THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE UP INSTITUTE FOR SMALL-SCALE INDUSTRIES Moving towards becoming the National Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Special Edition ISSUE NO. 23
E-POWER SUGOD (or Move Together in Filipino), which is touted as the Philippine approach to total quality, while her husband, Dr. Jose C. Gatchalian, talked about Harnessing Workplace Cooperation for Total Quality Improvement.
From left to right: Dr. Jose C. Gatchalian, Mario O. Mamon, Joseph A. DeFeo, Dr. Paterno V. Viloria, Crispina B. Almonte and Antonette L. Dungca E-POWER: The 2nd National Symposium Workshop on Workplace Cooperation for Quality Conversations With the Executives” a day before at the Executive House in UP Diliman. UP ISSI director and concurrently the assistant vice-president for administration Prof. Nestor O. Rañeses delivered the welcome remarks on the which was held at the Dr. Jose C. Gatchalian, the chairman of the board of Quality Partners Co. Ltd. (QPCL), UP ISSI’s partner in hosting the symposium, extended his greetings to the participants and guest speakers of the symposium along with Dr. Paterno V. Viloria, president of the Institute’s major private sector partner, the Small Enterprises Research and Development Foundation, Inc.
QPCL, introduced the keynote speaker, Joseph A. DeFeo, president and CEO of Juran Institute, Inc. based in the United States. Transformative Essential to National Progress”. UP ISSI’s deputy director Antonette L. Dungca introduced the next speaker, Mario O. Mamon, president and CEO of Enchanted Kingdom, Inc. (EKI) and International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions. He talked about Workplace Cooperation: The Labor Management Councils and EKI’s Turnaround Experience.
Afternoon sessions The symposium continued in the afternoon with more speakers discussing various topics on workplace cooperation. Ernesto O. Cecilia, chair of the human capital committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines, talked about Workforce Engagement: Raymond C. Tan, managing director of Medport Distributors, Inc., discussed Cost Competitiveness Through Quality. QPCL Dr. Jose C. Gatchalian delivered his presentation Instilling Work Life Quality: Approaches and Measures. Capping off the afternoon plenary sessions was Dr. Joel C. Amante, president of the Philippine Total Quality Management Foundation, who presented Philippine Quality Challenge and Total Quality Management. The participants broke up in their assigned rooms for the simultaneous workshops on the topics discussed by the speakers, who also facilitated the breakout sessions. of the symposium cum workshops, Marilou M. Calzado, president of Calzado Management Consultancy, who also stood as the workshop coordinator, facilitated the presentation of the outputs of the selected leaders of the workshop groups.
Day 2 The second day of the symposium was held on
UP ISSI’s own Crispina B. Almonte emceed the hundred attendees.
The plenary sessions resumed with Professor Rañeses delivering Entrepreneurship: A Prime
The morning plenary sessions ended with the presentation of Engr. Vito P. Aberin, former senior consultant for quality management at San Miguel Corporation. He discussed the Philippine Quality Challenge (PQC): A Total Quality Management Assessment Tool. An exclusive pre-symposium meeting dubbed of the symposium, emceed the program for Day 2. The next series of afternoon plenary sessions focused on testimonials from past winners of the PQC. After the presentation on the PQC History and Future Plans by Virgilio P. Fulgencio, director of the Department of Trade and Industry’s Center for Industrial Competitiveness, the attendees heard the testimonials in the session titled The Philippine Quality Challenge: SMEs‘ Pathway to Total Quality. Past PQC winners delivered their respective testimonials: Danilyn’s Enterprises, Inc., represented by its owner and vice-president Romero; the UP National Engineering Center, represented by its executive director Dr. Aura C. Matias; and Sunlight Foods Corporation, represented by its owner and president Crispin R. Muyrong.
Workshops and integration
was held last Wednesday morning, March 20, at the Executive House of UP Diliman. The meeting served as a prelude to the larger and longer activities that formed part of E-POWER: The 2nd National Symposium Workshop on Workplace Cooperation for Quality The meeting began with the welcome remarks from UP ISSI director and UP System’s assistant vice-president for administration Prof. Nestor O. Rañeses. Having been in the promotion of quality and productivity for the last 13 years, Professor Rañeses admonished the executives that quality should be subordinated to the basic mission of the company. the springboard to achieve the mission. It’s all about managing and presiding over in an organized manner. No matter how grandiose the dream is, without people executing them, it will not happen.”
sessions were again held, this time focusing on the following topics: Phases Towards Workforce Engagement Through Workplace Cooperation, Steps to Initiate Cost Competitiveness Efforts, Framework Towards Development of Quality Work Life, and PQC: Framework for Assessing Total Quality.
Jon M. Gatchalian, director of human resources of Innodata-EMCI, replaced Ernie O. Cecilia as the facilitator in one breakout session while Niña Ma. B. Estudillo, a consultant on quality and productivity, took the place of Marilou M. Calzado as the workshop coordinator. She later integrated the outputs of the workshop participants from Days 1 and 2 along with Estudillo.
Juran Institute. The levels of quality in the 80s and the 90s are no longer applicable today, as the subject of quality itself is evolving, DeFeo said.
At the end of the workshop proper, Dr. Joel C. Amante presented Key Learnings andTakeaways From the Symposium Workshop: Challenges and Opportunities while Dr. Maragtas S.V. Amante, vice-president for administration of the UP System, delivered his closing remarks.
The strategic conversations began with a discussion on excellence by Joseph A. DeFeo, president and
Quality expert Dr. Joseph M. Juran, the founder of Juran Institute, would say that there are some universal principles that should be learned by everyone but should also be adopted differently because of culture and other factors.
in a quality handbook, which is published every 10 years.”