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Operational Formats

SURVEY DISCUSSIONS Operational Changes

The Covid-19 Pandemic dramatically trol of earnings. Twenty-four (24) perchanged the grooming industry. There cent expressed they are strongly moving are two categories of changes: toward their self-employment goals this 1. Operational Format year. The most popular operational formats were: 2. Internal Operations 1. One person shop (44%). We will start with operational formats. In a recent side survey conducted during 2. Shop with staff (31%). October 2020 by Grooming Business in 3. Mobile grooming (11%). a Box® staff, (after the main survey had closed), over 21% of grooming business owners said they knew of a local grooming business that closed or did not resume operations if they had been closed by order of not being an essential service provider. A surprising 33% said they knew of two or more business closures. Take note! The group indicating mobile grooming format comprised 85% of the above-mentioned 24% who expressed they are highly-motivated to make the change in 2020. No wonder our sales of Used Mobile Grooming Vehicles in the PetGroomer.com Classifieds has been wild at times, and busy even during the Here is where things get sketchier. How lockdown or stay-at-home peak of many of these closures were perma- 2020. nent? How many of these closures were shops closing but their owners were instead changing their operation format? Our main survey and the side surveys indicate that at least 300 commercial shops were closed with their owners’ intent to “go mobile.” Internal Operations have changed for every grooming operation. These changes include sanitation, payment for service options, curbside offers and contact-free systems even among homebased groomers and mobile groomers let alone commercial locations. Virtually We discovered a strong uptick in the every grooming vendor was impacted in number of grooming employees that ex- the United States. Based on survey repressed an interest in self-employment sults more groomers than ever will conwith most of them wanting more control tinue to use masks even when not manin choosing whether to work or not dur- dated, and more sterilization is the new eGroomer Journal Copyright © 2011 Find A Groomer Inc. All rights reserveding a pandemic, and to feel more in con- norm. 83

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