Cultural Studies
Open Access
International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology Edited by Nicolae Râmbu, Aldo Marroni and Till Kinzel Founded in 2004, Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology is a semiannual peer-reviewed journal devoted to philosophy of culture and the study of value. It aims to promote the exploration of different values and cultural phenomena in regional and international contexts. The editorial board encourages the submission of manuscripts based on original research that are judged to make a novel and important contribution to understanding the values and cultural phenomena in the contemporary world.
2 issues per year ISSN: 1584-1057 • e-ISSN 2065-5002 Free online access at: http://www.ingentaopen.com/ content/journals/20655002 Annual print subscription: CHF 54.60 / €D 51.50 / €A 52.95 / € 48.40 / £ 38.10 / US-$ 63.85