Connect with RISE We can do more for young people when we work as a team.
Join us as we make a difference for thousands of Connecticut youth. Together, we can and will help all students realize and achieve their full potential. Get involved:
• Donate to RISE, helping us increase our impact in support of students, educators, and public high schools in Connecticut.
• Contribute to the RISE Educator Innovation Fund at • Explore our resource portal at, where you can access actionable ideas and tools for improving student engagement, on-track achievement, and postsecondary outcomes.
• Visit our blog at to stay up to date on our latest news, photos, and videos and sign up for our quarterly newsletter.
• Email us at to request additional materials or to schedule a site visit.
RISE Network
Design: Petting Zoo Photography: Anthony DeCarlo, Chris Randall to support RISE educators and your donation will be matched.