Compilation of Italian recipes

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basilleaves -extra virgin olive oil

- Parmesancheese to be grated

- pecorino to grate -pine nuts

- garlic: ½ clove;

- coarsesalt: 1 pinch


-make the pesto blending with a blenderall the ingredients -cook the pasta -add the pesto to the ready-made pasta in the pot -serve and eat


For pasta:

1 kg of semolina flour

1 stick of yeast

2 spoons of olive oil q.s. of sale q.s. of lukewarm water

For the stuffing:

1 kg of large diced turkey meat olive oil to taste sale to taste pepper as needed. parsley to taste


1 Put the flour on the pastry board. In the center, place the yeast cube which we will dissolve with a little warm water.

2 Add the extra virgin olive oil and start kneading until the dough is firm and elastic. Remember

the salt must never come into contact with the yeast. I will add it at the end.

3 From the ball of dough formed by the smaller balls. Leaveto rise for a couple of hours in the oven with the light on.

4 Meanwhile, put the turkey meat to rest in a large bowl with the oil, parsley, salt, pepper.After the leavening time, take our dough ball. Roll it out with a rolling pin trying to give a round shape. Put the turkey meat in the center.

5 Add a little salt. Cover with another circle of past. Close the edges well. Help yourself with your fingers to create a crenellated border.

Prick the surface with a fork. DSC_6043 Cook for about an hour at 180 °. Our breadcrumbs are ready to be enjoyed.

Good tasting.

Breaded Ragusane Ragusane breaded

The caponata

Siciliancuisinehasitsroots in the poortradition, especially on some typicalingredientssuchasaubergines, tomatoes and basil, which are the undisputedprotagonists of caponata, the gluttonous side dishthatwepresent to youtoday. Theseingredients, already common to othertypicalrecipes, come from pasta alla norma and eggplant parmigiana, they create a mix of aromas, colors and flavorsthatrecall the suggestions of a splendidland. The extension of the surface of Sicilyprovides for numerousvariations of the caponata. From province to province butalso from family to family everyonehastheirperfectrecipe: with or withoutraisins, with or without concentrate

g of aubergines

100g of blackoliveswithount no

100g of pitter green olives 250g of onions

50g of capres under ace



50g of sugar


30g of salat

50g of vinegar

At the corner of the neighborhood, the onethatleadsdirectly to the mainsquare, ladies Concetta, Rosalia and Santina are comfortablyseated to discusswhat the authenticversion of pasta with sardinesis, a typicaldish of Siciliancuisine. The first usesonly bucatini, the secondstatesthat the sardines to be used are the small onesthat are more tender and tasty; while the thirddoesnotlikesaffron and prefers tomato sauce or tomato paste. Fortunately, the three ladies agree on the threecornerstones: sardines, pasta and the inevitable wild fennel to prepare a fabulous pasta with sardines. Asyoumayhaveguessed, there are reallymanyversions, asourSicilian friends couldtell ... butwehopewehavefullygrasped the authentic and true soul of thisdish, made of bittersweet notes, warmearth colors and headyscentsseafood, as a goodfishdish must be. Pasta with sardinesgathersallthesesuggestions to givethem to the palate and in the end theywillallagree, including Concetta, Rosalia and Santina! And ifyou love this blue fish, try a versionthatcombinessardines and broccoli!



-Bucatini 320 g

- Sardines 500 g

- Wild fennel 180 g -Golden onions 80 g

- Raisins 30 g

-Pinoli 25 g

- Almond grits 30 g

- Anchovies in salt 5

-Extra virgin olive oil 50 g

-Water to dilute 70 g

-Saffronpowder 1 sachet

- Salt to taste

-Black pepper to taste

- Breadcrumbs 30 g


To prepare the pasta with sardines, start by cleaningthemifyoursaren'talready. Cleaningthemisverysimple, just detach the head and open themlike a book 1. by slidingyour finger between the twoparts, afterwhichyou can gentlydetach the central bone 2. Duringthisoperation help yourself with a drizzle of running water, so as to eliminate the scraps and simultaneouslyclean the pulp of the sardines. Keep the sardinesaside and placethem on a plate. Continue soakingraisins for about ten minutes.

Slice an onionasfinelyaspossible (possiblyyou can chopit with the mixer for a fewmoments in a discontinuous way, so asnot to obtain a mush) 4. and pour into a pan together with the extra virgin olive oil and anchovies5. Cook for a dozen minutes on lowheat and stirringoften, so as to make the bottom wiltwithoutburningit and dissolving the anchovies 6.

In the meantime, dissolve the saffron in the water with the help of a fork7. then pour into a pan 8. alsoadding the cleansardines9.

Poi scolate e sciacquate l’uvetta e versatela nel tegame 10.aggiungete anche la granella di mandorle 11.ed i pinoli 12. mescolate e proseguite la cottura, ancora a fiamma dolce, per altri 10 minuti.

Mettete una pentola sul fuoco con abbondante acqua e lasciate che raggiunga il bollore dopodiché andate a lessare il finocchietto. Se acquistate il finocchietto da pulire potete acquistarne 180 g in modo che una volta pulito, togliendo le parti più coriacee, ve ne restino 125 g utili per la ricetta. Quindi sciacquate la porzione più tenera 13.e sbollentate per un paio di minuti 14.Scolatelo bene, senza gettare via l’acqua, lasciando intiepidire il finocchietto per qualche istante così da non scottarvi 15.

Strizzatelo e compattatelo e passate a tritarlo al coltello, tagliando ad un paio di centimetri di distanza un taglio dall'altro 16; quindi unitelo in padella 17: aggiustate di sale e pepe e mescolate per amalgamare bene il tutto 18.

Lessate la pasta nell’acqua che avete tenuto da parte e in cui avete cotto il finocchietto 19.E nel frattempo che la pasta cuoce tostate il pangrattato versandolo in una padella insieme a 10 g di olio 20.Mescolate spesso in modo da non bruciarlo e quando sarà ben dorato spegnete la fiamma 21.

A questo punto la pasta dovrebbe essere cotta quindi scolatela al dente versandola nel tegame per una breve spadellata 22.Impiattate e guarnite con la panura 23: la vostra pasta con le sarde è pronta, buon appetito24.



Ingredients -pomodorini freschi -spaghetti -olio -basilico -aglio


- cut the tomatoesinto small pieces and put them in a pan to cook with garlic, oil and salt and add the basil -cook the pasta -put the pasta in the pan with the tomatoesalreadycooked and allowit to heat for a maximum of 5-6 minutes -serve and eat

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