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December 2022 Meeting Minutes


December 27, 2022

The regular meeting of the Sherwood Lake Club, Inc. Board of Directors was held Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at the Sherwood Lake Clubhouse President Annette Beck called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Annette Beck, Kerry O’Neal, Kurt Bossert, Kevin Beck, Aline Barrett, Megan Clay (via Zoom), Jo Hunt (via Zoom) and Rob Seitz STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeff Handley, Joe Anderson

1. MEMBERS/PUBLIC COMMENT: Public present: Jason Hoskinson – BG Consultants; Members present: Joy Dodd, Mark Wittenburg, Dave Orr

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Board approved the minutes as presented of the November 28, 2022 Regular Board Meeting. Motion made by Kurt Bossert, seconded by Kerry O’Neal. Motion carried.



Kevin: Dam Maintenance Project: Presentation made by Jason Hoskinson w/ BG Consultants. Kevin turned the floor over to Jason to present the options that we have to decide upon for rehabilitation work on the primary and auxiliary spillways in order to regain compliance with the KS Water Office, Division of Water Resources and insurance carriers.

There are 3 options to modify the Primary Spillway that range in cost from $380k to $1.3M. There is a rehab option, modify option, and replace option. The work that would be required with the Replace option would require the lake water to go down 10-15 feet prior to starting work. Aside from this component, there would be little to no disruption in the lake activities for our members.

There are 2 options to modify the Auxiliary Spillway that range in cost from $350k to $650k. There are little to no disruptions in lake access for our members with either of these options. It was discussed and decided upon that due to the dock configuration around the current auxiliary spillway and in order to regain compliance with KWO, there would probably need to be extensive work done on 3 members property in order for the project deliverable to check all the boxes we have been told are required by outside governing bodies. Discussion will be had with these members in the next few days to alert them of this project scope IF it is decided to go with this option to modify the current auxiliary spillway.

There are significant FEMA funds that are available to us if we adhere to a very limited timeline that was shared by Mr. Hoskinson. This requires the Board to make a decision as to what direction they want to go by the 3rd week of January, 2023. It was decided that in order to make membership aware of these options and to get their input, we would hold 2 town hall meetings within the next 2 weeks to provide this information and get feedback on all of it from our members. More information to come on these townhall meetings (location, time, # of meetings) to be determined in next 48 hours and start email blasts to membership notifying them of the schedule.

LQEC: Update provided by Kevin Beck on behalf of Randy McAllister - Recommendation from the committee that each member has to review and take an exam (and pass) on an annual basis confirming that all members are made aware of issues associated with AIS and how they can be transferred from all types of watercraft that can be brought into the lake. This will be discussed in greater length at another board meeting in the 1st quarter of 2023. Aline made a suggestion for an alternative of using a standard form that they initial indicating they will be in compliance with the guidelines and regulations in an effort to streamline the process of getting this completed on an annual basis.


(a) Grant Award Status – See update provided above

(b) Pump Station Project


6. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the regular meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be Monday, January 23, 2023

Aline Barrett, Corporate Secretary

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