The Pet Lover's Guide Summer 2018

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Rabies Vaccine




JUNE IS Find us. Like us.


Welcome Pet Lo ers! It’s summer and as the weather

kicks it up a notch, the natural tendency can be to get everyone up and out of the house, pets included. While spending more time outdoors can be a great source of exercise and fun for all involved, it’s essential to be wary of heat exhaustion in your animals. It’s also a time to be mindful of other dangers, E-cigarette’s. Do you love cats but you’re highly allergic to them? Inside Jean Hofve, DVM writes about cat allergies, exposure to them, how to cope with them and more. We hope you find the article useful. After all June is adopt a cat month and we hope to see our rescues and shelters reduce their intake and our furry felines in forever homes. Even if you are at the moment unable to bring any kittens or adult cats into your home, that

doesn’t mean that you can’t celebrate National Adopt-a-Cat Month in your own way. Inquire at your local animal shelter or rescue group about possible posters you may be allowed to put up, or perhaps even flyers you can hand out. Many people who indeed may be seriously interested in adopting a cat might not be aware of all of June’s adoptions options. Is Cannabinoids a remedy for your pet? Yes, CBD Oil is the supplement revolutionizing our pets healthcare. As an advocate for the benefits that CBD oil offers, we want to educate you on what it is and how it works. We’ve included information from our preferred provider, Innovet, the World’s #1 Brand. Much like questioning whether to get the flu shot or not to, we should ask ourselves whether our pets require ongoing Rabies Vaccines. Dr Becker, one of my favorite DVM’s and writers, explains

the reality behind the need for policy change. As you read her article inside, please advocate for your pet and don’t over vaccinate.

Have a wonderful summer and be sure your pets do to with our yummy recipes inside. As always, Thank you for your continued support and readership! Warmly,

Michelle Morris-Adams Owner/Publisher

Please feel free to send comments, suggestions, criticisms or praises to my email: For advertising, please contact me at 707-731-9775 or

The Pet Lovers Guide is free and published quarterly. The purpose of the magazine is to provide people with information pertaining to pet-related services, products and organizations in our local area. We also promote health, wellness and prevention by educating the public in all aspects of raising a pet. This is a complete guide to pet-related business in Solano, Napa and Yolo County.













OWNER/PUBLISHER Michelle Morris-Adams


Bob Leppert, Sales Director


Lauren Silva

DESIGNER Crystal Scott



Jean Walker, Pet Prints Photography

The Pet Lovers Guide is free and published quarterly. The purpose of the magazine is to provide people with information pertaining to pet-related services, products and organizations in our local area. We also promote health, wellness and prevention by educating the public in all aspects of raising a pet. This is a complete guide to pet-related business in Solano, Napa and Yolo County.

If you would like to contribute letters, stories or advertising, please contact Michelle at: PHONE 707-207-3031 or 707-731-9775 EMAIL ONLINE

4 E-Cigarettes: Dangerous for Pets 7 Rabies Vaccine Reality Check

16 July 4th Safety 18 Recipe - Calming 4th of July Meatballs 19 Summer Pet Hazards

9 5 Great Ways to Keep Your Pet Safe Around Water

20 Allergic to Cats?

10 June is Adop-a-Cat Month

27 Resource Directory

14 The Supplement that's Revolutionizing Pet Healthcare


If you would like the Pet Lovers Guide to be mailed to you directly, the cost is $1200 for 6 issues. Please email your address to: THE PET LOVERS GUIDE | SUMMER 2018


E-Cigarettes: Dangerous for Pets By Jean Hofve DVM




he ASPCA Poison Control Center says that electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) often contain high concentrations of nicotine, which is a dangerous poison for dogs and cats. Nicotine exposures are increasing, and the types of exposures are changing. In 2012, e-cigarettes made up 4.6% of total nicotine exposures (including tobacco cigarettes, nicotine gum, e-cigarettes, and nicotine patches), but in 2013, this number increased to 13.6%; and it’s expected to continue rising. Nicotine is dangerous for pets, and e-cigarettes and refills can contain far more nicotine than regular cigarettes. E-cigarettes are filled with liquid nicotine that may contain up to 16 mg/ml of nicotine (80 mg/ teaspoon): double the amount in a plain cigarette. Refill liquid is even worse, with up to 100 mg/ml (500 mg/teaspoon). This is supposed to be diluted by the user to a lower concentration when refilling e-cigarette cartridges, but if your pet gets hold of one (flavorings may make it especially enticing), it poses the gravest risk. The most common clinical sign of nicotine toxicity in dogs and cats is vomiting (usually within 30-60 minutes); other signs include diarrhea, drooling, and restlessness. Heart arrhythmias, tremors and seizures can occur with a higher level of exposure. Liquid nicotine can be absorbed directly through the skin or mucous membranes of the mouth, so even playing with a refill bottle or cartridge can be quite dangerous for pets. Nicotine poisoning progresses quickly and is considered an emergency. If you think your pet has ingested nicotine (e-cigarettes, patches, gum or tobacco) and your pet is vomiting, agitated or lethargic, call your veterinarian immediately or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 1-888-426-4435. Always keep all nicotine-containing products securely out of the reach of pets and children. (If you would like to quit smoking or using nicotine-containing products of any kind, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) can help! Check out the expanded free website for all things EFT at www.!)

Copyright Š 2018. Jean Hofve DVM and Little Big Cat, Inc. All rights reserved.

707. 748. 4249

Service, the way it should be. THE PET LOVERS GUIDE | SUMMER 2018





Well-timed core vaccines for puppies and kittens, of which rabies is one, provide many years of immunity, up to lifetime immunity.


have some encouraging news to share about rabies vaccines, or more specifically, how pets with out-of-date vaccinations that are exposed to a rabid animal should be handled. Currently, if a pet with a lapsed rabies vaccination is exposed to a rabid animal, the law in many states requires the pet to be quarantined for several months at the owner’s expense, or euthanized. In October 2014, a Brockton, Massachusetts woman was forced to euthanize her 10 year-old Schnauzer mix, Clyde, after he was bitten by a rabid skunk. The dog’s rabies vaccine (technically his rabies tag, not the vaccine) had lapsed just 10 days prior to his encounter with the skunk. The owner’s options, as dictated by a Brockton animal inspector, were to either put Clyde down or quarantine him for three months in a kennel at a cost of $2,000 (which she couldn’t afford), followed by three months of “strict confinement” at home.

Clyde’s brokenhearted owner posted this to her Facebook page the day of the execution: “So there wasn’t a miracle in the wings for Clyde. I had to put him down this afternoon. He was my buddy, I loved him and I’ll miss him.” The story of the 10 year-old Schnauzer mix, which ran in the online Patriot Ledger, drew an angry response from readers across the US, including this comment from veterinarian Dr. Richard Simmonds, Director and Professor Emeritus at the University of Nevada, Reno: “It just strikes me as totally ridiculous. I understand people make regulations and laws. The problem is that lawyers and regulators like black and white answers. Unfortunately, life isn’t black and white. Any qualified immunologist or virologist would have advised the animal control authorities responsible for this atrocity that the ‘one-year’ or ‘three-year’ designation for the rabies vaccine is

somewhat arbitrary.” I’m sure my friend Dr. Ronald Schultz, one of the world’s leading veterinary vaccine experts, would agree. Dr. Schultz heads up the Rabies Challenge Fund, which is conducting studies with the goal of extending the legally required interval for rabies boosters to 5 and then 7 years.

Story Prompts Rabies Antibody Study The tragic story of Clyde prompted veterinary researchers at Kansas State University to conduct a study to compare anamnestic antibody responses of dogs and cats with current vs. out-of-date vaccination status. Anamnestic is defined as “a second rapid increased production of antibodies in response to an immunogenic substance after serum antibodies from a first response can no longer be detected in the blood.”



The study looked at 74 dogs and 33 cats, some with current rabies vaccinations, and some with vaccinations that had lapsed anywhere from 1 to 4 years earlier. The dogs and cats had been exposed to rabies and brought to a veterinarian for proactive blood monitoring, or had been brought to a veterinarian for a rabies booster. The researchers gave a rabies booster (which is the same as a rabies vaccination) to each dog and cat to evaluate their anamnestic antibody responses. Lo and behold, they discovered that when an animal with an out-of-date rabies vaccination received the booster, the antibodies in his or her blood rose, protecting against exposure to the virus. From the study: “Specifically, titers 5 to 15 days after booster vaccination in dogs with an out-of-date vaccination status were shown to be noninferior to titers in dogs with a current vaccination status. Also, dogs with an out-of-date vaccination status had a higher median increase in titer, higher median fold increase in titer, and higher median titer following booster vaccination, compared with dogs with current vaccination status; however, statistical analyses were not performed to compare these parameters between groups.“

Based on these results, lead study author Michael C. Moore concluded that: “Basically once an animal has been vaccinated, they can receive a booster if they are exposed to the rabies virus. Then their chances for surviving that virus are very, very good.”

Study Results Show Most of the Pets Were Protected Against Rabies Prior to Receiving a Rabies Booster The researchers took blood samples on all the pets on day 0 of the study, before they administered the rabies boosters. For purposes of comparison, they used a rabies neutralizing antibody titer of ≥ 0.5 IU/mL (the measure the World Health Organization considers an adequate vaccine response for dogs and cats traveling to rabies-free areas) to indicate immunity to the virus.

rabies antibody titers pre-booster. Examples: •

A dog that was 3 months overdue for a 3-year vaccination had a pre-booster titer of 9.7 IU/mL

A dog 5.5 months overdue for a 3-year vaccination had a pre-booster titer of 12 IU/mL

A dog 2 years overdue for a 1-year vaccination had a pre-booster titer of 0.6 IU/mL, as did a dog 3.5 months overdue for a 1-year vaccination

A dog 1.5 years overdue for a 1-year vaccination had a pre-booster titer of 1.8 IU/mL

A cat 9 months overdue for a 3-year vaccination had a pre-booster titer of 12 IU/mL

For the entire group of 74 dogs, those with current vaccinations (55) had a median pre-booster titer of 2.6 IU/mL. The remaining 19 dogs with out-of-date vaccinations had a median pre-booster titer of 2.0 IU/mL.

Ten dogs and two cats in the study group had been exposed to an animal suspected or known to be rabid. Interestingly, several of these animals whose rabies vaccinations were out-of-date had acceptable and even high

Of the 33 kitties, 7 had a current rabies vaccination and the remaining 26 were overdue. The cats with a current vaccine had a median pre-booster titer of 2.4 IU/mL, and interestingly, the kitties whose vaccinations were out-of-date had a median prebooster titer of 6.3 IU/mL. Bottom line: The vast majority of pets in the study, whether they had a current rabies vaccination or were overdue for a 1- or 3-year vaccine, had adequate rabies neutralizing antibody titers and were protected in the event of exposure to the virus prior to receiving a rabies booster.



Will the KSU Study Prompt Policy Changes in States Where It’s Needed? At a minimum, the study results tell us that the practice of 6-month quarantines or euthanasia for pets whose rabies vaccinations are out-of-date is inhumane and entirely unnecessary in the vast majority of cases. It also reaffirms what many of us also know: Well-timed core vaccines for puppies and kittens, of which rabies is one, provide many years of immunity, up to lifetime immunity. According to Kansas State University, each year the US has around 6,000 reported cases of rabies, mostly in raccoons, skunks, bats, and foxes. The disease is usually fatal for animals. Pets with out-of-date rabies vaccinations that are exposed to the virus are required to either stay in observed quarantine for 6 months — which can cost owners $5,000 to $7,000 — or be euthanized. “I get calls from a lot of people around the US who are very sad because they had to euthanize their pet because they couldn’t afford the quarantine cost,” said study author Moor. ‘Even if an owner can afford the quarantine, they cannot see their pet for six months.’” Moore hopes the study findings help clarify and shape the current guidelines for pets that are exposed to the rabies virus: “If you relate this to human health, humans are primed with an initial vaccination series and then have neutralizing antibodies checked from time to time,’ he said. ‘If those antibodies fall below a certain level, we’re given a booster. While the vaccines are licensed for a certain number of years, the immune system doesn’t sync to a date on the calendar and shut down because it reached that particular date.” Copyright © 2018. Jean Hofve DVM and Little Big Cat, Inc. All rights reserved.



June is Adopt-a-Cat Month! It’s also the start of kitten season, when tens of thousands of unintended and unwanted kittens will be dumped at shelters. People think, “Oh, kittens are so cute, they’ll be adopted.” But the sad truth is that there just aren’t enough homes available, and shelters everywhere will euthanize litter after litter of sweet, friendly, adorable kittens for the next 6

3. Address Behavior Problems Far too many cats are abandoned, relinquished to shelters or even euthanized for behavior problems that could’ve been solved. If you need help in addressing the behavior problems, contact a qualified, certified behavior professional or ask your veterinarian for a referral

months or more. The good news is that sharing your home, life, and love with one or more feline friends has many benefits for you, as well as for cats who would otherwise be euthanized for lack of a home. Petting a cat can lower blood pressure, and cats provide fun and laughter ,as well as a sense of calm and peace (though not necessarily at the same time!). Children raised with cats have better social skills, are more responsible, and are gentler and more respectful of other beings. Studies show that people who have cats have a 40% reduction in their chances of having a stroke. If you’re pet-less, consider getting two kittens or cats together, so they cat play with each other (rather than becoming destructive due to boredom), and provide their own companionship while you’re at work or school. Clearly, if you have less than two cats, you need at least one more!

So what does Adopt-a-Cat month mean to you? Here are some suggestions:

1. Adopt Adopt a cat from a shelter or rescue organization. Whether you want a kitten, adult cat, longhaired, shorthaired, a cat with lots of personality, a quiet cat, a big cat or small kitty, you will find the feline love of your life waiting there for you

2. Spay or Neuter Even if you have an exclusively indoor cat, there’s always the chance of an escape. Here’s more information on the many benefits of spay/neuter



"Studies show that people who have cats have a 40% reduction in their chances of having a stroke."



4. Volunteer


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Roll up your sleeves and volunteer at your local shelter. There is an ongoing need for all levels of volunteer skills. In addition to volunteering at a shelter, you may have a friend or neighbor who needs help with their cat and your assistance might make a difference in whether that cat remains in that home. An elderly neighbor might need help grooming the cat, shopping for food, transporting the cat to the veterinarian, etc.

5. Donate money Whether you can write a big check or a very small one, your local shelter or one of the national humane organizations will greatly appreciate it. Every dollar makes a difference.

6. Donate items Over Looking The Napa Valley

Most shelters have wish lists so you can donate something that they specifically need or you can offer everyday items that are always in short supply such as towels, laundry detergent, food bowls, newspapers, etc.

7. TNR TNR programs help to control the feral cat population by humanely trapping, neutering and the releasing the feral cats back out to their colonies. For more information on TNR, visit Alley Cat Allies.

8. Pick up the Phone Help control the stray/lost cat population in your area by contacting your local feline rescue organization to help humanely trap cats who have gotten lost from their original homes so they can either be reunited with their families or placed in a foster home/shelter as they wait to be adopted.

9. Educate

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Educate your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors about cat care and welfare. You may have a friend who doesn’t realize the importance of having their cat neutered or is allowing their intact cat to roam outdoors. Gentle and tactful education can make a difference in the relationship between that cat parent and the cat.

10. Spread the Word Let others know about Adopt-a-Cat month. Share this article along with others that you have read. If there are events and adopt-a-thons in your area, help spread the word by letting friends, family and neighbors know. (707) 794-PETS (7387) 2462 Atlas Peak Rd. | Napa 12


There’s so much that can be done to help cats during Adopt-a-Cat month and EVERY month. Thank you in advance for whatever help you can offer to spread the word about Adopt-a-Cat month and for making a difference in the lives of cats.




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Religious & Spiritual Services Multi Lingual Staff Volunteer Programs WanderguardTM Security System THE PET LOVERS GUIDE | SUMMER 2018 13

The Supplement that's revolutionizing Pet Healthcare What's pet Phytocannabinoid oil?

CBD Does Not Cause a Psychoactive Reaction

Medicine in the 21st century is facing a dilemma and it’s something that we haven’t dealt with before. We are way over prescribed and so are our pets. For us humans, it’s easier to see the problems it’s causing, from opiate addictions to our overabundance of antibiotics creating the threat of a super gem. But our pets are facing their own over prescription issues as well.

There are hundreds of cannabinoids found in both plants (phytocannabinoids) and animals (endocannabinoids) and this includes CBD, but don’t let the name trick you, the majority of cannabinoids don’t cause a high.

It’s understandable, we want the best for our pets’ health, but unfortunately both we and our vets are giving our fur-family members too many different and potentially dangerous medications, and we are just now only seeing the negative repercussions. Luckily, more and more researchers are shifting their attention from regular prescriptions drugs to a very special molecule that’s been showing incredible results for health. That molecule is cannabinol (CBD) and it’s been helping humans for ages, but today pet owners are finding out that CBD can improve their pet’s health in all the same ways.


Actually, only one does: THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is also a phytocannabinoid found in cannabis, and is responsible for the high one gets when smoking marijuana. CBD oil derived from hemp will not contain notable traces of THC; as such it’s legal and safe to give to your pets. CBD in very high doses can cause some sedation effects, but this is not to be confused with the sedation effects marijuana causes. As well, most pets will not require such high doses and will most likely see a boost in energy.


How CBD Works can Improve Pet Health Locked away in hemp plants are a plethora of chemical properties known as phytocannabinoids, flavonoids, terpenes, and terpenoids and they all work together to create an entourage effect that provides a wealth of therapeutic benefits. These chemical compounds activate and promote the Endocannabinoid system, which is found in all organisms. This system plays a vital role in regulating a variety of physiological and cognitive functions including appetite, immune system response, pain, and memory just to name a few. Furthermore, CBD itself attaches to other receptors found in the body, that when activated reduces inflammation, anxiety, and pain.

The Benefits that CBD Offers Lorem ipsum dolor CBD can be used for both preventative measures and for targeting specific chronic issues. Many owners give CBD to their pets recovering from surgery as it helps with inflammation, stiffness, pain, and recovery time. Furthermore, CBD has been shown to help regulate insulin and can prevent and treat diabetes, which is known as a silent disease in pets. CBD may allow you to lower the dosages of drugs that become dangerous in high amounts. Prescription medication, especially ones for epilepsy are notorious for their side effects; CBD’s only side effect is it may affect absorption of RX drugs. That’s it.sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.

How Fast Does CBD Works The speed that CBD works will depend on the medical condition it’s given for. It will have an almost immediate effect on mood-related issues such as anxiety. However, for issues such as inflammation, you may not see the full effects until after a couple of doses.

Be careful About Safety Measures CBD can be derived from both hemp and cannabis. While THC is non-toxic to us, dogs are much more sensitive to it. With CBD derived from hemp, you won’t have to worry about that pesky THC. On rare occasions, there could be a mild adverse reaction, but this is usually due to the CBD being derived from a poor quality source and not the CBD itself. Always ask your vet first because remember, the one real negative side effect of CBD is its ability to potentially affect the absorption of other drugs.

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Looking for a new friend? Napa County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center is just the place for you. We have many wonderful animals up for adoption. Cats, kittens, puppies, dogs, chickens, birds, rabbits and more are all waiting for their new homes. Stop by and meet a new friend today.

Hours open to the public Monday - Saturday 11:00 am to 4:45 pm 942 Hartle Court, Napa, CA 94558 707-253-4382

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Calming 4th of July Meatballs for Dogs & Cats Ingredients

What to do

n 6 tbsp Honest Kitchen Quiet Tea® n 1 cup hot water or hot organic free range chicken broth n 1 cup of Honest Kitchen Preference® dehydrated dog food n 2 tbsp of ground flaxseed n 1 ½ lb of ground turkey (raw or sautéed depending what you’re comfortable with) n 1 tsp coconut oil n 2 cups full fat plain yogurt n 1 banana, sliced n ½ cup coconut flakes

1. Steep the Quiet Tea in the hot water or broth in a large bowl, and set aside. 2. Measure out the Preference into a separate bowl and add the flaxseed. 3. Add the tea to the Preference to rehydrate it. 4. Mix in the ground turkey, then add the coconut oil, and stir to mix thoroughly. 5. Roll into meatballs, then roll each meatball in yogurt, and top with coconut flakes and a couple of banana slices. 6. Refrigerate, and take out when you’re ready to serve!

These meat balls are exceedingly easy to make, and have the added benefit of helping to calm down pups who get anxious at big gatherings or the sound of firework displays. Turkey is naturally high in sedating Tryptophan, and the Quiet Tea is a blend of herbs that will infuse each meatball with calming, soothing properties to help July 4th pass by with a little less stress.

What else to do Most dogs are better left at home, rather than being taken to 4th July parties – especially during the evening when the fireworks begin. A crate is ideal for confining your dog if she’s comfortable spending time in one – make sure she’s had plenty of exercise and an opportunity to relieve herself before you close her in. If you leave your dog loose in the house, make sure all doors and windows are locked and leave the TV or radio on to help drown out the banging and squealing of festive pyrotechnics. Just in case your pet does escape, make sure he wears his collar and his ID tags are securely fastened. A marrow bone or interactive toy will help to keep him occupied and pass the time away too. Better still, stay home and spend the evening together so he doesn’t get all worried, home alone.

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*a non-profit 501(C)3 THE PET LOVERS GUIDE | SUMMER 2018


Allergic to Cats?


By Jean Hofve DVM

etween 5 and 10% of the human population has at least some sensitivity to cats. When people come into contact with a cat to which they are sensitive, they may experience a wide range of symptoms, from eye irritation and swelling, or minor sniffling and sneezing, to potentially life-threatening asthma attacks. Although allergic reactions to cats tend to appear in early adulthood, one can develop the allergy at any time in life. In some cat-allergic people, the reaction happens almost instantaneously. Others may experience an extended delay (between 4-8 hours) between exposure and reaction. The duration of symptoms may be anywhere from a few minutes to persistence of much longer periods. Recent studies indicate that childhood exposure to cats may actually reduce the risk of allergic disease such as asthma. So does breast-feeding of infants. There are seven known cat allergens. They are shed in saliva, skin secretions, and, to some extent, in urine. The major cat allergen is a protein called “Fel d 1” that is secreted primarily in the cat’s saliva and skin, and transmitted throughout the coat during grooming. Dried skin particles (commonly referred to as dander) may contain the offending protein, although it is important to remember that the allergen is not an integral part of dander or

the coat itself. A major obstacle in helping cat guardians is that the protein particles in question are so small that they can hang suspended in the air and are thus easily inhaled. Another hurdle is that the particles are sticky and will cling or settle on any porous surface, including draperies, upholstered furniture and bedding, even walls and ceilings. Because cat allergen is so tiny and light, it lingers in the home for long periods and has even been discovered in homes up to six months after the offending cat has been removed (as well as in homes where a cat had never even lived!)

Are some breeds “safe” for allergy sufferers? Actually, the amount of allergen present does not differ from breed to breed. Shorthaired cats appear to produce similar amounts of allergen as their longhaired cousins. One study did suggest that light-colored cats may be somewhat less allergenic than dark-colored cats. Others claim no difference. Unfortunately, besides trial and error, there is no positive way of identifying a cat that will set off symptoms. Each cat is an individual as to how much allergen they produce. That’s why an allergy sufferer may have widely differing reactions from one cat to another. Just because one might have had a good, low reaction experience with one Siamese cat does not mean that all Siamese can be tolerated.

Are hairless cats hypoallergenic? Sorry, no. Even the Sphinx, a “hairless” breed, has a fine downy coat, and since these cats still groom themselves, as all cats do, , the suspect protein is still on their skin, and thus in the air. If there is an advantage to a hairless cat, it is only that fewer additional allergens like pollen or dust mites can cling to the hair and also get released into the air during grooming. There have been attempts to breed or clone a truly “non-allergenic” cat, but they have not been successful. Cat hair or dander itself is not allergenic, so shaving the cat will not lessen the reaction. However, there are several effective ways to deal with the unpleasant effects of a cat allergy.

The Big 3 Strategies for Coping with Cat Allergies: 1. Treat the Cat According to one clinical study, spray-on anti-allergy substances, or specially designed shampoos or cream rinses have negligible effect on allergic reactions. Immersion bathing works well temporarily, but allergens return within days. At the same time, stories abound about the above products working very well, even lowering reactions to the point of complete tolerance. It’s a matter of trial and error with each individual cat. Bear in mind that bathing the cat every week will dry out the skin, and may actually increase protein secretions. One common sense treatment to help lower the allergen output in the house is daily brushing or combing, thus removing much of the hair and dander that may contain the allergenic protein. It also makes sense not to have the allergy sufferer do the brushing, and doing it in a room the allergic person can avoid (or outside in a confined, safe area) will ensure that no additional protein is released into the home. Manage any pre-existing conditions the cat may have which could cause excessive scaly, dry skin and exacerbate the guardian’s problem.



501(c)(3) non-profit

Our Mission: To educate the public on the importance of spaying and neutering of their animals and how we as the public can help stop the overflow of unwanted pets in the shelters throughout California

Our adoption events will now be held on every 1st and 3rd weekend of the month. Adoption will be held at our ranch by appointments. 1st and 3rd Saturday will be at the Vacaville Petsmart, 11-3:30 and the 1st and 3rd Sunday will be at the Fairfield Petco from 11-3:30. We hope this helps those that are wanting to visit our adoptable dogs and see the farm animals THE PET LOVERS GUIDE | SUMMER 2018




Bathing the cat weekly with a cat-safe, anti-allergen shampoo can be helpful, if the cat is amenable.

There is no value in declawing a cat due to allergies; in fact, there’s no value (and much detriment) in declawing a cat for any reason.

The oral tranquilizer Acepromazine can be given at ultra-low doses in the cat’s food and provides relief for a great many allergy sufferers. While a single small study on the use of Acepromazine did not find statistically significant results, in practice, about 50% of people report a complete cessation of symptoms, 25% report that symptoms are improved, and 25% report no change. It takes 2-4 weeks to see results.

2. Manage the Environment

However, the formula is simple, inexpensive, and easy to try. The medication changes the chemical composition of the cat’s saliva, reducing the amount of allergenic protein secreted. It must be given every day to maintain the effect. Because the dose is so tiny, it has no effect on the cat’s behavior and can be given for life. You can give the recipe for “Ace Allergy Drops” to your vet: To a one-ounce dropper bottle containing 30 ml spring water, add 5 mg Acepromazine (1/2 ml of injectable 10 mg/ml, or one 5 mg tablet crushed, or half of a 10 mg tablet crushed). Instructions: Shake well before using. For an adult cat, add 5-6 drops of mixture to cat’s wet food daily. For smaller kittens, use 1-2 drops. Because there is no preservative, store the bottle in the refrigerator. A change in the cat’s diet can do wonders. In particular, the addition of Omega-3 fatty acids to the diet will keep the skin supple and healthy. Moreover, many people who have put their cats on homemade or raw diets report that their allergies have diminished or even vanished. It only makes sense to avoid processed foods with all their additives and dyes. At the very least, get rid of the dry food—that’s where the most questionable ingredients and stray chemicals are found.

Since allergens are cumulative, using several moderately effective methods together is the best approach. Daily vacuuming is commonly recommended, but vacuuming can backfire! Many allergy sufferers over-vacuum. An ordinary vacuum cleaners powerful motor simply stirs up and blows the tiny allergen proteins around the room along with dust and other potential allergens. A better option is a vacuum with a micro-filtration device (like a HEPA filter), which can actually stop something as small as feline allergens. The pesky proteins can settle not only in drapes and furniture, but also on shelving and walls – so make sure that the vacuum has an assortment of hand attachments and get into all the corners. Obviously, the allergy sufferer should never be the one vacuuming (but there’s no reason why he can’t do the dishes)! When dusting, using spray furniture polish dramatically limits allergen particles from becoming airborne. Spray directly onto the surface, rather than onto the dust cloth; it’s more effective. Judicious dusting can reduce airborne cat allergens by 95%. Limit fabrics in the home: all porous materials are allergen friendly. Carpet accumulates 100 times more cat allergen than a hard floor. Blinds are better than drapes (although you do have to keep them clean). Use hypoallergenic pillows instead of feather ones. Anything you can do to make the environment “harder” will result in as much allergen resistance as possible. Soft surfaces in the home are invitations to catnaps as well as allergy attacks.

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Specifically keeping the cat out of the bedroom will give the guardian an “allergen free zone,” which can bring psychological as well as physiologic relief. (However, suddenly locking the cat out could trigger behavioral issues.) An effective tool for clearing cat allergens is a freestanding air purifier with a HEPA filter. These filters can remove nearly 100% of the allergens from the room in which they are placed. Ideally, there should be one in every room with fabrics, but at least put one in the bedroom. Fortunately, the price of HEPA purifiers has come way down in recent years. Do check a consumer guide to make sure the chosen model can handle at least twice the square footage of the room. Ionic air filtration devices have also shown much promise in trapping small protein particles. However, while filtration and cat exclusion do reduce allergen levels, it may take quite a while to get a substantial reduction of symptoms.

3. Guard the Guardian

R Wash those hands! Every time the guardian pets the cat, has a snuggle session, etc., immediately wash the hands with soap and warm water. This must become an iron-clad habit. R Keep up with the laundry. Resist the temptation to wear the same clothes between laundering cycles, even if they’re “not that dirty” – really, they are! Washing machines are capable of removing most cat allergens. Wool and polyester clothing retain more cat allergen than cotton, although fabric in general is a haven for allergenic particles. Dry cleaning is reasonably effective at removing cat allergen from non-washable fabrics. R No No Kitty! If the guardian suffers from a contact allergy like rashes or hives, the sad truth is that he/she must curtail any efforts from the cat to show

affection by licking or giving ‘love bites’ – a primary source of the allergenic protein is the cat’s saliva.

R Consult an allergist. It is rare for someone to be allergic to only one protein. It’s very possible that pre-existing allergies weren’t as noticeable until the new cat became “the last straw” and triggered more violent reactions. If allergies are bad enough, keeping epinephrine handy may be necessary. R Medication. Both over the counter and prescription medication have had wonderful results for some, and done absolutely nothing for others. Don’t forget to tell your physician or allergist what you are using, who can properly monitor results. Taking antihistamines or histamine blockers on a daily basis as a prophylactic for as long as one lives with a cat is a controversial subject. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl®) is considered very safe even long-term, but the side effects can be unpleasant; and it’s good to keep around for those really bad days.

R Immunotherapy. The principle behind this technique is hyposensitization therapy (also called “allergen immuno-therapy”). This technique helps the allergic person build up a tolerance for the cat allergen by taking small doses of the protein, orally or by injection, increasing the amount gradually. This treatment requires patience; it is a slow process, taking anywhere from two months to a year to take hold, and sometimes several years to achieve maximum benefit. However, its success in retraining the body’s immune system not to overreact has been shown clinically as well as anecdotally from many sufferers. In the U.S., injectable hyposensitization is still popular, but the oral method (used in the U.K.) may be safer, not to mention less hassle.

R Holistic Allergy Remedies for You. These are legion. The most promising ones include: • Use a Neti pot once or twice a day to keep sinuses clear; or use a plain saline nasal spray • Omega-3 fatty acids (for both you and your cat!) • Quercitin and/or other antioxidants • Stinging Nettle (a natural antihistamine) • Butterbur (may block histamine and other inflammatory messengers) • Homeopathy • Acupuncture • Nutrition (simplifying your diet, especially eliminating wheat and corn, can go a long way toward making your immune system much less reactive) • Stress management (stress does your immune system no favors; use flower essences, exercise, meditation – but heck, you know all that stuff already!)

The Bottom Line It may take time and some trial-and-error with different combinations of solutions to hit upon the right regimen. Convincing one’s significant other may prove more difficult. But people manage to live with allergies to thousands of airborne particles every day. And aren’t those big eyes and all that unconditional love worth it? Copyright © 2018. Jean Hofve DVM and Little Big Cat, Inc. All rights reserved.





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RESOURCE DIRECTORY SOLANO COUNTY Community Animals & Adolescents Together Vallejo, Ca CAT & DOG RESCUE Cat Tales Rescue Solano County Cat Rescue Humane Society of the North Bay 1121 Somoma Blvd Vallejo, Ca 707-645-7905 Vallejo Animal Control 707-645-7906 Benicia Animal Control 707-745-3412 SCARF 680 Vintage Court Fairfield, CA USA 94534 CAT & DOG RESCUE

International Bird Rescue 4369 Cordelia Road , Fairfield 707-207-0380 Solano County Animal Care Shelter 2510 Clay Bank Road Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 784-1356 Phone The Animal Place Sanctuary and Education 3448 Laguna Creek Trail, Vacaville 707-449-4814 SPCA of Solano County 2200 Peabody Rd Vacaville, CA 95687 707-448-7722 Paws for Healing A Canine Therapy Program Serving Northern Calif 707-258-3486 Spirit Horse Therapeautic Riding Center of SF Bay Area 707-720-6360

Solano Feral Cat Group PO Box 1221, Suisun, Ca 707-421-5515

Humane Animal Services Serving Vacaville, Fairfield, Suisun City, Dixon, and Rio Vista 707-449-1700

4 Paws Pet Rescue Vacaville, CA 95688 CAT & DOG RESCUE

Suisun Wildlife Rescue Injured or orphaned wild animal, please call 707-429-HAWK (4295)

Premier Animal Rescue P. O. Box 6763 Vacaville, CA 95696 707-592-4601 Cat Rescue Dog Works Doberman Rescue 149 Briarwood Drive , Vacaville 707-448-3850 Joleene: Leanne: The Dog Spot Rescue Rehabilitation & Rehoming Center P.O. Box 5126 Vacaville, Ca 95688 Northern California Italian Greyhound Rescue Fairfield, Ca 707-446-1858 (Barb)

LAPS P.O. Box 6596 Napa, CA 94581 707-265-6642 A volunteer animal-assisted therapy group serving Northbay counties

SONOMA & LAKE COUNTY Golden Gate Basset Rescue POBox 4958, Petaluma 707-765-2690 North Bay Canine Rescue and Placement PO Box 4522, Petaluma 707-763-7736 Petaluma Animal Services Foundation 840 Hopper St, Petaluma, Ca 94952 707-778-PETS (7387) California Animal Rescue Santa Rosa, Ca 707-293-4470 Dog Rescue Countryside Rescue 3410 Guerneville Rd., Santa Rosa 707-494-0491 CAT & DOG RESCUE Forgotten Felines of Sonoma County 1814 Empire Industrial Ct Santa Rosa, CA 95403 PO Box 6672, Santa Rosa, Ca 95403 707-576-7999

Whiskers, Tails, and Ferals 1370 Trancas Street, #206, Napa 707-942-9066 CAT & DOG RESCUE

Paws for Love Foundation P.O Box 9004, Santa Rosa, Ca 95405 209-795-4575 The Paws for Love Foundation is a resource for shelters and rescue organizations.

Napa Humane Society P.O. Box 695, Napa 707-255-8118

Wine Country Greyhound Adoption PO Box 6266, Santa Rosa 800-924-7397

Napa County Animal Shelter 942 Hartle Ct, Napa, Ca 94558 707-253-4382

Special Pets Rescue P.O. Box 1247, Lower Lake 707-350-7008 Sonoma Humane Society 5345 Hwy 12, Santa Rosa, Ca 95407 707-542-0882


We Care Animal Rescue 1345 Charter Oak Ave., St. Helena 707-963-7044 CAT & DOG RESCUE



Sonoma County Animal Care and Control 1247 Century Ct Santa Rosa, CA 707-565-7100 California Animal Rescue PO BOX 2179 Healdsburg, CA 95448 707-293-4470 Pet's Lifeline 19686 8th Street East. , Sonoma 707-996-4577 CAT & DOG RESCUE A Leg Up Rescue 925 Lakeville Street #265 Petaluma, CA 94952 Dog Rescue Big Dog Rescue Penngrove, Ca 707-665-0332 Dog Rescue Chihuahua Club of Northern California, Rescue Renee' Harris, 707-887-0190 P.O. Box 1696 Forestville, CA. 95436 Email: Golden Gate Gordon Setter Club Rescue P.O. Box 1578 , Middletown 707-987-9463


Bay Area Poodle Rescue 1442 A Walnut St #204 Berkeley, CA 94709 510-286-7630

YOLO & SACRAMENTO Northern California Boxer Rescue Davis, Ca 866-989-NCBR (6227) Small Dog Rescue Roseville, Ca Serving Placer County, Rocklin, Lincoln, Roseville and Sacramento NorCal Cocker Rescue, Inc. 1731 Howe Ave., #264 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 541-5149 Russell Rescue Inc, Ca Kerry McAllister, 916-600-7352 Nor Cal Aussie Rescue 10556 Combie Road #6200, Auburn 530-268-1600 Rotts of Friends Animal Rescue 34505 County Road 29 Woodland, CA 95695 Phone: (530) 661-0213

ARF- Tony La Russa's Animal Rescue Foundation 2890 Mitchell Dr, Walnut Creek, CA 94598 (925) 256-1273 Cat/Dog Rescue and Adoptions

Yolo County Animal Services 2640 E. Gibson Rd, Woodland, CA 95776 (530) 668-5287

Outcast Cat Help PO Box 963, Martinez, CA 925-231-0639 Cat Rescue

The Yolo County SPCA P.O. Box 510 Davis, CA 95617 (530) 902-6264. M-F 8a-6p

Umbrella of Hope 4080 Railroad Ave, Suite C.,Pittsburg, CA 94565 (925) 567-3997 CAT & DOG RESCUE

Small Animal Rescue & Adoptions Rats, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, Mice, Chinchillas

Milo Foundation 220 South Garrard Blvd., Point Richmond 415-454-6456


Save A Bunny Mill Valley, Ca 415-388-2790 Dalmatian Club of America Rescue Sherry GuIdager 916-771-0282; MariIyn DromgooIe 510-708-2642 Dalmatian Club of Northern California Rescue 510-886-9258; Janet Langford Gray 408-2574301; Barb & Mike Dwyer 925-672-3980



Dachsund Rescue Northern California Chico, Ca - Monti Markel, 530 895 3148 San Leandro, Ca - Vicki Ronchette, 510-483-2631 Northern California American Malamute Association 800-399-8155 NorCal Irish Setter Rescue 208-683-2765 (Paul) or 510-524-2602 (Debra) NorCal Golden Retriever Rescue 405 El Camino Real Suite 420, Menlo Park 650-615-6810 NorCal German Shorthair Pointer Rescue P.O. Box 933, Menlo Park 408-402-2092 Nor Cal Beagle Rescue Bay Area: 510-770-0208, Sacramento Area: 916691-1817 NorCal Collie Rescue 650-851-9227 Great Dane Rescue of Northern California 15255 Clydelle Ave, San Jose 916-652-6444 (Colleen) Great Pyrenees Rescue of Northern California P O Box 574, Georgetown 1-877-PYRENEES German Shephard Rescue of Northern Calif P.O. Box 1930, Cupertino 1-800-728-3473 Golden State German Shepard Rescue PO Box 2956, Alameda , CA 94501 877-447-4717 Border Collie Rescue of Northern California 831-422-8176 (Ann) West Coast Mastiff & Large Breed Rescue 39252 Winchester Rd #107-253 Murrieta, CA 92563 Afghan Hound Rescue Northern California P.O. Box 3508, Redwood City 650-678-9984



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