Sponsorship Opportunities JUNE 11-13, 2013 CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA STAMPEDE PARK
To book your sponsorship opportunity, contact: gasandoilsales@dmgevents.com +1 (403) 209‐3555
JUNE 11-13, 2013 CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA STAMPEDE PARK gasandoilexpo.com
With current technology and new investments for development in gas and oil, our industry is ever changing and highly compe ve. Gas & Oil Expo offers a marketplace for exposure and a diverse program of opportuni es for new business development, marke ng and premium brand awareness, direct to industry professionals working in North America.
$25,000 C AD investme nt per opportun ity
Platinum Level Opportunities
Major Exhibi on Sponsor (two (2) available opportuni es)
Brand recogni on in the most prominent areas available in all relevant media, promo ons, e‐News, show material and signage for the exhibi on One (1) full page of adver sing media in the Official Event Guide and one (1) page of adver sing media in the Official Event Planner
Gold Level Opportunities
$15,000 C AD investme nt per opportun ity
Official Registra on Sponsor
Exclusive branding of the kiosks where all visitors to the exhibi on will register Includes advance exposure on the registra on page of the official website
Exhibi on Visitor Tote Bag Sponsor
Exclusive branding with the show logo on tote bags distributed at exhibi on entrances Investment includes produc on of approximately 3000 bags (1000/day) Opportunity to distribute one piece of collateral at entrance with the tote bags
Visitor Badge & Lanyard Sponsor
Exclusive branding of the visitor badge and lanyard for the exhibi on Full colour brand placement on visitor badge insert and a one (1) colour imprint on the front of the visitor lanyards Investment includes produc on of approximately 8000 lanyards (Day 1 ‐ 3000 lanyards, Day 2 ‐ 2500 lanyards, Day 3 ‐ 2500 lanyards) Opportunity includes procurement and produc on of lanyards
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JUNE 11-13, 2013 CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA STAMPEDE PARK gasandoilexpo.com
Silver Level Opportunities
$10,000 C AD investme nt per opportun ity
Exhibi on Hall Sponsor (one available)
Exclusive opportunity for brand exposure on indoor aisle markers, show entrances and printed and published floor plans
Exhibi on Map Sponsor
Large format brand recogni on (or custom graphics) on three (3) indoor and two (2) outdoor floor plans to help visitors to navigate the show
Outdoor Aisle Marker Sponsor
Brand recogni on on eight (8) flags located at the end of each aisle on the outdoor area of the exhibi on Opportunity includes produc on and placement of each flag
Private Suite Sponsor (limited availability)
Opportunity to book and host one of three private suites available for three days of the event, with recogni on in published show material and on floor plans Includes two (2) signs to iden fy the suite (décor and food & beverage not included in the value of the sponsorship)
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JUNE 11-13, 2013 CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA STAMPEDE PARK gasandoilexpo.com
Bronze Level Opportunities
$5,000 CA D investme nt per opportun ity
Gas & Oil Presenta on Theatre Sponsor (Exhibi on)
Exclusive opportunity to sponsor and act as moderator for the presenta ons Opportunity to submit abstracts for presenta on (in best available me‐slots)
Internet Centre Sponsor (Exhibi on)
Exclusive branding of the internet kiosks located in the BMO Centre Opportunity to create a custom desktop image and slides to be posted for screen saver
Visitor eNewsle er Sponsor
Exclusive sponsorship of four (4) e‐Newsle er for visitor no fica ons and event updates Includes one html banner and big box adver sement (artwork provided by sponsor)
Indoor Super Banner (three (3) loca ons available)
Brand recogni on (or custom graphic) on one 16’ x 8’ banner to be hung in one of five (5) strategic loca ons of the BMO Centre (A, B, C) Includes procurement, produc on and hanging of the banner; artwork provided
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