2 minute read
“Trace fossils usually show the tracks of animals that have walked on soft sediment… these types of fossils are very valuable and important because scientists can use that to discover how the animals moved.”
— Ayman
AISM Magazine | 9

_____Ayman _____
Where does the word �ossil come �rom?The word �ossil comes �rom a Latin word �ossilis which means du� up.Fossils are preserved remains o� ancient or�anisms. Fossils are the remains o� the or�anism itsel�.(National Geo�raphic pa�e #1) Fossils can be anythin� to plants, to �oot prints and to bones o� animals and to ancient people, �or example, pharos.
Types o� �ossils, and how they are �ormed.
Types o� �ossils.
● Mold or Impression A mold or impression �ossils is �ormed when an animal or plant decomposes completely and leaves behind an impression, almost like a mold.
● Cast Cast �ossils are the type o� �ossils that are most common to �ind, because does types o� �ossils are the types o� �ossils people �ind o� dinosaurs, and are the ones you see in a museum.
● Imprint Imprint �ossils are �ound in silt, almost like the mold or impression �ossils, but instead o� leavin� a 3 dimensional-print they leave behind a 2 dimensional-print.
AISM Magazine | 10

● Permineneralization In permineralization, �ossils every sin�le part o� the animal is replaced by minerals, and its leaves behind a stone copy o� the animal.
_____Ayman _____
● Trace Trace �ossils usually show the tracks o� animals that have walked on so�t sediment, the sediment hardens leavin� a print o� the �oot print o� the animal, these types o� �ossils are very valuable and important because scientist can use that to discover how the animal moved and that in�ormation can be used to see the structure o� and the li�e o� the type o� animal.
First Evidence o� Li�e.
● Hydrothermal vent Precipitates. Accordin� to Wikipedia the �irst known li�e �orms on Earth are �ossilized microor�anisms �ound in hydrothermal vent precipitates. The recorded time o� the �irst evidence o� li�e on Earth was at least 3.77 years a�o.
● Stromatolite. The oldest rocks in the world are in Australia, and the oldest �ossils are 3.5 billion years old bacterial colonies known as stromatolites. A stromatolite is a structure similar to the ones made by some o� today’s Australian bacteria. It looks like an unassumin� lump o� rock. But because the bacteria �row layer by layer and the minerals as they do, stromatolites have a characteristic spiked

AISM Magazine | 11

_____Ayman _____
1. https://thumbs-prod.si-cdn.com/MBJBD7_docdgs1X8ZCKQY8L0Kqs=/fit-in/1600x0/https://pu blic-media.si-cdn.com/filer/e1/d3/e1d3fee9-9aaa-4599-ba67-1c71a6d0ed03/1200px-seymour ia_fossil.jpg
2. https://www.gns.cri.nz/var/ezwebin_site/storage/images/media/images/hydrothermal-vent-dia gram/15719-1-eng-GB/hydrothermal-vent-diagram_imagelarge.jpg 3. Describe the Types of Fossils https://sciencing.com/describe-types-fossils-8147260.html 4. https://www.abc.net.au/news/image/7396740-3x2- 5. Earliest evidence of life on Earth 'found' https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-39117523
AISM Magazine | 12