Prebbleton Life Newsletter #3

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Prebbleton Market and Giant Pumpkins

What a great event this was so thanks to everyone who attended to make it such a success. Congratulations to the winners. The food stall holders were delighted with the event - they sold out of food and had to pack up early!

For the community, by the community

Prebbleton Community Association Inc is a not-for-profit group and produces Prebbleton Life for the Prebbleton community. All its members are volunteers and devote many hours of their time to the Association’s work. As you can imagine, there is a substantial cost in producing each edition and we are most grateful to Selwyn District Council for providing funding for our May, June and July editions.

Edition 3 May 2023
PUBLISHED PHOTO: Angela Hart PHOTOS: Peter Grundy Prebbleton Market 2 April 2023

The aims of the association

To promote, preserve and protect the interests of the residents of Prebbleton District.

To support the efforts of any person, persons, association, or any other bodies, who may in the opinion of the association be working for the benefit of the Prebbleton District.

To foster social activities within the Prebbleton District if necessary.


The articles contained in this newsletter do not necessarily represent the views of the Prebbleton Community Association. No liability is accepted for these views but every effort is made to ensure information is accurate at the time of printing. Responsibility for submitted information lies with the groups and advertisers. All articles are subject to the editors’ discretion.

Association Committee Members

Graeme Gemmill (Chair)

Alastair Joyce (Treasurer)

Angela Hart (Secretary)

Graham Carpenter

Averil Carpenter

Angela Jones

Geoff Gilfedder

David Martin

Linda Martin

Natalie McLean

Jane Elms

Email contact: prebbletoncommunityassn

A message from the Chair

April brought two extraordinary Family Events to Prebbleton.

Firstly the Giant Pumpkin Market and Food Exchange at the beginning of the month and then the ANZAC Commemoration on ANZAC DAY.

The Giant Pumpkin Event featured on the front page of the Selwyn Times and Prebbleton have to thank Marcus Peters for instigating and motivating individuals and groups to join together for this opportunity to show their gardening skills.

Next year’s Event promises to be ‘bigger’ and brighter so watch out for it and indicators when to plant your seeds and seedlings in this newsletter.

Our Prebbleton ANZAC Commemoration also depends on many Prebbleton Groups coming together for this occasion.

Our thanks go out to Selwyn District Council, Templeton RSA, Te Kura o Taumata Kuri / Prebbleton Primary School, Prebbleton Public Hall Society Inc, Prebbleton Heritage Inc and Prebbleton Community Association Inc for their involvement in putting our Prebbleton Commemoration together.

Also thanks to Selwyn District Council for printing the Order of Service and Prebbleton Fresh Choice providing Morning Tea.

The next big Event on our Calendar is the Matariki Event on Matariki Day Friday 14th July. This is the first year Matariki Day is a Public Holiday so it gives us the opportunity to create something unique for Prebbleton for our annual calendar. If you would like to be involved please contact Angela and Jane by emailing prebbletonlife@gmail. com

It was great to have Springs Ward Councillors Malcolm Lyall and Grant Miller at a recent meeting to share their knowledge of Prebbleton concerns and plans with us. Our Committee has put in a submission for the SDC Draft Annual Plan 2023-2024 for further Traffic Calming Measures on Springs Road.

Remember that if you have any Prebbleton Community concerns please do not hesitate to either email the PCA Committee at or phone me on 021 295 6590

Enjoy reading this month’s edition and join in if possible.

Wreaths, poppies, crosses. PHOTO: Angela Hart

Swimming in Prebbleton

With the hot weather we were having earlier this year locals might have been wishing there was a swimming pool in the town to cool off in.

If you had been living here in the 1890’s you would have been able to take a dip in Mr William Hazlehurst’s swimming pool located at his property on the corner of Birchs and Springs Road. The opening was a big event in February 1891, complete with the Prebbleton Brass Band playing and members of the Pioneer Bicycle Club from Christchurch joined residents in the celebrations. The pool was quite large 73ft long, 27ft wide with a graduated depth of 2ft - 9ft. (22.2mx8.2m, depth .6m - 2.7m)

It had a gravel bottom with water coming from the Waimakariri water race with a continual flow in and out to “retain the requisite freshness and purity”. There were “two commodious dressing boxes” available and a supply of trunks and towels were on hand so the report in the Lyttelton Times on 2 February 1899 tells us. The pool and dressing boxes were enclosed within a “high and substantial fence”.

In 1894 a town meeting was held to set up the Prebbleton Amateur Swimming Club with the subscriptions being paid to Mr Hazlehurst for the “use of his baths”. For the times the subscriptions were quite expensive: 5 shillings for over 16yr, 3.6d under 16yr and 2.6d under 12yr. The club held competitions against other Christchurch swimming clubs, and members possibly went to swimming events held elsewhere.

The pool opening was advertised around October each year enticing visitors from Christchurch to come and enjoy the pool. Specific mention of the Pioneer Bicycle Club in these advertisements might indicate that Prebbleton was a favourite destination for their day trips. Sessions were also set aside for ladies only during the week. The last opening day notice appeared in October 1899 indicating the pool possibly closed around that time.

Once Mr Hazlehurst’s pool closed the swimming club possibly ceased but its name appeared in newspaper advertisements from 1937 until as late as 1967, advising of annual meetings, raffle results and other activities.

Around 1926 plans were being made for a pool at the school which was eventually built with funds being raised locally and was located where the staff carpark is now. From memories recorded by Daphne McAven some years ago, this pool was dug by hand and was also filled from a water race. One of memories told is of the tadpoles and eels encountered while having a swim “but we never got ill or anything”. Parents would take turns being on duty and later still, a key could be hired for the summer allowing access to the pool after school hours, which was very popular.

The main complaint about the school pool seemed to be that it was always very cold and with the need for much more stringent hygiene standards and space for the school, the pool was demolished in 2018 to make way for new classrooms.

Unless you have a pool on your own property you will now need to head to Rolleston for a swim, but at least you wont encounter any tadpoles or eels, but possibly some other “alerts”.

2018 - Graham Carpenter keeps an eye on the demolition.


Mon 15th May - Sun 21st May

Selwyn District Council does a lot for our youth by providing facilities like the bike park, pump track, basketball half courts and skateboard park. Another SDC initiative is Youth Week BBQs around Selwyn to celebrate our young people and give them an opportunity to gather and meet. Sadly there is no BBQ event in Prebbleton this year so Prebbleton based youth will need to travel to other townships as listed (above right.)

Perhaps an Event during Youth Week next year is something we could aim for.

Selwyn District Council has a Youth Council for 12 -24 year old youth and encourages youth to apply online from their webpage.

Our Prebbleton Community Association also encourages youth to become involved in planning for Prebbleton’s future.

Youth can be involved by sending ideas by email to

Youth Week Barbeques:

Monday 15 May, 3.30 - 4.30pm

Leeston Library

Wednesday 17 May, 3.30 - 4.30pm

Lincoln Library

Friday 19 May 3.30 - 4.30pm

Darfield Library

Sunday 21 May 10 - 11am

Selwyn Sports Centre

Sunday 21 May 12.30 - 2pm

Rolleston Reserve Skate Park

Become a Youth Council representative

Locals Profile: Jenny and Greg Tod

Jenny and Greg Tod purchased land in Prebbleton in 1995, it was a simple horse paddock and later a house was built on the site. After living here for the past 28 years, Greg says it just seems right living in this area. His ancestors were the first people to settle in Lincoln years before Lincoln was a town. His great great grandmother travelled to Prebbleton on horseback to take some of the first church services in Prebbleton in the 1860’s.

Jenny considers one of the best things that has occurred in Prebbleton lately is that it now has a dog park. After having a dog for 15 years it’s great to see dogs having somewhere safe to have some fun.

Jenny and Greg have operated Parva Plants in Prebbleton for 16 years having purchased the business and relocated it from Tauranga. The business has provided perennials, bulbs and shrubs to NZ gardeners since 1968 and would have been one of the first of its kind in the country. It was a natural progression for them being a mail order/online plant nursery after growing cut flowers and owning a landscape design business.

To watch out for in May

The church grounds are a haven for wildlife; fantails and also for monarch butterflies who are starting to congregate in the Oak and Ash Trees on the All Saints Cemetery boundary. They will then move to the Macracarpa Tree behind the Cottage and to other overwintering places.They are easier to spot on a sunny afternoon when they open their wings and fly about looking for nectar.


PHOTOS: Linda Martin
and submit an online form to apply to be on the Youth Council.
If you require any assistance with completing this online form, the Selwyn Libraries team are available to help you complete or access it online at your local library ( To be eligible to apply you must: Be between 12 – 24 years old at the start of the term (1 February 2023) Live within the boundaries of the Selwyn District Be available to attend meetings and events across Selwyn Have the ability to work with other people and as part of team
Name Age (12-24) Home Phone: Mobile Phone: Email:
Selwyn Youth Council - Application Form


Making The Best of Your Garden or Outdoor Space

Saturday 20 May, 10 am to 11.30 am

Lincoln Baptist Church, Carnaveron Drive, Lincoln

Contact Ruth, at or phone 021 074 3905

Whether you plan to develop a new garden area or have inherited a neglected or boring outdoor space, local Landscape Architect Nathan will be able to address your questions and suggest practical solutions.

Soil Health Workshop

Saturday 27 May, 10.30 am to 11.30 am

Lincoln Community Garden (behind the old Maternity Hospital), James Street, Lincoln

Contact Ruth, at or phone 021 074 3905

What is “soil health”? Why is it important? How do we achieve it? Presented by Julie Gillespie of Lincoln University, she is currently researching how to connect people to our soil resource to ensure soil and food security.

Selwyn Trap Library

Saturday 27 May, 10 am - 12 pm

Lincoln Farmers & Craft Market or contact

Come and see us for free trap hire and advice. We will lend you the right type of trap to remove pests like rats, hedgehogs, possums, and stoats. We can also advise you on bait and the best location for your trap. The library is open on the last Saturday of every month.

Selwyn Schools’ Waste Art Competition

The deadline for entries is Monday 14th August 2023 or contact,

Create a piece of art assembled or constructed from previously used materials that otherwise would have likely gone to a landfill, the artwork is aimed at making us reconsider our views on rubbish and reusing.

Defibrillators in Prebbleton

You can find your nearest defibrillator (AED) by using the AED App on your phone or checking here:- https//

Note: Always phone 111 first to activate emergency services. In practical terms - There is an externally accessible defibrillator at the entrance of the Prebbleton Rugby Clubrooms.

• There are defibrillators at the reception areas of the Prebbleton Primary School and Lineage Logistics 482 Springs Road but these are only available during School or work hours.

• There are also listed 2 private addresses. 4 Cathcart Crescent ph 021 991 385 and 14 Coachmans Road ph 0275621673 which may be available if in residence.

• Ph 022 0429420 Selwyn Community Patrol who have a defibrillator in the car.



Friday Friends

At the May meeting Alison and Cyril Fifield are going to tell us something about their recent trip to the Chatham Islands. The next few months have not yet been confirmed so it is just ‘come along and see’. We meet at 2 p.m. in Tosswill Lounge at All Saints Church, Blakes Road on the last Friday of each month. Everyone is welcome to attend – no membership fee, you can just turn up when you are able. We do run raffles to cover costs.

For more information, please contact Daphne McAven 349 – 8886

Prebbleton Women’s Institute.

Our Prebbleton branch is thrilled to have members of the Oaklands Institute join us as their numbers have declined. It has been a boost to have the extra members and the exchange of even more ideas. At our last meeting we had a demonstration of air frying which was new to many of us and we all enjoyed sampling the results!

Our April meeting, which would have been on Anzac Day was postponed for a week and will be our 91st Birthday. A lunch at Racecourse Hotel has been arranged and it will be a chance for us to remember the local women who started the group 91 years ago. One of our latest projects has been knitting incubator vests for use at Starship Hospital. They are tiny and we have enjoying being able to provide them when needed.

We normally meet in the supper room of the Prebbleton Public Hall, 617 Springs Road on the 4th Tuesday of each month but it is probably best to make contact first in case we are having an ‘away day!’. We would love to have you join us. If you would like to know more please contact the Secretary Shirley 322 - 7251 or the publicity officer Daphne 349 - 8886.

Recycling Polystyrene.

Down By The Liffey Gallery

A community based, not for profit gallery run by volunteers. We have new exhibitions every month showcasing local, emerging and established artists. We would like to bring this to the notice of Prebbleton residents.

April 19 - May 14: NATURE UNFOLDING

Jane Reid, Kelly Shakespeare & Maria Lee explore nature from their unique local environments through painting, photography and sculpture.

Down by the Liffey Gallery

An Ode to Iron

an exhibition by

Ceramic artists Tamara Rookes, Suzie Kirkwood, Cathy Pollock and Della Goodinson come together to explore and interpret the element Iron. Originating from an exploding star, iron is essential to our existence and is intertwined into all life forms on this planet . As ceramic artists we are using iron in our clays and glazes, and the interconnection between iron and our world has given inspiration for the creation of our sculpture and forms.

May 17 - June 11

Open to Public: Wed - Thur 11.30am -2.30pm, Fri -Sun 10am - 4pm

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) can now be left at Hornby Mitre 10 store. This is the stuff that looks like white boards made of little beads and is often used to protect fragile goods and appliances.

The new programme encourages customers to recycle EPS which is difficult to dispose of responsibly. EXPOL then repurposes the material into new products diverting over 400 tonnes of polystyrene from landfill each year.

A maximum of 2 rubbish bags can be dropped off at any one time. Find out more at: https//

Alternatively:- there will be a collection point at the Matariki event where you can leave your polystyrene and we will recycle it for you.

Lincoln’s Community Art Gallery, 1 James Street, Lincoln
Tamara Rookes + Suzie Kirkwood + Cathy Pollock + Della Goodinson

Tai Chi Classes

Mondays 10.00am - 11.00am - Prebbleton Public Hall - $8.00

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese exercise system which integrates mind, body and breath by way of slow, gentle and effective movement. Feel free to come along, join us and “Give It a Go”!

Enquiries to: Gai Tangney - (027) 8272791

Justices of the Peace in Prebbleton

Clive Foster 027 435 0454

Edwin Boyce 027 292 7042

Geoff Cain 027 432 1153

Patrick Nicholas 027 435 9666

Barbara McLeod 027 297 7722

Vanessa Thompson 021 999 138

The “Find a JP” website will allow you to check details including availability of each JP.


Saturday 6th May

Coronation of King Charles III

Sunday 14th May

Mothers Day

Sunday 21st May

Riding On Faith Community Sing-a-long of favorite Hymns and Songs.

All Saints Church, 5pm - 6pm Light Supper and fellowship to follow.

Sunday 4th June

Selwyn Marathon

Contact information

Tel 027 226 7769

Monday 5th June

King’s birthday holiday

Friday 14th July


Cottage Surrounds or School Hall if wet 1pm - 4pm

Also watch out for later in the year:

Saturday 14th October

Election Day Market and Produce Swap Cottage Surrounds, 12 Noon - 3 pm

Monday 18th December

Night Market and Carols at the Cottage Cottage Surrounds, 4 pm - 8 pm





Gai Tangney 027 827 2791

Prebbleton Public Hall –

Mondays 10am - 11am


Jonelle Bowman 021 254 0186

Prebbleton Public Hall –

Thursdays 9am – 10am

Prebbleton Okinawa Goju Ryu


Geoff Blokland 021 206 3413

Prebbleton Public Hall –

Thursdays 6pm – 8pm

GKR Karate

Jessica Patterson 021 030 8376

Prebbleton School Hall

Mondays 6.15pm – 7.45pm and Fridays 6pm – 8pm

Christchurch Keyboard Club

Shirley Hamilton

Prebbleton Public Hall

4th Wednesday of each month 11am – 2pm

Prebbleton Women’s Institute

4th Tuesday of every month 1:00pm

Prebbleton Public Hall

Contact: Shirley Gardiner 322 7251

Friday Friends

Last Friday of every month 2:00pm

All Saints’ Tosswill Lounge

Prebbleton Heritage

Contact: Lindsay or Sandra ph 349 3806

Ignite Dance

Kim Glover ph 021 927 899

Prebbleton Public Hall - Mon, Tues & Wed after 3.30 pm

Sing and Sign

For 6 – 14 months old children

All Saints Tosswill Lounge


Prebbleton Football

Shannon Gilmore ph 027 579 8811

Prebbleton Rugby

Sarah Forster ph 021 237 7344

Prebbleton Tennis

Gill O’Connell ph 027 276 1506

Prebbleton Cricket

Tony Grimwood 021 0886 5959

Prebbleton Indoor Bowls

John Hamilton 03 344 1503 Wednesdays

March to September 7:30pm

Prebbleton Public Hall

Prebbleton Walking Group

Every Tuesday 9:30amOutside All Saints Church


Thursdays 1pm – 2pm Booking required singandsign.christchurch@

Prebbleton Community Cottage

Corner Blakes & Springs Roads

Bookings and enquiries through Sewlyn District Council Phone 03 347 1866 or email


Prebbleton Hall 617 Springs Roads Enquiries to: Phone 022 0488451 AVAILABLE FOR: Social functions, Classes & Clubs, and Individual use.

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