Nishimachi Annual Report 2018
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School Governance
Founder, Miss Tané Matsukata 1918-1989
In the 2017 Nishimachi Report, the photograph on page 3 (photo 1) did not carry a credit. The photograph is courtesy of TOMURO Atelier + Kenichi Nakamura and Associates. Nishimachi apologizes for the error.
Board of Trustees Virginia Anami Richard Dyck Philip Greenan Hunter Hale Michael Hosking Jeff Hsu Michiyo Ikenaga Mary Katayama Satoshi Kubo Akiko Kuno Haruhiko Sakaguchi David Sneider Junko Thomas John Vandenbrink Masamoto Yashiro Advisors Paul Ch’en Paul Hofer Naotaka Matsukata Ken Matsumoto Yoshio Nakamura Board of Directors Philip Greenan (Chair) Jeff Hsu (Vice Chair) Steven Greenberg Michael Hosking Tomio Kurihara Denise Miura Dan Weiss Statutory Auditor Noriko Igarashi
阿南 史代 バージニア ダイク リチャード グリーナン フィリップ ヘール ハンター ホスキング マイケル 許 積賦 池永 路代 片山 メアリー 公望 聡史 久野 明子 坂口 陽彦 スナイダー デイビッド トーマス 淳子 バンデンブリンク ジョン 八城 政基
チェン ポール ホッファー ポール 松方 直孝 松本 健 中村 芳夫
グリーナン フィリップ (理事長) 許 積賦(副理事長) グリーンバーグ スティーブン ホスキング マイケル 栗原 富夫 三浦 デニース ワイス ダン
五十嵐 紀子
Nishimachi Report 2017年号 お詫びと訂正 2017年秋に発行したNishimachi Report 2017年号、 3ページに掲載した 『Photo 1』 の画像のクレジット表記が正しくされていませんでした。正しくは、 『TOMURO Atelier + Kenichi Nakamura and Associates』 です。関係者の皆様そして読者の皆様にご迷惑を おかけしましたことをお詫び申し上げますとともに、訂正させていただきます。
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N Philip Greenan Chairperson Board of Directors
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ext year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the school. While the world and school have changed dramatically since Tané Matsukata opened her family home, her fundamental values endure: develop your full talents— academic, athletic, artistic; become a global ambassador by endeavoring to understand the world through many different perspectives; and, most importantly, motivate yourself and others and actively contribute to the world without regard for public acclaim. The board and school leadership team have been busy working to finalize plans for the Green Building. Takumi Associates, a well-respected operational consulting firm for international schools has been engaged to assist with a final review of the design and project plans, to help ensure a successful outcome. In September 2018, the board made the decision to begin a high school feasibility study. With this feasibility study now underway, the board is taking time to ensure that the new Green Building design and project plan can accommodate the transition that would be involved should the high school project move ahead. We are pleased to confirm that the project remains on target for the new Green Building to be operational at the beginning of the 2020/2021 school year. Much-needed progress was made in the adoption of digital learning in the classroom. The pace of change in how we communicate,
learn, search for new information, and reach conclusions, in the age of internet, constant connectivity, and ubiquitous devices, remains astonishing. Decades will pass before we will fully understand the impact of the new digital parenting environment, but common sense, gut feeling, and reflection on the observations of those studying this area do provide important guidance for our school. The importance of awareness and rigorous application of our child protection policy was thrust upon our consciousness again this year as further allegations about inappropriate-staffto-student behavior and staff misconduct at our school in the 1970s were reported. Timely updates to the community will continue, a reminder of what can happen in the absence of vigilance and a culture of speaking out. The past year saw a thorough analysis of faculty compensation conclude with important adjustments to faculty compensation and updates to the faculty rules of employment. Challenging, upskilling, measuring performance, and rewarding outstanding teaching are tasks which never end, but focus, information, and mature thinking saw the school raise the bar higher in this area. We closed a terrific year of fundraising with ¥64,384,000 of total giving, a more than 63% increase from the previous year, with total
participation from 397 community members (a 19% increase from the previous year). Annual giving campaign donations were ¼39,504,000 (a 21% increase); most notable within this was the doubling of parent donations. We owe much of the success of our fundraising to the commitment of an incredibly devoted team of volunteers, including the TNK executive board, TNK committee chairs and members, the Nishimachi-Kai board, Outreach Scholarship event chairs, the school trustees and board of directors, and many, many more. I am truly grateful and humbled that Nishimachi can call on such a wonderful group of talented and dedicated people—they are the pride of Nishimachi. I speak on behalf of all of Nishimachi in expressing sincere gratitude to all our donors for their commitment to sustaining educational excellence. It takes consistent, deep support from all corners of our community to build and steward the Nishimachi we know and love. I look forward to working with many of you to reach higher and achieve even more in the year, and years, to come.
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Michael Hosking Head of School
he 2017–2018 school year was a busy one. During the year, we focused heavily on addressing the recommendations of our last Council of International Schools (CIS) accreditation process. The accreditation report resulting from that process was very positive, with more commendations than recommendations. CIS expects that all the recommendations will be addressed and achieved well before their next accreditation visit in 2020.
Curriculum Matters
Applications The school received a total of 302 admissions applications, a 9% increase compared to the previous year. There were 158 kindergarten applications, 36 more than the previous year. During the January kindergarten screenings, 126 of 158 applicants were screened.
Nishimachi is committed to reviewing and enhancing the school curriculum, across grade levels and subject areas. Each year the school revises two of the major subject areas. During the 2017–2018 school year, the arts and health curriculums were reviewed. The recommendations from these reviews will be implemented in the 2018–2019 school year.
One hundred and eleven applications were received for grades 1 to 5. The number of applications received for grades 6 through 9 was 33, which was more than the previous year.
The child protection curriculum was implemented from kindergarten to grade 9. The introduction of this new curriculum was another phase in our planning to fully address the issue of student protection.
Enrollment The 2017–2018 school year began with 464 students, a record total, which was 17% more than the starting number for the previous year. One hundred and thirteen new students started the academic year, and eight more were admitted during the year. There were 115 students in the middle school, up 34% from the previous year.
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The most significant curriculum event during the 2017–2018 school year was the introduction of our Nishimachi 2030 Graduate Statement. This statement sets out the personal qualities, skills, and understandings that we believe our students will require to be successful in the year 2030. The Nishimachi 2030 Graduate Statement has become the driving force of our teaching and learning programs.
Two other areas of focus within the curriculum during 2017–2018 were: • Improving our understanding of global and service learning: and • Improving student thinking skills.
Global and Service Learning Nishimachi has a long history of community service, particularly the giving of money to
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worthy causes. Giving money is a noble activity but often results in little authentic connection, ownership, responsibility, or learning. The idea of service learning is a much deeper concept, with sustainable and long-lasting learning and benefits. We are beginning to understand the differences between community service and service learning. Global learning includes intercultural and environmental aspects. During 2017–2018, our focus has been on developing environmental sustainability programs. To maximize learning, it is important that these programs are student driven and led. Good examples of sustainability programs now in operation include the H&M clothing recycling project and the paper-intotoilet-paper project, where our recycled paper and cardboard are returned to us as toilet paper.
Student Thinking Skills The levels of sophistication within our society are ever increasing. Therefore, for students to be successful, levels of student thinking need to become more sophisticated to meet this need. We have explored the ways that thinking skills and their development can be incorporated into our existing curriculum and programs. This work will continue in the 2018–2019 school year.
Strategic Plan There were four main recommendations arising from our last CIS/ WASC accreditation process, which form the basis of our strategic plan.
Recommendation 1. Develop a multiyear, comprehensive instructional technology plan with faculty and staff input to further advance the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Actions taken in 2017–2018: • Director of digital learning appointed; • Review of Nishimachi Educational Technology Handbook from 2015 completed; • Student and staff surveys on self-reported technology proficiencies, readiness, and interest areas completed; • SWOT (Strengths/ Weaknesses/ Opportunities/ Threats) completed; • ISTE Standards decided on as our digital learning curriculum; • ISTE “14 Essential Conditions” adopted as our “research-backed framework to guide implementation of the ISTE Standards, tech planning, and systemwide change”; • Total digital infrastructure revamped; and • Connected learning program costed, funded, and implemented.
(ELLI) in grade 3; • The CIS Community Survey; • The Canadian Tell Them From Me (TTFM) student survey; • The International Schools Assessment (ISA) writing test; and • An end-of-year Parent Perceptions Check. We also joined the international Learning Analytics Collaborative (LAC), a partnership of 18 leading international schools from around the world. The LAC schools work together to develop digital tools and processes to better interrogate and investigate learning data. One such tool that the LAC has developed is the “data dashboard,” which aids data analysis. We have now developed our own Nishimachi version of the data dashboard. The leadership team will work with staff to develop our skills in analyzing and using the data to inform teaching and learning.
Recommendation 2. Strengthen and formalize school-wide assessment data analysis to improve the quality of teaching and learning and to evaluate the effectiveness of programs.
The new survey measures provide us with valuable information on both individual student achievement and attitudes toward learning, and whole-school climate information. These surveys add to the information we already access through MAP testing, classroom assessments, and common writing and reading assessments.
Actions taken in 2017–2018: To establish baseline data, we administered, for the first time: • The Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory
Recommendation 3. Implement a Professional Development (PD) Plan targeted on school-wide priorities and individual professional growth needs. Nishimachi Annual Report 2018 ...
Actions taken in 2017–2018: A comprehensive PD Plan was shared with staff, identifying the many components of professional learning at Nishimachi. • The Professional Learning Team format was adapted at the end of last year, to allow for personal choice and collegial support and to ensure PLTs are research based, gathering evidence of improvements to student learning as a result of initiatives. • Whole-school PD included working with consultant Pam Harper on strategic planning, vision, and mission, and establishing school-wide principles of teaching and learning. Erin Kent provided PD on literacy and reader’s/writer’s workshop. • Staff members were able to access additional professional learning funds to enhance their professional practice by attending conferences together and working in teams. Recommendation 4. Re-evaluate the effectiveness and levels of support provided to all students, including ESL students, those with special learning needs, and students who are advanced and gifted. Actions taken in 2017–2018: Additional English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher deployed; first learning support intern position implemented.
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Student Achievement
Future Challenges
One of the main issues raised in our endof-year Parent Perceptions Check was the uncertainty about current levels and standards at Nishimachi. The graphs to the right show that the achievement and standards at Nishimachi remain very high compared to all other international schools, against all EARCOS schools, and, significantly, against all “like” schools. Like schools are schools which are very similar in demographics and type to Nishimachi.
Two issues will continue to provide us with real challenges:
Facilities and General Maintenance Repair works were carried out throughout the school year and during the summer holiday at the end of the school year. Large maintenance projects completed include: • Renovation of the gym floor; • Major alterations to the middle school art room; • Extra accommodation and showers at Kazuno campsite; • New shutter door in garage; • Remodeling of cleaners’ room; • LED lights throughout the school; • Non-slip steps in Red Building; • Painting of many classrooms; • Renovation of the pottery space; • New furniture in seven more classrooms; and • Further improvement of IT infrastructure and resources. A total of 63 projects were under consideration.
• Student protection: The serious allegations made against a Nishimachi teacher from the period 1970–1980 have challenged us. The situation has made us look at our recruiting practices, our school processes, and our curriculum so that we minimize the risk of future student protection issues. • Grade 9 to 10 transition: Historically, grade 9 graduates from Nishimachi have mostly been able to transition to their high school of choice. Unfortunately, some of our 2017 grade 9 graduates had a different experience. Many of our destination high schools did not have enough actual vacancies for applicants. This is a situation that is predicted to continue for some years. A thorough examination of the feasibility of Nishimachi’s adding its own high school section will occur in the 2018–2019 school year.
Summary The 2017–2018 school year was successful in so many ways. We look forward to the 2018– 2019 school year being even more rewarding and successful.
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ishimachi graduates know, care, and take action to bring value to others and make a genuine difference to the world.” This sentence from our 2030 Graduate Statement has been a particular focus in the elementary school this year. As the world transforms and moves into an unknown future, we value the need to develop future leaders who embody the Nishimachi spirit of advocating for diversity and taking initiative.
Mihoko Chida
Elementary School Principal
This past year Nishimachi elementary students have been challenged to think flexibly, innovatively, and critically in a variety of contexts. More than ever, our young learners have pursued their individual passions, as they designed their own projects to showcase their learning and literacy skills. Students explored their interests with guidance, support, and feedback from their teachers and peers. With updated furniture, classrooms have become flexible learning areas where students can determine how to collaborate and learn. Students from kindergarten to grade 5 participated in the global Hour of Code movement, joining millions of others to learn the basics of coding and celebrate computer science. Seesaw, an app designed for studentdriven digital portfolios, allows students to post their work in order to give and receive constructive peer feedback. When used as a reflection tool for students, it also allows for seamless communication between parents and the school. Parents can see, and comment on, a video in which their child reflects on his or her
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learning, a photo taken by a classmate, or their child’s finished work. The 2030 Nishimachi Graduate Statement implores our students to have a service orientation and to understand the greater impact of their actions. Students were involved this year in raising awareness through our connection to the Swedish clothing retail company H&M’s worldwide clothing recycling project. The grade 3 students podcasted and interviewed a H&M representative about the fashion company’s efforts to reduce clothing waste and foster a circular economy. This interview is an example of how Nishimachi students, effortlessly shifting from Japanese to English, communicated their ideas in an effort to educate themselves and others. With a greater emphasis on service learning, children are connecting their learning from the classroom to the local and global community. From a grade 2 initiated recycling project to grade 5 students’ collecting batteries for the homeless, we have seen various examples of how students become leaders and learn to take the initiative in their own lives. Our vision is that Nishimachi students will make a difference to the world of the future, as our founder, Tané Matsukata, did when she started Nishimachi. We will continue to maximize learning so that students know, care, and take action.
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Meredith Lawson Middle School Principal
t Nishimachi, our ultimate goal is that every student learns to live harmoniously in, and contribute to, world society. This is at the forefront of our minds in all that we do in our daily interactions with all members of the community, as we work towards developing young people who meet the characteristics detailed in the Nishimachi 2030 Graduate Statement.
skills in problem solving and realized that, at times, a smile may be all that is needed to make a connection. The student reflections highlighted their learning in the area of worldinterconnectedness:
Developing our service learning program was a key feature of the year, and we have witnessed grade 7 students assisting grade 1 students with their math, and grade 6 students inspiring grade 2 students to initiate a recycling program after seeing the videos made as a part of their social studies unit “Saving Planet Earth.” These authentic and relevant actions which build relationships and have an impact on others are vital elements in providing opportunities for the students to collaborate and adopt multiple perspectives.
“Smiles are what make great days in Cambodia—not money. The important thing is not just giving but how you take part in the interaction of giving.”
During the first week of winter break, the inaugural grade 9 service learning trip to Cambodia took place. This trip renewed our school’s commitment to the Kirivorn school, building on the financial support that Nishimachi has provided for the last 17 years. The students were challenged to move out of their comfort zones as they experienced the cultural aspects of the country and learned how other people live their daily lives. The Nishimachi students were impressive when leading activities at Kirivorn school, despite the limitations of language and facilities. They developed their
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“The hardest thing was to put your life aside and be in the moment. Even though we cannot fully relate, we can listen.”
“Now that I have seen how they live, I cannot ignore it.” Contributions to the local community have continued as students delivered goods to the homeless of Shibuya, and connections were established with Seibi Homes, an orphanage in Akabane. Further afield, the annual middle school trip to Minami Sanriku, a town devastated by the 2011 Great Eastern Earthquake, also enabled our students to learn about being of service to others and taking action to effect change. Our aim is that students will have an understanding of their place in the world when they leave our community and will “know, care, and take action.”
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nce a year, Nishimachi publishes this report of giving to acknowledge the many members of our community who make a difference each year to the lives of our students. We recognize that every member of our community has unique circumstances and interests and are deeply grateful to all those who contribute to the school in one way or another.
In 2017–2018 Nishimachi International School received ¥64,383,506 between August 1, 2017, and July 31, 2018. Thank you to all who participated in this record fundraising year! We encourage you to visit the school to see how your gift has made a difference and how you can become involved. For how you can support Nishimachi, please see page 46.
Philippe Eymard Director of Development
Annual Giving
Unrestricted cash (annual fund) Unrestricted cash (CCP annual support) Restricted cash (see page xx) Buses for sports teams Campus Development Project Drama and Arts program Grade 9 program Gym stack lines Japanese Social Studies program Music program Outreach Scholarship program Sports program Sports uniforms School furniture Technology Designated to other programs Gifts-in-kind Endowment funds Total giving
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¥16,686,828 ¥10,700,000 ¥36,996,678 ¥2,000,000 ¥14,180,000 ¥554,350 ¥500,000 ¥1,111,752 ¥1,050,000 ¥500,000 ¥10,953,139 ¥700,000 ¥1,600,000 ¥1,763,703 ¥500,000 ¥1,305,617 ¥132,654 ¥145,463 ¥64,383,506
Donations 2017-2018 (by constituents) Total 64,383,506 Tomo no Kai 8,560,485 Current parents 21,673,120
Corporations (CCP annual support) 10,700,000
Organizations (companies, foundations, events) 4,183,233
Board and Trustees 2,882,764 Friends 11,253,500
Nishimachi-Kai 5,022,951 Faculty/Staff 107,453
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List of Restricted Gifts Your restricted gifts have supported the following programs: The list below identifies the type and amount of 2017-2018 contributions designated for specific school programs. 3D printer* 400,302 Buses for school sports teams* 2,000,000 Campus Development Program 14,180,000 Coca-cola products for Community Service Day and student events 132,654 Document cameras* 335,992 Drama and Arts program 554,350 Educational program 5,000 Endowment - Robert and Judith Sharp Family Fund 11,205 Endowment - Lynn Araki Takata Photography Education 10,000 Endowment - TanĂŠ Matsukata Fund for International Education 124,258 Food Fair booth 56,000 Grade 9 program 500,000 Gym slack lines* 1,111,752 Heaters* 19,600 Japanese social studies program 1,050,000 Library program 104,350 Music program 500,000 Nishimachi-Kai activities 15,000 Outreach Scholarship program* (TNK - ÂĽ1,000,000) 10,953,139 Nishimachi Foundation 40,237 Podcasting platform* 199,136 Sakura reading books* 130,000 School furniture* 1,763,703 Sports program 700,000 Sports uniforms* 1,600,000 Technology 500,000 Total restricted gifts received in 2017-2018 36,996,678
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*TNK grant
Donations 2017-2018 (by designation) Total 64,383,506 CCP annual support 10,700,000 Annual fund 16,686,829
17% Restricted to other programs 2,181,071
Campus Development Project 14,180,000
3% Endowment 145,463
17% Outreach Scholarship 10,953,139
Gift-in-Kind 132,654 Drama 554,350
7% 5% Sports program Technology 4,300,000 500,000
Japanese social studies 1,050,000 School furniture 3,000,000 Nishimachi Annual Report 2018 ...
Individual Donors The 1949 Society Tohru and Itoe Akaura Makoto and Yoshiko Azuma Masayuki and Yuko Fukui Eric Gan and Haemi Chung Kazuki Inaba ‘76 Ichiro and Mari Kawashima Takao Kobayashi Yoji Takahashi Kenro and Minako Tsutsumi Masahiro and Yayako Uchida Tomohiko and Mizue Uemura Makoto and Lisa Yano Masamoto Yashiro Founder’s Circle Frank and Kumi Clark III Gen and Chizuru Kimura Jixun Lin and Ziwei Wang
Leaders’ Circle Bang Family Brian and Ayako Bender Ezra Borut and Lisa Cintron Tadao Endo Doug and Hiroko Freeman Julie K. Fujishima ‘81 Jin and Lalaka ‘90 Fukuma Ambassador Bill Hagerty and Chrissy Hagerty Emi and Kuniyoshi Hayashi Patrick Hogan and Dr. Lien Do Taro ‘91 and Nobumi Hornmark Jack Hsu ‘81 Jeff ‘77 and Hiroko Hsu Jerry C.R. Hsu ‘83 John Hsu ‘78 Koyu and Ryoko Izumi Taichi and Momoyo Kamimura Mary Sung Katayama Amy Katoh
Levels of Giving (Individuals) The 1949 Society
¥1,000,000 and above
Founder’s Circle
¥500,000 to ¥999,999
Leaders’ Circle
¥100,000 to ¥499,999
Educators’ Circle
¥50,000 to ¥99,999
Friends’ Circle
¥20,000 to ¥49,999
Vikings Club
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under ¥20,000
Tomohiro and Sai Kitazawa Hirofumi Kotoi and Wei Chen Yhu ‘94 and Sayaka Kuni John Lloyd ‘81 Nina Marini ‘85 Yoshi and Yukari Matsuzawa Mizuki ‘91 and Thomas McGrath Robert and Andrea McTamaney Geeta and Krishen Mehta, Ravi Mehta ‘96, Arjun Mehta ‘04 Atsushi and Rena Miura Kazuyuki and Yukari Miyake Yusuke Murata Terence and Motoko Murphy Kuniharu and Makiko Nakamaru David and Tina Nishida & Family Andrew Ogawa ‘87 Masayuki and Yukiko Okayama Jun ‘83 and Natsuko Okuda David Sancho Shimizu and Risako Shima Kimihiro Sato ‘81 Kathryn (Brown) ‘94 and Ricky Schrag ‘94 Soshi and Tomoko Seo David Sneider and Naomi Pollock Junichi and Yasuko Suzuki Yoshinobu Takahara Yuko and Mikako Takamatsu Millie Takayama Danforth and Junko Thomas Yoshitsugu and Naomi Uehigashi
John and Donna Vandenbrink The Watkins Family Chris and Chika Wu Kikue and Shunsuke Yamamoto Yugo Yamamoto Lida Yan and Zheng Wan Yiu and Tanaka Educators’ Circle Hope Anderson ‘74 Maki Ando ‘87 Yoko and Archibald Ciganer Charles Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. Albert ‘91 and Julia Drouart Amy Flint Hitoshi and Sumi Fujii Kathy and Marty Goossen Ryuko and Kayoko Hira Yushi Katayama ‘96 Isao and Yukiko Ano ‘55 Kato Junko Yoroi Kawai Akihiro and Makiko Kinoshita Yuko Kitamura Hikaru and Chihoko Kobayashi Kurihara Family Therese A. McCarty ‘72 Mark H. Mitchell Seiichi and Miki Oku Haruhiko Sakaguchi ‘88 Yuichi and Satika Takei Caroline Watkins ‘00 Chuck and Debbie Whitehead
Individual Donors Friends’ Circle Yoshiaki and Tamami Aoshima Hakan and Kaede Borglund Bret and Kimie Dandoy Andrew R. Deane and Yukiko Tokano Harald deRopp Junichiro Egawa Philippe Eymard Riku and Kelly Francis Kenji and Tamaki Fujita Philip Greenan Donald S. Greenberg Lawrence and Keiko Greenberg Hunter D. and Suzanne Hale Paul and Ksenia Harrison Carl and Judy Hickey Hirano Family Toru Igarashi, Dr. & Mrs. Hiroyasu and Junko Ishiyama Yukinori and Masami Kataoka Katsuhito Kimijima Daisuke and Ayano Kobayashi Konomu and Tsuyuko Kuni Jim and Sherry Ladd Matthew Lawson and Yoko Nemoto Taiga Lewis ‘19 Hiroko Lockheimer Audrey McAvoy ‘88 and Michael Lum Lola Mae McAvoy
Mark and Sachiyo Miller Aya Miyauchi-Nakamura ‘80 Elmer Z. and Mie Nakao Eiko and Lillian ‘90 Olsen Yusuke and Hiroko Onodera Arthur and Kaya Ozeki Linda Polgar Andrew and Mariko Ras Jordan and Chizuko Shappell Joy Tadaki ‘84 Asao and Sonomi Tanaka Phyllis Toomire Bhittinan (Japan) Worawanichakorn ‘24 Iris Wu ‘20 Naoko Yoshino ‘82 Vikings Club Anonymous Jun and Kiyoko Aketa Virginia Anami Meena Beardsley Nancy Bennett Larr Pericles and Diane Caminis Masu Kusume Dyer Lieko Earle ‘90 Fred J. Endelman Steven Greenberg Elena Amau Guild ‘15 Houzan Haku Fujiko Hara Hiroko Hara
Hiroko Hara and Philippe Eymard Yasunori Haruyama Chisato Hasuda ‘13 Tetsuro Hayashi Miwako Hongo Michael Hosking Harukako Ikeura ‘00 Natsukako Ikeura ‘01 Tsutomu Inoue Kana Iwata Kiki Jiang Yamaguchi ‘87 Young-Jin Ju and Sayaka Nagatomo Tatsuo Kawasaki Gary Kellenberger Philip Kirk ‘92 Yuichi Kitamura Kazuto Kobayashi Ryuji and Akiko Kobayashi Shigeyasu Kobayashi Takao Kobayashi Masako Koga Keiko Koyama Ryoji Kubo ‘90 Satoshi Kubo Aiko Kumamoto ‘01 Akiko Kuno Tim Latimore John Laudenslager Junbom Lee Kevin Lee Kacie Leviton ‘95 Tomoyoshi Matsuda
Michiko Matsui Koichiro Matsumoto Susan Stryker Matush ‘70 Mark ‘70 and Lisa Melnick Sami Mian Christopher L. H. Miyabe ‘04 Kayo Morimoto Takumi Morisaki Makoto Moro Masashi Murakami Aya Murata ‘85 Mayumi Nakayama ‘90 Yoko Nakayama Yoshinori Noguchi Miori Ogawa Toshiko Ohta Joi Okada Kiyoshi Okamoto Akira Onose Jan and Peter Opdahl Shigenori Oshiro William Perrin M & Y Popiel Yumiko Miyano and Rick Privman The Pulley Family Sang-Dae Rah ‘96 Timothy Reed Dorothy J. Reiser (Jeanie Cohen ‘70) Cecily and Helen ‘70 Moffett Suzan and Marty Rose Robert Rowland Bansei Ryu
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Individual Donors Tokuya Sano ‘86 Michael Schaffer Alex Schweisgut and Eriko Suzuki Anne Sharp Sands ‘81 Hisami Shirai Hirotaka Son ‘98 Roy and Andrea Struble Maki Suzuki ‘88 Yoshikazu ‘01 and Ava Suzuki-Lambrecht Erik Svalander Hiroya Takaoka Shigekatsu Takeda Riku Tanaka ‘17 Yoshinori Terao Jun Terui Makiko Tomita ‘86 Jennifer Toyoshima Adrian and Naomi Tschoegl Nancy Tsurumaki Yuichi Watanabe Mimi Yano ‘18 Shinji Yoshida Gifts-in-Kind Kaori Aizawa Isao Aoki Norichika Aoki
Kengo Aoshima ‘14 Yoshiaki and Tamami Aoshima Marcella Bromfield Mihoko Chida Bret and Kimie Dandoy Marika Dandoy ‘05 Andrew Deane Kiyoshi Endo Lindy Fortner Ellen Fryer Keiichiro Fukabori Bill Haas Hara Family Yasunori Haruyama Justine Hitchcock Noriko and Nils Hornmark Hidemasa Hoshino Michael Hosking Atsuko Ikejiri Junko and Hiroyasu Ishiyama Junko Yoroi Kawai Kek Family Shigeyasu and Wendy Kobayashi Masako Koga Jason Kokrak Carol Koran Meredith Lawson Hiroko Lockheimer
Michael Mercado Taku Miyamoto Mika Miyazato Atsushi Morita Chisato Moritaka Fuyuhiko Nishijima ‘71 Tsuyoshi Nishijima Ogata Family Hisanori and Tomiko Omi Jan and Peter Opdahl Naomi Osaka Claire Prowse RED RICE (Shonan no Kaze) Yukiko Seki Hideo Shimizu Radim Sinkora Jennifer Sutherland Matthew Sutherland Takahara Family Nobuhiro Takeda Toyoko Tasaki ‘83 Shohei Tateyama Jennifer Toyoshima Nancy Tsurumaki Harry Wagner ‘77 Terry Morris Saori Yamaguchi Hiromi Yamamoto Ben and JoAnn Yoneyama
Matching Gifts The following individuals multiplied the impact of their gifts, regardless of designation, by participating in the matching gift programs of their companies. Our very special thanks to: Google Inc. Brian and Ayako Bender Thomas and Mizuki McGrath ’91 Microsoft Nina Marini ’85 PayPal, Inc. Albert ‘91 and Julia Drouart More than 580 U.S. companies have matching gift programs. To find out if your company or your spouse’s company has a program, please check with your human resources department or call the Nishimachi Development Office at 03-3451-2167.
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Organizational Donors Founder’s Circle Nishimachi Tomo no Kai Leaders’ Circle Morimura Homeikai Foundation V. K. HSU AND SONS FOUNDATION LIMITED Educators’ Circle Outreach Walkathon 2017 Friends’ Circle Outreach Golf Tournament 2018 Vikings Club Anonymous A Print K.K. AmazonSmile Foundation Azabu Gardens / Pembroke Real Estate Japan, LLC Coca-Cola (Japan) Co., Ltd. Domino’s Pizza Japan Inc. Endo Risk Reduction Services Co., Ltd. Goldman, Sachs & Co. Google Inc. Mercedes-Benz Japan Co., Ltd. Microsoft Morgan Stanley Nishimachi-Kai Organic Growth Co., Ltd. PayPal, Inc.
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Santa Fe Relocation Services Japan K.K. Skillhouse Staffing Solutions K.K. The Scheidel Foundation Gifts-in-Kind Anonymous AFLOAT Hawaii AFLOAT Japan Agura Kisyu Kaiseki Cuisine American Express International, Inc. Arisugawa Orthopaedic Clinic Azabu Gardens / Pembroke Real Estate Japan, LLC Bar Japan Inc. Bellwoods, Inc. Callaway Golf K.K. Chiba Birdie Club Club 360 Cookie Time Japan Co., Ltd. DEN Dental Clinic Doggy’s Island Resort & Villa Eagle Point Golf Club eLADY Ltd. Elana Jade K.K. Fiji Kyuko Co., Ltd. Future Education Grand Hyatt Tokyo Imahan Co., Ltd. Juan Valdez Café Kiwi Kitchen Kosé Cosmeport Corp. Mercedes-Benz Japan Co., Ltd.
MNC New York Inc. Mori Building Co., Ltd. Oakwood Japan ONE WORLD international hair salon OTTO CITTA Golf Lab / Golf & Lounge Plantec Associates Inc. PRGR K.K. Repro Curato Samrat Indian Restaurant Santa Fe Relocation Services Japan K.K. Satoshi Kodaira The Prince Karuizawa The Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo The Winery Tokyo American Club Trump International Hotel Waikiki Tsuruya Liquours VIAX Co., Ltd. WATABUN Co., Ltd. WineInStyle Yokohama Country & Athletic Club Yorozu Kyogen K.K. CCP Participating Companies Biotronik Japan Inc. Capital Servicing Co., Ltd. Chanel K.K. Fortress Investment Group (Japan) GK Hogan Lovells (Hong Kong) Limited
Hogan Lovells Horitsu Jimusho Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo INC Research Japan Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. Oak Lawn Marketing International Inc. Softsource K.K. STMicroelectronics K.K. Terumo BCT Japan Inc. Tokyo Office Service Co., Ltd. School Calendar Sponsors Asian Tigers Mobility Azabu Gardens (Pembroke) Club 360 Domino’s Pizza Japan, Inc. Elana Jade K.K. Endo Risk Reduction Services The King Clinic Kozu Clinic Mori Living Motoazabu Hills International Dental Clinic National Medical Clinic ONE WORLD international hair salon Pompadour Co., Ltd. Santa Fe Relocation Services Japan K.K. Sei Corporation Ltd. TOGO’s Dr. Jason Wong D.D.S.
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Donor Affiliation Parents of Current Students Tohru and Itoe Akaura Jun and Kiyoko Aketa Norichika Aoki Makoto and Yoshiko Azuma Bang Family Brian and Ayako Bender Ezra Borut and Lisa Cintron Yoko and Archibald Ciganer Frank and Kumi Clark III Junichiro Egawa Doug and Hiroko Freeman Hitoshi and Sumi Fujii Masayuki and Yuko Fukui Jin and Lalaka ‘90 Fukuma Eric Gan and Haemi Chung Lawrence and Keiko Greenberg Ambassador Bill Hagerty and Chrissy Hagerty Hara Family Paul and Ksenia Harrison Emi and Kuniyoshi Hayashi Tetsuro Hayashi Patrick Hogan and Dr. Lien Do Hiroyasu and Junko Ishiyama Koyu and Ryoko Izumi Young-Jin Ju and Sayaka Nagatomo Taichi and Momoyo Kamimura Yukinori and Masami Kataoka Tatsuo Kawasaki Ichiro and Mari Kawashima
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Kek Family Gary Kellenberger Gen and Chizuru Kimura Akihiro and Makiko Kinoshita Tomohiro and Sai Kitazawa Daisuke and Ayano Kobayashi Hikaru and Chihoko Kobayashi Shigeyasu and Wendy Kobayashi Takao Kobayashi Hirofumi Kotoi and Wei Chen Kurihara Family Matthew Lawson and Yoko Nemoto Junbom Lee Jixun Lin and Ziwei Wang Yoshi and Yukari Matsuzawa Mark and Sachiyo Miller Atsushi and Rena Miura Kazuyuki and Yukari Miyake Yusuke Murata Michael Mercado Kuniharu and Makiko Nakamaru Joi Okada Kiyoshi Okamoto Masayuki and Yukiko Okayama Seiichi and Miki Oku Jun ‘83 and Natsuko Okuda Hisanori and Tomiko Omi Shigenori Oshiro Arthur and Kaya Ozeki William Perrin Yumiko Miyano and Rick Privman
David Sancho Shimizu and Risako Shima Tokuya Sano ‘86 Michael Schaffer Alex Schweisgut and Eriko Suzuki Soshi Seo Jordan and Chizuko Shappell Hisami Shirai Junichi and Yasuko Suzuki Takahara Family Yoshinobu Takahara Yuko and Mikako Takamatsu Hiroya Takaoka Yuichi and Satika Takei Shohei Tateyama Makiko Tomita ‘86 Kenro and Minako Tsutsumi Masahiro and Yayako Uchida Yoshitsugu and Naomi Uehigashi Tomohiko and Mizue Uemura Yuichi Watanabe Terry Morris Kikue and Shunsuke Yamamoto Yugo Yamamoto Yiu and Tanaka Shinji Yoshida Current Students Bhittinan (Japan) Worawanichakorn ‘24 Mimi Yano ‘18
Grandparents of Current Students Fujiko Hara Miori Ogawa Parents of Alumni Yoshiaki and Tamami Aoshima Hakan and Kaede Borglund Pericles and Diane Caminis Bret and Kimie Dandoy Harald deRopp Charles Doherty, Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Endelman Tadao Endo Amy Flint Douglas and Hiroko Freeman Julie K. Fujishima ‘81 Kenji and Tamaki Fujita Eric Gan and Haemi Chung Kathy and Marty Goossen Philip Greenan Steven Greenberg Hunter D. and Suzanne Hale Fujiko Hara Carl and Judy Hickey Ryuko and Kayoko Hira Noriko and Nils Hornmark Jeff ‘77 and Hiroko Hsu Toru Igarashi, Dr. & Mrs. Mary Sung Katayama Amy Katoh Kawasaki Tatsuo Kellenberger Gary
Donor Affiliation Ryuji and Akiko Kobayashi Satoshi Kubo Konomu and Tsuyuko Kuni Kurihara Family Jim and Sherry Ladd Tim Latimore John Laudenslager Kevin Lee Hiroko Lockheimer Lola Mae McAvoy Robert and Andrea McTamaney Geeta and Krishen Mehta Mark and Sachiyo Miller Mark H. Mitchell Terence and Motoko Murphy Elmer Z. and Mie Nakao Yoko Nakayama David and Tina Nishida & Family Miori Ogawa Toshiko Ohta Eiko Olsen Jan and Peter Opdahl Arthur Ozeki M & Y Popiel The Pulley Family Andrew and Mariko Ras Timothy Reed Suzan and Marty Rose Robert Rowland Bansei Ryu David Sneider and Naomi Pollock Erik Svalander
Hiroya Takaoka Jun Terui Danforth and Junko Thomas Adrian and Naomi Tschoegl Masahiro and Yayako Uchida John and Donna Vandenbrink The Watkins Family Linda Polgar Chuck and Debbie Whitehead Chris and Chika Wu Lida Yan and Zheng Wan Makoto and Lisa Yano Masamoto Yashiro Ben and JoAnn Yoneyama Grandparents of Alumni Donald S. Greenberg Hideo Shimizu Nishimachi Faculty and Staff Marcella Bromfield Mihoko Chida Andrew R. Deane Philippe Eymard Lindy Fortner Yasunori Haruyama Justine Hitchcock Miwako Hongo Michael Hosking Kiki Jiang-Yamaguchi ‘87 Gary Kellenberger Masako Koga
Carol Koran Keiko Koyama Meredith Lawson Kacie Leviton ‘95 Michiko Matsui Kayo Morimoto Terry Morris Mayumi Nakayama ‘90 Tsuyoshi Nishijima Toshiko Ohta Claire Prowse Radim Sinkora Matthew Sutherland Jennifer Sutherland Jennifer Toyoshima Nancy Tsurumaki Hiromi Yamamoto Board of Directors, Board of Trustees, Auditors, Advisors, Nishimachi Foundation Directors Virginia Anami Fred J. Endelman Philip Greenan Steven Greenberg Hunter D. Hale Michael Hosking Jeff Hsu ‘77 Toru Igarashi Mary Sung Katayama Akiko Kuno Tomio Kurihara Mark Miller
Elmer Z. Nakao Haruhiko Sakaguchi ‘88 David A. Sneider Junko Thomas John Vandenbrink Masamoto Yashiror Former Nishimachi Faculty and Staff Virginia Anami Meena Beardsley Nancy Bennett Larr Masu Kusume Dyer Ellen Fryer Judith Hickey Junko Yoroi Kawai Yuko Kitamura Sherry Ladd John Laudenslager Hiroko Lockheimer Roy and Andrea Struble Millie Takayama Phyllis Toomire Former Board of Directors, Board of Trustees, Auditors, Advisors, Nishimachi Foundation Directors Harald deRopp Martyn Goossen Hunter D. Hale Taro Hornmark ‘91 Nils Hornmark Mary Sung Katayama Sherry Ladd Nishimachi Annual Report 2018 ...
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Donor Affiliation John Laudenslager Geeta Mehta Krishen Metha Jan Opdahl Haruhiko Sakaguchi ‘88 David A. Sneider Mary Sung Katayama Junko Thomas John D. Vandenbrink Alumni Yukiko Ano Kato ‘55 Susan Stryker Matush ‘70 Mark Melnick ‘70 Dorothy J. Reiser (Jeanie Cohen) ‘70 Helen (Moffett) Roach ‘70 Fuyuhiko Nishijima ‘71 Therese A. McCarty ‘72 Hope Anderson ‘74 Kazuki Inaba ‘76 Jeff Hsu ‘77 Harry Wagner ‘77 John Hsu ‘78 Aya Miyauchi-Nakamura ‘80 Julie K. Fujishima ‘81 Jack Hsu ‘81 John Lloyd ‘81 Kimihiro Sato ‘81
Anne Sharp Sands ‘81 Naoko Yoshino ‘82 Jerry C.R. Hsu ‘83 Jun Okuda ‘83 Joy Tadaki ‘84 Nina Marini ‘85 Aya Murata ‘85 Tokuya Sano ‘86 Makiko (Hara) Tomita ‘86 Maki Ando ‘87 Kiki Jiang Yamaguchi ‘87 Andrew Ogawa ‘87 Audrey McAvoy ‘88 Haruhiko Sakaguchi ‘88 Maki Suzuki ‘88 Lieko Earle ‘90 Lalaka (Ogawa) Fukuma ‘90 Ryoji Kubo ‘90 Mayumi Nakayama ‘90 Lillian Olsen ‘90 Albert Drouart ‘91 Taro Hornmark ‘91 Mizuki (Asano) McGrath ‘91 Philip Kirk ‘92 Yhu Kuni ‘94 Kathryn (Brown) Schrag ‘94 Ricky Schrag ‘94 Kacie (Rosenberg) Leviton ’95 Yushi Katayama ‘96
Ravi Mehta ‘96 Sang-Dae Rah ‘96 Hirotaka Son ‘98 Harukako Ikeura ‘00 Caroline Watkins ‘00 Natsukako Ikeura ‘01 Aiko Kumamoto ‘01 Yoshikazu Suzuki-Lambrecht ‘01 Arjun Mehta ‘04 Christopher L. H. Miyabe ‘04 Marika Dandoy ‘05 Chisato Hasuda ‘13 Elena Amau Guild ‘15 Riku Tanaka ‘17 Taiga Lewis ‘19 Iris Wu ‘20 Friends Anonymous Kaori Aizawa Isao Aoki Riku and Kelly Francis Keiichiro Fukabori Bill Haas Houzan Haku Hiroko Hara Hirano Family Hidemasa Hoshino Atsuko Ikejiri
Tsutomu Inoue Kana Iwata Katsuhito Kimijima Yuichi Kitamura Kazuto Kobayashi Satoshi Kodaira Jason Kokrak Tomoyoshi Matsuda Koichiro Matsumoto Sami Mian Taku Miyamoto Mika Miyazato Takumi Morisaki Atsushi Morita Chisato Moritaka Makoto Moro Masashi Murakami Yoshinori Noguchi Ogata Family Yusuke and Hiroko Onodera Akira Onose Naomi Osaka RED RICE (Shonan no Kaze) Shion Sakurai Yoji Takahashi Nobuhiro Takeda Shigekatsu Takeda Asao and Sonomi Tanaka Yoshinori Terao
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Consecutive Donors The following individuals and organizations have made annual gifts to Nishimachi International School for five or more consecutive years since the start of the Nishimachi Annual Giving campaign. Nishimachi thanks them for their dedication and commitment to Nishimachi.
Platinum Member (over 20 consecutive years) Coca-Cola (Japan) Co., Ltd.* Julie K. Fujishima ‘81 Carl and Judy Hickey Nishimachi Tomo no Kai* Millie Takayama Danforth and Junko Thomas John and Donna Vandenbrink 20 years Hiroko Lockheimer 19 years
たり個人の方々、 そして企業から多大なるご寄付 をいただいてますが、5年以上継続してご寄付を いただいた個人、企業を以下に紹介させていた だきます。
Philippe Eymard Lalaka (Ogawa) Fukuma ‘90 Audrey McAvoy ‘88 Cecily Moffett and Family Thomas and Wendy Watkins 18 years Junko Yoroi Kawai Elmer and Mie Nakao Andrew and Mariko Ras Maki Suzuki ‘88 17 years Charles and Debbie Whitehead
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16 years Kiyoshi Endo Amy Flint Kenji and Tamaki Fujita Harukako Ikeura ‘00 Natsukako Ikeura ‘01 Morgan Stanley* David and Tina Nishida 15 years Mori Building Co., Ltd.* Morimura Homeikai Foundation* Outreach Scholarship Golf Tournament* 14 years Taro ‘91 and Nobumi Hornmark James and Sherry Ladd Timothy and Yumiko Reed Adrian and Naomi Tschoegl Ben and JoAnn Yoneyama 13 years eLADY Ltd.* Kunimasa and Makiko ‘86 Tomita 12 years Masashi Murakami
Consecutive Donors 11 years
7 years
5 years
Asakusa Imahan* Terence and Motoko Murphy The Scheidel Foundation*
Charles and Minhae Doherty Nils and Noriko Hornmark Mary Katayama Tomohiro and Sai Kitazawa Ryuji and Akiko Kobayashi Konomu and Tsuyuko Kuni Thomas and Mizuki ‘91 McGrath Yoko Nakayama Fuyuhiko Nishijima ’71 Hisanori and Tomiko Omi Peter and Jan Opdahl Hideo Shimizu Chris and Chika Wu Masamoto Yashiro
Mihoko Chida Harald deRopp Grand Hyatt Tokyo* Philip and Setsue Greenan Hunter and Suzanne Hale Isao and Yukiko Ano ‘55 Kato Aiko Kumamoto ‘01 Tomio and Miyuki Kurihara ONE WORLD international hair salon* Yusuke and Hiroko Onodera M & Y Popiel Martin and Suzan Rose Yoji Takahashi Katsuhisa and Rie Tanaka Adrian and Naomi Tschoegl Kenro and Minako Tsutsumi Tomohiko and Mizue Uemura Outreach Scholarship Walkathon*
10 years A Print K.K.* Douglas and Hiroko Freeman Takao Kobayashi Tokuya Sano ‘86 Derrick Schrag ‘94 and Kathryn Brown ‘94 9 years Pericles and Diane Caminis Fred Endelman Jeff ’77 and Hiroko Hsu Tim Latimore Mark Melnick ’70 Jun ’83 and Natsuko Okuda PRGR Co., Ltd.* Yuichi and Satika Takei Makoto and Lisa Yano 8 years Andrew Deane and Yukiko Tokano Tadao Endo Yuko Kitamura Aya Murata ’85 Mayumi Nakayama ’90 Nancy Tsurumaki
6 years Yasunori Haruyama Jack Hsu ’81 Jerry Hsu ’83 John Hsu ’78 Kiki Jiang Yamaguchi ‘87 Shigeyasu and Wendy Kobayashi Mark ‘70 and Lisa Melnick Asao and Sonomi Tanaka Toyoko Tasaki ‘83 and Kenichi Katayama V. K. HSU AND SONS FOUNDATION LIMITED* Yokohama Country & Athletic Club*
(* indicates organization)
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Cumulative Donors In addition to the individuals who made contributions to Nishimachi International School during the 2017–2018 school year, we would like to recognize those contributors whose cumulative contributions since 1995, inclusive of annual gifts and capital campaign contributions, are extraordinary. We extend our gratitude to those individuals for their outstanding and most generous support of Nishimachi. 昨学年度中にご寄付いただいた方々のリストの 他に、過去に累計寄付額が 50 万円以上の方
* indicates individuals who made gifts in 2017-2018
Galaxy Club (above 10 million yen)
Hideki and Stephanie Fukui Douglas and Kylie Hodge Takao Kobayashi* Taeko Matsuda Yoji Takahashi* Masamoto and Yoko Yashiro* Universal Club (5 million to 9,999,999 yen)
Philip and Wei Jun Carmichael
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Richard and Ikuko Dyck Julie Fujishima ‘81* Mary Fujishima Jeff ‘77 and Hiroko Hsu* Stephen Huggins and Meagan Maguire Koichiro Ishii Joichi Ito ‘81 Kiyoshi and Reiko Kaneda Thomas and Janet Montag Hisae Monica (Chacko) Ogata David A. Sneider and Naomi R. Pollock* Rikuzo Suzuki and Sophie de Taillac Kiyoshi Tamenaga Kenro and Minako Tsutsumi* Masahiro and Yayako Uchida* Tomohiko and Mizue Uemura* H. Thomas and Wendy R. Watkins* Makoto and Lisa Yano* Global Club (1 million to 4,999,999 yen)
Kentaro and Tomoko Akashi Tohru and Itoe Akaura* Kunimasa and Ayako Ando Makoto and Yoshiko Azuma* Frank and Andrea Behm Bogaty Family David Brauer and Mitsuyo Hirasawa Andrew and Faye-Marie Brownfield Bjarne and Eriko Carlsen
John Frederick and Emma Clappier Dandoy Family* Daniel and Daun Dees Chuck and Minhae Doherty* Kiyoshi Endo* Robert A. and Yoko Feldman Amy Flint* Douglas and Hiroko Freeman* Shulin (Sun) ‘81 and Benjamin Fuchs Kenji and Tamaki Fujita* Tomio ‘79 and Kami Fukuda Masayuki and Yuko Fukui* Jin and Lalaka ’90 (Ogawa) Fukuma* Eric Gan and Haemi Chung* Clark Graninger and Mitsuyo Shioya David Gressel and Lijia Yu Hunter D. and Suzanne Hale* Kuniyoshi and Emi Hayashi* Toyoaki and Li Jen Hihara Wakako Hironaka Paul R. and Marjo H. Hofer Robert and Ekuko Hogan Taro ‘91 and Nobumi Hornmark* Michael Kimi ‘78 and Masako Hotta Jack Hsu ‘81* Jerry Hsu ’83* John Hsu ’78* Tomoaki and Michiyo Ikenaga Kazuki Inaba ’76* Hiroshi and Mayari Ishibashi
Haruhiko Ishikawa and Hiroko Takatori Mary (Sung) Katayama* Yuichi and Amy Katoh* Junko Yoroi Kawai* Tatsuo and Lauren Bliss Kawasaki* Ichiro and Mari Kawashima* Masatoshi and Akiko Kikuchi Gen and Chizuru Kimura* Tomohiro and Sai Kitazawa* Eric Kramp and Kyoko Ito-Kramp Satoshi ‘64 and Kazuko Kubo Satoshi and Sumire Kubo* Takuro and Seri Kubo Timothy and Chieko Latimore* Joshua and Kendal Latner Howard Lee (special class)* Sung and Fumi Nakaya Lee Dawson Steven Lin and Lindy Lek Chu Hong and Miki Koshiba Lin Douglas W. and Sukunya A. Lorentz William and Lois Lydens Rikihiro Madarame Kazuo and Mio Matsui Andrew McDermott Simon and Jane McDonald Mizuki (Asano) McGrath ‘91* Robert and Andrea McTamaney* Krishen and Geeta Mehta* Bernard and Genevieve Mensah Leonard Meyer zu Brickwedde Hiroshi ‘57 and Nancy Murata Yuri Murata
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Cumulative Donors Terence and Motoko Murphy* Elmer Z. and Mie Nakao* Kazuyo Nakazato David and Tina Y. Nishida* Soki and Mikako Ohmae Peter and Jan Opdahl* Bryant and Joan Park Nir Platek ‘81 Thomas and Jill Pulley* Kevin Anthony and Jane Zoidis Quinn Andrew and Mariko Ras* Haru (Matsukata) Reischauer Henry Ritchotte and Janet Miranda Elisabeth Rubinfien ‘71 Ankur and Mari Sahu Tetsuya ‘91 and Lisa Sakaguchi Ryuichi Sakamoto and Noriko Sora Toshiaki and Mari Sakuma Hiroyuki and Yumiko Sasame Derrick’94 and Kathryn (Brown) Schrag’94* Tomoko Hama Seki Ichiro and Grace Sekimitsu Tsutomu and Etsuko Sekine Robert L. Sharp III ’84 David Sancho Shimizu and Risako Shima* Yoshinori and Tomoko Shirono David and Marybeth Stock Edward Suzuki Millie Takayama* Kiyotsugu and Ariko Tamenaga
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Kazuo Tanaka Danforth and Junko Thomas* Gensuke T. and Rei Tokoro Shinjiro and Marian Tsutsui Keiko Uchida Kevin and Laura Uebelein Yoshihiko and Karen Ueda John D. and Donna C. Vandenbrink* Ching Ming Wang Kenju and Michiko Watanabe Charles and Deborah Whitehead* Naoko Yoshino ‘82* Jeffrey ‘81 and Eri Zavattero Nishimachi Club (500,000 to 999,999 yen)
James C. Abegglen Hope Anderson ‘74 Carl and Margaret Apfelbach Kathryn Baxter ‘81 and Garth Bray Doug and Kim Beck Drew and Alison Bradford Thomas G. and Robin Burch Gerard and Michiru Byrne Teddy and Kathlene Chin Terence and Morena Christian Frank and Kumi Clark III* Eric and Susanne Ellison Tadao Endo* Eugene Gregor Theodore and Yasuko Amau Guild* Fujiko Hara* Reijiro Hattori
Yako Hirai ’75 Nils and Noriko Hornmark* Noriaki and Kiyoko Ichimura Makiko Ichiura ‘59 Tomoko Igarashi Masatoshi and Alisa Inouye Douglas and Mary Ireland Tomonori and Masako Ito Kumi (Sato) ‘74 and Donald P. Kanak Tsutomu Kaneko and Agnes C. Kaneko Yukiko (Ano) Kato ’55* Shoko Kitano Hikaru and Chihoko Kobayashi* Haruo and Kaori Komuro Akiko Kuno* Mariko Laabs James and Sherry Ladd* Morgan and Rumiko Laughlin Eric and Karen Lewis Jixun Lin and Ziwei Wang* Hiroko Lockheimer* Nina Marini ’85* A. Eftekhari Masumi, Dr. Saburo and Yoko Matsumoto Shigeo Matsumoto Audrey McAvoy ‘88* Mark H. Mitchell* Koichiro and Kiyomi Mito Junsuke Motai Kiyoshi Murata ‘54 Naoki and Maki Murata
Hiroko Nakamoto Yasuro Narita ‘76 Kenji and Sayuri Nonaka Masaki and Sunyoung Nosaka Hiro and Betty Ogawa Takashi (special class) and Hiroko Oka Masayuki and Yukiko Okayama* Jun ’83 and Natsuko Okuda* David and Kaoru Paine Luc and Yukiko Pajot David Priest Daniel and Ryoko Pryor Louisa Rubinfien ‘76 and Jacob Schlesinger Taro and Kiwako Sakai Atsushi and Nagisa Shimada Hiro and Naoko Shimizu Robert and Roxane Simon Mark and Annette Stephan Junichi and Yasuko Suzuki Maki Suzuki ‘88* Shintaro and Rhea Takahashi Kenta and Naoko Takamori Takeshi and Nami Takamoto Yuichi and Satika Takei* Ken and Mayumi Takeshita Noritaka and Denise Tange Fred and Ryoko Uruma Michael and Kyoko Waitze Yasuaki and Atsuko Watanabe George W. and Patricia Wellde Christopher and Chika Wu*
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Outreach Scholarship Program for Student Diversity
he Outreach Scholarship Program was first launched during the 2003–2004 academic year as a way of adding more student diversity—and opportunities for the cross-fertilization of ideas—to the Nishimachi campus. The idea was to attract qualified candidates from various socioeconomic, racial, cultural, and geographic backgrounds whose families could not afford private school tuition, by making available a limited number of partial or full scholarships. There was to be no relaxation of academic standards. Successful candidates had to fulfill the school’s admissions requirements and provide proof of financial need. Although the program has steadily developed since then, and is now well established, we want to do more. To date, twenty-six students from twelve countries (Brazil, Cambodia, Denmark, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, Russia, and Ukraine) have qualified for assistance. Our goal is to be able to offer scholarship aid to an even greater number of qualified applicants. In order to do that, we must replenish the fund annually. We are extremely pleased with the result of this year’s campaign and thank the many individuals (parents, alumni, and friends), corporations, and foundations who have helped support the program through donations and gifts to, and enthusiastic participation in, such fundraising efforts as the annual Walkathon
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(held in November) and the annual golf tournament (in May). During the 2017-2018 school year, the school received 11 million yen designated for the Outreach Scholarship fund and provided 15.2 million yen in scholarship grants to eight worthy students. We owe this extraordinary achievement to the generous support of all of the constituents mentioned in the following pages (215 donations in all). The school has seen how scholarship recipients and the community alike benefit from the program in the significant contribution these students make to the overall educational environment and to Nishimachi’s core mission of “fostering sensitivity to, and respect for, individual talents as well as differences.” We ask you to continue to be generous in supporting this important Nishimachi program. Should you require further information, please contact the Nishimachi Development Office.
Outreach Donations 2017-2018 Total 10,953,139
Fundraising Events 1,037,278 Nishimachi-Kai 1,973,128 Tomo no Kai 1,000,000
Foundations/ Corporations 1,502,730
Current Parents 3,749,050
Friends 1,253,500
Faculty/Staff 97,453
Board of Directors/Trustees 340,000 Nishimachi Annual Report 2018 ...
Outreach Scholarship Event Sponsors and Volunteers Outreach Scholarship Fundraising Events 2017-2018 Thank you for supporting the 20172018 Outreach Scholarship events —the 5th Walkathon/Runathon and the 15th Anniversary Outreach Scholarship Golf Tournament.
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Corporate Sponsors Anonymous A Print K.K. AFLOAT Hawaii Agora Kisyu Kaiseki Cuisine American Express International, Inc. Aoki Isao Golf Enterprise Azabu Gardens / Pembroke Real Estate Bar Japan Inc. Bellwoods, Inc. Callaway Golf K.K. Chiba Birdie Club Club 360 Cookie Time Japan Co., Ltd. DEN Dental Clinic Domino’s Pizza Japan Inc. Eagle Point Golf Club eLADY Ltd. Elana Jade K.K. Endo Risk Reduction Services Fuji Kyuko Co., Ltd. Future Education Grand Hyatt Tokyo Imahan Co., Ltd. Juan Valdez Cafe Kiwi Kitchen Kosé Cosmeport Corp.
Mercedes-Benz Japan Co., Ltd. MNC New York Inc. Morgan Stanley Mori Building Co., Ltd. Oakwood Japan ONE WORLD international hair salon OTTO CITTA Golf Lab/Golf & Lounge Plantec Associates Inc. PRGR K.K. Repro Curato The Prince Karuizawa The Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo Samrat Indian Restaurant Santa Fe Relocation Services Japan K.K. Tokyo American Club Trump International Hotel Waikiki Tsuruya Liquors VIAX Co., Ltd. Vieni Watabun Co., Ltd. WineInStyle The Winery Yokohama Country & Athletic Club (YC&AC) Yorozu Kyogen K.K.
Individual Sponsors Anonymous Jun and Kiyoko Aketa Norichika Aoki Yoshiaki Aoshima Bret and Kimie Dandoy Andrew Deane Kiyoshi Endo Philippe Eymard Keiichiro Fukabori Philip Greenan Steven Greenberg Bill Haas Houzan Haku Hiroko Hara Yasunori Haruyama Tetsuro Hayashi Hirano Family Miwako Hongo Hidemasa Hoshino Michael Hosking Jeff Hsu ‘77 Tsutomu Inoue Hiroyasu Ishiyama Kana Iwata Mary Katayama Yushi Katayama ‘94
Outreach Scholarship Event Sponsors and Volunteers Tatsuo Kawasaki Kek Family Gary Kellenberger Katsuhito Kimijima Yuichi Kitamura Kazuto Kobayashi Shigeyasu Kobayashi Takao Kobayashi Satoshi Kodaira Masako Koga Jason Kokrak Keiko Koyama Ryoji Kubo ‘90 Satoshi Kubo Akiko Kuno Tim Latimore Junbom Lee Kevin Lee Kacie Leviton Hiroko Lockheimer Tomoyoshi Matsuda Michiko Matsui Koichiro Matsumoto Sami Mian Taku Miyamoto Mika Miyazato Kayo Morimoto
Takumi Morisaki Atsushi Morita Chisato Moritaka Makoto Moro Masashi Murakami Yusuke and Mahoshi Murata Fuyuhiko Nishijima ’71 Yoshinori Noguchi Miori Ogawa Toshiko Ohta Joi Okada Kiyoshi Okamoto Tomiko and Hisanori Omi Yusuke and Hiroko Onodera Akira Onose Jan and Peter Opdahl Naomi Osaka Shigenori Oshiro William Perrin Linda Polgar Sang-Dae Rah ’96 RED RICE (Shonan no Kaze) Timothy Reed Robert Rowland Bansei Ryu Haruhiko Sakaguchi ‘88
Shion Sakurai Tokuya Sano ’86 Michael Schaffer Alex Schweigst and Eriko Suzuki Jordan and Chizuko Shappell Hideo Shimizu Hisami Shirai Erik Svalander Takahara Family Yoji Takahashi Hiroya Takaoka Nobuhiro Takeda Shigekatsu Takeda Asao and Sonomi Tanaka Shohei Tateyama Yoshinori Terao Jun Terui Danforth and Junko Thomas Mako Tomita ’86 Jennifer Toyoshima Nancy Tsurumaki Kenro Tsutsumi John and Donna Vandenbrink Yuichi Watanabe Mimi Yano ‘18 Ben and JoAnn Yoneyama
Staff and Volunteers Kaori Aizawa Kengo Aoshima ’14 Tamami Aoshima Marcella Bromfield Mihoko Chida Andrew Deane Kiyoshi Endo Philippe Eymard Lindy Fortner Ellen Fryer Yasunori Haruyama Justine Hitchcock Michael Hosking Masako Koga Junko Ishiyama Yuken Ishiyama Carol Koran Meredith Lawson Hiroko Lockheimer Michael Mercado Terry Morris Mayumi Nakayama ’90 Tsuyoshi Nishijima Jan and Peter Opdahl Claire Prowse Radim Sinkora Matthew and Jennifer Sutherland Jennifer Toyoshima Nancy Tsurumaki Hiromi Yamamoto
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Kristy Topham President Tomo no Kai
he Tomo no Kai (TNK) community grows stronger and more cohesive every year, and 2017-2018 was no exception. As our children prepared to be global citizens of the year 2030, TNK continued to fulfill its mission to enhance communication between the parents and the school, to support educational programs and infrastructure, to create a sense of unity within the Nishimachi community, and to promote social functions that enrich the quality of the school and those concerned with it. TNK had an extraordinarily busy year living up to its mission. All of the volunteers on TNK’s 17 parent-led committees were deeply committed to their work. Without these dedicated volunteers, whose work included organizing crosscultural activities for the students, coordinating education workshops for the parents, and planning appreciation events for the staff, TNK would not have been able to meet its obligation to the parent community and to the school. TNK is particularly proud of the launch of the New Families Program committee to connect families new to Nishimachi with current families. In advance of the 2017-2018 school year, the New Families Program connected 48 new families with children in grades one to nine with 44 current families. As part of this effort, TNK held the first annual back-toschool picnic on the day before school started, which approximately 50 families attended. The feedback from both new and current families about the New Families Program was overwhelmingly positive. TNK organizes two major fundraisers per year, both of which were incredibly successful in 2017-2018. The day of the annual food fair began with drizzly rain but soon turned sunny
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for this popular, community-building event. The food fair provides a unique opportunity for the school community and the community at large to come together for a day of sampling regional and ethnic cuisines as well as watching student performances, including taiko, cheerleading, and hula dancing. Seventeen food and drink booths and seven arts and crafts booths, as well as a raffle, contributed to the festive atmosphere and raised an incredible 6.3 million yen. Old Shanghai was the theme of the 38th annual TNK gala auction. The gala committee worked tirelessly to organize a memorable night at the Tokyo American Club, which included a professional Peking Opera performance. This glamorous event was attended by over 300 people representing the Nishimachi community, the board of directors, and alumni and friends from near and far. Thanks to the generosity of all of the attendees, TNK raised a staggering 10.4 million yen. All of this hard work permitted TNK to enhance the school experience of all students through its grant process. TNK takes this role seriously, and in 2017-2018 awarded approximately 7.5 million yen in grants, funding classroom furniture, busing and uniforms for Nishimachi sports teams, 3-D printers, space heaters, slacklines for the gymnasium, Sakura Medal reading books, document cameras, and a podcasting platform. Further, TNK made its annual contribution of one million yen to the Nishimachi Outreach Scholarship Program. I am deeply grateful to the parent volunteers who work so hard to achieve success for TNK in its mission. I am proud of TNK for all that it does for our students and families, as well as for the cooperative relationship that it has with the school. I look forward to another rewarding year in 2018-2019.
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Donors to Tomo no Kai Events and Activities (Food Fair and Gala Auction in School Year 2017-2018)
A Cut Above ABBA Resorts Izu - Zagyosoh Academie de Vin AMAN Tokyo amanamana Co., Ltd. Amber Palace Andaz ARGO Restaurant Francais ART SOU Asakusa Imahan Asian Tigers Mobility Atelier Shinji Ginza Azabu Gardens (Pembroke) AZABU KOBO Barilla Japan K.K. Beauté Absolue Beer Brain Bellas Cupcakes Best Living Japan BROWN SUGAR 1ST. CO.,Ltd. Chez Vous Co., Ltd.
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Cho&Company Co., Ltd. Climbing Gym SPIDER Club 360 Coca-Cola (Japan) Co., Ltd. COCOON Colombian Coffee Growers Federation Coto Japanese Club Crisp, Inc. Discover Japan / Nanbo Discovery Camp Diya Indian Restaurant E shop KK eggcellent K.K. Elana Jade Estate Wines TOPSOIL Euro Pubs evian Japan Exquisite Bocuse Frijoles Funroots Co., Ltd.
GFC Gold Salon Tokyo Grand Hyatt Tokyo Hollywood Cosmetics honestbee K.K. Hui Hui Hawaiian All Round Academy I Can Gymnastics Imono Yakiniku 3136 Insolite Beaute Kakurei (Aoki Shuzo) KidZania (KCJ Group Inc.) Kiwi Kitchen Knock Cucina Buona Italiana The Kraft Heinz Company Kumikookoon Le Creuset Let’s Party Tokyo Luxurique Maction Planet Mala University
Maricca Matsuya Ginza The Meat Guy Mercedes-Benz MM Apothecary (K.K. Flug) Mon Loire Azabu Juban MORI LIVING (Mori Building Co., Ltd.) Moto Azabu Familie Dental Clinic Moto Azabu Marché MYSTAYS Hotel Management Co., Ltd. National Azabu Hiroo Garden Hills National Azabu Supermarket Nestle Nespresso K.K. ONE WORLD international hair salon Park Hyatt Ningbo The Peninsula Tokyo PINK Love & Travel Pizza Strada
Donors to Tomo no Kai Events and Activities Pompadour Azabu Juban Promontory Park City Pudong Shangri-La PURA Tokyo R2 Raku-sho The Ritz- Carlton Tokyo Roberto Perozzi Ruby Jack’s Steakhouse & Bar SAKEMONY Sami Fitness Schloss Bäckerei Shin-kou-en Sierra Resort Hotels Sogetsu Sports Zyuen STEAM Works Education Summerhill International School Tempura Shinjuku Tsunahachi TNG Academy K.K. Tochu Green
TOGO`S Tokyo Academics Tokyo American Club Tokyo Bees Tokyo Yakult Swallows Trattoria Mari e Monti Two Rooms TY Harbor Brewery Tysons & Company Ueda Yoshihiko Shashinjimusho, Ltd. uka Co., Ltd. Villa Mandala Willowbrook International School Wine in Style Y.S. PARK Yamano College of Aesthetics Yanone Sushi ZABOU (K.K. Gate) ZEKKEI Leina Aonuma
Arriaga Family Marcella Bromfield Mihoko Chida Chuck and Minhae Doherty Richard Dyck Ellen Fryer Yasunori Haruyama Michael Hosking Maiko Ina Tomoko Kamamoto Kamimura Family Kawada Family Maira Kelly Kaaren Kunze and Ron Quada Meredith Lawson Stephanie and Kevin Lee James McKinnon Leanne Mercado Yukiko Muto Nakano Family
Nishimachi International School Board of Directors Norsted Family Ohara Family Okura Family Quilt Committee Ramler Family Leah Renfroe Chikage Sahin Mikiko Aoyama Saito Sakemi Family Matthew and Jennifer Sutherland Shohei and Yoko Tateyama Kristy Topham Nancy Tsurumaki Minako and Kenro Tsutsumi Ziwei (Vivi) Wang Hiromi Yamamoto
Nishimachi Annual Report 2018 ...
he board of Nishimachi-Kai plays an active role in the school community. We not only participate in various activities of the school, but also organize events of our own during the year. Nishimachi-Kai hosts the Nishimachi-Kai booths at Food Fair in October and the annual alumni BBQ in June. We welcome back a wide range of alumni from different generations and parts of the world to both events every year. No matter how long it has been since any of us attended Nishimachi, fond memories and the school spirit live on in the alumni community. It is not only the ardent alumni supporters who continue to return to the school, but also those alumni who have not been back to the school for decades. We express our sincere gratitude to the following donors whose generous support made this year’s events possible:
Nancy Hashima Chairperson Nishimachi-Kai
Through our activities, we not only unite the members of Nishimachi-Kai (alumni, parents of alumni, former staff, and friends of Nishimachi), but also try to strengthen our communication with the current community to pass on the distinct values and traditions that have made Nishimachi International School a truly unique and reputable educational institution. The Nishimachi-Kai board knew the founder in person and experienced first-hand the international education she envisioned. Miss Matsukata’s foresight to develop true global ambassadors in a diverse but familial environment has put Nishimachi in the forefront of international education. We wish that the current students obtain the kind of special experience and education we received.
Nishimachi-Kai Event Sponsors and Volunteers Donors Cheerio Corporation Class of 1987 Lakaka (Ogawa) Fukuma ‘90 Tatsuo and Lauren Bliss Kawasaki Haruko (Kawai) Kohno ‘85 Takuro and Seri Kubo Mayumi Nakayama Yoko Nakayama Cathy Noyes Marsha Rosenberg Makiko (Takayama) Saito ‘87
44 ... Nishimachi Annual Report 2018
Junko Sumiya ‘83 Mari Takeuchi ‘76 Mako (Hara) Tomita ‘86 Volunteers Waseema Abid David de Graw ‘85 Erica E. Grade 7 Hana Freeman ‘20 Tomas Gistren ‘84 Catherine Ishida ‘83 Kiki Jiang-Yamaguchi ‘87
Minako Kano ‘92 Izuru Kato ‘90 Haruko (Kawai) Kohno ‘85 Konomu and Tsuyako Kuni Yusuke Kuriki ‘05 Kacie (Rosenberg) Leviton ‘95 Yoko Nakayama Aya Nomachi Kie O’Shea Claire Ozeki ‘20 Nir Platek ‘81 Austin Powell
Tetsuya Sakaguchi ‘91 Robert Sharp ‘84 Hisami Shirai Junko Sumiya ‘83 Michael Tarna ‘95 Toyoko Tasaki ‘83 Makiko (Hara) Tomita ‘86 Yumi Watanabe ‘89 Yuko Yamada ‘90
Nishimachi Annual Report 2018 ...
In How to Make a Contribution
vestment in Nishimachi is not simply an investment in today’s children; it is an investment in a school that will serve many children in the years to come. Nishimachi has been providing a quality education for international children for over 60 years. It is incumbent upon those of us who have benefited in the past and those who are benefiting now from this fine educational experience to ensure that it will be available to others in the future. We have provided information about the many ways you can support Nishimachi. Be assured that no gift is too small. Your single yen/dollar is equally recognized and appreciated. A gift from a family, when added to that of another, will make a larger contribution. You will aid Nishimachi immensely by participating and encouraging others to do so. Nishimachi welcomes gifts by bank transfer or check in Japanese yen and U.S. dollars. If you have already given, we thank you. If you have not, please, let us hear from you soon! Please contact the development office for details.
Philippe Eymard
Director of Development
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というだけにとどまりません。 それは、 これから先何十年 にもわたって子供たちに教育を続ける学校に対する投資
なのです。西町は、今まで60年以上 もの間、子供たちに質の高い国際 教育を提供しつづけてまいりました。 かつてその恩恵を受け、 また今現 在その恩恵を授かっている者たちにとって、未来の子供たちにもこの
すばらしい学習体験を確実に受けさせるように配慮することは、義務 でもあります。 西町を支援するためのさまざまな方法について、 ご案内しております が、 どんな寄付でも少なすぎるということはありません。皆様からの1 円、1ドルのご寄付に対しましても、 そのお志に深く感謝いたします。小 さな力でもたくさん集まれば大きな支援となります。年次寄付基金へ ご参加いただくことが、 また、 お知り合いに参加を呼びかけてくださるこ とが、学校への心強い支援となります。 西町では銀行振込による寄付のほか、小切手による寄付は日本円、 ま たは米ドルで受け付けております。 もうすでにご寄付くださった皆様、 あ りがとうございます。 もしまだのようでしたら、 どうかご検討くださいます ようお願い申し上げます。 詳細につきましては、西町の渉外開発室までお問い合わせくださいま すようお願い申し上げます。
フィリップ エマール 渉外開発室 室長
Gift in Japanese Yen:
Gift in US Dollars:
You can make a bank transfer to: Nishimachi International School MUFG Bank, Ltd. Azabu Branch Ordinary account #0279620
US dollar gifts may be made to Nishimachi Foundation. Please make your US dollar check payable to Nishimachi Foundation and mail to Nishimachi International School.
We also accept donations in cash at school.
You may also make your gift ONLINE with your credit card.
Any amount over ¥2,000, up to 40% of your income, is eligible for tax deduction. (1) Nishimachi International School is certified as a Tokutei Koeki Zoshin Hojin (SpecialPublic Interest Promotion Organization) and our donation may be deducted from taxable income in Japan. (2) Alternatively, in accordance with the amendment to the tax law for donations made by individuals, your donation may be deducted from your income tax. You may choose either (1) or (2) when filing your tax return. Please consult your tax advisor.
US dollar bank transfer is also available: Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., New York Branch 1251 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, USA Tel: 212-782-5800 ABA: 0260-0963-2 SWIFT Code: BOTKUS33 Account #: 110-700-031 Account Name: Nishimachi Foundation Nishimachi Foundation is a non-profit organization approved to receive tax-deductible gifts according to Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Your donation may be tax-deductible. Please consult your U.S. tax
advisor.Internal Revenue Code. Your donation may be tax-deductible. Please consult your U.S. tax advisor.
日本円による寄付 当校では日本円あるいは米ドルでご寄付を受けさせ ていただいております。送金には次の方法がありま すの でご案内申し上げます。 銀行振込は: (学)西町インターナショナルスクール 三菱UFJ銀行 麻布支店 普通 #0279620 現金の寄付は当校でもお受けしております。 2000円以上のご寄付は、所得税控除の対象になり ます。 寄付金の控除について (1) 当校は特定公益増進法人に認定されてお り、個 人の寄付金は所得控除の対象となり ます。 (2) 平成24年2月23日より租税特別措置法によ り税額控除制度の適用が可能となりまし た。 確定申告時に(1) 特定公益増進法人による寄金の所 得控除、または(2)税額控除のいずれか を選択して 申請してください。 ドル建て小切手の場合: 受取人を Nishimachi Foundationと表記の上、渉 外開発室までご郵送ください。 Nishimachi Foundationへの寄付は米国の所得税 から控除の対象になる場合もあります。
Nishimachi Annual Report 2018 ...
Nishimachi Annual Report 2018 is published by the Development Office Head of School
Michael Hosking Director of Development
Philippe Eymard
Marketing and Communications Manager
Kacie Leviton ’95 Managing Editor
Mayumi Nakayama ’90 Editor
Anne Papantonio Art Design
Akira Tomomitsu (MashUp LLC) Photos
Hi Cheese! Nishimachi Staff/Faculty
Address 2-14-7 Moto Azabu, Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0046 Japan Tel: 03-3451-5520, 03-3451-2167 Fax: 03-3456-0197, 03-3451-7551 E-mail: URL 〒106-0046 東京都港区元麻布2-14-7
学校法人 西町インターナショナルスクール 渉外開発室