Nishimachi Annual Report 2019

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Nishimachi Annual Report 2019

Nishimachi Annual Report 2019 is published by the Development Office Head of School

Karen O’Neill ‘78

Director of Development

Philippe Eymard

Marketing and Communications Manager

Kacie Leviton ‘95

Managing Editor

Mayumi Nakayama ‘90

School Governance


Anne Papantonio

Art Design

Akira Tomomitsu (MashUp LLC)


Hi Cheese! Nishimachi Staff/Faculty

Founder, Miss Tané Matsukata 1918-1989

Address Tel: Fax: E-mail: URL

2-14-7 Moto Azabu, Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0046 Japan 03-3451-5520, 03-3451-2167 03-3456-0197, 03-3451-7551

〒106-0046 東京都港区元麻布2-14-7

学校法人 西町インターナショナルスクール 渉外開発室

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Board of Trustees Virginia Anami Richard Dyck Philip Greenan Hunter Hale Jeff Hsu Michiyo Ikenaga Mary Katayama Satoshi Kubo Akiko Kuno Karen O’Neill Haruhiko Sakaguchi David Sneider Junko Thomas John Vandenbrink Masamoto Yashiro


Advisors Paul Ch’en Paul Hofer Naotaka Matsukata Ken Matsumoto Yoshio Nakamura

顧 問

Board of Directors Philip Greenan (Chair) Jeff Hsu Steven Greenberg Tomio Kurihara Denise Miura (Vice Chair) Karen O’Neill Dan Weiss


Statutory Auditors Chris Hathaway Noriko Igarashi

監 事

阿南 史代 バージニア

ダイク リチャード

グリーナン フィリップ ヘール ハンター 許 積賦

池永 路代

片山 メアリー 公望 聡史 久野 明子

オニール カレン 坂口 陽彦

スナイダー デイビッド

トーマス 淳子

バンデンブリンク ジョン 八城 政基

チェン ポール

ホッファー ポール 松方 直孝 松本 健

中村 芳夫 グリーナン フィリップ (理事長) 許 積賦

グリーンバーグ スティーブン 栗原 富夫

三浦 デニース (副理事長)

オニール カレン

ワイス ダン

ハサウェイ クリス 五十嵐 紀子

Nishimachi Annual Report 2019 ...



his year marks the 70th anniversary

large developers, construction companies, and

of the founding of Nishimachi,

potential alliance partners. The board decided

when Tané Matsukata opened her

to initiate an official site search as the next step

family home for independent and

in this process, which is, and will continue to

international education. In this defining moment

be, active and top-of-mind in 2019/2020.

in our school’s history, students, teachers, staff,

Greetings from the Chairperson of the Board

parents, and the broader community took a

As regards the Green Building, the board

moment to reflect on, and ultimately celebrate,

made adjustments to the project and carried

Tané Matsukata’s philosophy, and to develop

out a rapid and comprehensive suite of

new Nishimachi Learner Expectations.

renovations, given our new high school priority and increasing construction costs. We started

Given our ethos of building an educational

this school year with much needed additional

community of international and diverse thinkers,

space for our middle schoolers (six additional

the board`s most important long-term initiative

classrooms and a new faculty workroom/lounge

during the last school year was research into

with an outdoor deck).

the feasibility of adding a high school. Working

Philip Greenan Chairperson Board of Directors

with an experienced external consulting firm,

The importance of awareness, and the

we investigated the likely demand for an

rigorous application of our child protection

additional international high school in Tokyo

policy, was thrust upon our consciousness

and concluded that the environment is ripe

again this year in the findings of the Jenner &

to successfully build and maintain a healthy

Block investigation into allegations of sexual

high school student enrollment should a

misconduct by former or current faculty or staff

satisfactory location, facilities, and robust

members in the 1970s. We came to understand

program be agreed upon. Most important was

that a former faculty member engaged in a

the overwhelmingly positive response from

pattern of inappropriate conduct with multiple

the current Nishimachi community to our high

female students during his tenure: he violated

school survey.

the boundaries of appropriate student-teacher relationships, and further, he engaged in sexual

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A preliminary site search identified properties

misconduct. In addition, we learned that the

showing strong potential as well as strong

school`s staff and administration failed to

interest from a variety of organizations, including

respond appropriately to warning signs and

explicit reports, and that findings were not

high school, a dedicated capital campaign will

documented appropriately by the school. The

be initiated, for which full community support

lessons learned are important and serious and

will be critical; timely updates to the community

will heavily weigh on, and guide, our current

will continue.

policies and culture. We owe much of the success of our We bade farewell to our head of school for

fundraising to devoted volunteers: the TNK

three years, Michael Hosking, and warmly

board, committee chairs, and members; the

welcomed our new head of school, Karen

Nishimachi-Kai board; Outreach Scholarship

O`Neill. Michael`s tenure will be remembered

event chairs; and the school trustees and board

by the board for a significant improvement in

of directors, among others. I am grateful, and

enrollment (particularly in the middle school); his

humbled, that Nishimachi can call on such

dedicated and sensitive handling of our child

talented people. Thank you for your generous

protection issue from the 1970s; initiating and


driving forward the Green Building project; his focus on faculty professional development; and

I speak on behalf of all of Nishimachi in

a number of ground-breaking digital technology

expressing sincere gratitude to all our donors


for their commitment to sustaining educational excellence. It takes consistent, deep support

Karen O`Neill is an alumna of Nishimachi.

from all corners of our community to build and

Her bicultural upbringing and fluency in

steward the Nishimachi we know and love. I

conversational Japanese put her in a unique

look forward to working with many of you to

position to lead our school from strength to

reach higher and achieve even more in the year,

strength, particularly in this pivotal moment as

and years, to come.

we decide on our vision for a high school. With my warm regards and thanks, We closed our year of fundraising with solid results, thanks to wide participation from the Nishimachi community. Annual giving campaign donations were steady; faculty/staff donations grew. As plans take more concrete shape for a

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D Greetings from the Head of School

ear Nishimachi Community Members,

teaching. Next year, we will be entering into

My name is Karen O’Neill, and I am

another reaccreditation process. Ahead of this,

excited to be returning to Nishimachi

our faculty and staff will be looking carefully at

International School as your new

our curricula and approaches to learning. I look

head of school. An alumna of the early 1970s,

forward to previewing our thinking with you

I attended Nishimachi for first and second

along the way. In the meantime, if you are in the

grades and have fond memories of my time

area, please stop by for a visit. I look forward to

here. Although it has been over 30 years since

partnering with you.

I last lived in Tokyo, my family and I have been exploring the city and all that it has to offer since late summer. I have been amazed by how much Tokyo has changed; many neighborhoods have been rebuilt, and the city is pulsating with visitors from abroad. Yet, the “special-ness” of Tokyo remains, and, with its beautiful gardens and delicious cuisine, my family and I have much to rediscover.

Karen O’Neill Head of School

When I walked onto Nishimachi’s campus last year, I was struck by the family feel that our school continues to exude, even 50 years from when I was last a student here. Its diverse student body, caring community, exceptionally high educational standards, and dedicated faculty and staff remain at its core. While the campus looks a little different than it did in the early seventies, the heart of the school is unchanged. As in past years, Nishimachi continues to evaluate and bring best practices to our

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The following are some updates from this past school year.

Facilities While the Green Building project was the most significant facility project of 2018/19, we continued to invest in our facilities. Maintenance and repair work was conducted throughout the school year with a particularly intensive effort during the summer. Significant projects included: • Replacement of the gym air conditioning system • Continuation of the LED light fitting program • Renovation of storage areas in the gym • Installation of blackout curtains in the MPR • Clean-up of the Kazuno buildings and site • Upgrades to the gym stage, including curtains, a pulley mechanism, and cable hangers • Re-coating of the gym floor

• Repainting of the courtyard • Painting of the iron handrails in hallways in most buildings • Furniture replacement in four classrooms • New furniture for the Green Building

Applications The school received a total of 306 admissions applications, a 1% increase compared to the previous year. There was a total of 156 kindergarten applicants, two fewer than the previous year. During the January kindergarten screenings, 101 selected applicants were screened. One hundred fourteen applications were received for grades 1 thru 5, which represents a 3% increase over the previous year. The number of applications received for grades 6 through 9 was 36, which was 9% more than the previous year.

Enrollment The 2018-2019 school year began with 464 students, the same number as for the previous year. The school started the academic year with 81 new students and admitted 18 more during the year.

Curriculum Nishimachi follows a five-year cycle of curriculum review. In 2018-19, science was reviewed and updated to reflect current practices in teaching and learning. A committee of teachers identified these needs for the curriculum: Authentic experiences: learning should be hands-on, involve scientific practices, and be project-based; Engagement: students need to be excited and passionate about what they are learning; and Relevance: content should link to real world issues and coherence, and concepts should build over time and have a logical sequence. The NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) were adopted as the basis of the new curriculum. The NGSS focus on process, as well as their clear connection to design engineering and human impact outcomes, were key reasons for the change. The committee also ensured that the new scope and sequence included outcomes from all areas of science (physical, earth and space, and life science).

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O Nishimachi Learner Expectations

Carol Koran Director of Learning

ne of the most important aspects of being a community is having a common understanding of the key values and expectations that guide the group’s actions and decisions. In 2017, we began the process of re-examining the Student Learning Expectations that were created in 1997. Our purpose was to update these expectations to align with current understandings about teaching and learning, while maintaining the principles and vision of our founder. The staff held deep conversations about how to identify and define student learning. Students were consulted and shared their thoughts about the attitudes and approaches to learning that they felt were most important and powerful in preparing them for the future. From these conversations, we identified the five Nishimachi Learner Expectations. The change from “student learning” to “Nishimachi learner” was also a deliberate choice. All members of the Nishimachi community, including students, teachers, support staff, parents, and the larger community, are part of the continuous process of growth and learning. We are all learners; we all realize the value of the following expectations for learners: Our new Nishimachi Learner Expectations are based on the beliefs that, as learners:

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We make connections. We cultivate meaningful connections between people, cultures and ideas. We take ownership. We take initiative, we explore our own questions and accept responsibility for our actions. We pursue challenges. We take risks and persevere. We act ethically. We respect differences, are empathetic and work to find solutions on a global and local levels. We are creative. We use multiple processes to think, innovate and reflect. Posters that include Japanese symbols and Kanji, as well as the Learner Expectation statements are displayed throughout the school, and teachers incorporate these principles into their classroom activities. The finalization of our new Nishimachi Learner Expectations takes us into our seventieth year as a school, respecting the traditions of our past and embracing new directions for learning, as we prepare our students for their future and their responsibilities as citizens of the world.

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A Green Building Innovative Learning Spaces

Meredith Lawson MS Principal

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he planning for innovative learning spaces and a dedicated middle school has been a long-time talking point at Nishimachi. In the first half of 2019 it was a pleasure to see all our planning come to fruition. As we are well into the twenty-first century, educational and workplace practices are quickly evolving, and it is clear that all schools must provide spaces that cater for the learning styles of all students. The graduates of the future will also need to be flexible and adaptable; through exposure to different ways of working, they will in turn learn more about themselves. Our new Green Building spaces will enable these opportunities. The refurbishment of the existing Summit Moto Azabu apartment building began in April, and it was a quick turnaround to have this space open for students on the first day of the 20192020 school year. There were a few changes to the original plans in the natural process of designing and planning a building, but we now have seven new learning spaces in the Green Building and a separate staff work space (with a staff-only shower, which is a welcome addition to ensure adherence to our Student Protection Policy). There are three dedicated Japanese language spaces, two humanities spaces, one math space, and a STEAM lab space which will be developed as we define our program and approach to this quickly developing curriculum area. With two classrooms on each floor, this also permits grades 7 to 9 advisory classes to be in close proximity and to meet in flexible combinations.

The key design elements of each classroom are: Natural light and classrooms with a view, which may assist students in refocusing their attention when it wanders; Natural ventilation; Vertical whiteboards on most walls, which means the “front” of the classroom can be anywhere; they also provide flexibility for the children in demonstrating their thinking and learning; TV screens for projection directly from computers; A variety of seating options and heights to allow for student preference in terms of comfort; and A variety of table heights and shapes which are mobile and permit the adaptation of configurations that suit the task. It was also a pleasure to learn that a student sustainability group had had a hand in getting hand-dryers fitted in the bathrooms to reduce the need for paper towels—an example of authentic learning in action. Not only did the building open up new learning spaces, it also allowed for the reconfiguration of existing spaces in the Yellow Building. These are: A new elementary Japanese space; A new middle school math/science space; A new grade 5 common space; Grade 3 classes now adjacent to each other;

A new staff lounge next to the Yellow Kitchen; and A shared workspace for the student services team. All these additions provide opportunities for greater teacher and student collaboration. Although some areas are still a work in progress, we hope that we will see positive outcomes in student engagement and learning with a particular focus on our new Nishimachi Learner Expectations.

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N Translanguaging and Nishimachi International School

Joanne Elliott MS Literacy Coach Humanities Teacher

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ishimachi students come from all over the world. Our students come to us with a multitude of linguistic and cultural experiences. The majority of our students are bilingual and multilingual, proficient and capable of connecting to concepts and learning through varied linguistic perspectives.

• How can we increase student and community awareness of language as a unitary system of making meaning? • How can we create opportunities for students to leverage their full linguistic repertoire (full communicative repertoire)? • How do we begin to shift our views about language ability?

Over the 2018-19 school year we undertook a professional study of “translanguaging,” Translanguaging happens when multilinguals access different linguistic features to maximize their communicative potential. The study was aimed at continually strengthening literacy and language teaching and learning, as well as at contributing to an evolving community that honors all languages.

As the school year progressed, the international school community grew increasingly interested in translanguaging, recognizing its theory and practice as key to literacy and language learning with a multilingual population. Towards the end of May, Nishimachi led the way, hosting a threeday translanguaging conference with Erin Kent, an International schools literacy consultant who has visited our school over the past three years, working with teachers in building the capacity of literacy learning across the grade levels. We welcomed 50 participants from schools around Japan and Asia. The focus of the conference was on ways in which we could connect a translanguaging stance and practices to strong workshop pedagogy and components in literacy and language classrooms. Teachers from kindergarten to high school and those who work in language support (coaches and administrators and literacy and linguistic specialists) were in classrooms observing and applying translanguaging strategies with real students in real reading and writing workshops, in English and in Japanese; and harnessing ways students could work at their full cognitive ability and make sense of their learning through a multilinguistic approach, rather than a monolingual one.

Through a study of the work of Ofelia García (one of the leaders in translanguaging), we learned that all bilinguals are translanguaging. Our linguistic and cultural knowledge and references make up one language repertoire from which we select features and references, depending on the context and connections we are making. “A translanguaging classroom is a space built collaboratively by the teacher and bilingual students as they use their different language practices to teach and learn in deeply creative and critical ways” (García, Johnson, and Seltzer, 2). Our intention was for students to explore ways they could use their language repertoire to increase their knowledge of concepts and ideas. Teachers focused on the following emerging questions:

While at the school, Erin Kent also made a presentation to the Nishimachi parent community on ways we can support our multilinguals, both at school and at home. As we move forward, we look toward building on our knowledge and practice of translanguaging: enhancing the school community as a linguistically inclusive environment and cultivating a diverse classroom culture, with opportunities to strengthen knowledge and understanding through reading, writing, and speaking in multiple languages. REFERENCE

GarcĂ­a, Ofelia, Susana Ibarra Johnson, and Kate Seltzer,The Translanguaging Classroom: Leveraging Student Bilingualism for Learning (Philadelphia: Caslon, 2017).

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Becoming a Round Square Candidate School

Stephanie Hanamura

Grade 6 Math and Humanities Teacher

“To share, learn and live together, yet keep our special identity.” - Tané Matsukata When Tané Matsukata opened her first small class in what ultimately became Nishimachi International School, she had a vision for developing a culture of learners who valued the unique perspective of others. Over the decades, the school has grown but has consistently focused on developing intercultural awareness and understanding among staff, students, and the wider community. Nishimachi continues to lead with a steadfast aim to maximize student gains in learning, specifically in the areas of global and intercultural learning and service. Service-learning experiences continue to be developed into curricular units throughout the school. This year will mark Nishimachi’s third annual service trip for grade 9 students to Cambodia. Nishimachi’s dedication to taking a proactive approach to becoming a more reflective and outward-looking community has allowed the school to form many partnerships with different organizations around the world. Most recently, Nishimachi became a Round Square Candidate school.

Round Square Schools Round Square (RS) schools share a commitment to character education and experiential learning built around six themes – our IDEALS – International Understanding, Democracy, Environmental Stewardship,

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Adventure, Leadership, and Service. Twelve Discoveries that students explore on their learning journey underpin the Round Square IDEALS: inquisitiveness, tenacity, courage, compassion, inventiveness, ability to solve problems, self-awareness, sense of responsibility, appreciation of diversity, commitment to sustainability, communication, and team-working skills.* In order to determine whether the RS IDEALS and underlying Discoveries were best suited to supporting the learning journey of students and staff, and whether they aligned with Nishimachi’s mission and vision, the Nishimachi administration and select staff attended regional conferences and participated in student-led conferences. It became very evident that becoming an RS school was the best next step for Nishimachi. In May 2019, after an intensive application process, Nishimachi’s application to become an RS Candidate school was accepted. On November 6, Stuart Walls, the support director for Australasia and East Asia RS schools’ will be at Nishimachi for an evaluation visit. He will be meeting with the head of school, the ES and MS principals, faculty and staff, and a group of students, in order to identify ways in which Nishimachi has begun to integrate RS Framework in the school. Over the next two years, Nishimachi will be further incorporating the RS IDEALS into the curriculum and into the larger context of the school. This will enable the Nishimachi community to build upon Tané Matsukata’s

founding vision, advance student learning, and enhance opportunities for students to engage in experiential learning. Throughout this school year, Nishimachi will be highlighting the experiential learning students already engage in and showcase the ways in which the RS Discovery Framework will be used to further enhance student learning and achievement: for example, the annual ES and MS ski trips, and experiences in Kazuno. Also the ways in which the MS exploratory and trip to Minamisanriku can impact the development of student character. Nishimachi is a community of people who believe in the power of collective wisdom, collaboration, and the development of best practice among staff. It is with this in mind that Nishimachi leaders and educators will work side by side to integrate and identify the ways in which the IDEALs and Discoveries are being lived within the school community. This is a very exciting time for the entire Nishimachi community, and we are looking forward to the journey towards becoming a Round Square member school. *Round Square, 2019. Home Page. Retrieved from

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O Fundraising 2018-2019

Philippe Eymard Director of Development

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nce a year, Nishimachi publishes this report of giving to acknowledge the many members of our community who make a difference each year to the lives of our students. We recognize that every member of our community has unique circumstances and interests and are deeply grateful to all those who contribute to the school in one way or another.

In 2018–2019 Nishimachi International School received ¥45,442,055 between August 1, 2018, and July 31, 2019. Thank you to all who participated in this record fundraising year! We encourage you to visit the school to see how your gift has made a difference and how you can become involved. For how you can support Nishimachi, please see page 50.

2018–2019 Annual Giving Annual Giving Unrestricted cash (annual fund) ¥13,283,488 Unrestricted cash (CCP annual support) ¥12,000,000 Restricted cash (see page 20) ¥22,346,952 Buses for sports teams ¥1,000,000 Campus Development Project ¥1,691,792 Drama and Arts program ¥769,895 Japanese Social Studies program ¥1,005,000 Kindergarten Discovery Room ¥900,000 Library program ¥353,895 Outreach Scholarship program ¥ 9,910,480 Rooftop netting ¥1,140,000 Sports program ¥70,000 School furniture ¥3,000,000 Designated to other programs ¥2,333,460 Gifts-in-kind ¥104,510 Endowment funds ¥ 67,920 Total giving ¥47,630,440 Minus TNK grant fund brought forward ¥2,188,385 Total cash receipts ¥45,442,055

Donations 2018-2019 (by Affiliation)

Tomo no Kai 5,162,615


Current parents 14,071,234


Corporations (CCP annual support) 12,000,000


6% 10%

Organizations (companies, foundations, events) 4,584,484

Board and Trustees 2,928,770


Friends Faculty/Staff 77,2221 181,763

Nishimachi-Kai 5,740,969

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Your restricted gifts have supported the following programs: The list below identifies the type and amount of 2018-2019 contributions designated for specific school programs. Author visits

List of Restricted Gifts

Buses for school sports teams*


Campus Development Program


Coca-cola products for student events


Digital camera kits*


Drama and Arts program Drama microphone headsets*

53,895 716,000

Endowment - Robert and Judith Sharp Family Fund


Endowment - TanĂŠ Matsukata Fund for International Education


Food Fair booth Japanese social studies program

56,630 1,005,000

Kindergarten Discovery Room


Kirivorn School


KODO Taiko performance*


Library audio books*


Library program


Library resources on Cambodia*


Nishimachi-Kai activities Outreach Scholarship program Nishimachi Foundation Rooftop netting* Sakura reading books* School furniture* Sports program TNK grant

5,000 9,910,480 19,980 1,140,000 65,000 3,000,000 70,000 945,000

Total restricted gifts received in 2018-2019


Minus TNK grant balance brought forward


Total cash receipts *TNK grant

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Donations 2018-2019 (by Designation)

Outreach Scholarship 9,910,480

Endowment 72,920


2% 2%

29% Annual fund 13,283,488

Japanese social studies 1,000,000

2% 4% 4% 7% 26%

Sports program 1,070,000 Library 478,895 Drama 769,895 Gift-in-Kind 104,510 Facilities 2,040,000

Campus Development Project 1,691,792

Restricted to other programs 3,020,075

CCP annual support 12,000,000

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Individual Donors Founder’s Circle

Leaders’ Circle

Tohru and Itoe Akaura Makoto and Yoshiko Azuma Paul and Karen D’Attanasio Ichiro and Mari Kawashima Tetsumi and Kyoko Kurokawa Jixun Lin and Ziwei Wang Masamoto Yashiro

Anonymous Jun and Kiyoko Aketa Hisashi and Mikiko Aoyama Armando Arriaga and Serok Lee Tetsuya and Mina Fujita Bessho Ezra Borut and Lisa Cintron Kathryn (Brown) ‘94 and Ricky Schrag ‘94 Eric Carmichael Archibald and Yoko Ciganer-Albeniz Chuck and Minhae Doherty Douglas and Hiroko Freeman Julie K. Fujishima ‘81 Masayuki and Yuko Fukui Brett and Anne Gerry Eric and Ayako Golden Kenji and Hiroko Hara

Head’s Circle Frank and Kumi Clark III Emmanuelle Collette Masaya and Tomoe Fujita Kazuki Inaba ‘76 Gen and Chizuru Kimura Yusuke Murata Masaaki Suzuki

Levels of Giving (Individuals) Founder’s Circle

¥1,000,000 and above

Head’s Circle

¥500,000 to ¥999,999

Leaders’ Circle

¥100,000 to ¥499,999

Educators’ Circle

¥50,000 to ¥99,999

Friends’ Circle

¥20,000 to ¥49,999

Vikings Club

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under ¥20,000

Kosuke Haruyama Kuniyoshi and Emi Hayashi Yuichi and Reina Hirayama Patrick Hogan and Dr. Lien Do Taro ‘91 and Nobumi Hornmark Koyu and Ryoko Izumi Yatsumi and Keiko Kawakami Hirofumi Kotoi and Wei Chen Miki and Chu Hong Koji Lin Dimitri Lorenzon and Laura Huizi Nina Marini ‘85 Mizuki ‘91 and Thomas McGrath Robert and Andrea McTamaney Atsushi and Rena Miura Kazuyuki and Yukari Miyake Terence and Motoko Murphy Tadao and Ayano Nagasaki David and Tina Y. Nishida Hiroshi and Yuka Nishimuro Andrew ‘87 and Makoto Ogawa Kiyoshi and Amanda Okamoto Masayuki and Yukiko Okayama Peter and Jan Opdahl Haruhiko ‘88 and Miko Sakaguchi Hiroshi and Yukiko Sakaki Ryuichi Sakamoto and Noriko Sora Kaho Sakemi ‘19 David Sancho Shimizu and Risako Shima Ema Scheidel ‘93 Kathryn (Brown) ‘94 and Ricky Schrag ‘94

Alex Schweisgut and Eriko Suzuki Bang Family Kotoe Shirakawa ‘00 and Masachika Akashi ‘94 David Sneider and Naomi Pollock Mary Sung Katayama Takahiro and Misayo Suzuki Yoshinobu Takahara Millie Takayama Atsushi and Maasa Takeiri Danforth and Junko Thomas Keith and Machiko Truelove Kenro and Minako Tsutsumi Yoshitsugu and Naomi Uehigashi Naoaki and Nao Urabe John and Donna Vandenbrink Tom and Wendy Watkins Emily Downey and Takahiro Yamade Shunsuke and Kikue Yamamoto Yugo Yamamoto Emiko Yamamoto Makoto and Lisa Yano

Educators’ Circle Hope Anderson ‘74 Maki Ando ‘87 Hitoshi and Sumi Fujii Carl and Judy Hickey Kayoko and Ryuko Hira Yuichi and Yukie Ito

Individual Donors Taichi and Momoyo Kamimura Yushi Katayama ‘96 Isao and Yukiko Ano ‘55 Kato Yuko Kitamura Daisuke and Ayano Kobayashi Hikaru Kobayashi Shigeyasu and Wendy Kobayashi Yhu ‘94 and Sayaka Kuni Tomio and Miyuki Kurihara Therese A. McCarty ‘72 Mark H. Mitchell Karen O’Neill ‘78 Seiichi and Miki Oku Alex and Sachiko Reeve Jordan and Chizuko Shappell Robert Sharp ‘84 Alan and Emi Sorba Junichi and Yasuko Suzuki Yuichi and Satika Takei Yukihiro and Yuka Wada Caroline Watkins ‘00 Amy and Fred Weiss Chuck and Debbie Whitehead

Friends’ Circle Anonymous Jin and Yuko Akiyama Norihiro and Saori Awaya

Andrew R. Deane and Yukiko Tokano Harald deRopp Lieko Earle ‘90 Junichiro Egawa Philippe Eymard Amy Flint Derek and Namiko Foster Nicholas Clay Gary Donald Greenberg Lawrence and Keiko Greenberg Tenagne Haile-Mariam ‘76 Chisato Hasuda ‘13 Toru and Noriko Igarashi Yukinori and Masami Kataoka Kazuho ‘97 and Maki Kawaguchi Katsuhito Kimijima Michael King and Makiko Nishimura Satoshi and Sumire Kubo Konomu and Tsuyuko Kuni Akiko Kuno Jim and Sherry Ladd Taiga Lewis ‘19 Hiroko Lockheimer Fumihiko Maki Tyler and Barbara Marciniak Michael Lum and Audrey McAvoy ‘88 Kyoji and Mayuko Okita

Jun ‘83 and Natsuko Okuda Yusuke and Hiroko Onodera Andrew and Mariko Ras Hirotaka Son ‘98 Bhittinan (Japan) Worawanichakorn ‘24 Asao and Sonomi Tanaka Chris and Chika Wu Iris Wu ‘20 Takashi and Ayai Yokota

Vikings Club Matthew and Nagako Aoyagi Lynette Bang ‘23 Meena Beardsley Noel Bradshaw Diane and Pericles Caminis Shannon Chrysler ‘82 Ishu Chugani Christopher and Carolyn Fischer Jin and Lalaka ‘90 Fukuma Clark Graninger and Mitsuyo Shioya Philip Greenan Houzan Haku Hunter D. and Suzanne Hale Takaki Hamasaki Hiroko Hara

Yasunori Haruyama Nancy Hashima ‘83 Tetsuro Hayashi Andy Hill ‘86 David and Leslie Hill Miwako Hongo Michael Hosking Harukako Ikeura ‘00 Natsukako Ikeura ‘01 Tsutomu Inoue Kana Iwata Kiki Jiang Yamaguchi ‘87 Young-Jin Ju and Sayaka Nagatomo David Judge Keiko Kida Yuichi Kitamura Daisuke and Ayano Kobayashi Ryuji and Akiko Kobayashi Keiko Koyama Ryoji Kubo ‘90 Aiko Kumamoto ‘01 Junbom Lee Kacie Leviton ‘95 Kaoru Mano Tomoyoshi Matsuda Julia May Boddewyn ‘79

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Individual Donors Mark ‘70 and Lisa Melnick Kayo Morimoto Masashi Murakami Aya Murata ‘85 Yukiko Muto Peter and Robyn Nadler Elmer Z. and Mie Nakao Mayumi Nakayama ‘90 Yoko Nakayama Christopher Nelson Andrey Nikitin and Tatiana Eliseeva Yoshinori Noguchi Eiko Olsen Lillian Olsen ‘90 Shigenori Oshiro Rick Privman and Yumiko Miyano Kaaren Kunze and Ronald Quada Sang-Dae Rah ‘96 Timothy Reed Dorothy Jean Reiser (Cohen) ‘70 Cecily Moffett and Family

Suzan and Marty Rose Felix Pang Megumi (Higuchi) Sano ‘78 Tokuya Sano ‘86 Tazuko Shibusawa ‘67 Hideo Shimizu Hisami Shirai Maki Suzuki ‘88 Yoshikazu ‘01 and Ava SuzukiLambrecht Yuko and Mikako Takamatsu Shigekatsu Takeda Riku Tanaka ‘17 Makiko Tomita ‘86 Tracy Kao Adrian and Naomi Tschoegl Nancy Tsurumaki Michelle Takayama ‘93 Keiko Uekubo Yuichi Watanabe

Gift In Kind Aizawa Family Aoshima Family Mihoko Chida Alex Colina Andrew Deane Motoko Kohanawa and Kiyoshi Endo Keiichiro Fukabori Houzan Haku Scott and Barbara Hancock Yasunori Haruyama Patrick Hogan and Lien Do Noriko and Nils Hornmark Maiko Ina Tsutomu Inoue Ishiyama Family Kiki Jiang Yamaguchi Masako Koga Meredith Lawson

Kayo Morimoto Terry Morris Mayumi Nakayama ‘90 Fuyuhiko Nishijima ‘71 Tomiko Omi Jan Opdahl Claire Prowse Felix Pang Hideo Shimizu Radim Sinkora Jennifer Sutherland Matthew Sutherland Shigekatsu Takeda Nancy Tsurumaki Dan Weiss Ben and JoAnn Yoneyama

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Organizational Donors Head’s Circle

Azabu Gardens / Pembroke Real Estate Japan, LLC Best Living Japan K.K. BURST Co., Ltd. Coca-Cola (Japan) Co., Ltd. Domino’s Pizza Japan Inc. Endo Risk Reduction Services Co., Ltd. Google Inc. I WAS A KIMONO textiles Morgan Stanley Nishimachi-Kai Santa Fe Relocation Services Japan K.K.

Nishimachi Tomo no Kai

Leaders’ Circle Morimura Homeikai Foundation STMicroelectronics K.K. V. K. HSU AND SONS FOUNDATION LIMITED

Educators’ Circle Outreach Walkathon 2018

Friends’ Circle Outreach Golf Tournament 2019

Gift In Kind

Vikings Club

Arisugawa Orthopaedic Clinic Bar Japan Inc.

A Print K.K. AmazonSmile Foundation

Levels of Giving (Organizations)

Founder’s Circle Head’s Circle Leaders’ Circle Educators’ Circle

Friends’ Circle Vikings Club

24 ... Nishimachi Annual Report 2019

¥10,000,000 and above ¥5,000,000 to ¥9,999,999 ¥1,000,000 to ¥4,999,999 ¥500,000 to ¥999,999 ¥200,000 to ¥499,999 under ¥200,000

Bellwoods, Inc. Callaway Golf K.K. Chiba Birdie Club COBRA PUMA GOLF Cookie Time Japan Co., Ltd. Doggy’s Island Resort & Villa eLADY Ltd. Elana Jade Organic Beauty Food Collective Dining (FCD) / B612 Grand Hyatt Tokyo ’Iolani School Isao Aoki Jaguar Land Rover Yokohama Kiwi Kitchen Kosé Cosmeport Corp. MNC New York Inc. Mori Building Co., Ltd. Oakwood Japan ONE WORLD international hair salon PRGR K.K. The Prince Karuizawa Samrat Indian Restaurant Santa Fe Relocation Services Japan K.K. Tokyo American Club Tsuruya Liquours VIAX Co., Ltd. WATABUN Co., Ltd. The Winery Yokohama Country & Athletic Club

School Calendar Sponsors 20182019 Asian Tigers Mobility Azabu Gardens (Pembroke) Domino’s Pizza Japan, Inc. Elana Jade K.K. Endo Risk Reduction Services The King Clinic Kozu Clinic Mori Living Motoazabu Hills International Dental Clinic National Medical Clinic ONE WORLD international hair salon Pompadour Co., Ltd. Shiba Coloproctologic Clinic Jason S. Wong D.D.S.

Organizational Donors CCP Participating Companies

Biotronik Japan Inc. Brown Brothers Harriman Capital Servicing Co., Ltd. Chanel K.K. Fortress Investment Group (Japan) GK Hogan Lovells Horitsu Jimusho Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo Morrison and Foerster Asia Services Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. Oak Lawn Marketing International Inc. Reckitt Benckiser Japan Ltd. Softsource K.K. STMicroelectronics K.K. Syneos Health Clinical K.K. Tokyo Office Service Co., Ltd.

Matching Gifts The following individuals multiplied the impact of their gifts, regardless of designation, by participating in the matching gift programs of their companies. Our very special thanks to: Google Inc. Thomas and Mizuki McGrath ‘91 Microsoft Nina Marini ‘85 More than 580 U.S. companies have matching gift programs. To find out if your company or your spouse’s company has a program, please check with your human resources department or call the Nishimachi Development Office at 03-3451-2167.

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Donor Affiliation Parents Of Current Students Aizawa Family Tohru and Itoe Akaura Jun and Kiyoko Aketa Jin and Yuko Akiyama Matthew and Nagako Aoyagi Hisashi and Mikiko Aoyama Armando Arriaga and Serok Lee Norihiro and Saori Awaya Makoto and Yoshiko Azuma Bang Family Tetsuya and Mina Fujita Bessho Ezra Borut and Lisa Cintron Archibald and Yoko Ciganer-Albeniz Frank and Kumi Clark III Emmanuelle Collette Paul and Karen D’Attanasio Emily Downey and Takahiro Yamada Junichiro Egawa Junichiro and Kazumi Egawa Christopher and Carolyn Fischer Douglas and Hiroko Freeman Hitoshi and Sumi Fujii Masaya and Tomoe Fujita Masayuki and Yuko Fukui Jin and Lalaka ‘90 Fukuma Nicholas Clay Gary Brett and Anne Gerry Eric and Ayako Golden Lawrence and Keiko Greenberg Takaki Hamasaki

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Kenji and Hiroko Hara Kuniyoshi and Emi Hayashi Tetsuro Hayashi Yuichi and Reina Hirayama Patrick Hogan and Dr. Lien Do Ishiyama Family Yuichi and Yukie Ito Koyu and Ryoko Izumi Young-Jin Ju and Sayaka Nagatomo David Judge and Sylvia Turner Taichi and Momoyo Kamimura Yukinori and Masami Kataoka Kazuho ‘97 and Maki Kawaguchi Yatsumi and Keiko Kawakami Ichiro and Mari Kawashima Gen and Chizuru Kimura Michael King and Makiko Nishimura Daisuke and Ayano Kobayashi Hikaru Kobayashi Hirofumi Kotoi and Wei Chen Tomio and Miyuki Kurihara Tetsumi and Kyoko Kurokawa Junbom Lee Jixun Lin and Ziwei Wang Dimitri Lorenzon and Laura Huizi Tyler and Barbara Marciniak Atsushi and Rena Miura Kazuyuki and Yukari Miyake Terry Morris Yusuke Murata Andrey Nikitin and Tatiana Eliseeva

Hiroshi and Yuka Nishimuro Kiyoshi and Amanda Okamoto Masayuki and Yukiko Okayama Kyoji and Mayuko Okita Seiichi and Miki Oku Tomiko Omi Shigenori Oshiro Rick Privman and Yumiko Miyano Kaaren Kunze and Ronald Quada Alex and Sachiko Reeve Hiroshi and Yukiko Sakaki David Sancho Shimizu and Risako Shima Tokuya Sano ‘86 Alex Schweisgut and Eriko Suzuki Jordan and Chizuko Shappell Alan and Emi Sorba Junichi and Yasuko Suzuki Masaaki Suzuki Takahiro and Misayo Suzuki Yoshinobu Takahara Yuko and Mikako Takamatsu Yuichi and Satika Takei Atsushi and Maasa Takeiri Makiko Tomita ‘86 Keith and Machiko Truelove Tracy Kao Kenro and Minako Tsutsumi Naoaki and Nao Urabe Yoshitsugu and Naomi Uehigashi Yuichi Watanabe Shunsuke and Kikue Yamamoto

Takashi and Ayai Yokota

Current Students Lynette Bang ‘23 Bhittinan (Japan) Worawanichakorn ‘24

Parents Of Alumni Aoshima Family Matthew and Nagako Aoyagi Diane and Pericles Caminis Harald deRopp Chuck and Minhae Doherty Amy Flint Douglas and Hiroko Freeman Julie K. Fujishima ‘81 Clark Graninger and Mitsuyo Shioya Philip Greenan Hunter D. and Suzanne Hale Scott and Barbara Hancock Carl and Judy Hickey David and Leslie Hill Kayoko and Ryuko Hira Noriko and Nils Hornmark Noriko Igarashi Toru and Noriko Igarashi Yatsumi and Keiko Kawakami Keiko Kida Ryuji and Akiko Kobayashi Shigeyasu and Wendy Kobayashi Satoshi and Sumire Kubo Konomu and Tsuyuko Kuni

Donor Affiliation Tomio and Miyuki Kurihara Jim and Sherry Ladd Miki and Chu Hong Koji Lin Hiroko Lockheimer Robert and Andrea McTamaney Mark H. Mitchell Terence and Motoko Murphy Peter and Robyn Nadler Elmer Z. and Mie Nakao Yoko Nakayama David and Tina Y. Nishida Eiko Olsen Peter and Jan Opdahl Andrew and Mariko Ras Timothy Reed Suzan and Marty Rose Felix Pang Ryuichi Sakamoto and Noriko Sora Hisami Shirai David Sneider and Naomi Pollock Mary Sung Katayama Yuichi and Satika Takei Danforth and Junko Thomas Adrian and Naomi Tschoegl Kenro and Minako Tsutsumi John and Donna Vandenbrink Tom and Wendy Watkins Amy and Fred Weiss Dan Weiss Chuck and Debbie Whitehead Chris and Chika Wu Emily Downey and Takahiro Yamada

Yugo Yamamoto Emiko Yamamoto Makoto and Lisa Yano Masamoto Yashiro Ben and JoAnn Yoneyama

Radim Sinkora Jennifer Sutherland Matthew Sutherland Nancy Tsurumaki

Grandparents Of Alumni

Board Of Directors, Board Of Trustees, Auditors, Advisors, Nishimachi Foundation Directors

Donald Greenberg Hideo Shimizu

Nishimachi Faculty And Staff Noel Bradshaw Mihoko Chida Alex Colina Andrew R. Deane Philippe Eymard Yasunori Haruyama Miwako Hongo Michael Hosking Maiko Ina Kiki Jiang Yamaguchi ‘87 David Judge Yuko Kitamura Masako Koga Keiko Koyama Meredith Lawson Kacie Leviton ‘95 Kayo Morimoto Terry Morris Yukiko Muto Mayumi Nakayama ‘90 Christopher Nelson Claire Prowse

Philip Greenan Hunter D. Hale Michael Hosking Noriko Igarashi Akiko Kuno Tomio Kurihara Elmer Z. Nakao Haruhiko Sakaguchi ‘88 David Sneider Mary Sung Katayama Junko Thomas John Vandenbrink Dan Weiss Masamoto Yashiro

Former Nishimachi Faculty And Staff Meena Beardsley Judy Hickey Sherry Ladd Hiroko Lockheimer Tazuko Shibusawa ‘67 Millie Takayama

Former Board Of Directors, Board Of Trustees, Auditors, Advisors, Nishimachi Foundation Directors Harald deRopp Hunter D. Hale Nils Hornmark Taro Hornmark ‘91 Jim Ladd Fumihiko Maki Jan Opdahl Haruhiko Sakaguchi ‘88 David Sneider Mary Sung Katayama Junko Thomas John Vandenbrink

Alumni Yukiko Ano Kato ‘55 Tazuko Shibusawa ‘67 Mary Sung Katayama ‘67 Dorothy Jean Reiser (Cohen) ‘70 Helen (Moffett) Roach ‘70 Mark Lisa Melnick ‘70 Fuyuhiko Nishijima ‘71 Therese A. McCarty ‘72 Hope Anderson ‘74 Kazuki Inaba ‘76 Tenagne Haile-Mariam ‘76 Karen O’Neill ‘78 Megumi (Higuchi) Sano ‘78 Julia May Boddewyn ‘79 Julie K. Fujishima ‘81 Nishimachi Annual Report 2019 ...


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Donor Affiliation Shannon Chrysler ‘82 Nancy Hashima ‘83 Jun Okuda ‘83 Robert Sharp ‘84 Nina Marini ‘85 Aya Murata ‘85 Andy Hill ‘86 Tokuya Sano ‘86 Makiko Tomita ‘86 Maki Ando ‘87 Kiki Jiang Yamaguchi ‘87 Andrew Ogawa ‘87 Audrey McAvoy ‘88 Haruhiko Sakaguchi ‘88 Maki Suzuki ‘88 Lieko Earle ‘90 Lalaka Fukuma ‘90 Ryoji Kubo ‘90

Mayumi Nakayama ‘90 Lillian Olsen ‘90 Taro Hornmark ‘91 Mizuki McGrath ‘91 Ema Scheidel ‘93 Michelle Takayama ‘93 Masachika Akashi ‘94 Yhu Kuni ‘94 Ricky Schrag ‘94 Kathryn (Brown) Schrag ‘94 Kacie Leviton ‘95 Yushi Katayama ‘96 Sang-Dae Rah ‘96 Kazuho Kawaguchi ‘97 Hirotaka Son ‘98 Harukako Ikeura ‘00 Kotoe Shirakawa ‘00 Caroline Watkins ‘00

Natsukako Ikeura ‘01 Aiko Kumamoto ‘01 Yoshikazu Suzuki-Lambrecht ‘01 Eric Carmichael ‘04 Chisato Hasuda ‘13 Riku Tanaka ‘17 Taiga Lewis ‘19 Kaho Sakemi ‘19 Iris Wu ‘20

Friends Anonymous x 2 Ishu Chugani Motoko Kohanawa and Kiyoshi Endo Derek and Namiko Foster Keiichiro Fukabori Houzan Haku

Hiroko Hara Kosuke Haruyama Tsutomu Inoue Kana Iwata Katsuhito Kimijima Yuichi Kitamura Fumihiko Maki Kaoru Mano Tomoyoshi Matsuda Masashi Murakami Tadao and Ayano Nagasaki Yoshinori Noguchi Yusuke and Hiroko Onodera Shigekatsu Takeda Asao and Sonomi Tanaka Keiko Uekubo Yukihiro and Yuka Wada

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Loyalty Society

Loyalty Society: To honor donors who make a gift every year


he following individuals and organizations have made annual gifts to Nishimachi International School for five or more consecutive years since the start of the Nishimachi Annual Giving campaign. Nishimachi thanks them for their dedication and commitment to Nishimachi.

24 years

18 years

Coca-Cola (Japan) Co., Ltd.*

Therese McCarty ‘72


Carl and Judy Hickey

年にわたり個人の方々、 そして企業から多

Danforth and Junko Thomas

大なるご寄付をいただいてますが、5年以 上継続してご寄付をいただいた個人、企 業を以下に紹介させていただきます。

Platinum Member (over 25 consecutive years)

Nishimachi Tomo no Kai* John and Donna Vandenbrink

23 years Millie Takayama

22 years Julie K. Fujishima ‘81

21 years Hiroko Lockheimer

20 years Philippe Eymard Lalaka ‘90 and Jin Fukuma Audrey McAvoy ‘88 Cecily Moffett and Family Thomas and Wendy Watkins

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Charles and Debbie Whitehead

17 years Kiyoshi Endo Amy Flint Harukako Ikeura ‘00 Natsukako Ikeura ‘01 Morgan Stanley* David and Tina Nishida

16 years Mori Building Co., Ltd.* Morimura Homeikai Foundation* Outreach Scholarship Golf Tournament*

15 years Charles and Minhae Doherty Taro’91 and Nobumi Hornmark James and Sherry Ladd

19 years

Timothy and Yumiko Reed

Elmer and Mie Nakao Andrew and Mariko Ras Maki Suzuki ‘88

Ben and JoAnn Yoneyama

Adrian and Naomi Tschoegl

Loyalty Society 14 years

9 years

7 years

eLADY Ltd.*

Andrew Deane and Yukiko Tokano

Yasunori Haruyama

Kunimasa and Makiko ‘86 Tomita

Yuko Kitamura

Jack Hsu ‘81

Aya Murata ‘85

Jerry Hsu ‘83

Mayumi Nakayama ‘90

John Hsu ‘78

Nancy Tsurumaki

Kiki Jiang Yamaguchi ‘87

13 years Masashi Murakami

12 years Terence and Motoko Murphy

11 years A Print K.K.* Douglas and Hiroko Freeman Yhu Kuni ‘94 Tokuya Sano ‘86 Derrick Schrag ‘94 and Kathryn Brown ‘94

10 years Pericles and Diane Caminis Jeff ‘77 and Hiroko Hsu Mark Melnick ‘70 Jun’83 and Natsuko Okuda PRGR Co., Ltd.* Yuichi and Satika Takei Makoto and Lisa Yano

8 years Nils and Noriko Hornmark Mary Katayama Ryuji and Akiko Kobayashi Konomu and Tsuyuko Kuni Thomas and Mizuki ‘91 McGrath Yoko Nakayama Fuyuhiko Nishijima ‘71

Shigeyasu and Wendy Kobayashi

ONE WORLD international hair salon* Yusuke and Hiroko Onodera Martin and Suzan Rose Ema Scheidel ‘93 Yoji Takahashi Kenro and Minako Tsutsumi

Mark ‘70 and Lisa Melnick

Outreach Scholarship Walkathon*

Asao and Sonomi Tanaka

5 years

Toyoko Tasaki ‘83 and Kenichi Katayama V. K. HSU AND SONS FOUNDATION LIMITED* Yokohama Country & Athletic Club*

Hisanori and Tomiko Omi

6 years

Peter and Jan Opdahl

Mihoko Chida

Hideo Shimizu

Harald deRopp

Chris and Chika Wu

Grand Hyatt Tokyo*

Masamoto Yashiro

Philip and Setsue Greenan Hunter and Suzanne Hale Isao and Yukiko Ano ‘55 Kato Aiko Kumamoto ‘01 Tomio and Miyuki Kurihara

AmazonSmile Foundation* Callaway Golf K.K.* Kosé Cosmeport Corp.* Miwako Hongo Koyu and Ryoko Izumi Yong-Jin Ju and Sayaka Nagatomo Yukinori and Masami Kataoka Nishimachi-Kai* Felix Pang Claire Prowse David Sancho Shimizu and Risako Shima Yoshitsugu and Naomi Uehigashi (* indicates organization)

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Cumulative Donors


n addition to the individuals who made contributions to Nishimachi International School during the 2018-2019 school year, we would like to recognize those contributors whose cumulative contributions since 1995, inclusive of annual gifts and capital campaign contributions, are extraordinary. We extend our gratitude to those individuals for their outstanding and most generous support of Nishimachi. 昨学年度中にご寄付いただいた方々のリ ストの他に、過去に累計寄付額が 50 万 円以上の方々を下記のクラブリストに記 載させていただきました。西町教育への 貢献者として、記録にとどめさせていた だきます。 * indicates individuals who made gifts in 2018-2019

Galaxy Club (10 million yen and above)

Hideki and Stephanie Fukui Douglas and Kylie Hodge Takao Kobayashi Taeko Matsuda Yoji Takahashi*

Tatsuo and Lauren Bliss Kawasaki*

Stephen Huggins and Meagan

Sung and Fumi Nakaya Lee


Dawson Steven Lin and Lindy Lek

Koichiro Ishii

David and Tina Y. Nishida*

Joichi Ito ‘81

Henry Ritchotte and Janet Miranda

Kiyoshi and Reiko Kaneda

Ankur and Mari Sahu

Thomas and Janet Montag

Ryuichi Sakamoto and Noriko

Masamoto and Yoko Yashiro*

Hisae Monica (Chacko) Ogata Kenro and Minako Tsutsumi*

Yoshinori and Tomoko Shirono

Universal Leaders’ Club

Masahiro and Yayako Uchida

Edward Suzuki

H. Thomas and Wendy R. Watkins*

Danforth and Junko Thomas*

(7.5 million to 9,999,999 yen)

Jeff ‘77 and Hiroko Hsu* David A. Sneider and Naomi R. Pollock* Rikuzo Suzuki and Sophie de Taillac Kiyoshi Tamenaga Tomohiko and Mizue Uemura Makoto and Lisa Yano*

Universal Club (5 million to 7,499,999 yen)

Philip and Wei Jun Carmichael Richard and Ikuko Dyck Julie Fujishima ‘81*

32 ... Nishimachi Annual Report 2019

Mary Fujishima

Global Leaders’ Club (2.5 million to 4,999,999 yen)

David Brauer and Mitsuyo Hirasawa Dandoy Family Chuck and Minhae Doherty*


Gensuke T. and Rei Tokoro Kevin and Laura Uebelein John D. and Donna C. Vandenbrink* Charles and Deborah Whitehead*

Tomio ‘79 and Kami Fukuda

Global Club

Eric Gan and Haemi Chung

(1 million to 2,499,999 yen)

Clark Graninger and Mitsuyo

Kentaro and Tomoko Akashi


Tohru and Itoe Akaura*

Jack Hsu ‘81*

Kunimasa and Ayako Ando

Kazuki Inaba ’76*

Makoto and Yoshiko Azuma*

Haruhiko Ishikawa and Hiroko

Frank and Andrea Behm

Takatori Mary Katayama*

Bogaty Family

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Cumulative Donors Andrew and Faye-Marie Brownfield

John Hsu ’78*

Simon and Jane McDonald

Bjarne and Eriko Carlsen

Tomoaki and Michiyo Ikenaga

Mizuki (Asano) McGrath ‘91*

John Frederick and Emma Clappier

Hiroshi and Mayari Ishibashi

Robert and Andrea McTamaney*

Tomoko Hama Seki

Frank and Kumi Clark III*

Yuichi and Amy Katoh

Krishen and Geeta Mehta

Ichiro and Grace Sekimitsu

Daniel and Daun Dees

Junko Yoroi Kawai

Bernard and Genevieve Mensah

Tsutomu and Etsuko Sekine

Kiyoshi Endo*

Ichiro and Mari Kawashima*

Leonard Meyer zu Brickwedde

Robert L. Sharp III ‘84

Robert A. and Yoko Feldman

Masatoshi and Akiko Kikuchi

Hiroshi ‘57 and Nancy Murata

David Sancho Shimizu and Risako

Amy Flint*

Gen and Chizuru Kimura*

Yuri Murata

Douglas and Hiroko Freeman*

Tomohiro and Sai Kitazawa

Yusuke Murata

David and Marybeth Stock

Shulin (Sun) ‘81 and Benjamin

Eric Kramp and Kyoko Ito-Kramp

Terence and Motoko Murphy*

Millie Takayama*

Satoshi ‘64 and Kazuko Kubo

Elmer Z. and Mie Nakao*

Kiyotsugu and Ariko Tamenaga

Kenji and Tamaki Fujita

Satoshi and Sumire Kubo*

Kazuyo Nakazato

Kazuo Tanaka

Masayuki and Yuko Fukui*

Takuro and Seri Kubo

Soki and Mikako Ohmae

Shinjiro and Marian Tsutsui

Jin and Lalaka ’90 (Ogawa)

Tetsumi and Kyoko Kurokawa*

Peter and Jan Opdahl*

Keiko Uchida

Timothy and Chieko Latimore

Bryant and Joan Park

Yoshihiko and Karen Ueda

David Gressel and Lijia Yu

Joshua and Kendal Latner

Nir Platek ‘81

Ching Ming Wang

Hunter D. and Suzanne Hale*

Howard Lee (special class)*

Thomas and Jill Pulley*

Kenju and Michiko Watanabe

Kuniyoshi and Emi Hayashi*

Chu Hong and Miki Koshiba Lin*

Kevin Anthony and Jane Zoidis

Christopher and Chika Wu*

Toyoaki and Li Jen Hihara

Jixun Lin and Ziwei Wang*

Wakako Hironaka

Douglas W. and Sukunya A.



Paul R. and Marjo H. Hofer


Quinn Andrew and Mariko Ras* Haru (Matsukata) Reischauer

Robert and Ekuko Hogan

William and Lois Lydens

Elisabeth Rubinfien ‘71

Taro ‘91 and Nobumi Hornmark*

Rikihiro Madarame

Tetsuya ‘91 and Lisa Sakaguchi

Michael Kimi ‘78 and Masako Hotta

Kazuo and Mio Matsui

Toshiaki and Mari Sakuma

Jerry Hsu ’83*

Andrew McDermott

Hiroyuki and Yumiko Sasame

34 ... Nishimachi Annual Report 2019

Derrick’94 and Kathryn (Brown) Schrag ’94*


Naoko Yoshino ‘82 Jeffrey ‘81 and Eri Zavattero

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Cumulative Donors Nishimachi Club (500,000 to 999,999 yen)

James C. Abegglen Hope Anderson ‘74* Carl and Margaret Apfelbach Kathryn Baxter ‘81 and Garth Bray Doug and Kim Beck Drew and Alison Bradford Thomas G. and Robin Burch Gerard and Michiru Byrne Teddy and Kathlene Chin Terence and Morena Christian Albert Collette and Emmanuelle Sartor* Paul and Karen D’Attanasio* Eric and Susanne Ellison Tadao Endo Masaya and Tomoe Fujita* Eugene Gregor Theodore and Yasuko Amau Guild* Fujiko Hara Reijiro Hattori Yako Hirai ‘75 Nils and Noriko Hornmark* Noriaki and Kiyoko Ichimura

Makiko Ichiura ‘59

Mark H. Mitchell*

Junichi and Yasuko Suzuki

Tomoko Igarashi

Koichiro and Kiyomi Mito

Maki Suzuki ‘88*

Masatoshi and Alisa Inouye

Junsuke Motai

Shintaro and Rhea Takahashi

Douglas and Mary Ireland

Kiyoshi Murata ‘54

Kenta and Naoko Takamori

Tomonori and Masako Ito

Hiroko Nakamoto

Takeshi and Nami Takamoto

Koyu and Ryoko Izumi*

Yasuro Narita ‘76

Yuichi and Satika Takei*

Kumi (Sato) ‘74 and Donald P.

Kenji and Sayuri Nonaka

Ken and Mayumi Takeshita

Masaki and Sunyoung Nosaka

Noritaka and Denise Tange

Hiro and Betty Ogawa

Yoshitsugu and Naomi Uehigashi*

Takashi (special class) and Hiroko

Fred Uruma

Kanak Tsutomu Kaneko and Agnes C. Kaneko Yukiko (Ano) Kato’55*


Michael and Kyoko Waitze

Shoko Kitano

Masayuki and Yukiko Okayama*

Yasuaki and Atsuko Watanabe

Hikaru and Chihoko Kobayashi*

Jun ’83 and Natsuko Okuda*

George W. and Patricia Wellde

Haruo and Kaori Komuro

David and Kaoru Paine

Akiko Kuno*

Luc and Yukiko Pajot

Mariko Laabs

David Priest

James and Sherry Ladd*

Daniel and Ryoko Pryor

Morgan and Rumiko Laughlin

Timothy and Yumi Reed*

Eric and Karen Lewis

Louisa Rubinfien ‘76 and Jacob

Hiroko Lockheimer*


Nina Marini ‘85*

Taro and Kiwako Sakai

A. Eftekhari Masumi, Dr.

Atsushi and Nagisa Shimada

Saburo and Yoko Matsumoto

Hiro and Naoko Shimizu

Shigeo Matsumoto

Robert and Roxane Simon

Audrey McAvoy ‘88*

Mark and Annette Stephan

Nishimachi Annual Report 2019 ...


Outreach Scholarship Fundraising Events 2018-2019

Outreach Scholarship Program


UTREACH SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM for Student Diversity dedicated to awarding partial scholarships to select students from a variety of socioeconomic, racial, cultural, and geographic backgrounds. To date, we have provided scholarships to twenty-six deserving students from Brazil, Cambodia, Denmark, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, Russia, and Ukraine. Our goal is to be able to offer scholarship aid to an even greater number of qualified applicants. The school has seen how scholarship recipients and the community alike benefit from the program in the significant contribution these students make to the overall educational environment and to Nishimachi’s core mission of “fostering sensitivity to, and respect for, individual talents as well as differences.” We ask you to continue to be generous in supporting this important Nishimachi program.

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Thank you for supporting the 20182019 Outreach Scholarship events - the sixth Walkathon/Runathon and the 16th Outreach Scholarship Golf Tournament.

Endo Risk Reduction Services Food Collective Dining (FCD) / B612 Grand Hyatt Tokyo ‘Iolani School Kiwi Kitchen

Corporate Sponsors

Kosé Cosmeport Corp.


Morgan Stanley

A Print K.K. Aoki Isao Golf Enterprise Arisugawa Orthopaedic Clinic Azabu Gardens / Pembroke Real Estate Bar Japan Inc. Bellwoods, Inc. Callaway Golf K.K. Chiba Birdie Club COBRA PUMA GOLF Cookie Time Japan Co., Ltd. Doggy’s Island Resort & Villa Domino’s Pizza Japan Inc. eLADY Ltd. Elana Jade K.K.

MNC New York Inc. Mori Building Co., Ltd. Oakwood Japan ONE WORLD international hair salon PRGR K.K. The Prince Karuizawa Samrat Indian Restaurant Santa Fe Relocation Services Japan K.K. Shintoyo Enterprises Tokyo American Club Tsuruya Liquors VIAX Co., Ltd. Vieni Watabun Co., Ltd.

Outreach Scholarship Fundraising Events 2018-2019 Staff and Volunteers

The Winery

Tetsuro Hayashi

Christopher Nelson

Yokohama Country & Athletic Club

Andy Hill ‘86

Fuyuhiko Nishijima ‘71

Michael Hosking

Yoshinori Noguchi

Noriko Igarashi

Kaori and Shigira Aizawa

Kiyoshi Okamoto

Tsutomu Inoue

Yoshiaki and Tamami Aoshima

Tomiko Omi

Yuichi Ito

Mihoko Chida

Yusuke and Hiroko Onodera


Kana Iwata

Alex Colina

Shigenori Oshiro

Kaori Aizawa and Yoji Takahashi

David Judge

Andrew Deane

Sang-Dae Rah ‘96

Jun and Kiyoko Aketa

Mary Katayama

Kiyoshi Endo

Timothy Reed

Yoshiaki and Tamami Aoshima

Yushi Katayama ‘94

Philippe Eymard

Bansei Ryu

Lynette Bang ‘23

Keiko Kida

Yasunori Haruyama

Megumi Sano ‘78

Noel Bradshaw

Katsuhito Kimijima

Maiko Ina

Tokuya Sano ‘86

Ishu Chugani

Gen and Chizuru Kimura

Junko and Hiroyasu Ishiyama

Hideo Shimizu

Andrew Deane

Yuichi Kitamura

Kiki Jiang Yamaguchi ‘87

Hisami Shirai

Kiyoshi Endo

Yuko Kitamura

Masako Koga

Shigekatsu Takeda

Philippe Eymard

Daisuke and Ayano Kobayashi

Motoko Kohanawa

Asao and Sonomi Tanaka

Keiichiro Fukabori

Shigeyasu Kobayashi

Meredith Lawson

Danforth and Junko Thomas

Nicholas Clay Gary

Keiko Koyama

Kayo Morimoto

Kenro and Minako Tsutsumi

Philip Greenan

Ryoji Kubo ‘90

Terry Morris

Keiko Uekubo

Houzan Haku

Kaoru Mano

Mayumi Nakayama ‘90

Yuichi Watanabe

Takaki Hamasaki

Tyler Marciniak

Jan Opdahl

Dan Weiss

Hiroko Hara

Tomoyoshi Matsuda

Claire Prowse

Ben and JoAnn Yoneyama

Yasunori Haruyama

Masashi Murakami

Radim Sinkora

Nancy Hashima

Mayumi Nakayama ‘90


Individual Sponsors

Matthew and Jennifer Sutherland Nancy Tsurumaki

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Tomo No Kai 2018-2019

Kristy Topham

TNK President 2018-2019

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omo No Kai (“TNK”) is dedicated to enhancing communication between parents and the school, supporting educational programs, creating a sense of unity within the community and promoting enriching social functions. Energetic parent volunteers spend hundreds of hours fulfilling these objectives by providing diverse programs and events for Nishimachi students and their families. Without these enthusiastic volunteers, TNK would not be able to meet its obligations to the parent community and the school. In October, TNK held the 52nd Annual Food Fair, the first of two major annual fundraisers. This popular event provides a unique opportunity for the school community and neighboring residents to come together for a day of sampling various cuisines as well as watching student performances, including taiko, cheerleading, and hula dancing. Eighteen food and beverage booths, several arts and crafts booths, and a raffle contributed to the festive atmosphere, and raised over five million yen. In April, the community was transported to the Carnival in Venice for the 39th Annual TNK Gala Auction. The Gala Committee worked tirelessly to organize a memorable night at the Tokyo American Club. Over 300 attendees, representing the Nishimachi community, the Board of Directors, and alumni and friends, attended this year’s Gala. Yet again, the Quilt Committee designed and created a gorgeous quilt as a centerpiece for the live auction. In addition to the silent auction, live auction, and

raffle, the Gala committee introduced a direct giving component to the evening, raising over 2.6 million yen earmarked for TNK grants or for the Outreach Scholarship Program. Thanks to the generosity of all of the attendees, the Gala raised a record-breaking 20 million yen in total. TNK’s fundraising proceeds are used to award grants that supplement the school’s educational and social curriculum and benefit the students. The TNK community votes on whether to approve proposed grants. This year, TNK awarded approximately six million yen in grants, funding school furniture, blue roof netting, digital cameras, bussing for sports teams, a professional taiko performance, Sakura Medal middle school books, microphone headsets for drama performances, and audio books, author visits and resources about Cambodia for the library. TNK also uses its resources to support the work of its other committees. The CrossCultural Committee organized cultural events throughout the year such as otsukimi, omochitsuki, and gingerbread decorating. The Parent Education Committee and SciTech Committee put on events to expand learning, such as lectures on child brain development and a student science fair. The Community Service Committee worked with the school to provide opportunities for students and families to be service-minded. TNK also has a social side, with the Social Committee, Fathers’ Club, and Staff Appreciation Committee organizing social events for parents, teachers,

and staff. Finally, TNK would not run smoothly without these committees providing support in the background: The After School Activities Committee, Lunch Committee, New Families Program Committee and Website Committee. I am deeply grateful to all parents who worked hard to make TNK so successful this year. I am proud of TNK for all it does for our students

and families, as well as for the cooperative relationship it has with the school. I have been honored to serve as President of this incredible organization for the past two years, and I leave that position knowing that TNK is under the capable leadership of the 2019-2020 TNK Executive Board.

Nishimachi Annual Report 2019 ..


Donors to Tomo No Kai Events and Activities 37 Frames Photography

Clatworthy, Jo and Fred

Embajada de Mexico

Ikon Europubs K.K.


Climbing Gym SPIDER


Imono Yakiniku 3136

A Cut Above

Club 360

evian Japan

Insolité Beauté

amanamana Co., Ltd.

Coca-Cola (Japan) Co., Ltd.

Food Fair Fashion Booth

Japan Europe Trading Co., Ltd.

Amazon Prime Now

Colombian Coffee Growers



Funroots Co., Ltd.

Jinji Tennis Center

Andaz Tokyo Toranomon Hills


ARGO Restaurant Francais

Colonial Trade Co., Ltd.

Gallery Okubo

Kamimura, Taichi & Momoyo

Asakusa Imahan


Gardiners of Scotland

Karuizawa Prince Hotel East

Asa no Ha (ART SOU)

Coto Japanese Club

GFC Tokyo Inc.

Kawada Family


Crisp Salad Works

Gold, Sarah & Matt

Kawakami, Keiko

Beer Brain

Dale, Greg

Granbell Hotel

Kek Tokuda Family

Bellas Cupcakes

Dandan Yanaka Photo

Grand Hyatt Tokyo

KidZania (KCJ Group Inc.)

Beltz Hiroo

Discover Japan

Hollywood Roppongi Hills

Kiwi Kitchen

Bens Guesthouse Kyoto

Diya Indian Restaurant

Hotel Keyforest Hokuto

Knock Cucina Buona Italiana

Bessho Family

Doherty Family

Hotel Okura Tokyo

kumi kookoon

Brave Gym

Do, Lien & Hogan, Paddy

Hotel Sierra Resort Yuzawa

Kunze, Kaaren

British Football Academy

Downey-Yamada Family

Hotel Wellies

Kyojin Stew House


Elana Jade Beauty Spa

Hyatt Regency Kyoto

Lee, Fumi & Sung


Elegance K.K.

I Can Gymnastics

Lee, Serok

(Food Fair and Gala Auction in School Year 2018-2019)

42 ... Nishimachi Annual Report 2019

Donors to Tomo No Kai Events and Activities Lee, Stephanie & Kevin

Okura, Masae

Schloss Böckerei

Tokyo American Club

Let’s Party Tokyo

Old Pulteney

Schmatz Beer Dining

Tokyo Bay Tokyu Hotel

Lorenzon Family

ONE WORLD international hair

Septieme Tokyo

Tokyo Bees

Shin, Nagisa

Tokyo Supercars K.K.

Mano, Naomi


Marchiniak, Barbara & Tyler

The Peninsula Tokyo

Shintoyo Enterprises Ltd.

Tourism Authority of Thailand

Market Makers Inc.

Pernod Ricard Japan

Small Luxury Hotels of the World

Tsutsumi Family

McNeeley, Kevin


Sogetsu Foundation

TY Harbor Brewery

The Meat Guy


Sports Zyuen

Tyson’s and Company

Meixner, Haruko

Pizza Strada

STH Japan K.K.

Uzumako Ceramic Art School

Mercedes-Benz Japan Co., Ltd.

Pompadour Azabu Juban

Stocklemon Inc.

V’s Choice

MM Apothecary (KK Flug)

Promontory Club

Storybook Events

Vasquez, Claudia

Mon Loire Azabu Juban


Summerhill International School

Walkers Shortbread

Mori Living

Resident Angel Collection

Super Global Juku

White Beach Hotel

Motoazabu Hills Dental Clinic

The Ritz-Carlton Tokyo

Swan and Lion Bakery

Willowbrook International School

My Body My Pilates

Roberts, Megumi

Tateyama, Yoko & Shohei


National Azabu Supermarket

Root, Kenny

Tempura Shinjuku Tsunahachi

Yamada, Keiko

Nishimachi Board of Directors

Ruby Jack’s Steakhouse & Bar

TNG Academy

Yanone Sushi

Nobukuni, Takehiro

Sakemi Family


ZABOU (K.K. Gate)

Ohara, Natsu

Sami Fitness TRX

Tokyo Academics

Zio Pippo Pizzeria

Nishimachi Annual Report 2019 ...


N Nishimachi-Kai 2018-2019

ishimachi-Kai is the alumni

do our best to reach out and strengthen our

association of Nishimachi

communication with the current NIS community

International School, and its board

in order to pass on the distinct values we

plays an active role in the school

learned and traditions we experienced first-

community. We are invited to participate in, and

hand during Miss Matsukata’s time. This is what

support, various school activities, as well as

makes Nishimachi International School truly

organize events of our own during the school

unique and special today.

year. The founder’s foresight to educate children as Most importantly, Nishimachi-Kai sponsors

true global ambassadors in a culturally diverse

booths at Nishimachi’s annual food fair in the

but family-like environment has positioned

fall and hosts the alumni BBQ in June. We

Nishimachi today in the forefront of excellent

are pleased to welcome back a wide range of

international education. The Nishimachi-Kai

alumni from different generations and various

board will continue to work hard to insure that

parts of the world to these seasonal events

current students and their parents have access

every year. We would like to express our

to the same special educational and cultural

sincere gratitude to the following donors whose

opportunities we had.

generous support made this year’s events

Nancy Hashima Nishimachi-Kai Chair

possible: Regardless of how much time has passed since any one of us was a student at Nishimachi, fond memories remain, and the school spirit lives on in the alumni community. This is true not just of our most ardent alumni, who frequently return to the school and lend support, but also of those alumni who have not been back to the school for decades but keep in touch from afar. Our activities bring together all members of Nishimachi-Kai (alumni, parents of alumni, former staff, and friends of Nishimachi). We also

44 ... Nishimachi Annual Report 2019

Event Sponsors and Volunteers Donors Cheerio Company DC BBQ Philippe Eymard Lalaka Fukuma ‘90 Bubai Ghosh ‘91 Haruko (Kawai) Kohno ‘85 Hiroko Lockheimer Erica Nakayama Mayumi Nakayama ‘90 Yoko Nakayama Cathy Noyes Makiko (Takayama) Saito ‘87 Sabrina Satterwhite ‘18 Kotoe Shirakawa ‘00 Rie Tanaka Junko Terui Mako (Hara) Tomita ‘86

Volunteers Noel Bradshaw Barbara Ferrans Jin Fukuma Chris Hathaway ‘90 Andy Hill ‘86 Kiki Jiang-Yamaguchi ‘87 Akemi Kanazawa Gary Kellenberger Shige Kobayashi Wendy Kobayashi Haruko (Kawai) Kohno ‘85 Kacie (Rosenberg) Leviton ‘95 Risa Mackey Thomas Miller Kit Pancoast Nagamura Yoko Nakayama Austin Powell Yumiko Reed Chikako Satoh Colin Sharp ‘88 Jason Sharp ‘88 Micah Sharp ‘86 Robert Sharp ‘84 Hisami Shirai Kotoe Shirakawa ‘00 Tomohiro Shirakawa Chikako Shumway Mako (Hara) Tomita ‘86 Mayu Watanabe Langevin Yuko Yamada ‘90 Yugo Yamamoto Nishimachi Annual Report 2019 ...


Annual Fund

Type of Gifts

Nishimachi’s unique and rich international program increasingly relies on outside funding to enhance further the school’s ability to individualize the educational experience. These unrestricted gifts make a difference to all Nishimachi students by underwriting the dayto-day needs of our music and arts programs, science and technology laboratories, athletic programs, facilities, and so much more.

Restricted Gifts

Restricted gifts are given with the understanding that they be used to address specific, designated needs of Nishimachi. Such gifts have supported the Outreach Scholarship program, community services program, Japanese social studies, visiting author program, technology, Tané Matsukata Fund for International Education, sports teams, and specific departments within the school.

Endowment Fund

Endowments create a permanent fund, from which interest income is used for the specified purpose. Contributions are restricted gifts that establish or add to existing memorial or other funds. Currently, annual income from ten endowment funds supports scholarships, the library, Japanese social studies, music, photographic archives, and faculty professional development. Nishimachi’s goal is to increase the current endowment so that changes in the economic climate do not adversely affect the quality of education the school provides. (See page 48.)

Corporate Matching Gifts

Did you know that your company’s matching gift program could make your donation to

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Nishimachi go even further? Many companies have programs through which they match the charitable contributions made by their employees.

Planned Gifts

Planned gifts are made by individuals who include Nishimachi International School in their estate plans, or who establish a special gift or endowment with appreciated securities or real estate. Planned gifts can honor a former teacher, establish a scholarship in the name of a class or loved one, or support a specific program. For more information, contact Philippe Eymard, Director of Development.


Gifts-in-kind are non-cash donations, such as services or equipment. Computers, printers, musical instruments, books, and items used as prizes for special events have previously been donated. Such gifts are greatly appreciated and do much to enhance the learning environment for our students.

Corporate Contribution Program (CCP) The CCP is a special corporate scholarship program that is available for organizations that are responsible for covering expatriate employee’s educational expenses. Instead of paying tuition and applicable fees, companies agree to make donations to the school. The donations are used partly to fund special corporate scholarships, which are granted to dependents of participating companies. Nishimachi is thus able to receive annual donations that exceed what is required to fund the corporate scholarships. For more information, contact Philippe Eymard, Director of Development.

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Endowment Funds Nourish Our Soil


ndowment funds allow Nishimachi to provide the broad range of programs and options needed to educate children in a highly complex, interconnected world. These endowment funds will support, in perpetuity, particular and important educational areas in which donors have expressed an interest. The minimum threshold for establishing a permanent named fund is 2,000,000 yen ($20,000). The school publishes the following list in sincere appreciation of the generous donors who have established, and contributed to, these funds. (Note: The interest earned or accrued by the fund is utilized for the specified purpose. The principal is safely “held in trust” and restricted from use.)

Tané Matsukata Fund for International Education Shortly before her death in 1989, Tané Matsukata gave permission for her name to be used in establishing a permanent endowment fund to ensure the long-term prosperity of Nishimachi. Interest from this fund, which is our

48 ... Nishimachi Annual Report 2019

largest, provides financial aid to students who otherwise would not be able to afford an international education.

Ishibashi Foundation Endowment Fund Endowed by the Ishibashi (Bridgestone) Foundation, this fund provides for annual purchases of books and materials for the media center. Tomo no Kai Scholarship Fund

This fund was created in 1991 by Tomo no Kai, Nishimachi’s parent association, to provide tuition aid to Nishimachi students who qualify for financial assistance.

Morimura Homeikai Foundation Fund Endowed by the Morimura Foundation, this fund supports our Japanese social studies program by providing students with opportunities to appreciate Japanese culture.

Robert & Judith Sharp Family Endowment This fund was established in 2013 by Robert and Judith Sharp’s six children, all of whom attended Nishimachi, in honor of their parents’ service and contribution to the school spanning over four decades. Interest from this fund will provide scholarship assistance to Nishimachi students on the Outreach Scholarship Program.

U.K. Reunion Fund for Music This fund was created in 1993 at a Nishimachi-Kai reunion in the U.K. Interest from the fund is used to enhance the music program.

Yaye Hirooka Fund Yaye Hirooka, first grade teacher and vice principal, taught at Nishimachi for twenty-five years (1951–1976). This fund is designed to support professional development for teachers.

Lynn Araki Takata Photography Education Fund Lynn Araki Takata, fourth grade teacher for seventeen years

(1966–1983), was often seen with her camera taking pictures of students at school events. The fund is used to support the photography program as a means of insuring a visual archive of the school.

Dorothy Risser Library Collection Dorothy Risser, seventh grade homeroom and junior high English teacher for fourteen years (1963– 1977), had a profound interest in Japanese culture and took joy in sharing her love for Japan. Interest from this fund is used to purchase new books about Japan, both in Japanese and in English.

Cindy Motai Memorial Scholarship Fund This fund is made up of gifts from Junsuke Motai, parents, students, and friends, in memory of Cindy Motai, an Nishimachi parent who passed away in 1994. This fund provides financial aid to students who would not otherwise be able to afford a Nishimachi education.

将来に向けて 教育の質を高める基金の数々 西町では教育の拡充ならびに安定した学 校運営をはかるために、各種の基金を設 けています。奨学金、教科内容の充実、教 員の研修などが主な基金の種類です。 な お、 これらの基金は運用利益のみを事業 費として活用しています。 また、 目的別の 基金の新設も常時お受けしております。 新規基金は200万円(2万ドル)以上のご 寄付により開設することができます。西町 が、長期的な展望にたった教育をさらに 推進するために、 皆さまのご協力を感謝申 し上げますとともに、今後もなお一層のご 厚情を賜りたくお願い申し上げます。 現在設置されている基金は次の通りで す。 松方種子国際教育基金(奨学金) 創立者の松方先生の名前を冠した基金 は、1989年に発足しました。 この基金の 利子は財政的な援助が必要な生徒たち の奨学金として用いられ、西町教育の推 進をはかっています。 石橋財団基金 1991年から1993年の3年間、石橋財団 (ブリヂストン)より継続した寄付により発 足した基金です。 この基金の利子はライシ ャワー記念図書室での書籍購入に充てら れています。 友の会奨学金 保護者会である友の会によって1992年

設立された奨学金です。 森村豊明会財団基金 森村財団から寄せられたこの基金は、 日 本社会科授業の一環としての校外学習や 観劇など、 日本文化を理解し楽しむため の費用に充てられています。 ロバート&ジュディス・シャープ基金 この基金は、 ロバートとジュディス・シャー プ夫妻の6人のお子様達(全員西町の同 窓生) によりご両親の40年以上に渡る西 町への尽力と貢献に敬意を表して2013 年に創設されたものです。 この基金の利 子は、 アウトリーチ奨学金の一部として使 用されています。

英国同窓会記念音楽基金 1993年英国で同窓会が開かれた際に 設立されました。 この基金からの利子は 音楽学習プログラムのために利用されて います。 広岡八重子基金 広岡先生は1年生の教師として、 また後年 は副校長として計25年間奉職し、数多く の生徒たちに慕われました。 この基金は 教師の研究・研修をサポートするために 設置されています。 荒木(高田)リン写真教育基金 17年間4年生の担任として勤められた荒 木先生は、学校行事の際には、必ずカメラ をたずさえていました。学校の歴史を残す

ため、写真のプログラムために使われるの がこの基金です。 D. リッサー・ライブラリー・コレクション 日本と日本文化をこよなく愛し、 中学部英 語教師および7年生担任として13年間奉 職されたリッサー先生を記念する基金で す。利子は日本関連の書籍購入費用に充 てられています。 シンディ・モタイ・メモリアル奨学金 西町に在籍する小さなお子さん方を遺 して1994年に永眠されたシンディを記 念するため、 モタイ氏をはじめ、友人、生 徒たちの篤志によって始められた奨学基 金です。

Endowment Balance July 31, 2019 as of Donations July 31, 2018 2018-2019 Tané Matsukata Fund for International Education ¥134,791,950 ¥11,185 Ishibashi Foundation Endowment Fund 30,000,000 Tomo no Kai Scholarship Fund 22,363,333 Morimura Homeikai Foundation Fund 6,201,228 5,000 U.K. Reunion Fund for Music 888,895 Yaye Hirooka Fund 956,005 Lynn Araki Takata Photography Education Fund 756,248 Dorothy Risser Library Collection 1,147,650 Cindy Motai Memorial Scholarship Fund 6,156,133 Robert & Judith Sharp Family Fund 2,043,663 56,735 Total fund balance ¥205,305,105 ¥72,920

as of July 31, 2019 ¥134,803,135 30,000,000 22,363,333 6,206,228 888,895 956,005 756,248 1,147,650 6,156,133 2,100,398 ¥205,378,025 Nishimachi Annual Report 2019 ...


Ways To Give, Ways To Grow

In How to Make a Contribution

vestment in Nishimachi is not simply an investment in today’s children; it is an investment in a school that will serve many children in the years to come. Nishimachi has been providing a quality education for international children for over 60 years. It is incumbent upon those of us who have benefited in the past and those who are benefiting now from this fine educational experience to ensure that it will be available to others in the future. We have provided information about the many ways you can support Nishimachi. Be assured that no gift is too small. Your single yen/dollar is equally recognized and appreciated. A gift from a family, when added to that of another, will make a larger contribution. You will aid Nishimachi immensely by participating and encouraging others to do so. Nishimachi welcomes gifts by bank transfer or check in Japanese yen and U.S. dollars. If you have already given, we thank you. If you have not, please, let us hear from you soon! Please contact the development office for details.

Philippe Eymard

Director of Development

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町への寄付は、単に現在在籍している子供たちへの投 資というだけにとどまりません。 それは、 これから先何 十年にもわたって子供たちに教育を続ける学校に対す

る投資なのです。西町は、今まで60年以上 もの間、子供たちに質 の高い国際教育を提供しつづけてまいりました。 かつてその恩恵を 受け、 また今現在その恩恵を授かっている者たちにとって、未来の 子供たちにもこのすばらしい学習体験を確実に受けさせるように 配慮することは、義務でもあります。 西町を支援するためのさまざまな方法について、 ご案内しておりま すが、 どんな寄付でも少なすぎるということはありません。皆様から の1円、1ドルのご寄付に対しましても、 そのお志に深く感謝いたし ます。小さな力でもたくさん集まれば大きな支援となります。年次 寄付基金へご参加いただくことが、 また、 お知り合いに参加を呼び かけてくださることが、学校への心強い支援となります。 西町では銀行振込による寄付のほか、小切手による寄付は日本 円、 または米ドルで受け付けております。 もうすでにご寄付くださっ た皆様、 ありがとうございます。 もしまだのようでしたら、 どうかご検 討くださいますようお願い申し上げます。 詳細につきましては、西町の渉外開発室までお問い合わせくださ いますようお願い申し上げます。

フィリップ エマール 渉外開発室 室長

Gift in Japanese Yen:

Gift in US Dollars:

You can make a bank transfer to: Nishimachi International School MUFG Bank, Ltd. Azabu Branch Ordinary account #0279620

US dollar gifts may be made to Nishimachi Foundation. Please make your US dollar check payable to Nishimachi Foundation and mail to Nishimachi International School.

We also accept donations in cash at school.

You may also make your gift ONLINE with your credit card.

Any amount over ¥2,000, up to 40% of your income, is eligible for tax deduction. (1) Nishimachi International School is certified as a Tokutei Koeki Zoshin Hojin (SpecialPublic Interest Promotion Organization) and our donation may be deducted from taxable income in Japan. (2) Alternatively, in accordance with the amendment to the tax law for donations made by individuals, your donation may be deducted from your income tax. You may choose either (1) or (2) when filing your tax return. Please consult your tax advisor.

US dollar bank transfer is also available: Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd., New York Branch 1251 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, USA Tel: 212-782-5800 ABA: 0260-0963-2 SWIFT Code: BOTKUS33 Account #: 110-700-031 Account Name: Nishimachi Foundation Nishimachi Foundation is a non-profit organization approved to receive tax-deductible gifts according to Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Your donation may be tax-deductible. Please consult your U.S. tax

advisor.Internal Revenue Code. Your donation may be tax-deductible. Please consult your U.S. tax advisor.

日本円による寄付 当校では日本円あるいは米ドルでご寄付を受けさせ ていただいております。送金には次の方法がありま すの でご案内申し上げます。 銀行振込は: (学)西町インターナショナルスクール 三菱UFJ銀行 麻布支店 普通 #0279620 現金の寄付は当校でもお受けしております。 2000円以上のご寄付は、所得税控除の対象になり ます。 寄付金の控除について (1) 当校は特定公益増進法人に認定されてお り、個 人の寄付金は所得控除の対象となり ます。 (2) 平成24年2月23日より租税特別措置法によ り税額控除制度の適用が可能となりまし た。 確定申告時に(1) 特定公益増進法人による寄金の所 得控除、または(2)税額控除のいずれか を選択して 申請してください。 ドル建て小切手の場合: 受取人を Nishimachi Foundationと表記の上、渉 外開発室までご郵送ください。 Nishimachi Foundationへの寄付は米国の所得税 から控除の対象になる場合もあります。

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