Pets Magazine July 2017

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JULY, 2017

PET ALLERGIES: expert advice



TOP PRODUCTS for You & Your Pet! Pets Magazine


Pets Magazine

SOPHIE & NELL’S CHOICES Premium products for both you & your pet as chosen by Sophie & Nell, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, assisted by Marie.

Luxuriously soft dog collars Looking for an affordable luxury collar or lead for your pooch? Kera Pets is a new name in pet apparel, but they promise to be one you will remember. Their collars and leads are made from luxe full grain soft Italian leather with brass buckles. Modern and traditional styles are stocked in a variety of colours, so there are options for even the most style conscious pet owner. Pets Magazine readers can benefit from a 10% discount - until 31st August, 2017. Simply enter the discount code PROMO102017 when you place an order. Kera’s collars and leads come in a variety of styles - pictured is ‘Red’ by Kera from £28.00. Visit for more information and to order.

New kid on the dog food block AniForte is a German brand that has recently launched in the UK. The brand specialises in providing high quality nutrition with foods and supplements for dogs, cats and horses. All products are 100% natural, free from additives, chemicals and artificial flavourings. The wet food we tried was palatable and the ingredients high grade. For more information, and to buy, visit:


Pets Magazine

Perfect gifts for pet lovers! We love the gloriously pet-themed products from Ulster Weavers, which will make a perfect purchase for any pet lover. The range includes everything from doorstops (we absolutely love this characterful Scottie dog!) to oven gloves and tea pots. The company, which was established in 1880, builds on a proud heritage of artisan craft using high quality materials. The Scottie dog doorstop (pictured) is priced at £20.00. Visit for more information and to buy.

Food for small dogs! Grain free and backed with flavour, Piccolo provides nutritious ingredients specially selected to deliver optimum levels of nutrition, digestibility and flavour. Piccolo’s chefs and taste testers (dog & human) have worked to create a kibble that is exactly the right size for smaller dogs. With high levels of zinc and the optimum ratio of omega 3 & 6, Piccolo promises to keep coats looking fabulous and skin healthy. Comes in a variety of flavours. Available to buy at a wide range of stores, including online at Feedem and Pets Corner.

PS/ We’re always looking for premium products & services to review for both pets and people! Please get in touch with the boss at



Sophie & Nell

Pets Magazine


A Perfect Likeness

This month, Pets Magazine meets ASTRID BRISSON, a talented artist who specialises in pet portraits. Pictured is Pets Magazine’s Deputy Reviewer Nell, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. ‘Nell’ ©Astrid Brisson


Pets Magazine

This month, Pets Magazine meets Astrid Brisson, a talented London-based artist and illustrator who specialises in pet portraits. Astrid, who is originally from the Canary Islands, has been living in London for the past 8 years. Astrid creates vivid and colourful imagery using mainly watercolours and pastels. She excels at capturing the spirit and character of the animal. Astrid’s work turns its subjects into a more bold and playful version of themselves and focuses on the vibrancy and dynamism within pop culture and the natural world. Her pet paintings are amongst her most in demand works, as they are truly unique pieces. Astrid captured our wonderful ‘deputy reviewer’ Nell, an 11year old rescue Cavalier, perfectly. We loved the fact that Nell’s amazing character is encapsulated in the portrait.


Astrid with Nell’s portrait

We asked Astrid about her work, including her key inspirations. Nell, an ex-puppy farm rescue, was adopted by us only in August last year aged 10. She is an absolute joy and never stops smiling. Nell’s amazingly brave and happy character is portrayed wonderfully in Astrid’s depiction of her. We adore this fantastic portrait of Nell, which now has pride of place at Pets Magazine’s HQ.

Pets Magazine

Q. Where do you take your inspiration from? From my fascination and experiences in the natural world. Also people, places, films, music, the way the light falls into objects... inspiration can be found anywhere but if I don't, I just start working and let it come to me.

Reggie, a Boston Terrier pup

Penguin, the Jack Russell

Q. Do you have any pets yourself? Yes, I have Popi, a very cuddly and demanding Persian cat I adopted 3 years ago. He is 7 now. He wishes to be brushed and stroked every second of the day.

Q. Is pet portraiture the favourite part of your work? If so, why? It’s definitely one of my favourite and most challenging ones, as they all have different personalities that have to be reflected in the paintings. Sometimes the pets I get asked to paint have passed away, so it's a rather rewarding experience when the owner gets to see the final piece!Â


Jello and Bandit Pets Magazine

Q. What are your favourite places and subjects to paint?

Frank, the Pug

I enjoy painting wildlife the most. I’ve always been an enthusiast of the natural world and I think my paintings are an expression of this.Â

Q. Any brief tips for the amateur pet artist? I think the best tip to I can give to anyone is to have fun and enjoy whatever it is you do.

Bingley, the Collie

For more information: Email: Website:


Pets Magazine

How to avoid the pet allergy nightmare...

A recent survey shows 1 in 10 animal lovers are allergic to their own pet, with 44% not even realising they had the allergy until they bought their pet home... We ask DR ADAM FOX, Consultant Children's Allergist and Clinical Lead of Allergy at Guys and St Thomas’Hospital in London, how allergy sufferers can deal with their allergy while still keeping pets...


Pets Magazine

Almost half of all pet owners don’t realise they have an allergy to pet hair before bringing their pet home...

We are well-known for being a nation of animal lovers, with estimates showing that 13 million households in the UK have at least one pet. So, it may seem surprising that a recent survey shows 1 in 10 animal lovers are actually allergic to their own pet, with 44% not even realising they had the allergy until they bought their pet home... Pets can make you sneeze; this can be because of loose hairs, different types of bedding and even the types of food they eat.


But for some, these allergens may be far more severe and can cause reactions such as itchy and swollen eyes, hives on the skin and wheezing or coughing which can lead to the worsening of asthma.

Allergies are rarely treated by your doctor unless you have a severe reaction which is caused by one specific allergen, in this case you can undergo a desensitisation programme.

Dr Adam Fox, Consultant An allergy is our body’s way of Children's Allergist and Clinical responding when it comes into Lead of Allergy at Guys and St contact with a substance it may Thomas’ Hospital in London, deem as harmful. Having an explains what de-sensitisation allergy to dogs, cats and even is and how it works. horses is incredibly common and apart from staying away What is from them all together, there desensitisation? are medicines and solutions that can ease the symptoms Desensitisation, or temporarily. immunotherapy, is used for people who are allergic to certain animals, such as horses, Pets Magazine

cats and dogs as well as for pollens and dust mite allergies. It involves deliberate exposure to large amounts of the problem allergen so that the body’s immune system gets used to and changes its response towards it. Whilst this used to be done through a series of injections, it can now be done using allergen extract sprayed under the tongue.

stabilised prior to commencing with treatment.

medicine regularly as missing out doses can cause it to fail.

What’s New?

Therefore, many patients prefer injections as compliance is less of an issue. On the other hand, sublingual immunotherapy is more acceptable to children and adults who dislike needles.

Recent medical advances have meant that we no longer have to administer immunotherapy through injections. Instead, the allergen extract is given to the It is important to remember patient under the tongue either that desensitisation is very by a spray, tablets or drops. specific to what you are allergic Although desensitisation will to, so if you are desensitised to This method is called not cure an allergy, it will dogs then treatment for this sublingual immunotherapy and significantly reduce how will make a difference to this is very safe, with serious allergic you are to something. A allergy and not an allergy to reactions being extremely rare. real benefit of the treatment is grass pollen or cats. that it has a long-lasting effect, Sublingual immunotherapy can meaning that even after you’ve Your allergy specialist will be also be given at home, although stopped receiving the treatment able to help with what the first dose is always given for many years, your symptoms treatment is the best for you. under careful supervision in the will still be improved. hospital. The allergen extract For more information needs to be taken on a daily please see: basis for 3 years or through What happens before the whole pollen season for treatment? three years, you will start to and see a difference in the way www.londonmedicalconci your body reacts to the Before starting allergen within six to eight immunotherapy, you will need to have some allergy tests, this months. will involve a skin prick test and sometimes a blood test to determine what allergen is causing the problem. You will also have to have a physical examination to assess your general fitness; this is important so that conditions such as uncontrolled high blood pressure and asthma are


Sublingual immunotherapy has been shown in large studies to be an effective treatment for allergic rhinitis, but good comparison studies have not yet been done to compare it with injectable immunotherapy. It is very important to take the sublingual immunotherapy Pets Magazine

Why your cat needs a scratching post! By Wendy Liscia If you value your sofa, your curtains and your door frames, then a scratching post is an essential item for any cat owner whose feline friend is allowed indoors. But, why do cats need to scratch? To Bob, my feral tabby, scratching is a natural instinct, he uses scratching as a way of marking his territory. His scratches are both visual and odorous, as cats have scent glands on their paws.

Bob, Wendy’s cat, loves his scratching post

The second reason Bob scratches is as a form of His marks set out warm up. Rather like boundaries and serve warming up at the gym, as a message to outsiders he needs to ensure his to stay away, and for his muscles always maintain family to know where he their suppleness in case is. he needs to run. When he scratches he also


stretches, horizontally or vertically, slowly at first, and then more rapidly.

Claw sharpening The third reason Bob scratches is that it helps keep his claws in shape.

Pets Magazine

For him, having sharp claws is a powerful tool against predators. He uses his claws just like crampons to climb the nearest tree, or if all else fails he also uses them as a means of protection.

Trees are nature’s scratching posts

Of course, Bob’s reasons for scratching are perfectly understandable, but this instinct applies to all cats, both feral and domesticated.

an alternative to do what comes naturally. That alternative is a scratching post.

Scratching posts come in all manner of shapes and sizes, and depending on

What will truly please them is something rustic, but if that doesn’t go with your designer interior, they may need to compromise.

An indoor life If your cat lives indoors, using the legs of your dining room table as Bob would use a tree is not acceptable, unless you don’t mind living in a home with a ‘lived in’ look. The only way around it is to provide them with


how much importance your cat puts on marking your furniture as their own, teaching them to use one may or may not be easy.

What ever you choose it should be robust and tall enough for them to stretch and fully extend their muscles, just as Bob does in the wild. Pets Magazine

LARS B. ANDERSEN, CEO of Arty Lobster On 3D Pet Sculptures Click this link to watch the video.

And here’s two examples of Arty Lobster’s fantastic 3D sculptures. Visit their website at to order a 3D sculpture of YOUR pet!


Pets Magazine

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