Let's be eco-friendly Project's diary
Project's timetable Nr
Description of activities/mobilities
A1 Before the project activities start there is to be held a staff meeting in all partner schools. There will be invited the representatives of parents and local authorities. The meeting will be devoted to presenting the goals of the project, planned activities, means of achieving the goals, expected results, planned dissemination of project results and presentation of partners. Project tasks for the first project year will be distributed among teachers. The project will be presented to students during classes, project description will be posted on school websites. There will be an accountant assigned and he/she will be provided with all materials necessary to secure financial safety of the project. Work groups will be created and tasks assigned. Project coordinator re-establishes contact with partners after summer break. A2 Website of the project, eTwinning project, Facebook account. Project coordinator launches eTwinning project, Romanian partner starts project's Facebook account and Romanian partner starts project's website. These partners will also be responsible for handling technical issues concerning these media. On the website and in TwinSpace all created results will be posted by all partners in turns. The website will also include information concerning our project, plan of activities and information about partner schools. Link to the project website is to be placed on school websites and will also be promoted through eTwinning and social network sites such as Facebook so that it was made public. It will be used for dissemination purposes, it will provide data for analysis for evaluation and assessment and, finally, it will secure worldwide availability of project's results. Teachers involved: English, IT, project coordinator. Evaluation tools/methods: final product. A3 Diary of the project (final product). The diary is to be started by all partner schools. It will include "project timetable" and be used as project register. In the diary each partner will include information about their school, pictures and comments on how particular activities were performed in their schools, what methods were used, what results were worked out and if activities were performed punctually. Students will take active part in updating the diary and
Destinatio n country (for mobilities)
Approximat e date of activity/ mobility
Partners involved
September 2017
Poland, Romania, Turkey
September 2017
Poland, Romania, Turkey
September 2017
Poland, Romania, Turkey
School year 2017/2018
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they will use English for these purposes. The diary will be divided into three parts. One will be used as project's register. "Let's be eco-friendly - project timetable" will be printed and copied in the diary. All planned activities will be registered with dates of performed activities (time management register), reached goals and achieved results (quality and task fulfilment register) and number of participating students and teachers. The second part will be dealing with pedagogical issues, it will present description of trained teaching methods/theories and performed activities. The third part will stress environmental aspects of the project. The diaries will be performed in digital and paper versions. Completed diaries will be taken to second and fourth transnational project meeting so that they could be examined commonly by all project partners. At the end of the project each partner will make four copies of the diary and send one copy to each partner. The copies of the diaries will be kept in school libraries and lend to any teacher interested in using included there materials. One copy of the diary will be given to local authorities. The diaries will be used for dissemination purposes, they will also provide data for analysis for quality checks, time management, evaluation and assessment purposes. M1 First transnational project meeting . Three teachers from Poland and Romania meet in Turkey. 2 representatives from each partner school meet in the coordinating school. The meeting will be devoted to discussing project goals, arrangements concerning realisation of planned activities, tools for evaluation and assessment, means of securing high project quality and distribution of tasks. There is to be discussed creation of work groups and assigning them to each activity performed in the first project year. Evaluation plan is to be discussed and "monitoring charts" are to be analysed according to expected goals and results in the first project year. There will be prepared a questionnaire for teachers and students in all partner schools. It is to measure knowledge concerning pro-ecological attitudes. The outcome of this questionnaire will be a base to measure projects results in the field of "ecology". Similar questionnaires will be conducted at the end of each project year and their results will be compared with the results of the preliminary questionnaire. Turkish partner will supervise this work. Another questionnaire will be prepared for teachers from participating schools and it will check their knowledge on teaching methods introduced in the first project year. This questionnaire will be conducted at the end of project year. Turkish partner will supervise this work.
October 2017
Poland, Romania, Turkey
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Hosting school is to prepare an article and post it in local newspapers, project website, TwinSpace and school website. All partners are to include in their diaries relevant information on the first transnational project meeting. All school coordinators perform preliminary questionnaire among teachers and students to check their knowledge concerning eco-friendly attitudes. The analysis of the questionnaire will create base for measuring project effects in this field. A4 "Let's get to know each other" - PowerPoint. Students work is to be documented with pictures. At the end of this activity its performance is to be evaluated. The results of the evaluation and description of the realised activity is to be included in the project diaries. PowerPoint presentations are to be sent to all the partners until the end of November and presented to all students and teachers. Romanian partner posts the presentations on project website, TwinSpace and updates Facebook account. All partners post the presentations on their school websites. Teachers fill in monitoring chart. Hired accountants prepare a report on project expenditures. The report is to be presented to school coordinators, headmasters/headmistresses and local authorities. The report is to be included in project diaries. A5 Erasmus+ spot. Students participating in students exchanges will prepare here en exhibitions on activities done during the meetings. They find a place at school where all information concerning activities done during student exchanges will be displayed. The place is to be named Erasmus+ spot and it is to be situated in a part of school accessible by all students and parents bringing their children to school or picking them up. The exhibition is to include description in native language and pictures of visited places, performed activities and created works. Teachers supervising students' work and evaluate it. Relevant information concerning this activity is to be included in project diaries. First quality check All school coordinators are to revise evaluation results provided by "monitoring charts" of fulfilled activities and other tools. They check if all planned goals and results have been achieved and if activities are performed without delays. If the planned goals have not been reached, school coordinators are to inform project coordinator and adapt measures aimed at securing high quality of activity realisation. This data is to be summed up in project diaries and
October 2017
Poland, Romania, Turkey
October/Nove mber 2017
Poland, Romania, Turkey
December 2017
Poland, Romania, Turkey
December / January 2018
Poland, Romania, Turkey
January / February 2018
Poland, Romania, Turkey
used to prepare a project realisation report at the end of the first project year. A6 "Green Dictionary" - preparing a booklet about basic words of participants' languages and words about the topic. Creating “Green Dictionary” in both English and the languages of each partner country. Each partner country will have to fill in the terms in its respective language. Polish partner will suggest 100 basic words and phrases in order to be translated in all four languages. The first part of the booklet will include words and phrases about pollution, ecology and saving energy. Selected words would be posted on Erasmus+ spots in each schools in order for the students to be able to watch them daily and finally learn them. In the second part of the booklet there will be some slogans and students’ drawings, pictures of signs calling for protecting the environment and saving energy. When the Polish partner collect all partner materials, the booklet will be printed for all four school and used for dissemination. It will be uploaded on-line (Polish partner). Teachers supervising students' work and summarize and evaluate it. C1 First students exchange - three teachers from Poland and Romania, nine students from Poland and ten students from Romania meet in Turkey. Preparing lessons using the interactive board -Students and teachers from partner schools work on Multiple Intelligence Theory. The areas of interest will be: 1. How can we use natural resources more efficiently? 2. How can I protect the environment in my area and Black sea coastline? 3. How national reserves contribute to protecting endangered species? Students from partner schools cooperate with Turkish students. Turkish teachers supervise the work. - Recycled paper from used newspapers. Workshop. Students and teachers from partner schools will make their own recycled paper - this will increase the pro-ecological attitudes and habits. Science teachers in Turkish school will supervise the work. - Field trips. Visiting company of waste paper recycling. During this trip students will gather data and materials for their projects. Workshop. Students and teachers from partner schools will use recycled materials to create shopping bags, calendars or T-shirts with messages promoting ecofriendly attitudes in English and Native Language. Students will use the Internet, gathered materials to prepare presentations of their work. Technology Design ,Art, English and IT teachers in Turkish school supervise the work. -Planting trees. Students from each partner school will
February / March 2018
Poland, Romania, Turkey
April 2018 15.04.2018 – 21.04.2018
Poland, Romania, Turkey
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plant their own tree in Nature Camp of HaçkalĹ Baba Plateau organized TEMA and invent a name for it. -Drawing pro-ecological visuals on our school walls. Workshop. Students from each partner school will draw some visuals on school walls concerning recycling and efficient use of energy.They will use the Internet, gathered materials and prepare presentations of their work. Art and IT teachers in Turkish school supervise the work. - Field trips. Visiting Akocak Hydroelectric Power Plant. During this trip students will gather data and materials for their projects. Presentation of project effects. Students will gather all materials created during the visit in Turkey and prepare a presentation summing up the visit. Evaluation. Students and teachers from partner schools discuss activities performed during the meeting and indicate if planned results have been achieved. The results of the evaluation are to be included in the project diaries. Teachers fill in monitoring chart to provide data on project goal achievement. During the visit all teachers gather materials which will be used later in project diaries. They will be also used to prepare an article for local newspapers and school websites. Worked out teaching materials are to be published in OER bases, TwinSpace and project website (Turkey). A7 Sharing gained knowledge and experience. Teachers participating in the second student exchange organize a teachers' meeting. They present to them Multiple Intelligence Theory based on the examples of activities performed during the visit in Turkey. Next, preceptors are to discuss the issues concerning protecting the environment in all classes. They are also to present works created during the visit. Students participating in the student exchange are to take active part in presenting their work and working on the article. The article is published in local newspapers and on school websites. Both groups, teachers and students are to be included in the evaluation process of this activity. Carrying out of this activity is to be evaluated by school coordinators. Relevant information concerning this activity is to be included in project diaries. A8 Erasmus+ spot. Students participating in students exchange prepare en exhibition on activities done during the meeting. They display in the Erasmus+ spot description in native language and pictures of visited places, performed activities and created works during the students exchange. Teachers supervising students' work and evaluate it.
May 2018
Poland, Romania, Turkey
May 2018
Poland, Romania, Turkey
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Relevant information concerning this activity is to be included in project diaries. C2 Second students exchange - three teachers from Turkey and Romania, nine students from Turkey and ten students from Romania meet in Poland. Students and teachers from partner schools take part in a meeting where realised in Polish school PBL projects are presented. Presented projects will deal with Native Language, Science/Nature and Mathematics. Partner teachers are provided with information on how to prepare a PBL project. - Workshop. Students and teachers from partner schools work on a PBL projects. The areas of interest will be: 1. How can we use natural resources more efficiently? 2. How can I protect the environment in my neighbourhood? 3. How national parks contribute to protecting endangered species? Students from partner schools cooperate with Polish students. Polish teachers supervise the work. - Field trips. Visiting Solina Hydroelectric Power Plant, Wind Farms, Magura National Park, Bieszczady National Park, Pieniny National Park. During these trips students will gather data and materials for their PBL projects. - Workshop. Students use the Internet, gathered materials and prepare presentations of their projects. - Presentation of project effects. Students from partner schools present the effects of their PBL projects. The projects are to be gathered by Polish coordinator. - Evaluation. Students and teachers from partner schools discuss activities performed during the meeting and indicate if planned results have been achieved. Teachers fill in evaluation prepared earlier. During the visit all teachers gather materials which will be used later in project diaries. They will be also used to prepare an article for local newspapers and school websites. The results of the evaluation, review of the visit including activities done and used teaching methods are to be included in the project diaries. Participating students help prepare visit's review. Worked out projects are to be published in OER bases, TwinSpace and project website (Poland). A9 Sharing gained knowledge and experience. Teachers participating in the first student exchange organise a teachers' meeting. They present to them Problem Based Learning method based on the examples of activities performed during the visit in Poland. Next, preceptors in all partner schools are to discuss the issues concerning protecting the environment in all classes. They are also to present projects created during the visit. Students participating in the student exchange are to take active part in presenting their work and
June 2018 03.06.2018 – 09.06.2018
Poland, Romania, Turkey
June 2018
Poland, Romania, Turkey
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working on the article. The article is published in local newspapers and on school websites. Both groups, teachers and students are to be included in the evaluation process of this activity. Carrying out of this activity is to be evaluated by school coordinators. Relevant information concerning this activity is to be included in project diaries. A10 Erasmus plus day All partners organise in their schools an event devoted to summing up the first project year and presenting reached goals, realised activities and worked out products. It is aimed at disseminating project results and securing local and regional project impact. There is to be prepared an exhibition presenting partner schools, realised during the first project year activities and created works. The exhibition is to include information on where worked out teaching materials can be found. Students and teachers prepare an assembly and use received earlier PowerPoint presentations to provide information on partner schools. They also prepare a short presentation describing their visits and discussing what they have learnt performing project activities. Information concerning this activity is to be included in project diaries. All partner schools are to prepare an article and post it in local newspapers, project website, TwinSpace and school websites. Questionnaire for teachers and students. All school coordinators will perform prepared during the first transnational project meeting questionnaire. It will be done among students and teachers and it will check project's influence in the field of eco-friendly attitudes. The results of this questionnaire will be compared with the preliminary questionnaire performed in October 2017. Evaluation questionnaire for teachers. All school coordinators will also perform prepared during the first transnational project meeting questionnaire for teachers aimed at checking their knowledge and opinions on learnt during the first project year teaching methods. Outcomes of these questionnaires are to be included in projects diaries and used to prepare project's annual report. Analysing school documents. All school coordinators are to analyse classification results and other relevant school documents to determine the number of students with underachievement. This data is to be included in project diaries and used at the end of the project to determine to what extend project priority in this field has been reached. Hired accountants prepare a report on project expenditures. The report is to be presented to school
June 2018
Poland, Romania, Turkey
June 2018
Poland, Romania, Turkey
June 2018
Poland, Romania,
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coordinators, headmasters/headmistresses and local authorities. The report is to be included in project diaries. Second quality check All school coordinators are to revise evaluation results provided by "monitoring charts" of fulfilled activities and other tools. They check if all planned in the first project year goals and results have been achieved and if activities were performed without delays. If the planned goals have not been reached, school coordinators are to inform project coordinator and adapt measures aimed at securing high quality of activity realisation in the second project year. Romanian partner will be responsible for evaluating public media used in the project (project website, TwinSpace, used OER bases and project Facebook account). School coordinators use the results of the first and second quality checks and elaborate an evaluation report presenting reached goals, achieved results and their quality. The report is to be presented to all teachers and representatives from partner schools during the second transnational project meeting. It is also to be included in project diaries. (A17) Start gathering pictures for "Let's be eco-friendly calendar". Activity described in May 2019 (A18) Teachers instruct students to start making pictures of nature in the region in different seasons. They explain that the pictures will be used to create a calendar showing natural beauty of partner regions. School coordinators gather the pictures in May 2019 and use them for "Let's be eco-friendly calendar" activity (A18). People engaged: students, school coordinator, Art teacher.
Turkey June 2018
Poland, Romania, Turkey
July / August 2018
Poland, Romania, Turkey
August / September201 8
Poland, Romania, Turkey
October 2018
Poland, Romania,
School year 2018/2019 22.
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A11 Before the project activities start in the second project year there is to be held a staff meeting in all partner schools. The meeting will be devoted to reminding the goals of the project, planned activities, means of achieving the goals, expected results and planned dissemination. Project tasks for the first project year will be distributed among teachers. The project plan for the second year will be reminded to students during classes. There will be an accountant hired for the second project year and he/she will be provided with reminded about all project financial requirements to secure financial safety of the project. Work groups will be created and tasks assigned. Project coordinator re-establishes contact with partners after summer break. M2 Second transnational project meeting - three representatives from each partner school meet in
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Romania. The meeting will be devoted to discussing reached project goals, evaluating the project and presenting prepared in earlier activity reports. Partners will also present their diaries so that every partner could see how activities were realised in other schools. All teachers will share their opinions concerning gained knowledge and experience. They will revise used in the first project year teaching methods/theories, and ecological aspects of the project. They will share their opinions on the realisation of project activities during the first year. If there occur any problems in the first project year there will be discussed work enhancements so that the problems did not appear in the second project year. Partners will discuss analysis of school documents aimed at determining project result . All other important project aspects which cannot be planned will also be discussed. Hosting school is to prepare an article and post it in local newspapers, project website, TwinSpace and school website. All partners are to include in their diaries relevant information on the first transnational project meeting. A12 Erasmus+ spot. Students participating in students exchange prepare en exhibition on activities done during the meeting. They display in the Erasmus+ spot description in native language and pictures of visited places, performed activities and created works during the students exchange. Teachers supervising students' work and evaluate it. Relevant information concerning this activity is to be included in project diaries. People involved: students and teachers participating in the second students exchange. Evaluation tools/methods: evaluation chart, discussion, observation. Hired accountants prepare a report on project expenditures. The report is to be presented to school coordinators, headmasters/headmistresses and local authorities. The report is to be included in project diaries. Gathering information on energy use in schools. School coordinators gather data on the amount and costs of energy (heat, electricity and gas) used annually. This activity is to provide information concerning students' energy-saving habits. The amount and costs of used energy are to be compared with the data of similar activity done in January 2019. It will indicate whether energy use in partner schools rise or drop. This and performed analysis of questionnaires performed at the end of the school year will help assess project's effectiveness in promoting eco-friendly
November 2018
Poland, Romania, Turkey
December 2019
Poland, Romania, Turkey
January 2019
Poland, Romania, Turkey
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attitudes. This information is to be included in project diaries. A13 "My Eco-Mission " – brochure containing students’ eco-stories, instructions and pictures made on computer program illustrating future technologies for saving energy and recycling. Students from each partner country will write ecostories, create pictures on computer programmes about future technologies for saving energy and recycling and give instructions about: What should we do at home to consume less water, less energy, less paper? Should we consider moving differently in the city? Instructions for eco-homes Instructions for eco-shopping Instructions for eco-travel Eco-instructions for leisure time The Turkish partner will take responsibility for summarizing all partners materials and produce the common brochure. Some of the students’ pictures and stories would be posted on Erasmus+ spots in each schools. The brochure will be printed for all four school and use for dissemination. It will be upload on-line. Teachers supervising students' works, summarize and evaluate them. Third quality check All school coordinators are to revise evaluation results provided by "monitoring charts" of fulfilled activities in the second project year and other tools. They check if all planned goals and results have been achieved and if activities are performed without delays. If the planned goals have not been reached, school coordinators are to inform project coordinator and adapt measures aimed at securing high quality of activity realisation. This data is to be summed up in project diaries and used to prepare a project realisation report at the end of the second project year. A14 "My eco-friendly song". Singing "ecology songs in native language and choosing a song in English to be project's song. Each partner school will gather songs concerning ecology by using the Internet. They will choose the best song in their own country and record a video of students singing the song. Partners will also choose one song in English which will be the song of the project. Students will learn it and record their performance. The recordings of "eco-friendly songs" in native language and the project's song will be posted by each partner on the project website, TwinSpace and school websites. Information and links to materials will be posted on the Facebook account..
January / February 2019
Poland, Romania, Turkey
January / February 2019
Poland, Romania, Turkey
February / March 2019
Poland, Romania, Turkey
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C3 Third students exchange - three teachers from Turkey and Poland, ten students from Turkey and Poland meet in Romania. Students and teachers from partner schools take part in a meeting where they learn how this method is best used when teaching new things. The method will deal with Native Language, English, Science/Nature, Arts and Mathematics. Partner teachers are provided with information on how to prepare an Art based project. - Workshop. Students and teachers from partner schools work on an Art project. The areas of interest will be: 1. How can we use natural resources as educational resources? 2. What can we learn from playing with what nature gives us? 3. How national parks contribute to protecting endangered species? Students from partner schools cooperate with Romanian students. Romanian teachers supervise the work. - Field trips: visiting Retezat National Park, Buffalo Natural Reservation in Hateg. During these trips students will gather data and materials for their projects. - Workshop. Students use the Internet, gather materials and prepare presentations of their projects. - Presentation of project effects. - Evaluation. Students and teachers from partner schools discuss activities performed during the meeting and indicate if planned results have been achieved. The results of the evaluation are to be included in the project diaries. During the visit all teachers gather materials which will be used later in project diaries. They will also be used to prepare an article for local newspapers and school websites. Worked out teaching materials are to be published in OER bases, TwinSpace and on project website (Romania). A15 Sharing gained knowledge and experience. Teachers participating in the third student exchange organize a teachers' meeting. They present to them group work, discussion and role play methods based on the examples of activities performed during the visit in Romania. Next, preceptors are to discuss the issues concerning protecting the environment in all classes. They are also to present works created during the visit. Students participating in the student exchange are to take active part in presenting their work and working on the article. Both groups, teachers and students are to be included in the evaluation process of this activity.
April 2019
Poland, Romania, Turkey
April 2019
Poland, Romania, Turkey
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This activity is to be documented with pictures which, together with the evaluation results, will be included in the project diaries. A16 Erasmus+ spot. Students participating in students exchange prepare en exhibition on activities done during the meeting. They display in the Erasmus+ spot description in native language and pictures of visited places, performed activities and created works during the students exchange. Teachers supervising students' work and evaluate it. Relevant information concerning this activity is to be included in project diaries. People involved: students and teachers participating in the second students exchange. Evaluation tools/methods: evaluation chart, discussion, observation. A17 "Let's be eco-friendly calendar" (final product). All school coordinators gather photographs taken by students in different seasons and presenting nature in our regions. Each partner is to gather a set of 12 pictures corresponding to 12 months in a year. A picture is to be named with the name of a partner country and the month it was taken in (ex. Poland January). There are to be made 4 copies of the set and sent to all the partners. Students are to use the pictures from all other partners to create a calendar for year 2019. Each calendar is to be divided into 12 months. Each month page is to include 4 pictures from all partners for a given month, days, pro-ecological tips and "international days dealing with nature" (a list of the days will be provided by Romanian partner). All partners are to make ten copies of the calendar. Three copies are to be sent to project partners, one is to be given to local authorities and the rest is to be kept at schools and used for dissemination purposes. A copy of each calendar is to be posted by all partners on project website, TwinSpace and school websites. Information concerning this activity is to be posted on Project's Facebok account. A18 Erasmus plus day All partners organise in their schools an event devoted to summing up the second project year and presenting reached goals, realised activities and worked out products. It is aimed at disseminating project results and securing local and regional project impact. There is to be prepared an exhibition presenting realised during the second project year activities and created works. The exhibition is to include information on where worked out teaching materials can be found. Students and teachers prepare a short presentation describing their visits and discussing what they have learnt performing project activities. Created project calendars and brochures are to be
April / May 2019
Poland, Romania, Turkey
May / June 2019
Poland, Romania, Turkey
June 2019
Poland, Romania, Turkey
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distributed. Information concerning this activity is to be included in project diaries. All partner schools are to prepare an article and post it in local newspapers, project website, TwinSpace and school websites. Questionnaire for teachers and students. All school coordinators will perform prepared during the first transnational project meeting questionnaire. It will be done among students and teachers and it will check project's influence in the field of eco-friendly attitudes. The results of this questionnaire will be compared with the preliminary questionnaire performed in October 2017. Evaluation questionnaire for teachers. All school coordinators will also perform prepared during the first transnational project meeting questionnaire for teachers aimed at checking their knowledge and opinions on learnt during the second project year teaching methods. Outcomes of these questionnaires are to be included in projects diaries and used to prepare project's annual report. Analysing school documents. All school coordinators are to analyse classification results and other relevant school documents to determine the number of students with underachievement. This data is to be included in project diaries and used at the end of the project to determine to what extend project priority in this field has been reached. Hired accountants prepare a report on project expenditures. The report is to be presented to school coordinators, headmasters/headmistresses and local authorities. The report is to be included in project diaries. Fourth quality check All school coordinators are to revise evaluation results provided by "monitoring charts" of fulfilled activities and other tools. They check if all planned in the second project year goals and results have been achieved and if activities were performed without delays. If the planned goals have not been reached, school coordinators are to inform project coordinator and adapt measures aimed at fulfilling all obligations. Romanian partner will be responsible for evaluating public media used in the project (project website, TwinSpace, used OER bases and project Facebook account). School coordinators use the results of the third and fourth quality checks and elaborate an evaluation report presenting reached goals, achieved results and their quality. The report is to be presented to all teachers and representatives from partner schools during the fourth transnational project meeting. It is also to be included
June 2019
Poland, Romania, Turkey
June 2019
Poland, Romania, Turkey
June 2019
Poland, Romania, Turkey
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in project diaries. M3 Third transnational project meeting - three representatives from each partner school meet in Poland . The meeting will be devoted to discussing reached project goals, evaluating the project and presenting prepared in earlier activity reports. Partners will also present their diaries so that every partner could see how activities were realised in other schools. All teachers will share their opinions concerning gained knowledge and experience. They will revise used in the second project year teaching methods/theories, and ecological aspects of the project. They will share their opinions on the realisation of project activities during the second year. If there occur any problems in the second project year there will be discussed ways of solving the problems. Partners will discuss analysis of school documents aimed at determining project result . All other important project aspects which cannot be planned will also be discussed. Hosting school is to prepare an article and post it in local newspapers, project website, TwinSpace and school website. All partners are to include in their diaries relevant information on the first transnational project meeting. A19 Mails exchange. At the end of the project, before summer break, school coordinators make a list of their students' email addresses. The list is also to include students' gender, age and brief information on interests. The addresses will be exchanged among all partners and distributed among students. Students will be encouraged to make contact with their peers from other countries. They will write about their experience concerning ecology and realised project activities. They will also be given freedom to touch upon any topic of their interest. People involved: school coordinators, students from all partner schools.
* Monitoring activities ** Dissemination activities
June 2019
Poland, Romania, Turkey
June / July / August 2019
Poland, Romania, Turkey
Partner schools Turkey
Pelitli 75. YÄąl Cumhuriyet Secondary School is a public secondary school in Trabzon which is in East Black Sea region which is one of the seven regions in Turkey and a historical city.
Our school consists of 48 teachers and 590 pupils from 5th to 8th grade at the age of 11 -14. Pre-primary education covers forms 45 , secondary education - forms 11-14. Pre-primary education consists of 75 students. We have seven students with special needs. We have two special experts for our children with special needs dealing with problems of psychological dysfunctions like dyslexia, dysfunction of conduct. They are part of a programme of integration in the normal curriculum. The school tries to adapt their learning process . We have also a support room with enough equipment for the students with half-time mainstreaming. Some teachers train the students in the context of regular classes integrating. Our school is located in a place where victims of natural disaster live. The region commune is characterized by poor life standards. The majority of the pupils are coming from families with disabilities or families with social or financial problems. Besides, some of their families are divorced, or they have some domestic problems. The parents in this region are also very busy and have no chance to spend a lot of time with their children. In spite of all, these pupils are very well integrated in the classes; our school is helping them very much. Living standards of families is lower than the average therefore not many children have opportunity to have a closer look at other cultures. Our school does not only give importance to our curriculum but also the activities that make our students learn new things more
easily, understand them better and use them in their daily life. Our school includes pre-primary and secondary programme. The 8th form students must take two exams including questions from Science, English, Maths, Social, Religion and Turkish. The exams are performed by the Turkish Ministry of Education. The results of the exams and students' school marks are important to access the high school, but the most of the students have low academic performance and cannot reach a good high school they would like to. Our school is 130th among 206 schools in our city. As teachers put emphasis on providing all the students with good education and enabling them equal chances to develop. We face problems connected with students' poverty and low motivation to learn. We organize the strengthening course to students with high and low school performance to increase their successes at Maths, Science, Social, Turkish and English, as well as practice for the exams of central system (TEOG) at weekends in four-year secondary programme. With the same intent we organize “Family Training Seminar� for students’ parents by our psychological counsellors. We are disadvantageous because of parents' profile. They also help the students to reach their goals and monitor their development. Our school constantly fight with the underachievement by training their teachers. Our institution has run a KA1 Mobility project with the involvement of 22 teachers. One of our main goals of this mobility project, is that participants have taken an advantage of observing different countries and it is resulted in cultural interaction, motivation of other teachers.
Our teachers help students acquire and improve skills ,social relations, planning and undertaking collaborative activities and using IT as well. After school there are some extra-curriculum activities and study time waiting for students. For example: drawing, sport classes, singing, technology and design, choir and art activities. All classrooms in our school are equipped with interactive boards with an access to the Internet. Our institute has a school library including a lot of equipment and books, students spend a lot of time there with their Turkish teachers at reading classes to improve their reading skills and borrow books of their choice. We have a football pitch where our students can do different kinds of sport activities and our students win awards in sports competitions. Our institute also focuses on an environmental issues. The students get information about ecological problems, solution offers, saving energy and recycling in regular classes such as Science and Social. Each of us consumes some of the Earth’s products and resources every day. It is important that our students were aware of the need of rational use of the Earth’s resources because they are limited. We want to strengthen students‘ eco-friendly attitudes and habits with the project. We want to make their world become nicer and adopting proper environmental behaviour in their life will help achieve this goal.
We are the oldest public school in Lupeni, a small mining town in the Jiu Valley, in Hunedoara County, in southwestern Romania, 8 km away from Straja Ski Resort. The region`s economy was (and still is) based on mining because the valley was heavily industrialised, but due to low efficiency, most of the mines have been closed down in the last 20 years. This is why the rate of unemployment in Lupeni is high and the socio-economic
problems register an alarming growth that affects the population of Lupeni and of the Jiu Valley. Due to reorganization, in 2012 Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 2 Lupeni became structure of Theoretical High School ``Mircea Eliade``. When you talk about our school, you talk about high standards in education and the results of our combined work (students and teachers) are shown in the national, regional or local competitions. We have a very good colaboration with Save the children Romania and The Red Cross Romania and our local units and, of course other foundations meant to help our students living a better life. Many of our teachers and even students are volunteers for these charitable organizations. There are around 650 students aged 6 to 15 from preparatory classes to the 8th grade and 60 teachers and staff members in our school. Our students come from all backgrounds and have a wide range of talents and that is the reason why our teachers are aware of their responsibility to discover their strengths and to develop their qualities, preparing them the best they can. We have students with excellent school results, but also students with special educational needs, with medical conditions or mild disabilities. The teachers in our school are very devoted, hardworking and involved in our students` lives, trying every day to give them the chance to be the best they can. We encourage and support students to excel in one or more subjects because we know that our roles as educators forces us to assume a lot of work
if we want to plan and be prepared to offer equal education experience for all. Each child brings something different into the classroom but unfortunately, some cannot keep up with the rest of the class. One of the most important things that our teachers do is to counteract disadvantage and to prevent and address underachievement. If the students are failing to meet the national expectations or if they are just having learning problems, the teachers in our school work after-classes to make sure that they make the progress that they should. We use teaching methods that apply to the students` needs, support the progress of every student in all the subjects taught in school, keeping a close connection with the family, too. In order to succeed in getting satisfactory academic results students with learning problems need to be focusing on individual achievement progress and learning. It`s a pity we do not have enough resources to meet all their needs and that is why sometimes they feel overlooked or misunderstood. Through our individualized intervention programmes we try and hopefully, we succeed in offering them a sense of normality. We do not have much experience with projects focusing on saving energy but we are very eager to learn. However, our school has been involved in many eTwinning projects and 2 Comenius projects in 2011 and 2013. We are currently involved in an Erasmus+ project that started in September 2016. The students and the teachers in our school have gained a lot of experience and made many friends. If given the opportunity, we
are looking forward to working with our new partners and find ways to protect the environment and save energy and thus money. We will all develop eco consciousness and eco-friendly behaviours and therefore, we will be better people.
We are a school situated in the south east of Poland in Podkarpacie region. Our school is quite old. It started working over one hundred years ago, so we can say that our teachers have educated several generations of local community members. In the 1990s due to educational reform our school was reorganized and now we work with students from the age of 6 to 13. Currently
there are around 460 students and 45 teachers in our school. We are considered to be one of the best schools in our town. Our teachers are hard-working and always eager to gain new experience and try new teaching methods for the benefit of our students. We put strew experience and try new teaching methods for the benefit of our students. We put stress on high standard of education and we organize a number of extra-curricular classes devoted to additional revisions, developing students' interests and preparing them for contests on local, regional and national level. In these contests our students reach high positions in Polish, Nature, Mathematics and English. Each year we engage some of our students in Problem Based Learning projects which are organized in our town each year. Last year we won this competition in Polish, our Nature and Mathematics project also got high positions. Our teachers constantly improve their skills in PBL method. We develop our skills and knowledge attending different forms of workshops, conferences and training meetings. To meet the requirements of today's world our headmaster decided to install interactive white boards in each classroom and equip them with a computers. It required a lot of effort on the part of the headmaster because the costs of such equipment are extremely high for a public body. We also put stress on lowering the discrepancy between students with high and low school performance. We organize
compensation classes but they are not compulsory and not all the students in need attend them. We encourage them to get engaged in contests and different forms of after-class activities but we find the results unsatisfactory. Another important area we devote our attention to is the environment. We especially focus on saving energy used in our school and we make students aware of the importance of rational energy use in school and their houses. We realize projects where students measure how energy is used in our school and analyse if it is used rationally. They come up with ideas on how to use energy more effectively and how lower its loses. This not only promotes more eco-friendly attitudes and habits but also helps reduce costs of using electricity, gas and heat in our school. Thanks to these actions we have been able to save money which were spent on other purposes. Podkarpacie region is considered to be one of the poorest in Poland and it offers a lot less educational and work opportunities than other regions. This causes high unemployment in our community. Students attending our school come from different social environments and ethnical groups. Some students come from poor Roman or underprivileged families whose income makes it impossible to secure alternative forms of spending free time. There are also students who come from pathological families and they need special attention and care on the part of the teachers. Such students do not know all the possibilities
offered by today’s world and they can only copy their parents’ pathological behaviour. For such students our school is the only source of valuable experience and place where they can discover and develop their interests. Still, it is difficult to make them interested in regular classes and secure proper educational results. On the other hand, we have students who realize that education is their future. They eagerly attend after-school classes and activities. Unfortunately, we do not have enough resources to meet all students' needs. We have been engaged in a Comenius project a few years ago and that enriched us greatly. Our students and teachers have learnt a lot and gained new experience and friends. A lot of us still stay in touch with the people we worked with in the previous project. Analysing project's influence on local community, our students and teachers, and current situation of our school the headmaster decided to take effort in preparing another international project. We believe that engaging our teachers and students in Erasmus project will bring effects that cannot be underestimated.
Project's activities Project's website: https://letsbeecofriendly.webnode.com/
First transnational project meeting: The meeting was organised in Trabzon, Turkey. All project partners met on 7th November. During the meeting partners discussed project goals, arrangements concerning realisation of planned activities, tools for evaluation and assessment, means of securing high project quality and distribution of tasks. Work groups were created and assigned to each activity planned in the first project year. The group analysed the "monitoring charts" and discussed expected goals and results in the first project year. They prepared a questionnaire for teachers and students in all partner schools. During the visit the teachers have visited the partner school and observed several classes. They were also invited by local authorities to talk about the project.
Preliminary questionnaire: JAK PRO-EKOLOGICZNY JESTEŚ? WPROWADZENIE: żyjemy w czasach intensywnego rozwoju przemysłu, który często negatywnie wpływa na środowisko naturalne powodując jego zanieczyszczenie. Zanieczyszczenie środowiska, w którym żyjemy wpływa nie tylko na nasze otoczenie ale również na nas samych. Aby skutecznie walczyć z tym problemem ważne jest zwiększanie świadomości potrzeby ochrony środowiska. CEL BADANIA: określenie poziomu świadomości pro-ekologicznej wśród uczniów naszej szkoły. Płeć: Wiek:
M < 18
K 19-40
> 41
A) POSTAWA (postaw " X " w odpowiedniej kolumnie) Dbam o środowisko naturalne Chcę aktywnie działać na rzecz ochrony środowiska (zapisanie się do klubu ekologicznego) Chciałbym/Chciałabym angażować się akcje ochrony środowiska organizowane w naszej szkole W szkole dbamy o środowiso naturalne (nie śmiecę, segreguję śmieci, oszczędzam energię itp.) W domu dbamy o środowisko naturalne (nie śmiecę, segreguję śmieci, oszczędzam energię itp.) Globalne oceplenie traktuję jako problem dotyczący również mnie Nie trzymam otwartych drzwi lodówki przez długi czas Wyłączm światło w pomieszczeniach w których nikt nie przebywa (w domu) Wyłączm światło w pomieszczeniach w których nikt nie przebywa (w szkole) W domu stosuję żarówki energooszczędne Kupijąc sprzęt elektroniczny zwracam uwagę na ich energooszczędność Pisząc używam obu stron kartki Podczas mycia żebów zakręcam wodę Oglądam programy przyrodnicze lub czytam czasopisma ekologiczne Robiąc zakupy kupuję produkty mniej szkodliwe dla środowiska lub pochodzące z recyklingu Będąc świadkiem działań szkodzących środowisku zawiadomiłbym / zawiadomiłabym władze (policja, władze lokalne) Nie wyrzucam śmieci w niedozwolonych miejscach Władze lokalne dbają o wysoką świadomość ekologiczną w mieście (ulotki, spotkania informacyjne, happeningi itp) W moim mieście znajdują się kontenery na segregowane śmieci Uważm, że moje misto jest mistem czystym (np brak śmieci na ulicach) Uważam, że życie w moim mieście jest zdrowe (niskie zanieczyszczenie spalinami, dymem, brak smogu)
B) RECYKLING (postaw " X " w odpowiedniej kolumnie)
TAK % 49 12
RACZEJ TAK % 42 22
NIE % 9 66
34 78 70
33 7 22
33 15 8
41 39 26 67 75 27 12
26 33 40 29 13 21 43
33 28 34 4 12 52 45
63 31
24 41
13 28
60 16 19
22 27 42
18 57 61
Oddaję do recyklingu (segreguję) Papier Tektura Szkło Metal Plastik Baterie Ubrania Odpady organiczne
w szkole % 52 37 35 22 50 55 16 28
w domu % 75 65 78 67 78 66 62 66
C) SEGREGACJA ŚMIECI (postaw " X " w odpowiedniej kolumnie) W domu znajdują się pojemniki do segregacji śmieci W szkole znajdują się pojemniki do segregacji śmieci Znam przeznaczenie pojemników według podziału na kolory Sortuję śmieci w domu Sortuję śmieci w szkole D) ODPOWIEDZ NA PYTANIA: (podkreśl właściwą odpowiedź) 1. Jakie są główne źródła energii w Twoim domu? (%) - energia elektryczna z eletrowni - 66% - eletrowni i z paneli słonecznych - 15% - energia elektryczna z paneli słonecznych - 19% - inne: ....................................................................................................... 2. Czym ogrzewasz dom w zimie? (%) - miejski system ciepłowniczy - 26% - węgiel / drewno - 45% - olej grzewczy - 0 - gaz - 29% - prąd - 0 - inne ......................................................................................................... 3. Czy oszczędzasz energię elektryczną i cieplną? - Tak, zawsze - 26% - Tak, czasami - 42% - Tak, rzadko - 10% - Nie - 22% 4. Podaj przykłady oszczędzania energii, które stosujesz: - wyłączanie światła, - wyłączanie urządzeń elektrycznych, - zakręcanie wody, - stosowanie żarówek energooszczędnych, - skręcanie kaloryferów, 5. Podaj przykłady produkcji energii, które NIE są przyjazne środowisku: - elektrownie węglowe, - elektrownie atomowe, 6. Podaj przykłady produkcji energii, które SĄ przyjazne środowisku: - elektrownie wiatrowe, - elektrownie wodne, - panele słoneczne,
TAK % 57 85 86 68 68
NIE % 43 15 14 32 32
- energia geotermalna, 7. Jakie znasz sposoby oszczędzania energii elektrycznej? - wyłączanie światła po wyjściu z pomieszczenia, - stosowanie żarówek ledowych, - wyłączanie sprzętu elektrycznego na noc, - kupowanie energooszczędnego szprzętu AGD, - nie trzymanie otwartej lodówki, 8. Jakie znasz sposoby oszczędzania energii cieplnej? - nie otwieranie okien, kiedy nie jest to konieczne, - ocieplanie domów, - ogrzewanie gazem, - skręcanie kaloryferów, 9. Jakie znasz sposoby oszczedzania wody? - zakręcanie wody podczas mycia zębów, - prysznic zamiast kąpieli, - zakręcanie dokładnie wody, - używanie deszczówki do podlewania kwiatów. 10. Jak oceniasz swoją świadomość ekologiczną? - Wysoka - 13% - Zadowalająca - 20% - Przeciętna - 40% - Niska - 27% 11. Czy podejmujesz jakieś działania mające na celu ochronę środowiska? TAK - 40% NIE - 60% Jeśli "TAK" to jakie? - oszczędzam gaz, - oszczędzam wodę, - oszczędzam prąd, - segreguję śmieci, - brałem/łam uział w projekcie badawczym, - nie śmiecę 12. Czy chciałbyś/chciałabyś dowiedzieć się czegoś więcej o ekologii? TAK - 40% NIE - 60% W jaki sposób? - telewizja, - ulitki,. 13. Z jakiego środka transportu korzystasz na codzień? - samochód - 41% - rower - 15% -autobus - 17% - chodzę pieszo - 27% 14. Czy uważasz, że zanieczyszczenie środowiska ma wpływ na Twoje zdrowie ? TAK - 60% NIE - 40% W jaki sposóby? - smog wywołuje bóle głowy, alergie, jest przyczyną chorób płuc, raka
"Let's get to know each other" PowerPoint presentation.
Students from our school prepared a PowerPoint presentation which presents our school. It shows the history of our school, our teachers, students and the school building. It also shows where the school is situated in Poland and describes our patron.
Green dictionary
Our students worked on the dictionaries at home. They thought on vocabulary connected with ecology and looked the words up in the dictionary. Then they prepared a common list of the words accompanied them with drawings promoting pro-ecological attitudes. The dictionary was displayed in the main hall of the school so every student could study it.
First student exchange The first student exchange took place in April 2018. Students from Poland and Romania visited their peers in Trabzon, Turkey. During the stay students spent time and worked with students from partner schools. They attended regular classed and went on excursions. They participated in classes using Multiple Intelligence Theory. Participation in excursions and school activities helped students answer the following questions: 1. How can we use natural resources more efficiently? 2. How can I protect the environment in my area and Black sea coastline? 3. How national reserves contribute to protecting endangered species?
Erasmus+ spot
Second student exchange The second student exchange took place in June 2018. Students from Turkey and Romania came to Poland. During the exchange students from all partner schools worked together. Together with teachers they attended classes and workshops presenting Problem Based Learning method. During the stay they gathered information and essential data that helped them prepare a project aimed at answering the question: "How is nature protected in Poland?" They visited national parks and nature reserves to discover how endangered plants and animals are protected. They also had a chance to observe how electricity is produced in one of the biggest water plants in the region. At the end of the stay the students presented the outcome of their projects.
Second questionnaire: JAK PRO-EKOLOGICZNY JESTEŚ? WPROWADZENIE: żyjemy w czasach intensywnego rozwoju przemysłu, który często negatywnie wpływa na środowisko naturalne powodując jego zanieczyszczenie. Zanieczyszczenie środowiska, w którym żyjemy wpływa nie tylko na nasze otoczenie ale również na nas samych. Aby skutecznie walczyć z tym problemem ważne jest zwiększanie świadomości potrzeby ochrony środowiska. CEL BADANIA: określenie poziomu świadomości pro-ekologicznej wśród uczniów naszej szkoły. Płeć: Wiek:
M < 18
K 19-40
> 41
A) POSTAWA (postaw " X " w odpowiedniej kolumnie) Dbam o środowisko naturalne Chcę aktywnie działać na rzecz ochrony środowiska (zapisanie się do klubu ekologicznego) Chciałbym/Chciałabym angażować się akcje ochrony środowiska organizowane w naszej szkole W szkole dbamy o środowisko naturalne (nie śmiecę, segreguję śmieci, oszczędzam energię itp.) W domu dbamy o środowisko naturalne (nie śmiecę, segreguję śmieci, oszczędzam energię itp.) Globalne ocieplenie traktuję jako problem dotyczący również mnie Nie trzymam otwartych drzwi lodówki przez długi czas Wyłączam światło w pomieszczeniach w których nikt nie przebywa (w domu) Wyłączam światło w pomieszczeniach w których nikt nie przebywa (w szkole) W domu stosuję żarówki energooszczędne Kupując sprzęt elektroniczny zwracam uwagę na ich energooszczędność Pisząc używam obu stron kartki Podczas mycia zębów zakręcam wodę Oglądam programy przyrodnicze lub czytam czasopisma ekologiczne Robiąc zakupy kupuję produkty mniej szkodliwe dla środowiska lub pochodzące z recyklingu Będąc świadkiem działań szkodzących środowisku zawiadomiłbym / zawiadomiłabym władze (policja, władze lokalne) Nie wyrzucam śmieci w niedozwolonych miejscach Władze lokalne dbają o wysoką świadomość ekologiczną w mieście (ulotki, spotkania informacyjne, happeningi itp) W moim mieście znajdują się kontenery na segregowane śmieci Uważam, że moje miasto jest miastem czystym (np brak śmieci na ulicach) Uważam, że życie w moim mieście jest zdrowe (niskie zanieczyszczenie spalinami, dymem, brak smogu)
TAK % 51 15
RACZEJ TAK % 40 25
NIE % 8 60
35 80 73
35 5 20
30 15 7
45 45 28 75 79 27 15
29 30 45 12 9 21 46
26 25 27 13 12 52 39
76 35
20 38
4 27
78 22 27
12 35 43
10 43 30
B) RECYKLING (postaw " X " w odpowiedniej kolumnie) Oddaję do recyklingu (segreguję) w szkole % Papier 58 Tektura 39 Szkło 40 Metal 25 Plastik 74 Baterie 82 Ubrania 18 Odpady organiczne 32
w domu % 75 69 80 69 82 62 60 62
C) SEGREGACJA ŚMIECI (postaw " X " w odpowiedniej kolumnie) W domu znajdują się pojemniki do segregacji śmieci W szkole znajdują się pojemniki do segregacji śmieci Znam przeznaczenie pojemników według podziału na kolory Sortuję śmieci w domu Sortuję śmieci w szkole D) ODPOWIEDZ NA PYTANIA: (podkreśl właściwą odpowiedź) 1. Jakie są główne źródła energii w Twoim domu? (%) - energia elektryczna z eletrowni - 68% - eletrowni i z paneli słonecznych - 15% - energia elektryczna z paneli słonecznych - 17% - inne: ....................................................................................................... 2. Czym ogrzewasz dom w zimie? (%) - miejski system ciepłowniczy - 28% - węgiel / drewno - 46% - olej grzewczy - 0 - gaz - 26% - prąd - 0 - inne ......................................................................................................... 3. Czy oszczędzasz energię elektryczną i cieplną? - Tak, zawsze - 29% - Tak, czasami - 40% - Tak, rzadko - 11% - Nie - 20% 4. Podaj przykłady oszczędzania energii, które stosujesz: - wyłączanie światła, - wyłączanie urządzeń elektrycznych, - zakręcanie wody, - stosowanie żarówek energooszczędnych, - skręcanie kaloryferów, 5. Podaj przykłady produkcji energii, które NIE są przyjazne środowisku: - elektrownie węglowe, - elektrownie atomowe, 6. Podaj przykłady produkcji energii, które SĄ przyjazne środowisku: - elektrownie wiatrowe, - elektrownie wodne,
TAK % 65 94 89 75 72
NIE % 35 6 11 25 28
- panele słoneczne, - energia geotermalna, 7. Jakie znasz sposoby oszczędzania energii elektrycznej? - wyłączanie światła po wyjściu z pomieszczenia, - stosowanie żarówek ledowych, - wyłączanie sprzętu elektrycznego na noc, - kupowanie energooszczędnego sprzętu AGD, - nie trzymanie otwartej lodówki, 8. Jakie znasz sposoby oszczędzania energii cieplnej? - nie otwieranie okien, kiedy nie jest to konieczne, - ocieplanie domów, - ogrzewanie gazem, - skręcanie kaloryferów, 9. Jakie znasz sposoby oszczędzania wody? - zakręcanie wody podczas mycia zębów, - prysznic zamiast kąpieli, - zakręcanie dokładnie wody, - używanie deszczówki do podlewania kwiatów. 10. Jak oceniasz swoją świadomość ekologiczną? - Wysoka - 25% - Zadowalająca - 26% - Przeciętna - 15% - Niska - 44% 11. Czy podejmujesz jakieś działania mające na celu ochronę środowiska? TAK - 45% NIE - 55% Jeśli "TAK" to jakie? - oszczędzam gaz, - oszczędzam wodę, - oszczędzam prąd, - segreguję śmieci, - brałem/łam udział w projekcie badawczym, - nie śmiecę 12. Czy chciałbyś/chciałabyś dowiedzieć się czegoś więcej o ekologii? TAK - 45% NIE - 55% W jaki sposób? - telewizja, - ulitki,. - zajęcia w szkole 13. Z jakiego środka transportu korzystasz na co dzień? - samochód - 42% - rower - 19% -autobus - 15% - chodzę pieszo - 34% 14. Czy uważasz, że zanieczyszczenie środowiska ma wpływ na Twoje zdrowie ? TAK - 63% NIE - 37% W jaki sposóby? - smog wywołuje bóle głowy, alergie, jest przyczyną chorób płuc, raka
Second transnational project meeting: The second transnational project meeting took place in October 2018 and it was held in Romanian. During the meeting representatives from all partner schools discussed the activities realised during the first project year. We talked about the way they were performed in all the schools and determined if the assumed goals were reached. We shared our experience gained during the first project year and presented project diaries. Another part of the meeting was devoted to detailed discussion concerning activities and goals planned for the second year of the project.
"My Eco-Mission " https://issuu.com/peternsl78/docs/my_eco_mission
In this task our students prepared comic books that tell stories promoting pro-ecological attitudes. The stories deal with saving energy, recycling and keeping our nature intact by humans. The comic books were displayed in the school hall so that all the students, their parents and other people visiting our school could have a look at them, read the dialogues and learn some valuable lessons.
Third student exchange The third student exchange took place in April 2019 and it was organised by our Romanian partner. Three teachers and ten students from our school participated in activities aimed at raising our awareness on ecological issues. Our students, together with their peers from the Turkish school, took part in workshops which used art to promote proecological attitudes and made them realise how important it is to use reusable materials and save our natural resources. Participation in the workshops gave answers to following questions: 1. How can we use natural resources as educational resources? 2. What can we learn from playing with what nature gives us? 3. How national parks contribute to protecting endangered species? For teachers it was also a valuable lesson. They had a chance to observe how art can be used to teach different things during regular classes. We also contributed to promoting pro-ecological attitudes in the host town. We planted trees and flowers in the school yard. Hopefully we will have a chance to visit our Romanian friends and see how they have grown ;)
Third questionnaire: JAK PRO-EKOLOGICZNY JESTEŚ? WPROWADZENIE: żyjemy w czasach intensywnego rozwoju przemysłu, który często negatywnie wpływa na środowisko naturalne powodując jego zanieczyszczenie. Zanieczyszczenie środowiska, w którym żyjemy wpływa nie tylko na nasze otoczenie ale również na nas samych. Aby skutecznie walczyć z tym problemem ważne jest zwiększanie świadomości potrzeby ochrony środowiska. CEL BADANIA: określenie poziomu świadomości pro-ekologicznej wśród uczniów naszej szkoły. Płeć: Wiek:
M < 18
K 19-40
> 41
A) POSTAWA (postaw " X " w odpowiedniej kolumnie) Dbam o środowisko naturalne Chcę aktywnie działać na rzecz ochrony środowiska (zapisanie się do klubu ekologicznego) Chciałbym/Chciałabym angażować się akcje ochrony środowiska organizowane w naszej szkole W szkole dbamy o środowisko naturalne (nie śmiecę, segreguję śmieci, oszczędzam energię itp.) W domu dbamy o środowisko naturalne (nie śmiecę, segreguję śmieci, oszczędzam energię itp.) Globalne ocieplenie traktuję jako problem dotyczący również mnie Nie trzymam otwartych drzwi lodówki przez długi czas Wyłączam światło w pomieszczeniach w których nikt nie przebywa (w domu) Wyłączam światło w pomieszczeniach w których nikt nie przebywa (w szkole) W domu stosuję żarówki energooszczędne Kupując sprzęt elektroniczny zwracam uwagę na ich energooszczędność Pisząc używam obu stron kartki Podczas mycia zębów zakręcam wodę Oglądam programy przyrodnicze lub czytam czasopisma ekologiczne Robiąc zakupy kupuję produkty mniej szkodliwe dla środowiska lub pochodzące z recyklingu Będąc świadkiem działań szkodzących środowisku zawiadomiłbym / zawiadomiłabym władze (policja, władze lokalne) Nie wyrzucam śmieci w niedozwolonych miejscach Władze lokalne dbają o wysoką świadomość ekologiczną w mieście (ulotki, spotkania informacyjne, happeningi itp) W moim mieście znajdują się kontenery na segregowane śmieci Uważam, że moje miasto jest miastem czystym (np brak śmieci na ulicach) Uważam, że życie w moim mieście jest zdrowe (niskie zanieczyszczenie spalinami, dymem, brak smogu)
TAK % 55 20
RACZEJ TAK % 35 25
NIE % 10 55
38 75 77
36 11 17
26 14 6
49 55 25 75 82 25 18
25 28 46 12 8 22 44
26 17 29 13 10 53 38
79 32
12 44
9 24
81 29 33
9 37 36
10 36 31
B) RECYKLING (postaw " X " w odpowiedniej kolumnie) Oddaję do recyklingu (segreguję) w szkole % Papier 63 Tektura 45 Szkło 68 Metal 23 Plastik 79 Baterie 88 Ubrania 15 Odpady organiczne 36
w domu % 88 55 85 66 82 53 39 48
C) SEGREGACJA ŚMIECI (postaw " X " w odpowiedniej kolumnie) W domu znajdują się pojemniki do segregacji śmieci W szkole znajdują się pojemniki do segregacji śmieci Znam przeznaczenie pojemników według podziału na kolory Sortuję śmieci w domu Sortuję śmieci w szkole D) ODPOWIEDZ NA PYTANIA: (podkreśl właściwą odpowiedź) 1. Jakie są główne źródła energii w Twoim domu? (%) - energia elektryczna z elektrowni - 69% - elektrowni i z paneli słonecznych - 19% - energia elektryczna z paneli słonecznych - 12% - inne: ....................................................................................................... 2. Czym ogrzewasz dom w zimie? (%) - miejski system ciepłowniczy - 35% - węgiel / drewno - 42% - olej grzewczy - 0 - gaz - 23% - prąd - 0 - inne ......................................................................................................... 3. Czy oszczędzasz energię elektryczną i cieplną? - Tak, zawsze - 36% - Tak, czasami - 41% - Tak, rzadko - 4% - Nie - 19% 4. Podaj przykłady oszczędzania energii, które stosujesz: - wyłączanie światła, - wyłączanie urządzeń elektrycznych, - zakręcanie wody, - stosowanie żarówek energooszczędnych, - skręcanie kaloryferów, 5. Podaj przykłady produkcji energii, które NIE są przyjazne środowisku: - elektrownie węglowe, - elektrownie atomowe, 6. Podaj przykłady produkcji energii, które SĄ przyjazne środowisku: - elektrownie wiatrowe, - elektrownie wodne,
TAK % 69 98 88 78 77
NIE % 31 2 12 22 23
- panele słoneczne, - energia geotermalna, 7. Jakie znasz sposoby oszczędzania energii elektrycznej? - wyłączanie światła po wyjściu z pomieszczenia, - stosowanie żarówek ledowych, - wyłączanie sprzętu elektrycznego na noc, - kupowanie energooszczędnego sprzętu AGD, - nie trzymanie otwartej lodówki, 8. Jakie znasz sposoby oszczędzania energii cieplnej? - nie otwieranie okien, kiedy nie jest to konieczne, - ocieplanie domów, - ogrzewanie gazem, - skręcanie kaloryferów, 9. Jakie znasz sposoby oszczędzania wody? - zakręcanie wody podczas mycia zębów, - prysznic zamiast kąpieli, - zakręcanie dokładnie wody, - używanie deszczówki do podlewania kwiatów. 10. Jak oceniasz swoją świadomość ekologiczną? - Wysoka - 32% - Zadowalająca - 28% - Przeciętna - 19% - Niska - 21% 11. Czy podejmujesz jakieś działania mające na celu ochronę środowiska? TAK - 52% NIE - 48% Jeśli "TAK" to jakie? - oszczędzam gaz, - oszczędzam wodę, - oszczędzam prąd, - segreguję śmieci, - brałem/łam udział w projekcie badawczym, - nie śmiecę 12. Czy chciałbyś/chciałabyś dowiedzieć się czegoś więcej o ekologii? TAK - 49% NIE - 51% W jaki sposób? - telewizja, - ulotki,. - zajęcia w szkole 13. Z jakiego środka transportu korzystasz na co dzień?
- samochód - 48% - rower - 15% -autobus - 12% - chodzę pieszo - 25% 14. Czy uważasz, że zanieczyszczenie środowiska ma wpływ na Twoje zdrowie ? TAK - 68% NIE - 32% W jaki sposób? - smog wywołuje bóle głowy, alergie, jest przyczyną chorób płuc, raka
Reached goals: - emphasise the need to protect the environment and help students to improve their pro-ecological attitudes, - fight discrepancy between students with high and low educational performance, - instruct our students and local community how to use natural resources more efficiently, - raise pupils' cultural awareness and their appreciation of European environment and lifestyles, - make students with low academic performance feel a valuable part of school, local and international community, - increase students' self-esteem, - motivate students to learn, - widen the range of after class activities, - equalize the chances of underprivileged students, - improve teachers and pupils' communication skills in English, - share ideas with teachers from abroad, - help teachers develop as professionals through peer observation and exchange of good teaching practices, - make parents aware of their role in the process of gaining and preserving knowledge and skills by students,
- promote pro-ecological attitudes locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, - promote international cooperation, - promote tolerance towards different nations, cultures and religions, - share gained knowledge and experience with local institutions.
The end