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January 2023 Special Meeting Minutes


January 18, 2022

The special meeting of the Sherwood Lake Club, Inc. Board of Directors was held Wednesday, January 18, 2023 at the Sherwood Lake Clubhouse. President Annette Beck called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Annette Beck (via zoom), Aline Barrett, Kevin Beck, Kurt Bossert, Megan Clay, Jo Hunt, Kerry O’Neal, and Rob Seitz. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeff Handley

The special meeting was called to decide which options to move forward with to rehabilitate our dam/spillway and meet new regulatory requirements.

Options were presented to the board on December 27, 2022 by BG Consultants and presented at membership meetings on January 11 and 12, 2023 at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church. Feedback from the two membership meetings was discussed with additional comments from members in attendance at this special meeting.

Primary Spillway Option 1 replaces the spillway pipe north of the dam. Primary Spillway Option 2 (PS2) replaces the entire intake tower and spillway pipe but at a much higher cost. PS2 would require the dam to be dug down 40 feet and would require the lake to be lowered 10’-15’ with no idea how quickly the lake would fill back up. A possible benefit of PS2 and a lowered lake is the potential to dredge without water. There are numerous questions to be answered before we know if that is a viable option. Any dredging work would be in addition to the PS2 cost and would not be covered by FEMA grant funds. Dredging is an issue that needs to be addressed at some point but the dam and spillway is an immediate issue that must be decided now. It was stated that delaying a decision would jeopardize our current grant for engineering services and some construction costs. The result would require SLC to pay 100% of the engineering services cost and we would lose those construction dollars.

Auxiliary Spillway Option 1 reconfigures and lowers the auxiliary spillway. It was discussed that we do not want negative impacts to properties downstream or lower normal lake levels.

Kurt made a motion to approve Auxiliary Spillway Option 1 with the requirement that it does not negatively impact property downstream. Keven seconded. Motion was approved.

Kerry made a motion to approve Primary Spillway Option 1. Jo seconded. Motion was approved.

Potential cost allocations were discussed. Feedback from meetings and members indicated the correct allocation is between a 60% A members/40% B members split and an 80% A members/20% B members split. It was stated that 70% A members/30% B members split has been used in the past. A cost allocation will not be decided until we know the exact costs. It was noted that our bylaws require a membership vote before a special assessment of over $500 annually can be assessed to members.

There being no further business to discuss, the spe cial board meeting was adjourned.

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