Workshop- Nicosia In between

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easa INCM


008 in-between Borders divide and connect at the same time/ Borders exist for some groups of people and do not exist for others/ They divide space in “here” and “there”, “inside” and “outside”, creating social divisions between “us” and “others”/ Fear is created, but also curiosity about the “others”/ Division of space is further established by daily practices, but also new ways of border crossing are invented by the desire of communication

EASA CY organizes ‘Nicosia-In between’ Student Workshop which is part of the EASA [EUROPEAN ARCHITECTURE STUDENT ASSEMBLY] events and particularly the ΙNCM008NICOSIA [Intermediate National Contacts Meeting] taking place on 1-11 of November in Nicosia. Supported by Chambers of Architects of Cyprus (Chamber of Civil Engineers and Architects of Cyprus, Chamber of Turkish Cypriot Architects) and organised by architects and sociologists of different nationalities the workshop is aiming to examine and analyse the case of Nicosia as a divided city, adopting different analytical and design strategies. CONTEXT

S C H E D U L E: During the EASA INCMeeting, an urban ‘stitch’ 3-10.11 Historic center UrN Project running 4.11 Where? Workshop Presentation

will be formed between the divided parts of Nicosia: An arrangement of places, for living and meeting, will be spread inside the centre, on both parts of the city and the buffer zone. For the limited time the INCM008 ‘event’ will be taking place, another -in between- geography will be added, and superimposed on the urban space of the divided city.

Since the opening of Ledra Street, the second crossing point in Nicosia, the city is 7.11_14:00 witnessing the first gentrification effects: Goethe Inst. property prices are rising, buildings are 1st meeting renovated, new land uses appear... This of tutors and transitional period, depending on the participants for political negotiations, could last for a instructions few more months or for years. During this period, the city and its present inhabitants 8-9.11 will continue to live and experience an ‘inWorkshop between time-condition’. This suspension of time,providesuswithacriticaltime-’phase’ 10.11 which allows for documentation, speculation, Goethe Inst. imagination and alternative thinking of the Presentation+ city’s -unique- condition.

Exhibition 10.11 Final Party

In this context, the Workshop organized for the INCM meeting in Nicosia, will take advantage of this in-between condition, to focus on ‘borders’ in urban space. URBAN NARRATIVES Project Between 2-10 November participants of the EASA meeting are encouraged to deliver traces of their own experience of the divided city, the practice of crossing, the architecture of the border and division etc. The ‘recording’ process will take place on the move, taking advantage of the EASA proposed geography inside the city and the event of daily crossings and meetings in places in both parts of Nicosia. Critical observations and individual narratives recorded in images / videos / sounds / texts / inventories / maps etc. could provide a vast collection of impressions on the city’s present condition. This collection will be exhibited and discussed during the final presentation of the workshops. Send UrN to:

WORKSHOPS 2workshopswillbeorganizedinthelastthree days of INCM, between 8-10th of November, focusing on the buffer zone condition and the city historical center. Other activities such as lectures, documentary screenings and site excursions will provide important related information to the participants. On the 10th of November an exhibition and a joint presentation of the outcome of the workshops will take place in Goethe institute. Critics will give feedback on the workshop projects and stimulate a creative discussion among the participants. Discussants: Anber Onar (art critic) / Aristides Antonas (architect/writer) / Pavlina Paraskevaidou (art critic) / Fevzi Ozersay (architect) WORKSHOP 1 BORDER ARCHITECTURE TACTICS,SUBVERSION,UTOPIA

Pelin Tan-(Sociologist-art historian) Borders or division lines create not only physical border between two spaces but also social-cultural attachments of two sites. The control and surveillance system in those undefined territory between two spaces, continuously redefines the biopolitics of space. Undefined territory could be examine through Foucault’s notion of “heterotopias” which can be ambiguous spaces that can’t be defined in time-space context but as a artefact of a social-political system in the society. At the other hand it can be also examined through Agamben’s argument: as a condition of continuous deterritorialization. “The state of exception” remains as an uncertain space in which the normal law is suspended, where the space becomes exceptional. Re-defining the space with arbitrary rules is where; the ambiguous separation between “bare life” and law/rules begins as Agamben points out. In the case of buffer zone, the question could be: how can we approach the overlapping identities and memories of space and define the rules for it? What are the rules of recognition of a space or land if it is in a condition of continuous de-territorialization?

Three days workshop will include: 1.Anintroductorylectureoftheoriesofspace of Deleuze (territory, deterritorialization) Foucault (hetereotopias), Agamben (state of exception / bare life) and brainstorming, discussion about terms border, territory, zones, wall. Related artistic and urban projects will be shown during the lecture. 2.Lecture on 1960’s Utopian architecture and urbanism (GEAM, Yona Friedman, SI, Constant, Superstudio).Discussionthroughprojectsand manifestos about utopia, mobility, montage, derive, survival structures, living forms. 3.Documentary screenings, site trip in Buffer zone. 4.Each student groups have to create speculative projects concerning buffer zone as a poster, video, text, design, any form…



M.Kosti(architect) / S.Keszi(architect)/ E.Pattichi (arch.student-easacy)/ E.Ozse(arch.student-easacy)/ P.Phokaides(architect)/ Ch.Stefanou (Aural and Visual Cultures)/ F.Vatavali(architect, urbanist)/ In 1964, the so-called ‘green-line’ divided the city of Nicosia, in two parts. The central historical market remained in the north part of the city, and the division line blocked access to it from the south. In a reflexive way another municipal market was designed and implemented in the south not far from the first one. Now the two marketplaces that exist in Nicosia reveal with their presence the history of division. Nowadays new types of commerce (malls, e-shopping, franchising etc.) are introduced in the urban and suburban areas of Nicosia, as part of a globalised trend, changing the way urban space is structured, experienced and conceived. Nevertheless, despite abandonment and dysfunction, the two marketplaces are still in many ways significant elements in the centre of the city. Through their presence and public character, they still play a vital role in the formation of social networks, as places of meeting and exchange and as places to imagine and encounter the ‘other’. In this framework, the two markets are considered as privileged actual and metaphorical sites to deal with ‘borders’ and ‘exchange’ in urban space of Nicosia. The workshop aims to re-imagine their present and future role, as places of urban meeting, by addressing a number of important practical and theoretical issues: In what ways do the markets reflect the contemporary condition of the border? What is the role the markets can have, bearing in mind the unstable character of the buffer zone and the shifting and dynamic condition in the centre of the city? Can this fluidity be used to re-imagine the role of markets inside a divided urban space and diverse social and cultural context? How can they provide inspiration to imagine new or different urban meetings and to overcome physical and social boundaries that shape Nicosia’s urban space? To address these issues, the workshop intends to: 1. Intensely map/record/document existing or conceived aspects of the two marketplaces. 2. Intervene directly on or reinterpret existing condition by organising particular actions/events inside the market spaces. 3. Re-imagine and re-think through design/ planning or scenario proposals the future roles of the two marketplaces as places of meeting and exchange.

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