The Pet Lover's Guide Spring 2017

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Adopt & NOT SHOP

Dog Lovers, Furry Friends



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Welcome Pet Lo ers! T

he gorgeous weather of Spring entices us to go outside. Mother Nature’s beauty invites us to enjoy and appreciate her beauty, her gifts; especially after a long cold and wet winter. Spring is a great time for extra longs walks or a nice jog with your pet, soaking in the fresh air and warm sunshine we love. If you were unaware, many non-profits host outdoor events this time of year. Bark For Life in Benicia, sponsored by The American Cancer Society, will be in May. Or, spend time with your furry canine wine tasting in beautiful Napa Valley. Details about these events are inside. Whatever your speed, wherever you go, share it with the people and pets you love. This season, is also a great time to volunteer with your local shelter, SPCA, Humane Society or rescue group. As kitten season begins, they will need help fostering mama cats with litters, orphaned kittens and spay / neutering the unfixed roamers. Please read the article about Feral Cats and remember to Spay/Neuter! Should you choose to Foster or volunteer, one can claim charitable deductions for certain expenses incurred in animal rescue work. So, although it may seem as your spending your own dollars, you will get it back. Check with your tax specialist

Thank you for your continued support and readership. Warmly,

Michelle Morris-Adams Owner/Publisher

Howie to discuss these potential deductions to confirm that they are legitimate for your personal finance and tax situation. Information about Pet Insurance, Cat Communication and “Why you should Adopt, not shop for your next pet” are of importance, so please read about them inside. We dedicate this issue to my mom who recently lost another rescue. And by the time we go to print, we will have said good bye to our sweet boy Howie. SO, for those that recently lost a furry companion, we truly are sorry and we understand the loss of your furry loved one. May you find peace in your hearts. Please send us a photo of your beloved pet and we will honor him/her in our Summer Issue.

The Pet Lovers Guide is looking for dedicated person’s to help sell advertising. The position is commissioned based. Please contact me by phone or email for additional information. Please feel free to send comments, suggestions, criticisms or praises to my email: For advertising, please contact me at 707-731-9775 or

The Pet Lovers Guide is free and published quarterly. The purpose of the magazine is to provide people with information pertaining to pet-related services, products and organizations in our local area. We also promote health, wellness and prevention by educating the public in all aspects of raising a pet. This is a complete guide to pet-related business in Solano, Napa and Yolo County.

The Pet Lovers Guide | SPRING 2017



The Pet Lovers Guide |









Owner/Publisher Michelle Morris-Adams


Lauren Silva

Designer Crystal Scott

Contributing Writers Holly Hugo Radhika Dadhich Mark R Gittelman Omer Ashraf

Cover Photo

Jean Walker, Pet Prints Photography

The Pet Lovers Guide is free and published quarterly. The purpose of the magazine is to provide people with information pertaining to pet-related services, products and organizations in our local area. We also promote health, wellness and prevention by educating the public in all aspects of raising a pet. This is a complete guide to pet-related business in Solano, Napa and Yolo County.

If you would like to contribute letters, stories or advertising, please contact Michelle at: Phone 707-207-3031 or 707-731-9775 Email ONLINE

5 Logical Reasons Why One Should Adopt Instead of Buying a Pet

22 Dog Insurance Protects Pets and Budgets

10 Dog Lovers, Furry Friends Fight Cancer with Bark For Life

25 Homemade Organic Spinach and Chicken Cat Treats

12 Feral Cat


14 How to Read Cat Communication Signals?

8 In Loving Memory 27 Resource Directory

20 Mean Green Breath Fighting Dog Treats

If you would like the Pet Lovers Guide to be mailed to you directly, the cost is $1200 for 6 issues. Please email your address to: The Pet Lovers Guide | SPRING 2017



The Pet Lovers Guide |

Logical Reasons Why One Should

Ad pt Instead of Buying a Pet By Radhika Dadhich


e all hear of the noble

Adopted Pets Cost Less:

Adoption Saves a Life: ever imagined that you could be the noble reason of saving someone’s life? If you have not got a chance to do the noble deed, why not go for adopting an animal? With the streets and the animal shelters getting overcrowded, you can save a life. It could mean the whole world to that poor animal. Your home could be their forever home too.

cause of adopting

an animal. Have you recently decided to bring home a new pet? Then, you must have browsed the Internet for the best breed and the best shop to but the pet from. Ever wondered if adopting a pet could be a better option for you? Have a read:

Well, the most determining factor which can motivate someone to go for adoption rather than buying is that adoption is way less expensive than buying from a reputed pet shop. In the case of dogs, the higher pedigree breeds come at outstanding prices which many people cannot afford.

The Pet Lovers Guide | SPRING 2017


Adopted Animals are More Trained: The animals which have lived in the shelter already know some basic habits and can serve as a better option for bringing in one’s home. When you buy a puppy of high breed from a pet shop, you have to appoint a special trainer to give the basic training. Hence, adoption saves the trainer’s expense as well

Helps Resolve Population issues: There are too many animals out there on streets and animal shelters and not enough home for them. By bringing in a pet by adopting it, you can control the over-population issue faced by the nations worldwide, as this would weaken the overpopulation cycle of the animals.

Lifetime Pet Services: What many people are unaware of is that if they adopt an animal from a shelter, some may receive a lifetime service of free treatment. This notion was launched itself to promote the noble cause of adoption of the animals.

Creation of Awareness: Indeed you can become a role model and encourage other people as well to adopt instead of buying it from the pet shops at extravagant prices.

Adopt Don't Shop!


More than of the unwanted animals in Solano County are put to death each year.

Are you willing to help make a difference?

Every life is a story...

Visit our website for info on low-cost spay/neuter options 6

The Pet Lovers Guide |

The Pet Lovers Guide | SPRING 2017



The Pet Lovers Guide |




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Daily Activities Community Outing Nintendo Wii Fit Program Holiday Parties Barber Shop

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Religious & Spiritual Services Multi Lingual Staff Volunteer Programs WanderguardTM Security System The Pet Lovers Guide | SPRING 2017 9

Dog Lovers, Furry Friends Fight Cancer with Bark For Life Event is part of American Cancer Society Relay For Life movement Benicia, CA – SATURDAY May 20, 2017 – Families and their furry friends will celebrate the lifelong contributions of canine caregivers to cancer patients at the American Cancer Society Bark For Life event on May 20, 2017 at First Street Green in Benicia, from 10am to 3pm. The celebration will include K9 Demonstration, doggie fashion runway show, canine Olympics, dress-up contests, and more. Before the event, participants ask family and friends to support their efforts financially to help the American Cancer Society save lives from cancer.

“The Bark For Life event is an opportunity for people to celebrate canine companionship and fight back against cancer with their dogs,” said James Long from Pups N Purrz. “Every person who has been close to a cancer experience and has a dog in their life is invited.” The event is part of the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Benicia. Funds raised help the American Cancer Society save lives by funding groundbreaking research, supporting education efforts, and providing free information and

critical services for cancer patients. Last year, more than 20,000 registered canine and caregiver participants at 300 Bark For Life events across the country raised $1.2 million. In Benicia, we raised $1,700.00

For more information about Bark For Life in your community, visit or call 1-800-227-2345 Or Locally Contact:

Karen Hubbard at 925-270-7799 Suzanne Castleman at 707-816-2121 James Long at 707-748-7433 About the American Cancer Society


The Pet Lovers Guide |

The American Cancer Society is a global grassroots force of 2.5 million volunteers saving lives and fighting for every birthday threatened by every cancer in every community. As the largest voluntary health organization, the Society’s efforts have contributed to a 22 percent decline in cancer death rates in the US during the past two decades, and a 50 percent drop in smoking rates. Thanks in part to our progress; nearly 14.5 million Americans who have had cancer and countless more who have avoided it will celebrate more birthdays this year. We’re determined to finish the fight against cancer. As the nation’s largest private, not-for-profit investor in cancer research, we’re finding cures and ensuring people facing cancer have the help they need and continuing the fight for access to quality health care, lifesaving screenings, clean air, and more. For more information, to get help, or to join the fight, visit or call us anytime, day or night, at 1-800-227-2345.

The Pet Lovers Guide | SPRING 2017


Feral Cat


o what’s the deal with feral cats? Why is there so much fuss about them and why are they a burden upon environment and resources worldwide? A feral creature is referred to as a wild, untamed, savage animal that has gone from a state of domestication to a wild presence. Feral cats are typically kittens of domestic cats that were left, disowned, discarded by their owners. Un-habituated to humans, they live in colonies in urban alleys, malls, garbage disposal areas etc. If they manage to stave off starvation and death from other predators like coyotes, foxes, dogs, they thrive and breed at a prodigious rate - producing over half a million offspring’s in their lifespan. A burden on resources, millions are spent annually


to control them. There are two approaches commonly advocated to deal with this problem. One is merciless euthanasia of every captured feral. The other, which is more sensible and what I also advocate, is TNR i.e. Trap, Neuter and Return - this involves capturing the stray cats, neutering them and returning them to the area. This approach, apart from being more humane, is also more successful and cost-effective than repeated attempts at extermination since the area of killed cats is soon taken over by other ferals. During TNR, cats are also frequently immunized and one of their ears nicked to identify them as being inoculated and neutered. Whilst feral cats have had devastating ecological influences on biodiversity of certain species like the extinction

The Pet Lovers Guide |

By Omer Ashraf

of huitas from the Caribbean and the Guadalupe Storm-petrel from Pacific Mexico, they are also believed to be of use in controlling over growth of populations of certain animal species. An example is their removal from Macquarie Island where the number of rats and rabbits grew exponentially and had harmful influences on local ecology including the native seabirds. Debate is going to continue on feral cats and how to best deal with them, meanwhile the take home message for pet owners is to neuter their cats - not only to avoid having to deal with a litter of kittens every few months - but also for the health of the cats.

The Pet Lovers Guide | SPRING 2017


How to Read Cat Communication Signals? By Holly Hugo


ats are loving, affectionate pets, but they can also be one of the hardest animals to read when it comes to interpreting their moods and body language, particularly when you consider the dog, who is virtually an open book by comparison! However, cats use a whole range of different communication signals, both when it comes to communicating with other cats, and also with people. Cats’ channels of communication include vocal signals, body language, facial expressions


The Pet Lovers Guide |

and much more, and once you are able to accurately interpret these signals, you will be able to gain a much better understanding of your cat’s mood, and what they are trying to tell you! If you find yourself constantly flummoxed when it comes to judging your cat’s moods and want to develop a better understanding of how to interpret their communication signals, this article will help. Read on for a short run-down of the communication signals used by cats, and what they mean.

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The Pet Lovers Guide | SPRING 2017


The Tail The cat’s tail can communicate a whole range of signals and emotions, and as this is one of the most obviously identifiable areas of the body, the tail makes for a good starting point! A cat whose tail is held up high and erect indicates confidence, interest and often, happiness. If a strange cat wanders up to you in the street with their tail in this position, it is safe to assume that they want to say hello!

If your cat’s tail is held low and straight, this is a good indication to back off as your cat is annoyed or looking for a scrap! It is, however, worth bearing in mind that for some breeds, the natural carriage of their tail is lower than others, so get to know the normal posture for your own cat’s tail when judging this.

If your cat has their tail firmly clamped down against their butt, this indicates that your cat is scared or unsettled. A tail that is swinging tautly back and forth is a clear warning beacon that your cat is becoming aggressive; you may also see this tail posture as part of hunting behavior, or play. The faster the swinging, the more irritated your cat is! Gentle swishing of the tail, however, indicates interest. If the tip of the tail is twitching slightly but the tail is relaxed, this is a friendly, contented signal. If your cat’s tail is bushed up like a bottle brush, this indicates that your cat’s fight or flight responses have kicked in, and your cat is trying to make themselves look as large and threatening as possible, so again, proceed with caution!

A cat whose tail is held up high and erect indicates confidence, interest and often, happiness.

The Ears If your cat’s ears are in a relaxed position and pointing forwards, they are either listening to something, or are generally at peace and contented. Ears laid flat back against the head indicates either fear or anger; both emotions will provide a cue to your cat to protect the delicate ear tissue by making it into as small a target as possible. If one of your cat’s ears is inside out, they’ve likely just given it a good wash!

The Fur And Body A calm, happy cat’s fur will be lying flat and smooth, but if your cat’s fur is bushed up, either something has unsettled them, or they are squaring up for a fight! When a cat is preparing to fight or defend themselves, the fur across the whole of their body will stand on end, in order to make the cat look as large and imposing as possible to potential threats. They will also often arch their backs, and present a side-on view of their body to their opponent, which again, are all intended to make the cat look larger.


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The Pet Lovers Guide | SPRING 2017


Eye Contact


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In the human world, making eye contact when we are speaking is our way of letting the other party know that we are listening and interested in what they are saying, and not making eye contact is considered very rude! However, for cats, making direct eye contact is the height of bad manners, and indicates dominance and potentially, a threat. This is why cats often seem to make a beeline for the one person in the room who is either scared of cats or not particularly keen on them; this person is likely to be the only one that is deliberately avoiding looking at the cat in the hopes of being left alone, and yet in cat language, this person is displaying excellent manners that should be rewarded with the first hello!

Verbalizations Some cats are chattier than others, with the Siamese and Bengal being good examples of particularly talkative cats! While some cats will rarely meow at all, others will have a distinct language of meows that you will soon learn to interpret. Much like new parents soon learn to tell a baby’s hungry cry from an unhappy cry, so too will you be able to learn your cat’s meowing for food, versus meowing for attention or something else. Cats that are hunting or play-hunting often make a trilling or chattering sound at the back of their throats, and this is something that you won’t usually hear in other situations. Growls and hisses are of course clear warnings of anger or defensive aggression, while howling or yowling can be an integral part of mating behavior, or used to signify pain, threat or unhappiness.

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In your quest to learn cat language and get a better handle on how to read your cat, it is important to interpret your cat’s communication signals in combination with each other, and also, their surroundings and what is going on in order to make an accurate prediction of their mood. Simply making a judgment on how your cat is feeling or what they are trying to tell you by observing one signal alone will often lead to your drawing the wrong conclusion! And what’s your experience with cat communication?

The Pet Lovers Guide | SPRING 2017


Mean Green

Breath Fighting Dog Treats INGREDIENTS n 1 cup whole wheat flour n 2 Tbsp ground flax n 2 Tbsp fresh mint n 1 Tbsp dried parsley n 1 - 8 gram packet wheatgrass powder n 1 cup rolled oats n 8 oz silken tofu n 1/4 cup peanut butter


1. Preheat oven to 350° F 2. Finely mince the fresh mint.

10. Place a sheet of plastic wrap over the dough and roll directly on the baking sheet until your dough is about a 1/2 inch thick.

3. In a large bowl, whisk together the whole wheat flour, ground flax, fresh mint, parsley and wheatgrass powder. (You’ll notice the flax is not in this picture. I forgot it and added it later.)

11. Remove the plastic wrap and bake for 10 minutes.

4. Stir in the rolled oats.

13. Then cut 1 inch squares and arrange the pieces so they are not touching.

5. Using an electric hand mixer, blend the tofu and peanut butter until smooth. 6. Stir the dry ingredients into the tofu mixture a 1/3 at a time. Stir to incorporate each addition. 7. With a damp hand, lightly knead the dough until it forms a ball. 8. Lightly spray a baking sheet with non-stick spray. 9. Place your dough on the prepared baking sheet and flatten slightly with your hands.


The Pet Lovers Guide |

12. Using a plastic spatula, score and then cut 1 inch rows in the dough.

14. Bake for 10 minutes. 15. Remove any pieces that are already hard, or if they are at the right consistency for your dog. If you would like them to be more dry and hard, reduce the temperature to 250° F and bake for another 10 minutes. 16. Turn off the oven, leave the treats in the oven while it cools.

Storing - This healthy dog treat recipe should stay fresh in the fridge for about one month. Keep them fresh in the freezer for up to 6 months. Yield - Rolling the dough out to 1/2 inch thickness and then cutting squares that are approximately 1 inch by 1 inch, you will yield at least 60 pieces.

Tips & Techniques n

Wheatgrass Powder - You should be able to find this in most major health food stores in their vitamin department. You can buy a larger amount, or just one packet for these homemade dog treats.


Wheat Free Flour - You can make this recipe wheat and grain free by substituting the type of flour you use. Instead of whole wheat flour, use a combination of 1/2 cup Garbanzo bean flour, 1/4 cup almond flour and 1/4 cup tapioca flour.


Size the Treats - The size of the treats for this healthy dog treat recipe is an average size. Feel free to make the bites smaller or larger for your individual dog. Keep in mind, though, that the baking times will vary a little if you change the size. Bake for less time for smaller treats and a little longer for treats that are large.


Hand Mixer - Using an electric hand mixer is a must for this recipe. I tried vigorously stirring the tofu and peanut butter together and they just don’t come out smooth. Blend the ingredients for about one minute, or until smooth.

Looking for a new friend? Napa County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center is just the place for you. We have many wonderful animals up for adoption. Cats, kittens, puppies, dogs, chickens, birds, rabbits and more are all waiting for their new homes. Stop by and meet a new friend today.

Hours open to the public Monday - Saturday 11:00 am to 4:45 pm 942 Hartle Court, Napa, CA 94558 707-253-4382

Microchipping, Dog License, Humane Trap Rental, Volunteer Opportunities

The Pet Lovers Guide | SPRING 2017


D gProtects Insurance Pets and Budgets


By Mark R Gittelman

og insurance coverage is a hard thing to spend money on. You may feel like taking a chance that your pet may

707. 748. 4249

Service, the way it should be. 22

The Pet Lovers Guide |

never need medical care.

Before you make your final decision on this subject you owe it to your family to investigate veterinary pet insurance.

Having a pet plan can help to lighten the burden of the expenses...

Although dog insurance is something that has been on the market for about two decades, there are still many pet owners who are not aware that pet health insurance is available and are even surprised to learn it is an option. However, because the pets are very often considered a part of the family, learning about the availability of pet health insurance is usually very good news to dog owners. Anyone can relate to this sentiment of relief, if they have ever been faced with having to either clean out their savings account or run up their credit card balance in order to take care of an unexpected emergency. Having a pet plan can help to lighten the burden of the expenses related to a surgical procedure, long-term care for serious conditions, such as cancer and other types of diseases or emergency care due to injury or accident. Without insurance, some dog owners are faced with the awful decision of having to put their pet to sleep because the cost of proper health care is just too much for the family budget. It is often a heartbreaking situation when a pet owner is faced with a choice of either paying for expensive, but needed, veterinary pet procedures or being able to properly care for the needs of the rest of the family in the household. This dilemma often results in the agonizing decision of having to put the pet down. This is just the kind of situation that illustrates the immense value, in emotional terms, of having dog insurance to assure the well-being and the health needs of the family dogs. Just as with other health care expenses, the costs associated with veterinarian care for pets is also rising with each passing year. This fact has made the idea of acquiring pet insurance to cover the animal welfare and health concerns a more attractive option. It has also made pet health insurance a more financially smart move

for families. It is much easier to work a small insurance premium for dog health insurance into the household budget than it is to try to come up with hundreds, or even thousands of dollars if an emergency arises. If you own more than one dog, then insurance coverage for all of them makes even more sense. Just making sure that each dog has received the vaccinations, health screenings and booster shots on an annual basis can stretch a budget to the breaking point. This situation can lead pet owners to decide to skip the routine health care steps that should be taken to prevent illness and diseases. In most cases, a comprehensive pet insurance policy will also cover wellness and preventative care procedures. Fortunately, most the pet insurance company policies seem to support the approach of taking preventive measures, with regard to animal welfare. It is well-documented that taking preventative measures and supporting wellness care will reduce the potential for serious health issues for the pet later down the road. For this reason, seeking out companies that offer insurance coverage that includes preventative care is a prudent course of action. The fact that a pet insurance company offers such coverage speaks to their commitment and philosophy about prevention of pet disease and the importance of animal welfare in general. Preventative care coverage is the most expensive type of dog insurance that you can purchase, but may not be in every families’ budget. In this case, it is often wise to opt for a policy that will pay for major veterinary pet bills. This is an effective way to lower monthly premium, but you will need to be prepared to handle the routine veterinarian visits out of your own pocket about the kind of company with whom you are dealing.

The Pet Lovers Guide | SPRING 2017



The Pet Lovers Guide |

Homemade Organic Spinach and Chicken Cat Treats By Sarah Lipoff

If your cat isn’t a fan of chicken, then swap with organic salmon or tuna.


Ingredients n 1/2 pound steamed organic boneless and skinless chicken thighs n 1 cup fresh organic spinach leaves n 1 cup organic quick-cooking oats n 1 organic brown egg n 1 tablespoon organic catnip n 1/4 cup flour


Preheat your oven to 350ºF. Steam the boneless and skinless chicken thighs until cooked through. You can swap for boneless and skinless organic chicken breasts, salmon, or tuna with cat-loving results too. Let the chicken cool for 20 minutes before the next step.


Place the chicken, oats, spinach leaves, egg, and catnip in a blender or food processor, and pulse on low until the mixture blends together. It should still be a bit chunky but also smooth, similar to the texture of wet sand.


Pop the mixture into a bowl and add the flour. You can also add a dash of salt or sugar to mix up the flavor. Use your hands to knead the dough until it’s no longer sticky, then place on a flour-dusted work surface.


Use a rolling pin to create a rectangle of dough around 1/2 inch thick. With the help of a pizza cutter or small cookie cutter, create small shapes for the finished treats.


Place the kitty treats on a parchment-lined sheet tray, and bake for 20 minutes. Remove from the oven, cool until room temperature, and then toss to your cat.

Information Yield Several dozen small treats

The Pet Lovers Guide | SPRING 2017


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501(c)(3) non-profit

Our Mission: To educate the public on the importance of spaying and neutering of their animals and how we as the public can help stop the overflow of unwanted pets in the shelters throughout California

Our adoption events will now be held on every 1st and 3rd weekend of the month. Adoption will be held at our ranch by appointments. 1st and 3rd Saturday will be at the Vacaville Petsmart, 11-3:30 and the 1st and 3rd Sunday will be at the Fairfield Petco from 11-3:30. We hope this helps those that are wanting to visit our adoptable dogs and see the farm animals


The Pet Lovers Guide |

RESOURCE DIRECTORY Solano County Community Animals & Adolescents Together Vallejo, Ca CAT & DOG RESCUE Cat Tales Rescue Solano County Cat Rescue Humane Society of the North Bay 1121 Somoma Blvd Vallejo, Ca 707-645-7905 Vallejo Animal Control 707-645-7906 Benicia Animal Control 707-745-3412 SCARF 680 Vintage Court Fairfield, CA USA 94534 CAT & DOG RESCUE

International Bird Rescue 4369 Cordelia Road , Fairfield 707-207-0380 Solano County Animal Care Shelter 2510 Clay Bank Road Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 784-1356 Phone The Animal Place Sanctuary and Education 3448 Laguna Creek Trail, Vacaville 707-449-4814 SPCA of Solano County 2200 Peabody Rd Vacaville, CA 95687 707-448-7722 Paws for Healing A Canine Therapy Program Serving Northern Calif 707-258-3486 Spirit Horse Therapeautic Riding Center of SF Bay Area 707-720-6360

Solano Feral Cat Group PO Box 1221, Suisun, Ca 707-421-5515

Humane Animal Services Serving Vacaville, Fairfield, Suisun City, Dixon, and Rio Vista 707-449-1700

4 Paws Pet Rescue Vacaville, CA 95688 CAT & DOG RESCUE

Suisun Wildlife Rescue Injured or orphaned wild animal, please call 707-429-HAWK (4295)

Premier Animal Rescue P. O. Box 6763 Vacaville, CA 95696 707-592-4601 Cat Rescue Dog Works Doberman Rescue 149 Briarwood Drive , Vacaville 707-448-3850 Joleene: Leanne: The Dog Spot Rescue Rehabilitation & Rehoming Center P.O. Box 5126 Vacaville, Ca 95688 Northern California Italian Greyhound Rescue Fairfield, Ca 707-446-1858 (Barb)

LAPS P.O. Box 6596 Napa, CA 94581 707-265-6642 A volunteer animal-assisted therapy group serving Northbay counties

Sonoma & Lake County Golden Gate Basset Rescue POBox 4958, Petaluma 707-765-2690 North Bay Canine Rescue and Placement PO Box 4522, Petaluma 707-763-7736 Petaluma Animal Services Foundation 840 Hopper St, Petaluma, Ca 94952 707-778-PETS (7387) California Animal Rescue Santa Rosa, Ca 707-293-4470 Dog Rescue Countryside Rescue 3410 Guerneville Rd., Santa Rosa 707-494-0491 CAT & DOG RESCUE Forgotten Felines of Sonoma County 1814 Empire Industrial Ct Santa Rosa, CA 95403 PO Box 6672, Santa Rosa, Ca 95403 707-576-7999

Whiskers, Tails, and Ferals 1370 Trancas Street, #206, Napa 707-942-9066 CAT & DOG RESCUE

Paws for Love Foundation P.O Box 9004, Santa Rosa, Ca 95405 209-795-4575 The Paws for Love Foundation is a resource for shelters and rescue organizations.

Napa Humane Society P.O. Box 695, Napa 707-255-8118

Wine Country Greyhound Adoption PO Box 6266, Santa Rosa 800-924-7397

Napa County Animal Shelter 942 Hartle Ct, Napa, Ca 94558 707-253-4382

Special Pets Rescue P.O. Box 1247, Lower Lake 707-350-7008 Sonoma Humane Society 5345 Hwy 12, Santa Rosa, Ca 95407 707-542-0882

Napa County

We Care Animal Rescue 1345 Charter Oak Ave., St. Helena 707-963-7044 CAT & DOG RESCUE

The Pet Lovers Guide | SPRING 2017


Sonoma County Animal Care and Control 1247 Century Ct Santa Rosa, CA 707-565-7100 California Animal Rescue PO BOX 2179 Healdsburg, CA 95448 707-293-4470 Pet's Lifeline 19686 8th Street East. , Sonoma 707-996-4577 Cat & Dog Rescue A Leg Up Rescue 925 Lakeville Street #265 Petaluma, CA 94952 Dog Rescue Big Dog Rescue Penngrove, Ca 707-665-0332 Dog Rescue Chihuahua Club of Northern California, Rescue Renee' Harris, 707-887-0190 P.O. Box 1696 Forestville, CA. 95436 Email: Golden Gate Gordon Setter Club Rescue P.O. Box 1578 , Middletown 707-987-9463

Contra Costa County

Bay Area Poodle Rescue 1442 A Walnut St #204 Berkeley, CA 94709 510-286-7630

Yolo & Sacramento Northern California Boxer Rescue Davis, Ca 866-989-NCBR (6227) Small Dog Rescue Roseville, Ca Serving Placer County, Rocklin, Lincoln, Roseville and Sacramento NorCal Cocker Rescue, Inc. 1731 Howe Ave., #264 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 541-5149 Russell Rescue Inc, Ca Kerry McAllister, 916-600-7352 Nor Cal Aussie Rescue 10556 Combie Road #6200, Auburn 530-268-1600 Rotts of Friends Animal Rescue 34505 County Road 29 Woodland, CA 95695 Phone: (530) 661-0213

ARF- Tony La Russa's Animal Rescue Foundation 2890 Mitchell Dr, Walnut Creek, CA 94598 (925) 256-1273 Cat/Dog Rescue and Adoptions

Yolo County Animal Services 2640 E. Gibson Rd, Woodland, CA 95776 (530) 668-5287

Outcast Cat Help PO Box 963, Martinez, CA 925-231-0639 Cat Rescue

The Yolo County SPCA P.O. Box 510 Davis, CA 95617 (530) 902-6264. M-F 8a-6p

Umbrella of Hope 4080 Railroad Ave, Suite C.,Pittsburg, CA 94565 (925) 567-3997 CAT & DOG RESCUE

Small Animal Rescue & Adoptions Rats, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, Mice, Chinchillas

Milo Foundation 220 South Garrard Blvd., Point Richmond 415-454-6456


Save A Bunny Mill Valley, Ca 415-388-2790 Dalmatian Club of America Rescue Sherry GuIdager 916-771-0282; MariIyn DromgooIe 510-708-2642 Dalmatian Club of Northern California Rescue 510-886-9258; Janet Langford Gray 408-2574301; Barb & Mike Dwyer 925-672-3980


The Pet Lovers Guide |

Dachsund Rescue Northern California Chico, Ca - Monti Markel, 530 895 3148 San Leandro, Ca - Vicki Ronchette, 510-483-2631 Northern California American Malamute Association 800-399-8155 NorCal Irish Setter Rescue 208-683-2765 (Paul) or 510-524-2602 (Debra) NorCal Golden Retriever Rescue 405 El Camino Real Suite 420, Menlo Park 650-615-6810 NorCal German Shorthair Pointer Rescue P.O. Box 933, Menlo Park 408-402-2092 Nor Cal Beagle Rescue Bay Area: 510-770-0208, Sacramento Area: 916691-1817 NorCal Collie Rescue 650-851-9227 Great Dane Rescue of Northern California 15255 Clydelle Ave, San Jose 916-652-6444 (Colleen) Great Pyrenees Rescue of Northern California P O Box 574, Georgetown 1-877-PYRENEES German Shephard Rescue of Northern Calif P.O. Box 1930, Cupertino 1-800-728-3473 Golden State German Shepard Rescue PO Box 2956, Alameda , CA 94501 877-447-4717 Border Collie Rescue of Northern California 831-422-8176 (Ann) West Coast Mastiff & Large Breed Rescue 39252 Winchester Rd #107-253 Murrieta, CA 92563 Afghan Hound Rescue Northern California P.O. Box 3508, Redwood City 650-678-9984


The Pet Lovers Guide |

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