Pattaya Today 1
Vol. 8 No. 11 16 - 28 February 2009
Volume 8, Issue 11
16 - 28 February 2009
Pattaya City Planning Drastic Road Changes
Recently, Pattaya City, traffic police, community members, and traffic experts held a meeting regarding traffic problems, particularly on North Pattaya road, Central Pattaya road and South Pattaya road. Suggestions were also made at the meeting to ease traffic flow, by changing from 1 way to 2 way some streets and allowing vehicles to park on the left or right hand side on odd and even dates One of the new 2 way Streets will start from the Dolphin traffic circle, where traffic light will be installed and pass Tiffany’s, Alcazar and Pattaya International Hospital until it reaches Tops supermarket intersection at Central Pattaya, there it will be forced to turn left. Owing to the large amount of traffic as many drivers park their vehicles on the side of the road, particularly on 3rd road from Bali Hai pier to soi 17, and South Pattaya
Mayor Khun Ittiphol demonstrates the way ahead Intersection to Chai Mon- city will allow vehicles to be gkon temple intersection, parked on the left side on odd along with the heavy traffic dates and the right side on in rush-hour and high vol- even dates. Despite the fact that there ume establishments such as banks, Tuk Com, and Pattaya has been no survey to ask the School number 8, it has been public’s opinion, nor a referdecided to allow parking on endum, the city will go ahead different sides of the street on and use the 2 ways system as odd or even days, which will a pilot project. The street signs and road hopefully ease the traffic flow. From Pattaya 3rd road in- signs will get a new coat of tersection to Watchai Mong- paint to ease the problems kon 2nd road intersection, the with the changeover for
drivers and pedestrians, all of which will hopefully reduce road accidents, as well as easing traffic congestion. One of the major factors which causes traffic congestion and road accidents is the fact that many drivers do not respect the traffic laws, for example, drinking and driving, illegal parking, running red light, speeding, racing, etc. Thus, the traffic laws will be strictly enforced, and any illegal driving activities performed by offenders will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Continued on page 2
More progress made at the U-Tapao airport Work is now in hand to seek a budget from city hall in April 2009 to upgrade all the facilities at U-Tapao international airport near Sattahip. The Pattaya mayor and rear admiral
of the navy Surapon Aisanon have been in detailed discussions to upgrade the facility to international standards and to handle a much greater number of tourists. Continued on page 4