whatbeth next nesaf 2
The news broadsheet about the work of design agency Peter Gill & Associates ...argrafflen newyddion am waith asiantaeth ddylunio Peter Gill & Associates
‘If WNO made you cry last night...os daeth OCC â dagrau i’ch llygaid neithiwr ’
The tissues were designed and printed in WNO’s brand style and gave details of two other productions in the series, Carmen and Madam Butterfly. The campaign resulted in a surge of new bookings for both operas following the mailing. “Like La bohème, WNO’s Carmen and Madam Butterfly are classic ‘weepies’ in the opera repertoire” adds Jo Taylor, WNO’s Head of Marketing. “We wanted to inspire people to plan their next visit while the powerful experience was still fresh in their minds, by engaging with them the very next day, reinforcing the WNO brand and giving them the next opportunity to be moved by WNO.” The third award was a bronze for direct mail in the prestigious regional Cream Awards, Birmingham November 2007.
ae Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru a Peter Gill & Associates wedi ennill tair gwobr am ymgyrch yr hancesi papur. Dwy wobr yn y Gwobrau Marchnata Uniongyrchol blynyddol, Llundain, Mai 2007 – cais a enillodd ddwy wobr am ymgyrch swp-lythyrau uniongyrchol o becyn bychan o 10 hances bapur wedi'u dylunio'n arbennig, wedi'u labelu a'u postio i rai a oedd wedi bod i'r opera am y tro cyntaf, y bore ar ôl iddyn nhw fod yn un o berfformiadau tymor yr hydref 2006. Cafodd yr hancesi papur eu dylunio a’u hargraffu yn steil brand OCC ac roeddent yn cynnwys manylion dau gynhyrchiad arall yn y gyfres, Carmen a Madam Butterfly. O ganlyniad i’r ymgyrch hon, cafwyd toreth o archebion newydd ar gyfer y ddwy opera. “Yn debyg i La bohème, mae Carmen a Madam Butterfly gan OCC yn ‘gynyrchiadau dagreuol’ yn y repertoire opera” ychwanega Jo Taylor, Pennaeth Marchnata OCC. “Roeddem eisiau ysbrydoli pobl i gynllunio eu hymweliad nesaf tra roedd y profiad pwerus yn parhau’n ffres yn eu meddwl, drwy gysylltu â nhw’r diwrnod nesaf un, gan atgyfnerthu brand OCC a rhoi’r cyfle nesaf i OCC eu cyffroi.” Roedd y drydedd yn wobr efydd am bostio uniongyrchol yng Ngwobrau mawreddog rhanbarthol Cream, Birmingham, Tachwedd 2007.
Photo by/Llun gan: Bill Cooper
elsh National Opera and Peter Gill & Associates have won three awards for the tissues campaign. Two awards at the annual Direct Marketing Awards, London, May 2007 – a doublewinning entry for the direct mail shot of a small packet of 10 specially designed tissues, labelled and posted to first time opera-goers the morning after they’d attended a 2006 autumn season performance.