Captain Mark A. Chapelle MNI Head - Hydrographic Office P o r t s & Ya c h t i n g D i r e c t o r a t e
A Brief History
on encountered a severe storm and
Two Maltese authors (W. Soler
was shipwrecked on our island. Part
and A. Ganado) have successfully
The Republic of Malta is an
of the passage reads: “And they took
Archipelago, which for centuries
soundings and found it to be twenty
regarding ‘The Charting of Maltese
has served as crossroads between
fathoms; and when they had gone
Europe and North Africa, and
a little farther, they took soundings
between the Middle East and the
again and found it to be fifteen
One can only imagine the difficulty ship
Atlantic Sea. Located at the centre
masters and pilots had to face when
of the Mediterranean Sea, the Island
navigating in close proximity to the
has had more than its fair share of
Whilst a large amount of historical
Maltese shores and within the ports,
maritime history.
land mapping has been discovered,
with the additional hazards brought
recorded, and archived, the same
on by weather, restricted visibility,
Hydrography in Malta is mentioned
cannot be said about charts and
and worst of all, and daily ‘nighttime’.
in the Bible as early as the year 60
sailing directions. It is also quite
So, if not for lack of courage, how did
AD. In the Apostle’s Act 27:28-44,
amazing how only a small number
those mariners succeed in executing
St. Luke gives account of when the
of publications related to historical
voyages without running aground and
vessel he and St. Paul were travelling
hydrography have been printed.
wrecking their vessels?
38 ISSUE 02 | T-21 The Transport Malta Quarterly