WHAT NEXT 01.08.06_SH.qxp
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whatbeth next nesaf1
Welcome to ‘what next’, a new broadsheet about the work of design agency Peter Gill & Associates. Croeso i ‘beth nesaf’ argrafflen newydd am waith yr asiantaeth dylunio Peter Gill & Associates.
‘Their Past Your Future’. A commemorative website dedicated to the Second World War. The website illustrates the NLW’s amazing collection of printed ephemera and photographs, such as this ration book and gas mask used in the design for the website marketing materials. www.tpyf-wales.com ‘Eu gorffennol, eich dyfodol’. Gwefan goffa wedi ei chyflwyno i’r Ail Ryfel Byd. Mae’r wefan yn rhoi sylw i gasgliad rhyfeddol Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru o effemera printiedig a ffotograffau, fel y llyfr dogni hwn a’r masg nwy a ddefnyddiwyd yn ein dyluniad ar gyfer deunyddiau marchnata’r wefan. www.tpyf-wales.com
National Library reviews communications ...i ddenu a rhoi gwybodaeth As part of a new marketing drive to attract and inform visitors, Peter Gill & Associates have been commissioned by the National Library of Wales to review its marketing brand identity. The review covers print, advertising and a new website portal for the collections. The NLW is a treasurehouse of over 4 million printed volumes, manuscripts, prints, paintings, photographs, maps, sound recordings, film and video. Regular public exhibitions, lectures and events are held at the Library throughout the year.
Fel rhan o ymgyrch farchnata newydd i ddenu a rhoi gwybodaeth i ymwelwyr, comisiynwyd Peter Gill & Associates gan Lyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru i adolygu identiti ei frand marchnata. Mae’r arolwg yn ymdrin â phrint, hysbysebu a phorth gwefan newydd ar gyfer y casgliadau. Mae’r Llyfrgell Genedlaethol yn drysorfa o dros bedair miliwn o gyfrolau printiedig, llawysgrifau, printiau, peintiadau, ffotograffau, mapiau, recordiau sain, ffilm a fideo. Cynhelir arddangosfeydd cyhoeddus, darlithoedd a digwyddiadau rheolaidd yn y llyfrgell drwy gydol y flwyddyn.
1. National Library of Wales, a new approach to marketing the collections. 4. Hefcw, developing a brand. 6. WNO, seasonal promotions on a national scale. 8. Waterfront Museum, post-launch campaign. 10. Electoral Commission, getting the young to vote. 12. Brecon Jazz Festival, new sponsor, new look. 12. Design talk, agency contact.
1. Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, agwedd newydd at farchnata’r casgliadau. 4. Ccauc (Hefcw), datblygu brand. 6. OCC (WNO), cynigion tymhorol ar raddfa genedlaethol. 8. Amgueddfa y Glannau, ymgyrch ôl lansio. 10. Y Comisiwn Etholiadol, cael pobl ifanc i bleidleisio. 12. Gw ˆ yl Jazz Aberhonddu, noddwr newydd, a golwg newydd. 12. Sgwrsio am ddylunio, cysylltiadau ag asiantaethau.