Media and Communication
Theresa Weiler
Zhaohong Wu
Yu Zheng
Testing Lexicogrammar
Methodological Considerations in Morphological Processing Research
Zur Entwicklung der Hörverstehenskompetenz der chinesischen DaF-Lerner in deutschen Fachsprachen
With a comprehensive review of the rel-
In China werden zunehmend Kooperati-
evant factors that first- and second-lan-
onsprojekte mit deutschen Hochschulen
guage morphological processing research-
gefördert. Dies bringt die Notwendigkeit
ers need to take into consideration, in-
eines deutlichen Ausbaus der fachsprach-
cluding material- and procedure-related
lichen Hörkompetenzen der Studieren-
factors and participant differences, this
den im Deutschen mit sich – die Hörkom-
book is a useful theoretical reference book
petenzen sind entscheidend für den Stu-
for morphological processing researchers.
dienerfolg. Dieses Buch skizziert die
tices across the globe. The author discov-
Anlage, Durchführung und Ergebnisse
ered that the development of journalism
einer entsprechenden empirischen Un-
has remarkable link with the advent of
tersuchung: Es galt zu erforschen, wie
Christianity, however, an apparent de-
sich die fachsprachliche Hörkompetenz
cline of ethical values in higher educa-
im Deutschen bei chinesischen Studie-
tion and professional practices abound
renden entwickelt hat und welche Ver-
thereby revealing the type of quality of
stehensschwierigkeiten sie haben.
education provided and the substandard
An Investigation into the Construct Tested in the «Language in Use» Section of the Austrian Matura in English This book explores the construct of language in use, specifically as operationalised through different item types in the Austrian Matura. The findings suggest that the tasks under investigation assess grammatical form and meaning at the sub-sentential and sentential level.
Andrew C. Billings • Lawrence A. Wenner • Marie Hardin (eds.)
American Sport in the Shadow of a Pandemic Communicative Insights American Sport in the Shadow of a Pandemic focuses on how communication practices, structures, and principles change when a key locus—sport—has much of its cultural and political-economic power disrupted.
Maryann Ijeoma Egbujor
Journalism in Nigeria: Possibilities for Professionalisation in the Light of Christian Social Ethics and Culture-driven Values Professionalisation of journalism has been a subject under global scrutiny since the nineteenth century. Contemporary studies show how journalism profession grapples with the implementation of standard journalism education and prac-
nature of journalistic professionalisation.
Oxford, 2022. XIV, 258 pp., 8 b/w ill. 12 b/w tables.
Berlin, 2022. 300 S., 15 farb. Abb., 32 s/w Abb., 52 Tab.
Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics. Vol. 49
Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft international. Bd. 37
New York, 2022. XXVI, 320 pp., 7 tables.
Language Testing and Evaluation. Vol. 45
Communication, Sport, and Society. Vol. 5
Berlin, 2022. 394 pp., 9 fig. col., 26 tables.
Berlin, 2022. 278 pp., 126 fig. b/w, 50 tables.
ISBN 978-3-631-86540-8
ISBN 978-1-80079-634-8
ISBN 978-3-631-85560-7
ISBN 978-1-4331-9191-6
ISBN 978-3-631-85525-6
CHF 81.– / €D 69.95 / €A 71.90 / € 65.40 /
CHF 70.– / €D 59.95 / €A 61.20 / € 55.60 /
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eBook (SUL) ISBN 978-3-631-86652-8 CHF 81.– / €D 69.95 / €A 71.90 / € 65.40 /
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Peter Lang · New Publications
December 2021