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Financial Impact


Few members of the grooming industry 15% said they would have been severely escaped any financial hardship from the affected and unable to pay mortgages Covid-19 Pandemic during the survey or rent. period. Some more than others, and some greatly affected. About 17% endured financial hardship. They did get behind in various paySurveys indicated employed groomers ments, and required assistance from with personal savings dipped into them others, including family and friends. and said they were fine. We cannot con- About 3% found some additional nonclude they were not impacted because grooming work in essential-rated businow they have less savings than prior nesses to help. the pandemic lock down. Self-employed groomers, with or withAbout 28% of surveyed employees en- out, employees faced financial disrupdured minimal to modest financial dis- tions but not evenly. About 11% did not ruption because their employers applied get a break from commercial landlords for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and past due rent accumulated on their assistance. We also heard of stories shops. where business owners came to the rescue and used business savings to help their employees financially. Because most areas quickly or reasonably resumed mobile grooming, most mobile groomers with auto financing Almost 10% of surveyed employees said were able to maintain payments. Howgrooming went on as normal because ever, 2% indicated mobile grooming there were no stay-at-home or lock- was not deemed essential in their areas downs in their region. Business was a lit- until commercial located groomers tle slower but not enough for any to say were also deemed essential. they were negatively affected to the point of concern. Ironically, pet ownership increased modestly to significantly depending upon Over 41% of surveyed employees were U.S. region and potentially the grooming furloughed and laid off. Unemployment industry will enjoy more demand for assistance including bonus add-on un- grooming than ever before. Various pubemployment actually boosted normal lications are estimating 5% to 8% earnings. Without the assistance some growth in 2021 grooming sales income.82 Copyright © 2013 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reserved Subscribe www.egroomer.com

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