A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR PETER PAUL BARBARA Welcome to the second edition of T-21: The Transport Malta Quarterly. First of all, I would like to thank all those readers who sent their encouraging comments on this initiative as well as for their feedback, especially with regard to the publication’s format, design and content material, and for providing useful and valid suggestions.
currently being considered to improve our dissemination of information to the general public. We are starting with two articles from the compiled list of frequently asked questions, written in a quasi-questionand-answer format.. These two articles deal with issues relating to vehicle car number plates as well as the procedures one would need to follow when garaging a vehicle or when scrapping one. These two topics are important, especially to address arising issues in relation to unwanted vehicles and vehicles
The scope of this journal is to provide, first and foremost, information on work and services that Transport Malta carries out on a daily basis and in certain areas on a 24/7 basis, in order to keep our national transport system
which are not used and put in a garage, gathering dust. Sometimes owners do not pay their road licences in these situations and if this is not taken care of, it may result in
functioning in its entirety and as one would expect it to.
having to pay hefty amounts of money in unpaid license
As expected, especially in view of the regulatory function
procedures which one has to follow, either to garage a
of the Authority, Transport Malta receives hundreds of questions and requests for information on various issues and topics every day, mostly through our Customer Care Services, but also through our service counters and
fees and accumulated fines. In fact, there are simple vehicle or to scrap one, in order to avoid paying money which I am sure could be better spent. With regard to the issue of vehicle number plates, we have
a very interesting article which goes into detail on the
A database has been put in place to analyse the subjects
to follow. We also followed the process of number plate
and topics that people mostly ask about, both through our Customer Care Unit as well as through our offices and our
different types of number plates, costs, and procedures making, which I found very interesting, and I am sure you will too. Here I would like to thank the Deputy Chief Officer
social media.
of the Land Transport Directorate, Mr. Gilbert Agius, for
For this purpose, and as from this month, we will be
to commemorate this article.
the tour. A sample T-21 number plate was also produced
revisiting those topics and subjects that people frequently ask about, in hopes that we will address these questions
This month’s T-21 edition is mostly dedicated to the Land
over the upcoming editions of this publication. This, of
Transport Directorate, and we shall explain the various
course, is only one initiative from a number of others
units which make up this Directorate as well as services
ISSUE 02 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly