WHAT POTENTIAL CLIENTS LOOK FOR IN A FITNESS WEBSITE With all the different gym services out there right now, most people like to check the websites of local fitness centers to find one that is right for their needs. Since customers rely so heavily on fitness websites to make their decision, having the right site can help to attract plenty of customers to your business. An effective gym website will always contain these categories.
Services Offered by the Fitness Center One of the key sections in any fitness website will be the types of services a gym offers. List all of the tiers of membership along with their costs and the benefits you get with each tier. Also, include the types of fitness opportunities your company provides. Clients are interested in finding out about things like weight lifting machines, cardio machines, and free weights. Be sure to include every service offered, even small ones like tanning beds or working televisions. People who are thinking about visiting your gym want to learn what types of things they can get when they go to your location.
Schedules and Descriptions for Gym Classes
If you offer any sorts of classes at your fitness center, be sure to include these on your website. Classes normally require enough details to be their own page instead of simply being included on the gym’s website. People like to see which days of the week classes are offered on so that they can decide if the classes fit their schedule before they join the gym. It is a good idea to include the name of the class, the name of the instructor for the class, the prices, the dates, and what sort of activities are included in the class. A good format can be a monthly calendar that lets you click on the name of each class for more information.
A Frequently Asked Questions Section Often called an FAQ section, this is an area where you will list out common questions that people have and then provide a quick answer to them. Be sure to include questions about when you are open, the age limit for your center, the types of machines you have, and anything else you notice a lot of people asking about. Having an FAQ section is helpful to both you and your customers. Potential clients will like it because they can quickly and easily get answers to questions they probably have. It will also be useful for you because you will not have to spend time answering the same questions over and over again.
Customer Testimonials At your website, you should have a client feedback section. You can post a form for customers to fill out and possibly post some of the good reviews for others to read. Having reviews are important for a number of reasons. Reviews let potential customers know that others enjoy spending time at the gym and using the fitness services there. Having a spot that asks for reviews on your website also boosts your business because it signifies that you care about what customers think. Potential clients who see your website asking for feedback will feel like your gym cares about a positive customer experience.
Information About Trainers Most of the people checking out a gym’s website will be those who do not have a lot of experience with working out in gyms. For these sorts of clients, knowing that the gym has trainers can be quite reassuring. Include a section that lets the customers know how many trainers you have and what areas of fitness the trainer specializes in. If possible, provide a list of prices and trainer contact information. This will let people email or call trainers to ask about the possibility of scheduling a meeting at your gym.
Conclusion Remember that your fitness website does not just need to contain this information; it also needs to make it easy for customers to find the information. Instead of jumbling up all of these categories on your website, cleanly divide them into sections that can be accessed by clicking a clearly labeled title on the gym’s homepage or menu. Having an informative and accessible website will help your fitness center appeal to new people who might be interested in signing up for a membership.
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