his descendants, especially Kat. An artistic soul

born into a business-minded clan, she grew up one of four siblings in a town where everyone knew her family. A single mother like her own mother before her, Kat is raising her daughter, Kate, 14, in her great-grandparents’ historic 1916 home in the old “Comal Town” district near downtown. Her house is just around the corner from the house where she grew up – an 1867 blacksmith shop that later became her great-great-grandparents’ home and was passed down through five generations. Her mother lives there today with her brother, sister and sister’s family. Kat’s father was mayor of New Braunfels in the 1970s, and her mother was a teacher at Canyon High School for 35 years. Her parents’ divorce when she was a child was painful and public, yet it and her mother’s battle with breast and ovarian cancer drew the family ever closer. “Mom was doing the best she could to raise us, and we didn’t want to make anything harder,” Kat says. “And my mom was a teacher, so there were no senior skip days, no rebellion to help us figure out who we would be.” After graduating from Canyon High School in 1987, Kat followed her brother to Austin College in Sherman, where she played volleyball and studied communications and political science. “In college, nobody knew us,” Kat marvels. “We didn’t turn around and see people who knew our parents and grandparents everywhere we went. We thrived.” Enjoying newfound freedom, Kat caught the travel bug and spent her senior year in London, studying history and architecture. She graduated with a renaissance mind and massive debt, and took a job opening Texas’ first J.Crew store, in Dallas. “I didn’t really know what I wanted to do back then, but I’m an extrovert and have an ability to sell.” That job gave Kat a taste of corporate retail and direct access to high-level company directors, where she soaked up knowledge about branding and marketing. “I became engrossed in how people bought, how a business is built around a client

book, how to get people coming back, and how to build something national,” she says. She went on to open another J.Crew store in Houston and was later recruited by the fledgling Abercrombie & Fitch as the manager of its first store in Houston. She followed the company to Minneapolis, Washington D.C., Chicago, back to Dallas, St. Louis, Phoenix, Nevada and beyond, working her way from store manager to district manager and ultimately to national director of recruiting for the fast-growing brand. “Abercrombie had created this product that resonated and became incredibly successful very quickly, and I was in the mix of all that,” she said “I was only 24 or 25, and it was awesome.” But when she fell in love

❝ Lot 59 is my

ode to my family. I am proud of who they are and what kind of people they are and were.

and married, her hectic travel schedule didn’t mesh with starting a family. Within a few years, Kat knew it was time to come home. “My brother and sister and I always knew we had to get back here because we were all going to be taking care of Scotty, my oldest brother, who has mild cerebral palsy,” Kat says. “Every decision we make as a family is based on what will be best for all of us as we raise our families and know this responsibility is in our future.” With her husband, she launched a charming architectural salvage store, J u n k o l o g y , [ CONTINUED-NEXT PAGE ] MOXIE! SUMMER/FALL 2014 21

[ CONTINUED FROM PREV. PAGE ] combining his creativity and her branding savvy. But despite attempts at reconcilation, the marriage fell apart. Her divorce last year opened the door for Kat to launch a business on her own, and Lot 59 was born in November 2013. “Lot 59 is my ode to my family,” she says. “I am proud of who they are and what kind of people they are and were. It’s the culmination of my dream of owning my own store and being my own person, on my own. And it’s an ode to my mother. If I’m doing something good, it’s because of her.” With support from employees and vendors who “get it,” Kat has created a second home that invites visitors to browse modern and vintage art, clothing, decor, jewelry and a world of surprises. Located in an historic home behind Huisache Grill on Cross Street, Lot 59 is a reflection of her own eclectic tastes, world travels, eye for the arts, and decades of experience in marketing and branding. It’s a store where every item has a story, where the nostalgia of her great grandparents’ New Braunfels is still alive, where the hustle and bustle and pretention of big cities are a million miles away. It’s a brand within a brand, reflecting Kat’s personal journey to independence, along with her family’s story and New Braunfels’ history. “Nostalgia is everywhere here,” Kat says. “Everyone wants to think about the times that they were happy. Everything here has that element – a fragrance, something you see that reminds you of your grandparents’ house.


That tugs at your head and heart, and makes you happy. And that’s what I love about this business – figuring out what will make people happy.” Even as Kat builds a new niche for herself and her daughter in New Braunfels, she never stops looking back and learning from the past. “I love history, and my grandmother instilled that love in me by telling me stories and showing me pictures,” she says. “It inspires me. Some people don’t have the kind of history my family does, and we need to be proud of it and act accordingly.” Kat hopes that her daughter is growing up to share her appreciation for her family’s deep roots here, having learned by example from her mother and grandmother. “I’m a single mom, and I’m very happy, and a little scared,” Kat confides. “Kate will be a 7th grader this fall, and everything I do is to be a good role model to her, as my mom was to me. Did I want to be single parent? Of course not. But did I have a great role model? Absolutely. Every day, I talk to my mom. And if feel like I can’t do something, I look at her and realize what she did and provided for us. She has given us complete confidence in ourselves, incredible faith in our Lord, and our family. We can’t do it without each other.”

Kristy Hurst is a freelance writer. She lives in New Braunfels with her husband and two children.

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makeover I’ve known Marcy Morris for a long time!

She has been keeping my kids and grandkids healthy for more than 34 years at New Braunfels Pediatrics. And she has never changed her look...until now! We are thrilled to treat Marcy to a makeover that includes a bonus Smile Makeover with Dr. Jim Peck at Comal Cosmetic Dental Arts. Special thanks go to all of our makeover experts, CosMedical Esthetics, Alibi Boutique, and William Edge Salon! Thank you for putting a smile on all of our Moxie Makeovers!


Marcy sure has a lot to smile about! Dr. Jim Peck of Comal Cosmetic Dental Arts uses crowns and filling replacements to give her a beautiful smile makeover!

Michelle McAskill at CosMedical Esthetics treats Marcy to an IPL (Intense Pulsed LIght) that works wonders on hyperpigmentation and broken capillaries.

Marcy shops for a new outfit and accessories with Leigh at Alibi Boutique in Gruene. VELVET jewelry adds classy funk to the final look.

Danielle Hidalgo, Colorist at William Edge Salon, warms up Marcy’s blondes with flashes of auburn lowlights, pops of blonde and a strawberry tone throughout.

Corbin Shullanberger gives Marcy a long, layered bob with asymmetrical bangs. Soft layers create more body and enhance the movement and shape of the hair.

Alicia Canon chooses a color palette of warm undertones to complement Marcy’s skin and bring out her beautiful blue eyes. Foundation was airbrushed on for a flawless finish!

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Summer Hair Tips!

Tricks of the Trade By Lauren Williams Stylist at Happy Salon+Spa, Austin, Texas ISTOCKPHOTO/ARTISTICCAPTURES

Have you ever left the hair salon with a great new cut or style and knew for certain…your hair would never look like this again? Well, we have good news for you. Here are the styling tips and tricks that only your hairdresser knows for sure!

1. Get beachy summer waves! Whether you have a short sassy bob, or long luscious locks, this is a great summer look. Start with dry hair; spray a light hairspray throughout the entire head. Heat a curling wand on medium/ high heat. Take 1-2” sections of hair (the bigger the section the looser the wave) and starting in the nape and working your way up, curl each section away from your face. Once finished with curls, mist with a light finishing spray. 2.Boho waves without heat. This relaxed style is easy to achieve and gives your hair a break from heated appliances! Before you go to bed, wash and condition your hair. Towel dry and comb through with a wide tooth comb. Apply 2-4 pumps of smoothing serum mid-shaft to end. Divide your hair into two sections (like pigtails!). If your hair is really thick, divide it into three sections. Braid each section and tie with a small hair band. When you wake up in the morning, take your braids down. Apply another 2-4 pumps of a light smoothing serum and work through your hair with fingers for the desired look. Finish off with spritz of light texturizing spray and you’re ready to start your laid back day!

3.Blondes, are you terrified to swim in the pool because of the dreaded “green” hair? Or does your hair just get dull in the summer? This tip is for you! 1.You know that “thingy” that comes with the blow Wash and rinse your hair with cold water before you jump dryer you purchased from your stylist? Should you just in the pool! This helps close the cuticle of your hair which throw it away? NO! That thingy is called a Concentrator, or a Nozzle, and it keeps the chlorine from penetrating into your hair. As an is vital to a great style! Pop it on the end of your dryer and added bonus, this trick adds great shine to your hair! point the nozzle in a downward motion as you dry your hair to close the cuticle of your hair. You will end up with fewer 4.Don’t sweat the heat! It’s hard to avoid the summer heat. Outdoor activities, or frizzes, more shine and a quicker style. just trying to get from the grocery store to your car, can leave you drenched in sweat! The same salt that is in your 2.Want to round brush your hair, but you feel like it sweat also gets in your hair and leads to dry, brittle hair! takes forever? Apply your favorite volumizing product. Rough dry your You don’t have to wash with shampoo every day. A good hair using your fingers or a vent brush until your hair is rinse with cold water in between shampoo days will wash about 85% dry. Now that your roots are dry, take your hair the salt out of your hair and keep it looking great! in 1-2” sections, starting at your nape working your way to the top. Make sure you really work those ends of your hair 5.Sunscreen for hair? Yes, there is such a thing! You spend so much time in the summer applying sunscreen with your round brush! You will be amazed by the results! to your skin, but what about your hair? Don’t ruin your perfect summer color by exposing it to the harsh UV rays. 3.Want long lasting curls? Second-day hair is the best! Your hair’s natural oils give you There are products available that will minimize hair damgreat texture and your strands are much more moldable. If age, dryness, and color fading. Your stylist can recommend your roots are looking a little oily, sprinkle dry shampoo on a product for you. If you’re in a pinch and forgot to apply the roots only and leave the rest as is. Then get to work on your hair sunscreen, simply put your hair in a low ponytail and throw on your favorite cap or straw hat! those fabulous curls. 28 MOXIE! SUMMER/FALL 2014

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your mind your health By Meredith Patterson, RN, BSN, CRRN

Oh, the marvel of all things cerebral! Admittedly, I am drawn to the study of the brain because it fascinates me so much – its lobes, its circuitry, its wrinkled grey matter. And I’ve been chipping away at neuroscience for the better part of the past 25 years – professionally as an RN and academically as a lifelong student, reader, and hopeless science nerd.


t all started when I was a dutiful, newly-minted nurse working a neurology floor and brain injury rehab unit in the 1980’s. Back then I would shrug my shoulders at the prospect of ever stumbling into the spectrum of late-age dementia. That was for OLD people! And besides, isn’t someone developing a magic pill that will circumvent memory loss entirely? Fast forward 2 decades and my own AARP eligibility. Still no memory pill. But compelling evidence began to surface suggesting that brain health may be something that largely rests upon the lifestyle practices of each individ30 MOXIE! SUMMER/FALL 2014

ual. And here is where I stepped off the magic pill illusion and steeped myself in the emerging view of the brain – that of a malleable, soft-wired organ that continues to grow and make new neural pathways for all of our years. In the summer of 2011, a research team at the International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease presented a study that resulted in this headline across the globe: “Lifestyle Factors Cause Half of Alzheimer’s Cases”. The study involved a mathematical model to estimate the impact of top modifiable risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease: smoking, depression, low education, diabetes, too little exercise, obesity and high blood pressure in mid-life. Reducing these seven risk factors by 25 percent could mean 3 million fewer cases of Alzheimer’s worldwide, including half a million in the U.S., researchers estimated. Reducing risk factors by 10 percent would translate to 1.1 million fewer cases. Now that got my attention. What if, I conjectured, people could modify lifestyle practices resulting in preven-

tion - or at least delaying - the onset of this terrible disease that robs memory and erodes cognition? With our Brainstorm class business, we have distilled the major components of brain health into five categories of lifestyle. They are (roughly in in order of importance): physical exercise, nutrition, mental exercise, socialization and stress management. Here’s the take-home point: the five lifestyle practice areas must be embraced together to achieve optimal brain health. In other words, it is a compendium of practices that will work to grow and balance the brain. If you are very, very diligent about your daily walks but you live off Dr. Pepper and junk snacks from the vending machine then you are not going to be as successful in the long run. Another principal worth mentioning: your lifestyle must include novel and varied activity in order to keep the neurons firing on all cylinders. For example, many people remark to me that they do the crossword puzzle everyday so isn’t that enough mental exercise?


What if, I conjectured, people could modify lifestyle practices resulting in prevention – or at least delaying - the onset of this terrible disease that robs memory and erodes cognition?

And my answer is yes and no. Yes, you are probably getting very good at mastering crossword puzzles. But no, in order for your brain to grow, you must take it down new pathways – so that might involve trying Sudoku or learning a few words in Japanese. In other words, it is necessary to tackle activities outside your routine and your comfort zone. Dr. Lawrence Katz addresses these issues in his book “Keep Your Brain Alive” which we frequently use as reference when teaching brain health. Dr. Katz describes a brain-boosting process he calls “Neurobics” which involves incorporating new and unusual ways of doing things in everyday life. Here’s a simple exercise as example: take your pen or pencil and place it in your non-dominant hand (so if you’re right-handed, switch the writing utensil to your left hand or vice-versa). Now write your name as if you are signing a check. Difficult, isn’t it? Your signature probably looks very strange or even unrecognizable. And the task

requires some concentration and perhaps a bit of frustration. But your brain has just enjoyed a terrific workout! It’s as if your non-dominant side had to make a phone call to the opposite brain hemisphere to work from a different set of instructions. The astonishing thing is that, with practice, you can actually improve almost any skill that your “weaker” side attempts. Here are a few more activities to practice using your non-dominant hand: Brushing teeth (try this while standing on one leg) Spreading peanut butter on bread Using the mouse on a computer (VERY hard) Eating with chopsticks (Ridiculously hard) In upcoming Moxie issues, we’ll explore each of the five brain health categories in more depth. Meanwhile, I’ll see you at the Brain Gym.

Visit Meredith’s website and blog at MOXIE! SUMMER/FALL 2014 31

Mimosas & Try a softer, warmer mammogram with mammopads

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To have a screening mammogram on the Mobile Mammography Unit, you must: • Be 35 years of age or older (insurance permitting) • Have not had a mammogram within the past 365 days • Have no symptoms, such as lumps or skin changes (See a doctor right away if you have changes. Call us if you do not have a doctor) • Have had no previous breast cancer or mastectomy • Not be pregnant or breastfeeding. A screening mammogram cannot be done until 90 days after breastfeeding has been stopped. Bring the name, address and phone number of your doctor. We accept Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurances. If you do not have insurance or a doctor, please call 210.704.4100 and learn how you could get a mammogram through the generosity of community funding. This event is sponsored by Moxie Magazine and Christus Santa Rosa


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“Good morning Mr. Williams,” I said, extending my hand across the table. “Good morning Mrs. Williams,” my husband replied, taking my hand in a firm and friendly handshake.

The 9 O’clock Meeting By Georgia Williams

And the 9 o’clock meeting began.


ver the course of our thirty-eight years together, my husband and I have worked in a variety of jobs that required one, or both of us, to leave the house each morning for the dutiful nine-to-five. The longest stint for the past fourteen years has had me up and out in the morning while my husband worked from home. When I was finally ready for a change of pace, he returned to the working world. I couldn’t wait to devote 8 hours each day to my own business! I was sure that my fine organizational skills and highly motivated work ethic would ensure my complete success. Boy, was I completely wrong! Before I knew it I was lingering over the morning news program, washing last night’s dishes, and putting in a load of laundry before sitting down to open my inbox…still in my pajamas. One year into my self-employment stint, my husband announced that he was joining me once again at home and we were going to be living the American Dream. I panicked! I knew what I’d been up to, and I’d caught him at home in his robe in the middle of the day on more than one occasion in the past. We needed a strategy. A fool-proof accountability system to keep us both in check. And so began the 9 o’clock meetings. There were only two rules that had to be followed at the meeting: 1. Meetings were held promptly at 9 am, Monday through Friday. 2. Each partner must be fully dressed for work.

It was a great system! And it worked for quite some time. But then one morning, he overslept. And then there was the day I stayed at the gym too long and had to meet in my fitness gear. Very slowly, things began to relax and before I knew it there were bare feet under the table, a five o’clock shadow, and ponytails showing up each morning. When I realized what was happening to us, I wanted to impose harsh punishment for breaking the rules. But then it occurred to me…we were having very productive meetings each morning. We were more organized and on top of schedules than ever before. And we were HAPPY! The 9 o’clock meetings continue, but nowadays they might be held at a local coffee shop, or on the back patio. Or we hash things out on a brisk walk! They’re relaxed, productive, and a whole lot more fun!

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