4 minute read

2022 Annual Meeting Minutes

continued from page 27

The 2023 year is shaping up to be a very busy year with the completion of the dam rehabilitation plans and permitting, bidding and start of construction prior to the end of the year. I look forward to helping achieve at objective and continue progress in the other areas as well.

For me this past year has been the most accomplished year for the Lake Club since I moved onto the lake in 2015. I wish to compliment the Board, committee members and the Lake Club membership for their help and service. We had great attendance on April 23rd from the membership on our annual Clean-up Day, thank you to all those that helped. Also, I want thank Teresa Oyler for another year of selecting and planting flowers at the marina, club house and beach area, they stood out in the beatification of our Lake Club.

I again worked with our insurance agent to get us a competitive insurance package covering our insurance needs and at a price very close to last year and finally coordinating the coverage dates to all renew at the same time.

I meet with Mr. Handley, our lake manager, to walk our properties and discuss maintenance issues needing addressing, we outlined various items and Mr. Handley obtained bids and with board approval entered into agreements to make repairs. This is an ongoing process and I wish to thank him for his continued efforts in maintaining our club’s properties. This past fall our lawn service was changed and Tracy Lynch was hired to maintain our lawns, the appearance of Lake Club properties are looking great.

Aline Barrett - Legal/ Rules/ By-Laws

During the past year, it was my honor to serve as Secretary on the Sherwood Lake Club Board of Directors. In addition to the required duty of co-signing checks, I was able to help the President finalize our updated copy of the By-Laws and current Rules and Regulations. Additionally, I provided research and legal review for various issues that arose during Lake Club business. This might have included reviewing the By-Laws to see what the policy should be for dealing with Club real property, rental agreements, purchasing agreements, and various other aspects of daily business. Additionally, I served as chair of the nominating committee for the Board of Directors election slate and prepared the ballot for this year’s election. The entire Board worked hard to meet the requirements for obtaining funds and making decisions concerning the dam and spillway repairs and I was glad to be a part of that effort.

It has been a busy year at Lake Sherwood. It’s been a privilege serving on this board. The dam has dominated a lot of our time, but it had to be done. My focus will be on more recreational things at the lake next year.

I would like to have a grass carp round up this spring. We have too many and we need to remove a large portion. I will be asking for help in organizing that.

I would also like to see some improvement on the tennis courts with the addition of some pickle ball courts. We can get some firm cost assessment for this.

Lastly, we all on the board will be focusing on dredging. We hopefully will get some realistic solutions that we can move forward on quickly.

• Jo - Website

Work to be done on the website will be done this year.

• Mike - Club Liaison

Having fun on the water, getting more people in the engage if they are looking to get more active ON the water (ski, surf, wakeboard)

If you have an interest in creating a club, please reach out to Mike to get it up and running

• Megan - 4th of July (presented by Jo Hunt)

For my first year serving on the board of directors, I was asked to oversee the July 4th festivities. While this is a big responsibility to take on, I enjoyed doing it and am excited to see what improvements we can make for this upcoming year. Thank all the volunteers that helped make this event possible and successful once again.

• Rob - Dock Improvements/ Construction (presented by Joe Anderson)

This past year as a Board member, I supported the recommendations from the Lake Quality Environmental Committee and we voted to create rules and regulations that would require all Sherwood Lake Club members to do their part to prevent zebra mussels from getting in our lake as well as to sign an annual pledge each year to be submitted with their membership dues. Further, I supported the recommendations from the Sherwood Lake Club Board to make repairs and improvements to the dam in 2023 that will also result in fee assessments to all Sherwood Lake Club members.

Consequently, my primary responsibility this past year as a Board member was to work with a committee to establish a dock/lift compliance plan that all Sherwood Lake Club members would be expected to abide by each year. The committee included Annette Beck, Kurt Bossert, Jeff Handley, and myself. It is important to note that while all Sherwood Lake Club A members own their land all the way to the shoreline of their property, all docks and lifts that go beyond the shoreline are governed by the Sherwood Lake Club Board as the lake is not part of a homeowner’s property.

The dock/lift compliance plan was finalized and published in the Sherwood Scene so all members would be aware of the new requirements. The expectation is that all Sherwood Lake Club A members maintain their docks and lifts in a satisfactory condition. If a dock or lift is deemed to be in disrepair, the expectation will be to make the appropriate repairs or remove the dock and/or lift from the lake. At the end of the year (2022), Annette Beck, Jeff Handley, and Kurt Bossert toured the lake by boat and identified all docks and lifts that were in disrepair. The members affected have all been contacted by Rob Seitz and a letter will be sent out to reinforce the expectation to make the appropriate repairs or remove the dock and/or lift from the lake. Refusal to comply could result in sanctions to the member.

Finally, Kurt Bossert put together a packet of information for all Lake Sherwood Club A members who intend to make improvements to the shoreline. All members who plan on making improvements to their shoreline should contact the Lake Sherwood Club Board prior to carrying out any of the work. Depending on the scope of work, permits may be required and federal, state, or local regulations may dictate what can be done continued on page 30

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