Pets Magazine August 2021

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My Pet: Actor & INfluencer Scott mcGLYNN & HIS FOUR POOCHES


The Rise of the Fourlegged Colleague


& more inside…


My Pet We meet actor and in uencer Scott McGlynn and his pack of gorgeous pooches.

Vet fl

Scott McGlynn, ©Storytellers


UR My Pet stars


month are Scott McGlynn

and his four dogs. Scott is an actor, podcaster, activist and in uencer perhaps best known for The Scott McGlynn Show, is taking his talents to the world of acting with roles in the third series of Sex Education


Casualty. He is also working on a new book, and his new IGTV series, Acne Uncovered is out now, following the success of Celebrity Skin Talks. Outside of work, Scott enjoys life with his four dogs: Faith, Bridget, Belle



swimming, music and movies.


hat dogs do you have, Scott?

I have four dogs: Belle (toy We caught up with Scott to talk about poodle x chihuahua), Cleo (shih tzu) Faith (standard poodle) and Bridget (toy poodle); his passion for all things canine. we have all girls, you can tell I’m a lover of




ow long have you had your dogs?

Belle is our oldest, she’s nearly 10 years old, Cleo & Faith are 7 and Bridget is 2.


o they come with you to work?

I wish I could have them on set with me but I can't. Luckily, I do work from


home sometimes, and on those days they are by my feet or photobombing me.


hat di erence do your dogs make to your life?

Dogs are always great company. My partner works long hours, so when I’m in the house it's nice to have them there for company. I also enjoy walking and with the dogs - it makes the walk that extra special.


o you take doggie-friendly holidays with your pets?

Yeah absolutely, I love going away with the dogs for a break in the country. They love di erent places to explore, just like humans do. I remember growing up you couldn't take your dog anywhere; no one would allow it, but now there are cafes and hotels specially for dog walkers and owners which is amazing. I love how everyone is more accepting.


hat are the best holidays you’ve taken with your dogs?

I have to say this house we stayed in for a weekend break. It was just nice to go on long walks; it wasn’t the driest time but I don’t mind that all


o you take them with you to restaurants and pubs?



We have done for sure, I don’t take them all! Two of them maximum, if not, only one of them. More and more dog friendly places make life a bit easier, if you have been on a dog walk and want to stop o for food or a drink you can pretty much go anywhere these days.


hat are their favourite things in the world?

Oh it has to be toys, even Belle, old as she is, loves to play with a toy. We can't go shopping without buying one these days.


o they have any tricks or special character traits?

They all know sit and paw, but Cleo knows how to speak, we ask her to speak and she does a great howl.


s there anything you feel strongly about regarding pet welfare?

Grooming is very important! Take care of


your pets' health, teeth, nails, hair grooming, it's very important to do.

WEB AND SOCIALS: Web: Instagram: @scottmcglynno cia Twitter: @ScottyMcGlynn

Who looks a ter the dog

When you’re gone?


ver half of dog owners (58%) have

not made any plans about who would take over

seriously ill or pass away,

(6%) said they do

with almost a third (30%) of

not have anyone who would be

the 1126 dog owners surveyed

able to help – a cause for

by the charity admitting

concern for the charity.

that they have not even thought about what would

public to sign up to

ownership of their dog if the

happen in that scenario.

worst were to happen,

Worryingly, over half (58%) of Card Service, to ensure their

according to data from Dogs respondents also said that

their free Canine Care dog can be cared for by the

Trust’s new research.

whilst they think they have a

UK’s largest dog welfare

friend or family member who

charity at one of their state-

The ndings suggest owners

would take over ownership of

of-the-art rehoming

could be putting their dogs in

the dog, they have not

centres, should they become

a vulnerable position by not

discussed it with the person in

too ill to be able to keep

making provisions for

question and more than 1 in 20 them or pass away.


their care should they fall


Dogs Trust is urging the

The charity is

be unpredictable. As a nation

make sure they are looked

also encouraging dog owners

of dog lovers, we know the

after as you would at home.”

to appoint a ‘dog guardian’,

little quirks that make our

this could be family member,

dogs unique and I for


friend or even

one enjoy having the peace of

Crossbreed Charlie arrived at

a neighbour or vet

mind that if the time ever

Dogs Trust Shrewsbury on his

who agrees to take care of your comes when I can’t be with my 14th birthday after his owner dog and sign over your dog to

dog, Dogs Trust is the next

had signed up for the Canine

Dogs Trust in the interim

best place for her to be and

Care Card Service and could no

should you no longer be able

they will never put a healthy

longer care for him. Sue and

to. Dogs Trust also

dog down.

Brian Kerry were looking to

recommends updating your

welcome a dog into

Will to include your Canine

“We want to

their life and it was love at rst

Care Card information

normalise making plans for

sight when they saw Charlie.

and notifying friends and

the care of your dog should the Sue says:

family of your wishes to

worst happen, so that dog

ensure the process is dealt

owners can rest assured

“We just fell in love with his

with as smoothly as

that their four-legged

cute little face. We have always

possible when the time comes. friend will be given the best

had small dogs and when we

possible care if they no longer

saw him, we just hoped we

Owen Sharp, Dogs Trust Chief


were the family he was waiting for. He may be 14 but he is like

we never know what is around

should the worst happen Dogs

it, he has dropped the ball in it.

the corner and that life can

Trust can take your dog in and

He is cheeky!”

a free Canine Care Card, so that create a hole, before you know

events have shown that

and if you are gardening and


think about signing up to

“Recent world

a puppy! He loves playing fetch

“We would urge dog owners to

Executive said:

“He is a very happy dog and incredibly well behaved. You can tell he has been loved and looked after and he is really well trained too. He has so much character. If he wants a stroke he just comes over and nudges your hand and you can’t resist!” Charlie loves spending time in the garden and has a dog- ap so he can come and go as he pleases, and Sue and Brian have built him an undercover area where he has an outdoor bed, so if he wants to relax outdoors he can be in comfort, whatever the weather. Sue adds: “We just want him to be able to do whatever makes him happiest and although he loves being with us, he loves being outside

Happy at last: Charlie

sometimes even if we aren’t, so we immediately got onto making sure he could be as comfy in the garden as he is inside. He has really made himself at home and we can’t imagine life without him.” This important message comes as the charity launches a heart-warming TV advert this week, encouraging people to consider signing up for a free Canine Care Card. The advert, with a voice over from dog-loving actor,


Jonathan Pryce, depicts the

close bond

viewed here:

between crossbreed, Wilf and


his owner, Tom -

including Wilf’s penchant for

For more information or to

stealing Tom’s underpants.

sign up for a Canine Care Card visit

Unfortunately, Tom passes


away, but luckily he had signed up to Dogs Trust’s Canine Care Card, meaning that Wilf and all his quirks, were taken in by the charity. The advert will be airing across UK TV screens for eight weeks and can be

Are ‘pet-nups’, the new pre-nups?



he popularity of pets went sky-high during Covid, and a whopping 59%* of the UK population now owns a pet. This equates to 13 million pet dogs and 10 million pet cats enriching our lives and stealing our sofas on a daily basis. But the fact is that these adored family pets - with a place in our hearts like no other - have the same legal status as a piece of jewellery or a car. Which is why disagreements about who gets to keep the family pet during divorce proceedings can end up in court.

Divorce or separation is often a very stressful time - and worries over pet ownership can make a really tough situation even worse. It’s hard to reach agreement about emotional things when financial costs have to be considered - and with a family pet you may have to consider visitation rights too. But with careful planning in advance you

can help alleviate some of this worry.

Pet-nups explained: A pet-nup is essentially a petrelated version of a pre-nuptial

agreement. It’s a prenuptial agreement that specifically details what will happen to a couple’s pet(s) in the event of a divorce or separation.

It outlines the arrangements for your pet(s) and will be subject to contract principles. If you are considering entering a prenuptial agreement, a reference can be made to your pet within this agreement. Otherwise, you can get a standalone pet-nup written when you acquire a pet.

provision for your pets.

Why you need a pet-nup

Of course no one enters into marriage with the intention of separating, but it’s worth having a conversation now about who has the right of It’s important to point out that ownership should the relationship ever breaks down. pet-nups specifically relate to married people. If you have no You’ll potentially save a lot of heartache down the line. plans to marry, it’s worth thinking about a co-habitation Here are some things to think about: agreement. This is a legal Have you and your partner agreement that sets out who discussed who would look after owns what and in what proportion in a relationship (eg your pet if you divorce or separate? a property) and it can include

If you haven’t, who paid for the pet? Was the pet a gift? What evidence is there to support ownership? Do you have a receipt from the breeder or paperwork from the rescue charity? Who will pay for the dog’s upkeep and any vet / insurance costs? Many couples need help to reach a compromise about the arrangements for their pet. Will you need this support?


In divorce cases, the courts naturally tend to focus on matters involving finances and the care of any children, rather than on family pets. Should you ever get divorced or separate, having a pet-nup in place will give you peace of mind about how your pet will be looked after - and will prevent any confusion or difficulties down the line.

In legal terms, pets are considered to be chattels (personal possessions), so this is how the court will treat them. Chattels are items that are moveable – some obvious examples include furniture, photographs and jewellery but the definition is quite wide and includes vehicles and pets.

Pets Mag Charity O er: This article has been kindly written by Eric Robinson Solicitors. As a firm of dog lovers, Eric Robinson Solicitors will donate £20 to the fantastic Support Dogs (registered charity number 1088281) for each and every pet-nup written for a Pets Magazine reader. All you have to do is mention our name when you call them. If you want to have a chat about getting a pet-nup for your family, the friendly team are available (with no-obligation) on 02380 218000. You can also visit

* data supplied by Statista, a leading provider of market and consumer data

The Rise of the Fourlegged Colleague

The global response to the pandemic has changed the way we work, perhaps forever. One of the upsides is that we get to spend more time with our pets, who

Vethave become the best colleagues ever.


eing a dog owner over lockdown has had us spending

signi cantly more time with our dogs while we

Here, we look at companies that have office dogs and what impact they can have.

Companies embracing dogs in the office

worked from home. Now, Many forward-thinking companies and global normal, the thought of corporations have the benefit of leaving our dogs at home office dogs. According to who have become research from 2019, 64 per cent accustomed to being by of workplaces don’t have dog our side day and night is a friendly policies.

as we begin to return to

sad one. O o

ces that allow

ce dogs every day are

becoming a more desirable option for pet





Yet, their current workforce is increasingly made up of millennials, who are much more likely to organise work around their pets. Companies that offer pet-based policies

will attract these prospective employees.

The big companies are taking the lead Big successful companies that allow dogs at work include: Amazon Ben and Jerry's BrewDog Etsy Google Mars Monzo Nestle RSPCA Ticketmaster

A blog on Etsy’s website says:

Granted, there will be an initial excitement when dogs are first introduced, but this soon becomes the Stress levels are reduced and norm, and when things settle, there are also employee well-being increases, benefits on the work that is being produced. leading to increased

“It’s one of the ways we strive to maintain a casual, creative, and inspiring work environment.”

A quick look on LinkedIn shows 1,365 results* for ‘dog friendly jobs’ in the UK. People are looking for it, and people want it. But it is more than just bringing your dog to work.

According to research that surveyed 31 companies in


Productivity rises from having office dogs. When we stroke a pet, Kentucky, office dogs resulted in pet parents expressing more our body releases the hormone of their personality. This can be oxytocin, which helps us bond and makes us feel happier. important in cultivating and Stress levels are reduced and maintaining company culture employee well-being increases, and making the team more The fantastic benefits collaborative and casual – dogs leading to increased productivity. We are also less As Etsy states, bringing your have been found to promote dog to work can have a number staff interactions and create an likely to want to leave our jobs, too. of benefits on the workforce. improved social atmosphere.

In the UK, it is estimated that there are around 17.9 million working days that are lost each year as a result of stress, anxiety, and depression.


Putting pooches to work is just one way that we can help support workers struggling with these issues in the workplace. We should take a leaf out of successful corporations and see what they are doing to make their workforce happy, productive, and profitable.

Tips to introduce o ce dogs: Ensure everything goes smoothly when you make the introduction by following these steps. Prioritise high hygiene standards – like with ill employees staying at home to avoid spreading illness, the same must be considered for dogs. Positive vibes only – any dogs that have aggression problems should stay at home. Even if they are nervous, owners should be cautious.

Check about allergies – one in three pet owners have given up their pet because of an allergy. Make sure no one in the office suffers from dog allergies before taking him or her to work with you. Think about the benefits this will have as well as how this will affect your workforce. Sources Petersson, M., Uvnäs-Moberg, K., Nilsson, A., Gustafson, L.L., Hydbring-Sandberg, E. and Handlin, L., 2017. Oxytocin and cortisol levels in dog owners and their dogs are associated with behavioral patterns: An exploratory study. Frontiers in psychology, 8, p.1796.

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