whatbeth next nesaf 3 what next beth nesaf 3 www.petergill.com
The news broadsheet about the work of design agency Peter Gill & Associates ...yr argrafflen newyddion am waith Peter Gill & Associates, yr asiantaeth ddylunio
‘Tell a loved one’ – the poignant campaign to save lives...‘Dywed wrth rywun agos’ – yr ymgyrch ingol i achub bywydau Encouraging greater levels of organ donation in Wales – and, crucially, for individuals to inform their nearest and dearest of this momentous decision. Annog lefelau uwch o roi organau yng Nghymru – ac, yn hanfodol, bod unigolion yn hysbysu eu teulu o’r penderfyniad hollbwysig hwn.
1 16500 PGA What Next 8_cw.indd 1
3/11/08 15:36:29
what next beth nesaf 3 www.petergill.com
Welcome to what next...croeso i beth nesaf Welcome to the third edition of our newsletter ‘what next’ featuring recent projects from design agency Peter Gill & Associates. In this issue we showcase our Donate Wales ‘Tell a loved one’ campaign and feature a number of recent design, advertising and web projects for our clients. We hope you enjoy this issue. Content 3 Bringing vocational skills to the world 4 Tourist Information Centres: Contemporary make-over 5 Renewable energy 6 Tell a loved one 8 Bay Resourcing – a powerful identity 9 Young, upbeat and vibrant 10 Verdi masterpiece celebrated at gala evening 11 Forging community links 12 National Parks – Britains Breathing Spaces
Introducing PGA Our business is about connecting clients to audiences with powerful creative ideas and good design. We produce award-winning work with our energetic, multidisciplinary team of project managers, writers, designers and digital developers. Our aim is to deliver outstanding brand communications for our clients and this has been endorsed by PGA winning national awards for creativity, against the best in the business. We start by listening and questioning, then developing a sound strategic plan, based on a creative idea and delivered through the appropriate media. We have an experienced team in all the disciplines you’ll need for getting things done; on time, on budget and on target. For the bigger picture call Jason Gill or Emily Moores on 02 2037 7312 or visit our website www.petergill.com Creative and production services: • Brand communications • Advertising • Literature and publications • Digital media • Exhibitions and signage
Croeso i drydydd rhifyn ein cylchlythyr, ‘beth nesaf’, sy’n cynnwys prosiectau diweddar gan yr asiantaeth ddylunio, Peter Gill & Associates. Yn y rhifyn hwn, rydyn ni’n arddangos ein hymgyrch Rhodd Cymru ‘Dywed wrth rywun agos’ ac yn cynnwys nifer o brosiectau dylunio, hysbysebu a gwe diweddar ar gyfer ein cleientiaid. Gobeithiwn y byddwch yn mwynhau’r rhifyn hwn. Cynnwys 3 Dod â sgiliau galwedigaethol i’r byd 4 Canolfannau Creoso: Gweddnewidiad Cyfoes 5 Ynni adnewyddadwy 6 Dywed wrth Rywun Agos 8 Bay Resourcing – dull adnadod pwerus 9 Yn ifanc, yn codi’r galon ac yn fywiog 10 Dathlu Campwaith Verdi mewn gala gyda’r nos 11 Creu cysylltiadau cymunedol 12 Y Parciau Cenedlaethol – Mannau Agored ym Mhrydain
experience for both the internal team and customers alike’. A new system of interchangeable wall graphics have been designed to promote key messages about Careers Wales services to both visitors and staff. The new look includes external and internal message signage and a new range of literature.
PGA News... Newyddion PGA Cardiff Business Club – launches online booking...Clwb Busnes Caerdydd – lansio archebu ar-lein. Peter Gill & Associates have launched a new website for Cardiff Business Club. The website will act as the main resource for the club to deliver its core function of bringing the Cardiff business community together through informative talks and networking opportunities. We have developed a fully e-commerce site allowing users to join, renew memberships and book events online. To view or join as a member please visit www.cardiffbusinessclub.org Mae Peter Gill & Associates wedi lansio gwefan newydd i Glwb Busnes Caerdydd. Bydd y wefan yn gweithredu fel y prif adnodd i’r clwb gyflwyno’i swyddogaeth
graidd o ddod â chymuned fusnes Caerdydd at ei gilydd trwy anerchiadau addysgiadol a chyfleoedd i rwydweithio. Rydyn ni wedi datblygu gwefan e-fasnach yn caniatáu i ddefnyddwyr ymuno, adnewyddu aelodaeth ac archebu digwyddiadau ar-lein. I’w gweld neu i ymuno fel aelod, ewch i www.cardiffbusinessclub.org
Careers Wales expands it’s brand...Gyrfa Cymru’n helaethu ei brand. PGA have been chosen to carry out a major brand development project for nine Careers Wales centres in Mid Glamorgan and Powys. The publicly funded organisation provides careers information, advice and guidance to young people and adults. PGA carried out a brand audit at the centres, in response to a request from the client to ‘improve the brand
‘what next’ is published by Peter Gill & Associates, c copyright October 200 . All rights reserved. All photographs copyright the photographers. Thanks to our clients, the design team at PGA, our printers, paper suppliers, photographers and others who contribute to our design projects. Cover photo, Kiran Ridley.
16500 PGA What Next 8_cw.indd 2
Mae PGA wedi cael ei ddewis i gynnal prosiect datblygu brand mawr i naw canolfan Gyrfa Cymru ym Morgannwg Ganol a Phowys. Mae’r sefydliad a ariennir yn gyhoeddus yn cynnig gwybodaeth gyrfa, cyngor ac arweiniad i bobl ifanc ac oedolion. Cynhaliodd PGA archwiliad brand yn y canolfannau, mewn ymateb i gais gan y cleient i ‘wella’r profiad brand i’r tîm mewnol a chwsmeriaid fel ei gilydd’. Mae system newydd o graffeg wal rynggyfnewidiol wedi’i dylunio i hyrwyddo negeseuon allweddol am wasanaethau Gyrfa Cymru i ymwelwyr a staff. Mae’r golwg newydd yn cynnwys arwyddion negeseuon allanol a mewnol ac ystod newydd o lenyddiaeth.
Park Plaza hotel advertising account win...buddugoliaeth cyfrif gwesty’r Park Plaza. Park Plaza was voted AA Hotel of The Year Wales in 2007 and is one of Cardiff’s most fashionable hotels. After seeing the new Tonic newsletter, produced by PGA, Park Plaza’s Marketing Director asked us to start work on their advertising and promotional campaign. PGA is currently developing a press and direct mail campaign to promote the hotel’s conference and wedding facilities as well as its state of the art gym and spa.
Cyflwyno PGA Mae ein busnes ni yn ymwneud â chysylltu cleientiaid â chynulleidfaoedd gyda syniadau creadigol grymus a dyluniad da. Rydym yn cynhyrchu gwaith sy’n ennill gwobrau gyda’n tîm egnïol, amlddisgyblaethol o reolwyr prosiect, ysgrifenwyr, dylunwyr a datblygwyr digidol. Ein nod yw cyflenwi dulliau cyfathrebu brand eithriadol i’n cleientiaid a chefnogwyd hyn wrth i PGW ennill gwobrau cenedlaethol am greadigedd, yn erbyn y gorau yn y busnes. Dechreuwn drwy wrando a holi, yna datblygu cynllun strategol cadarn, yn seiliedig ar syniad creadigol a gyflenwir drwy’r cyfryngau priodol. Mae gennym dîm profiadol yn yr holl ddisgyblaethau y bydd arnoch eu hangen i gyflawni pethau; mewn pryd, o fewn y gyllideb. I gael golwg ar y darlun mwy galwch Jason Gill neu Emily Moores ar 02 2037 7312 neu ewch i’n gwefan www.petergill.com Gwasanaethau creadigol a chynhyrchu: • Cyfathrebu brand • Hysbysebu • Llenyddiaeth a chyhoeddiadau • Cyfryngau digidol • Arddangosfeydd ac arwyddion
Marchnata Park Plaza i ni ddechrau gweithio ar eu hymgyrch hysbysebu a hyrwyddo. Ar hyn o bryd mae PGA yn datblygu ymgyrch gwasg a phost uniongyrchol i hyrwyddo cyfleusterau cynhadledd a phriodas y gwesty, yn ogystal â champfa a sba o’r radd flaenaf.
Tubex review brand as sales strategy changes...Tubex yn adolygu brand wrth i’r strategaeth werthiant newid. Tubex manufacture a range of young tree protector products. PGA has been commissioned to carry out a brand review following the company’s decision to change their sales strategy. Currently as the world’s leading manufacturer of tree and vine shelters, they are looking to re-market themselves with a fresh new image and to be more customer focused. PGA will implement the brand review across the Tubex products, packaging, website, advertising, literature, signage and vehicle livery. Mae Tubex yn gweithgynhyrchu ystod o gynhyrchion diogelu coed. Mae PGA wedi cael ei gomisiynu i gynnal adolygiad brand ar ôl penderfyniad y cwmni i newid eu strategaeth werthiant. Ar hyn o bryd, fel gweithgynhyrchwr llochesau coed a gwinwydd blaenaf y byd, maen nhw’n edrych at ail-farchnata’u hunain gyda delwedd ffres newydd a chanolbwyntio mwy ar gwsmeriaid. Bydd PGA yn gweithredu’r adolygiad brand newydd ar draws cynhyrchion, pecynnau, gwefan, hysbysebu, llenyddiaeth, arwyddion a lifrai cerbyd Tubex.
Enwyd Park Plaza yn Westy AA y Flwyddyn Cymru yn 2007 ac mae’n un o westai mwyaf ffasiynol Caerdydd. Ar ôl gweld newyddlen Tonic newydd, a gynhyrchwyd gan PGA, gofynnodd Cyfarwyddwr Mae ‘beth nesaf’ yn cael ei gyhoeddi gan Peter Gill & Associates, h hawlfraint Hydref 200 . Cedwir pob hawl. Pob ffotograff yn hawlfraint y ffotograffwyr. Diolch i’n cleientiaid, y tîm dylunio yn PGA, ein hargraffwyr, cyflenwyr papur, ffotograffwyr a chydweithredwyr eraill sy’n gwneud i’n prosiectau dylunio llwyddo. Llan clawr blaen, Kiran Ridley.
3/11/08 14:44:52
what next beth nesaf 3 www.petergill.com
Bringing vocational skills to the world world...dod â sgiliau galwedigaethol i’r byd
orldSkills UK Wales is a partnership of key organisations set up to support and raise the profile of skills competitions within Wales. It will do so by promoting excellence amongst skilled trainees and apprentices across Wales and support them to enter the prestigious WorldSkills competition. WorldSkills is about celebrating the importance of trade, craft and new technology skills, and the essential contribution they make to the economic and social well being of people across the globe. The new campaign will feature throughout all media, in both English and Welsh. PGA has been commissioned to design and produce comprehensive marketing materials for this, including upbeat online e-zine newsletters, lively posters, radio advertising campaigns and adverts.
ae WorldSkills UK Cymru yn bartneriaeth o sefydliadau allweddol a sefydlwyd i gefnogi a chodi proffil cystadlaethau sgiliau o fewn Cymru. Bydd yn gwneud hynny drwy hybu rhagoriaeth ymysg hyfforddeion a phrentisiaid sgilgar ar draws Cymru a’u cefnogi i ymgeisio am gystadleuaeth WorldSkills sydd â bri arbennig yn perthyn iddi. Mae WorldSkills yn ymwneud â dathlu pwysigrwydd masnach, crefft a sgiliau technoleg newydd, a’r cyfraniad hanfodol a wnânt i les cymdeithasol ac economaidd pobl ar draws y byd. Bydd yr ymgyrch newydd yn ymddangos drwy’r cyfryngau i gyd, yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg. Comisiynwyd PGA i ddylunio a chynhyrchu deunyddiau marchnata cynhwysfawr ar gyfer hyn, gan gynnwys cylchlythyrau ar-lein bywiog, posteri deniadol, ymgyrchoedd hysbysebu ar y radio a hysbysebion.
Right: A series of booklets designed for each individual skill category explaining competitions in detail. (Still currently in design stage)
Dde: Cyfres o lyfrynnau wedi’u dylunio ar gyfer pob categori sgil unigol yn esbonio cystadlaethau’n fanwl. (Yn y cyfnod dylunio ar hyn o bryd)
Above: Swatch booklet is a quick reference guide to highlight all skill category competitions available for participants and employers to become involved in. (Still currently in design stage)
Uchod: Cyfeirlyfr sydyn yw llyfryn Swatch i amlygu’r holl gystadlaethau categori sgiliau sydd ar gael i gyfranogion a gweithwyr gymryd rhan ynddyn nhw. (Yn y cyfnod dylunio ar hyn o bryd)
Left: A series of bilingual e-zines and posters designed to create awareness of competitions, events and to provide regular progress updates on Worldskills Wales. Chwith: Cyfres o e-gronau a phosteri dwyieithog wedi’u dylunio i greu ymwybyddiaeth o gystadlaethau, digwyddiadau a darparu diweddariadau cynnydd rheolaidd ar WorldSkills Cymru.
3 16500 PGA What Next 8_cw.indd 3
3/11/08 14:46:02
what next beth nesaf 3 www.petergill.com
Tourist Information Centres: Contemporary make-over...Canolfannau Creoso: Gweddnewidiad Cyfoes A recent visitor survey of TICs (Tourism Information Centres) highlighted an urgent need to give the nation’s centres a facelift. Above all, people felt the need for the centre’s resources to be more readily accessible, and for some sense of the spirit of Wales to be communicated. Visit Wales appointed PGA to give the TICs a sparkling brand image makeover, developing a series of messages for consumers, and complementing this with use of striking contemporary images of Wales. PGA collaborated with the TICs in a series of carefully organised workshops to create a dramatic series of message panels, designed to work in all TICs, regardless of size. Red was selected as a key colour, both for its eye-catching properties and the fact that it complements the corporate green
dragon logo used for TICs in Wales. Diana Edwards, senior designer said: “The project gives TICs throughout Wales a coherent new image, while providing a more accessible and vibrant service to visitors”.
ynnwyd sylw at yr angen brys i roi gweddnewidiad i ganolfannau’r genedl gan arolwg ymwelwyr diweddar o Ganolfannau Croeso. Yn anad dim, roedd pobl yn teimlo’r angen am gael mynediad haws at adnoddau’r ganolfan, ac am drosglwyddo ychydig o’r ysbryd sy’n perthyn i Gymru. Penodwyd PGA gan Croeso Cymru i roi gweddnewidiad disglair, newydd sbon i’r Canolfannau Croeso, gan ddatblygu cyfres o negeseuon i’r cwsmeriaid a defnyddio delweddau cyfoes, trawiadol o Gymru i gefnogi hyn. Gwnaeth PGA gydweithio â’r Canolfannau Croeso mewn cyfres o
weithdai a gafodd eu trefnu’n ofalus i greu cyfres ddramatig o baneli neges, a gynlluniwyd i weithio ym mhob Canolfan Groeso, waeth beth fo ei maint.
Dewiswyd coch yn lliw allweddol oherwydd bod ganddo nodweddion sy’n denu’r llygaid, a’r ffaith ei fod yn cydweddu â logo corfforaethol y ddraig werdd a ddefnyddir ar gyfer y Canolfannau Croeso yng Nghymru. Meddai Diana Edwards, yr uwch ddylunydd: “Mae’r prosiect yn rhoi delwedd newydd cydlynol i’r Canolfannau Croeso ledled Cymru, gan roi gwasanaeth bywiog sy’n haws i ymwelwyr gael mynediad ato”.
16500 PGA What Next 8_cw.indd 4
3/11/08 14:46:42
what next beth nesaf 3 www.petergill.com
Renewable energy...ynni adnewyddadwy
ales has set out its ambitions for renewable energy, and is actively encouraging companies to relocate in Wales to develop renewable energy technologies through the use of wind, biomass, solar and marine power generation systems. PGA have been commissioned by International Business Wales to design and produce a series of new marketing brochures for the sectors: wind, biomass, solar and marine power. The literature will be distributed at exhibitions and fulfilment for advertising and business enquiries.
ae Cymru wedi gosod allan ei huchelgeisiau ar gyfer ynni adnewyddadwy ac mae wrthi’n annog cwmnïau i symud i Gymru i ddatblygu technolegau ynni adnewyddadwy trwy ddefnyddio systemau cynhyrchu gwynt, biomas, haul a phwˆer morol. Mae International Business Wales wedi comisiynu PGA i gynllunio a chynhyrchu cyfres o lyfrynnau marchnata newydd ar gyfer y sectorau: gwynt, biomas, haul a phwˆer morol. Caiff y llenyddiaeth ei dosbarthu mewn arddangosfeydd ac er mwyn ateb ymholiadau hysbysebu a busnes.
5 16500 PGA What Next 8_cw.indd 5
3/11/08 14:48:01
what next beth nesaf 3 www.petergill.com
Join the Organ Donor Re
Tell a loved one...dywed wrth rywun agos
enodwyd Peter Gill & Associates i gyflwyno’r ymgyrch ‘Dywed wrth rywun agos’, Rhodd Cymru – yr ymgyrch rhoi organau gyntaf erioed sy’n benodol i Gymru ac sy’n unigryw i’r DU, gyda naw elusen yn dod at ei gilydd.
eter Gill & Associates has been appointed to deliver the Donate Wales ‘Tell a loved one’ campaign – the first ever organ donation campaign specific to Wales, and unique to the UK with nine charities getting together. The multimedia campaign, which includes a series of bilingual TV advertisements featuring high-profile individuals such as James Hook, Connie Fisher and Colin Jackson, is aimed at encouraging individuals to join the Organ Donor Register – and, crucially, inform their loved ones of their intentions.
Amcan yr ymgyrch amlgyfrwng, sy’n cynnwys cyfres o hysbysebion dwyieithog ar y teledu ac sy’n rhoi lle amlwg i unigolion enwog fel James Hook, Connie Fisher a Colin Jackson, yw annog unigolion i ymuno â Chofrestr Rhoddwyr Organau – ac mae’n hanfodol eu bod yn dweud wrth y rhai sy’n agos atynt am eu bwriad.
“In the last five years more than 750 lives in Wales have been transformed by a transplant. Sadly, in that same time 150 people have died, and without more donors more lives will be lost,” adds Raj Aggarwal OBE, Chairman of the Kidney Wales Foundation, which is leading the campaign. “Thanks to groundbreaking work by Peter Gill & Associates, I am certain this campaign will resonate with people throughout Wales.”
“Yn y pum mlynedd diwethaf, mae mwy na 750 o fywydau yng Nghymru wedi cael eu trawsnewid gan drawsblaniad. Yn anffodus, mae 150 o bobl wedi marw yn ystod yr un cyfnod, a heb fwy o roddwyr, bydd mwy o fywydau’n cael eu colli,” Raj Aggarwal OBE, Cadeirydd Sefydliad Arennau Cymru, sy’n arwain yr ymgyrch. “Diolch i waith arloesol Peter Gill & Associates, rwy’n siwr y bydd yr ymgyrch hon yn taro tant gyda phobl ledled Cymru.”
Text GIVE to 64118 to sig er mewn cofrestru nawr 0845 60 60 400 donate ‘ Tell a loved one campaign’ also included billboard advertising, leaflets, posters, merchandise, banners, website and ‘Cwtch’ mascot.
Below: The distinctive website features stars like Stuart Cable describing how their own lives have been touched by organ donation; while Colin Jackson makes an appeal for greater organ donation from Black and Asian communities.
Roedd ymgyrch ‘Dywed wrth rywun agos’ hefyd yn cynnwys hysbysebu byrddau poster, baneri, gwefan a masgot ‘Cwtch’.
tell a loved one
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Donate Wales is your chance to save a life
Day 1 of Campaign
First ever campaign to get Wales talking about organ donations
More than 450 people in Wales are waiting for a transplant
A pioneering campaign aimed at increasing the number of organ donors in Wales
More than 750 lives have been transformed by a transplant in the last five years
“I’ve told my loved ones about my organ donation wishes, because one day it could save a life.” James Hook
The Donate Wales – Tell a Loved One campaign, funded by the Welsh Assembly Government and led by the Kidney Wales Foundation, sees nine major charities come together for the first time in the UK to tackle the shortage of donors
Sadly, in the same time 150 people died waiting
4 out of 10 families refuse for their loved ones organs to be donated when asked
It's also the first time there’s been an organ donation campaign unique to Wales
why tell a loved one? Find out more...
Before you save a life tell a loved one Home
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‘Cwtch’ mascot at the 200 Kidney Wales Cardiff 10K run. Left to right: Raj Aggarwal KWF, Katherine Jenkins, Roy Thomas KWF.
Isod: Mae masgot ‘Cwtch’ wedi’i seilio ar swigen siarad a gymerwyd o logo ‘Dywed wrth rywun agos’. Y masgot ‘Cwtch’ yn ras 10K Aren Cymru Caerdydd 200 . Chwith i’r dde: Raj Aggarwal SAC, Katherine Jenkins, Roy Thomas SAC.
tell a loved one
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Breadcrumb goes here: Home » The celebrities
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Celebrity Campaigners
TV adverts
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View 40 sec commercial (James Hook ending) View 40 sec commercial (Max Boyce ending) View 40 sec Welsh language commercial View 60 sec combined version View 2 minute extended version
Once you’ve joined the register send one of our campaign e-cards to your family and friends to let them know! Click here to send an e-card
Celebrity podcasts
Black and Asian Communities
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Click here to find out more about our celebrity campaigners, listen to their podcasts and find out who the latest stars are to sign-up! Watch the latest TV advert.
Why tell a loved one
Find out more about Donate Wales’ campaign news.
In Wales, like the rest of the UK, most organ donations come from heartbeating donors. Click here to find out more.
“There’s no age limit to joining the register.”
Join the biggest life saving club in Wales
Below: ‘Cwtch’ mascot is based on a speech bubble taken from the ‘Tell a loved one’ logo.
Isod: Mae’r wefan nodedig yn cynnwys sêr, fel Stuart Cable, yn disgrifio sut mae rhoi organau wedi cyffwrdd â’u bywydau; tra bo Colin Jackson yn gwneud apêl am i fwy o bobl o gymunedau Du ac Asiaidd roi organau.
Iolo Williams
Ruth Madoc
Sarra Elgan
Celebrity Campaigners Click here to find out more about our celebrity campaigners, listen to their podcasts and find out who the latest stars are to sign-up! Watch the latest TV advert.
Joining the Organ Donor Register only takes a couple of minutes. Max Boyce
Send an e-card
Colin Jackson
Once you’ve joined the register send one of our campaign e-cards to your family and friends to let them know! Click here to send an e-card
Black and Asian Communities
Grant Nicholas
Find out more
Show your support by joining the facebook group www.facebook.com
Iolo Williams
Click here to register as an organ donor today Watch latest T V campaign
Keep up to date with Donate Wales Campaign news donatewales.blogspot.com
James Hook
Aled Jones
View 40 sec commercial (James Hook ending) View 40 sec commercial (Max Boyce ending) View 40 sec Welsh language commercial View 60 sec combined version View 2 minute extended version
Organ Donor Line – 0845 60 60 400 – Llinell Rhoi Organ Connie Fisher
Stuar t Cable
A Kidney Wales Foundation campaign with support from the following organisations:
A Kidney Wales Foundation campaign with support from the following organisations:
Kidney Wales Foundation is a registered charity no. 700396 company registration no. 2268003 | Registered office 1 – 3 Museum Place Cardiff CF10 3BD Wales UK Tel: (0)2920 343940 | Fax: (0)2920 344130 | Email: info@donatewales.org | Disclaimer | Privacy policy | Terms | Design & Developed by Peter Gill & Associates
Kidney Wales Foundation is a registered charity no. 700396 company registration no. 2268003 | Registered office 1 – 3 Museum Place Cardiff CF10 3BD Wales UK Tel: (0)2920 343940 | Fax: (0)2920 344130 | Email: info@donatewales.org | Disclaimer | Privacy policy | Terms | Design & Developed by Peter Gill & Associates
6 16500 PGA What Next 8_cw.indd 6
3/11/08 14:48:44
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or Register today – we have ni wedi
o sign-up now awr natewales.org
4 in 10 families refuse...
4 in 10 families refuse...
they didn't know their wishes
they didn't know their wishes
Above: Storyboards featuring television advertising campaign. 0 second spots shown
16500 PGA What Next 8_cw.indd 7
on ITV Wales, S C, Facebook, YouTube and Myspace.
Uchod: Byrddau darlunio sy’n dangos pob cam o’r broses gan gynnwys ymgyrch hysbysebu teledu.
Darnau 0 eiliad a ddangosir ar ITV Cymru, S C, Facebook, YouTube a Myspace.
7 3/11/08 14:49:32
what next beth nesaf 3 www.petergill.com
Bay Resourcing – a powerful identity...dull adnadod pwerus
ay Resourcing has become one of Wales’ leading education recruitment agencies since its launch in 2005. As the agency places primary, secondary and special needs teachers as well as nursery nurses and support assistants, a strong and dependable image is essential. Bearing in mind the nature of the market, dominated as it is by strict guidelines and procedures. PGA designed a new identity and implemented it across stationery, a content-managed website and merchandise such as mouse mats, pens and drinks mats. The website includes a job search, a jobs notice board, recommend-a-friend option and online application forms.
ae Bay Resourcing wedi dod yn un o asiantaeth recriwtio addysgol mwyaf blaenllaw Cymru ers ei lansio yn 2005. Gan fod yr asiantaeth yn lleoli athrawon cynradd, uwchradd ac anghenion arbennig, yn ogystal â gweinyddesau meithrin a chynorthwywyr cymorth, mae delwedd gadarn a dibynadwy yn hanfodol. Gan gofio natur y farchnad, sy’n cael ei llywodraethu fel ag y mae gan ganllawiau a dulliau gweithredu pendant, mae PGA wedi cynllunio dull adnabod newydd ac wedi’i roi ar ddefnyddiau ysgrifennu, gwefan lle rheolir y cynnwys a nwyddau fel matiau llygod, pinau ysgrifennu a matiau i ddal diodydd. Mae’r wefan yn cynnwys man lle gellir chwilio am swydd, hysbysfwrdd swyddi, dewis cyfeirio ffrind a ffurflenni cais ar-lein.
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3/11/08 14:49:49
what next beth nesaf 3 www.petergill.com
Young, upbeat and vibrant...yn ifanc, yn codi’r galon ac yn fywiog
restigious Cardiff school, Saint David’s Catholic College, was keen to create a bright and lively image to appeal directly to young people. Using an eye-catching purple shade as its main colour theme, PGA put together an attractive student planner. This upbeat and user friendly style was also applied to PGA’s design for the new college prospectus, highlighting the college as a friendly and fun place to study prior to university.
oedd Coleg Catholig Dewi Sant, ysgol glodfawr yng Nghaerdydd, yn awyddus i greu delwedd lachar a bywiog i apelio’n uniongyrchol at bobl ifanc. Gan ddefnyddio lliw porffor sy’n denu’r llygaid yn brif liw, crëodd PGA drefnydd myfyrwyr deniadol. Cafodd yr arddull siriol hon sy’n hawdd ei defnyddio hefyd ei gymhwyso i ddyluniad PGA o brosbectws newydd y coleg, gan dynnu sylw at y coleg fel lle cyfeillgar a difyr i astudio ynddo cyn mynd i brifysgol.
Below: The college commissioned some outstanding photography of the students taken by Betina Skovbro to use in a new university-style prospectus.
Isod: Comisiynodd y coleg ffotograffiaeth arbennig o’r myfyrwyr a dynnwyd gan Betina Skovbro i’w defnyddio mewn prosbectws newydd ar ffurf prosbectws prifysgol.
16500 PGA What Next 8_cw.indd 9
3/11/08 14:50:44
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Verdi masterpiece celebrated at gala evening ...dathlu campwaith Verdi mewn gala gyda’r nos
t David’s Day this year marked the launch of WNO’s Falstaff Gala preview at Wales Millennium Centre. Peter Stein’s famous production of the Verdi classic, starred one of the biggest names of the operatic world – Bryn Terfel. PGA designed the gala evening graphics, including special invitations, menus, event logo, posters and bilingual brochure. PGA was delighted to sponsor the design for all print material, and is grateful to Westdale Press for sponsoring the print.
oedd Dydd Gwˆyl Dewi eleni yn dathlu lansiad noson Gala Falstaff, Cwmni Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru yng Nghanolfan Mileniwm Cymru. Bryn Terfel – un o sêr mwyaf enwog y byd operatig – oedd seren cynhyrchiad enwog Peter Stein o glasur Verdi. Dyluniodd PGA graffeg y noson gala gan gynnwys gwahoddiadau, bwydlenni, logo’r digwyddiad, posteri a llyfryn dwyieithog arbennig. Roedd PGA yn falch iawn o gael noddi’r dyluniad ar gyfer yr holl ddeunydd print, ac mae’n ddiolchgar i Wasg Westdale am noddi’r argraffu.
Above: Brochure cover features illustration of Falstaff by Moidele Bickel. Left: Brochure inside spreads and menu cover. Uchod: Clawr pamffled yn cynnwys darlun o Falstaff gan Moidele Bickel. Chwith: Taeniadau mewnol y pamffled a chlawr y fwydlen.
10 16500 PGA What Next 8_cw.indd 10
3/11/08 14:51:36
what next beth nesaf 3 www.petergill.com
Forging community links links...creu cysylltiadau cymunedol
e were instructed by The Public Trust Partnership a company that specialises in building bridges between the private sector organisations and the community to act for Tesco in the extension of the new Ammanford store in Carmarthenshire – Roy Thomas of PTP said “It is important when you work in such communities as in Ammanford that you respect the values and culture of the place and people. The history of Ammanford is aligned deeply with the Welsh language and culture but it is also a community of working communities from the young to the older generations where people matter. This was captured in the work undertaken” PGA collated a stunning selection of photographs of local landmarks and regional produce, punctuating these images with quotes from Tesco staff and shoppers at the store. These were displayed in an eye-catching bilingual exhibition during community consultation days in Ammanford.
C Right: Selection of exhibition panels on display during Ammanford’s community consultation days. Dde: Detholiad o baneli arddangosfa ar ddangos yn ystod diwrnodau ymgynghori cymuned Rhydaman.
awsom ein cyfarwyddo gan The Public Trust Partnership cwmni sy’n arbenigo mewn pontio rhwng sefydliadau’r sector preifat a’r gymuned i weithredu ar ran Tesco wrth estyn yr archfarchnad newydd yn Rhydaman Sir Gaerfyrddin – dywedodd Roy Thomas o PTP “Pan fyddwch yn gweithio mewn cymunedau fel Rhydaman, mae’n bwysig eich bod yn parchu gwerthoedd a diwylliant y lle a’r bobl. Mae hanes Rhydaman yn gysylltiedig iawn â’r iaith Gymraeg a’i diwylliant ond mae’n gymuned hefyd o gymunedau gweithgar o’r hen i’r ifanc, lle mae pobl o bwys. Daliwyd hyn yn y gwaith a wnaed” Cydosododd PGA gasgliad rhagorol o luniau o dirnodau lleol a chynnyrch lleol, ac ychwanegu dyfyniadau gan staff a siopwyr at y rhain. Cafodd y cwbl ei arddangos mewn arddangosfa ddwyieithog drawiadol yn ystod diwrnodau ymgynghori cymunedol yn Rhydaman.
11 16500 PGA What Next 8_cw.indd 11
3/11/08 14:52:07
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National Parks – Britains Breathing spaces...y Parciau Cenedlaethol – Mannau Agored ym Mhrydain
his evocative slogan has been conjured up as the new brand position for all the UK’s parks – driving home the message that the public can escape to our magnificent wild spaces to relax, unwind, and recharge. PGA’s role was to develop the brand bilingually in Wales, working with our three National Parks – Snowdonia, Pembrokeshire (the UK’s only coastal National Park), and Brecon Beacons. “We organised brand workshops where we were able to work closely with the three parks and stakeholder groups to produce effective guidelines for all brand applications including web, advertising, literature, and exhibitions,” explains PGA Managing Director, Peter Gill. “Our aim was to create a brand that answered the diverse needs of each park, and worked effectively in both English and Welsh.”
ae’r slogan atgofus hwn wedi cael ei greu yn safle brandio newydd ar gyfer holl barciau’r DU – gan bwysleisio’r neges y gall y cyhoedd ddianc i’n mannau gwyllt, ardderchog er mwyn ymlacio, dadflino ac ailfagu nerth. Rôl PGA oedd datblygu’r brand yn ddwyieithog yng Nghymru, gan weithio gyda’r tri Pharc Cenedlaethol – Eryri, Penfro (yr unig Barc Cenedlaethol arfordirol yn y DU) a Bannau Brycheiniog. “Fe wnaethom drefnu gweithdai brand lle roeddem yn medru gweithio’n agos gyda’r tri pharc a’r grwpiau rhanddeiliaid i gynhyrchu canllawiau effeithiol ar gyfer defnyddio’r brand gan gynnwys ar y we, hysbysebu, llenyddiaeth ac arddangosfeydd,” esbonia Peter Gill, Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr PGA. “Ein nod oedd creu brand a oedd yn ateb anghenion amrywiol pob parc, ac a oedd yn gweithio’n effeithiol yn y Saesneg a’r Gymraeg.”
PGA run the 2008 Kidney Wales Cardiff 10K run. Four team members of PGA bravely took up the challenge to run in this year’s Kidney Wales Cardiff 10k run. The race, in which 2000 people took part, was started by Kidney Wales’ latest patron Katherine Jenkins at Sophia Gardens. The run also saw the launch of the ‘Cwtch’ mascot, which PGA created as part of the ‘Tell a loved one’ campaign. The mascot is based on a speech bubble taken from the ‘Tell a loved one’ logo. The race proved to be a huge success with everyone involved and PGA would like to say a big well done to Jason, Nerys, Geraint and David for taking part. PGA yn rhedeg ras 10K Caerdydd Aren Cymru 2008. Roedd pedwar aelod o dîm PGA yn ddigon dewr i dderbyn yr her i redeg yn ras 10k Caerdydd Aren Cymru eleni. Dechreuwyd y ras, y cymerodd 2000 o bobl ran ynddi, gan Katherine Jenkins, noddwr diweddaraf Aren Cymru, yng Ngerddi Sophia. Hefyd, gwelodd y ras lansiad masgot ‘Cwtch’, a grëodd PGA fel rhan o’r ymgyrch ‘Dywed wrth rywun agos’. Mae’r masgot wedi’i seilio ar swigen siarad a gymerwyd o logo ‘Dywed wrth rywun agos’. Profodd y ras yn llwyddiant enfawr gyda phawb a hoffai PGA ddweud da iawn mawr wrth Jason, Nerys, Geraint a David am gymryd rhan.
Going green. Environmental awareness and responsibility is now a top priority for most businesses. Gone are the days when recycled paper was dull. We’ve chosen to print this edition of ‘what next’ on Robert Horne’s Revive 100% recycled uncoated paper, made from 100% post consumer waste. Troi’n wyrdd. Mae ymwybyddiaeth a chyfrifoldeb am yr amgylchedd nawr yn brif flaenoriaeth i’r rhan fwyaf o fusnesau. Mae’r dyddiau pan oedd papur wedi’i ailgylchu’n bapur dilewyrch wedi hen fynd. Rydym wedi dewis argraffu’r rhifyn hwn o ‘beth nesaf’ ar bapur wedi’i ailgylchu 100% di-gôt Revive gan Robert Horne, sydd wedi’i wneud o wastraff ôl-ddefnyddiwr 100%. Contacts/Cyswllt: jason.gill@petergill.com emily.moores@petergill.com Tel: + (0)2 2037 7312 Peter Gill & Associates Limited 256 Cowbridge Road East, Canton, Cardiff CF5 1GZ Wales UK www.petergill.com Peter Gill & Associates Cyfyngedig 256 Cowbridge Road East, Treganna, Caerdydd CF5 1GZ Cymru DU www.petergill.com
12 16500 PGA What Next 8_cw.indd 12
3/11/08 14:52:30