PGE POA Fall 2011 News

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Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association

Neighborhood News

Working Together for a GREAT Neighborhood

President’s Message

Now that Fall is here we can enjoy the beauty of the leaves changing colors and the job of cleaning up the fallen leaves. Many of us may fondly remember the unique aroma of burning leaves associated with this time of year. However, I want to remind you that while Schaumburg Township permits leaf burning, Palatine Township does not. In any case, Plum Grove Estate residents are asked to refrain from burning leaves out of consideration for your neighbors. If the fire department is called, they will come out and request that the leaf fire be put out.

A word of caution: we have had a couple instances of vandalism and burglary in the neighborhood recently. Please make sure your house is secure (windows and doors locked and garage doors closed) even if your are home. When you leave the house, make sure to use the alarm system if you have one.

Fall/Winter 2011

2011 Holiday Party

The Holidays are at hand, and the Social Committee is getting ready for upcoming celebrations with the Annual PGE POA Holiday Party.

The party is on Sunday, December 4th, from 4:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. at Plum Grove Park. Dinner and beverages will be served; each family is asked to bring a favorite dessert to share. At the party, PGE families will have an opportunity to enjoy meeting with neighbors, holiday music, and family fun. Santa’s helpers will be stopping by to visit with our little ones.

Gary Dindia PGE POA President

Reservations will be taken until November 25, 2011. Please respond with family surname and phone number, number and names of family members, and ages of children. We ask for these reservations in order to properly prepare for the big event. To respond, please call Lynn Meinzer (847.417.6494) or Maria Pappas (847.303.3536) or send email to:

PGE POA Elects 2012 Board

Newsletter Contents

The annual PGE POA Christmas party will be held on December Fourth at Plum Grove Park Clubhouse. It is a wonderful event for young and old with good food and fellowship. Watch for more details and be sure to RSVP. The party fills up quickly and we are capacity controlled by fire code, so it is important to respond promptly. Hope to see you there.

At the PGE POA annual meeting on October 19, Plum Grove Estates neighbors elected the 2012 slate of board officers and directors.

Outgoing board officers Dave Gearhart and Dawn Amos had each decided not to run for another term. The association voted Dave Freeman and Debbie Denten into their respective positions.

Election Results

President: Gary Dindia Vice President: Dave Freeman Treasurer: Maria Pappas Secretary: Debbie Denten Director: Steve Sperling Director: George Reichl

Thank you, Dave and Dawn, for your work serving on the board!

Presidents’ Message ..........................1 Holiday Party.....................................1 PGE Election Results.........................1 Neighbor Greetings...........................3 Directory Update Request................3 Power Outage Repairs ......................4 PGE POA Meeting Minutes .............5 Landscaping Report ..........................7 Frontage Road Construction............7 PGE Calendar.....................................8

Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association • P.O. Box 8432 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432 •

2011 PGEPOA Officers/Directors President ........................................Gary Dindia Vice President and Architectural Control ...............Dave Gearhart Secretary ........................................Dawn Amos Treasurer.........................................Maria Pappas Area Control ...................................Glen Prezembel Civic Affairs ....................................Steve Sperling Membership ...................................Guy Karm Communications ............................Andrea Brennan Social and Landscaping.................Lynn Meinzer Audit ...............................................George Reichl Past President ................................Randy Mitchell

Advertising Full page ....................once/$150 Half page ...................once/$100 Quarter page..............once/$50 Eighth page................once/$25

yearly/$380 yearly/$255 yearly/$125 yearly/$60

Thank you to all of our advertisers! Your ad defrays the cost of producing and mailing the newsletter. Contact Andrea Brennan at 847-404-7229 or to submit an ad Contact Maria Pappas at (847) 303-3536 or to pay for your ad

Submit News and Info

The newsletter is a great way to let your neighbors know about events and issues that are important to us. Please contribute newsletter information to: Andrea Brennan 340 S. Elmwood Ln. 847-404-7229

Please let us know of personal milestones that you want to share with your neighbors. Thank you!

Errors and Corrections

The Summer 2011 newsletter should have welcomed Tim and Donna Corrigan at 302 N. Elmwood. In the dining directory, Mad Mark’s Mystic Pizza at 871 Algonquin Road should be Drink. L’Olivo closed at 1602 Algonquin but reopened at 823 Algonquin. 2

Looking to Downsize? Need help getting clutter under control?

Contact Kelly Godawski, PGE Resident, for home organizing services covering closets, kitchens, paper, basements, garages, toys, bedrooms, or any other space you want organized! Kelly Godawski Professional Organizer 847-361-7505


Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage


Resident and Plum Grove Estates Specialist

Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association • P.O. Box 8432 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432 •

Neighbor Greetings Welcome to New PGE Neighbors Carl Siemianowski, 340 S. Circle

Christopher and Katie Frain, 269 S. Circle

Dan Robinson/Sharon Richardson, 275 N. Elmwood John and Tammy Frain, 2102 Brookdale Ln.

The Plum Grove Estates Welcoming Committee brings a copy of the PGE Directory and a special gift for new neighbors. Please contact Guy Karm at 847-397-5276 for more information.

Sympathy and Thoughts for Our Neighbors Condolences to the families of Josh Rupe, 318 N. Elmwood, who died in September 2011, and Dr. Don Garrett, 2260 Crestwood, who died in November 2011.

Update Your PGE Directory Info!

An new PGE POA directory will be available in 2012! Please let us know if your contact information, such as your phone number and email address, needs to be updated. Call Debbie Denten at 847-925-9003 or send email to ! "#$$!%&'()(*+!,-./'! "#$$!%&'()(*+!,-./'! 0122.*3!4'(516)7!89!! 0122.*3!4 '(516)7!89!! :;<="#>=;$#:! :;<="#>=;$#:! 666?)+@12'++'?@1A! 666?)+@12'++'?@1A! 4)?!B(2!C'AD17!%-.*@.E(2! 4)?!B(2!C 'AD17!%-.*@.E(2! /F'AD1G)+@12'++'?@1A! /F'AD1 G)+@12'++'?@1A!

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Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association • P.O. Box 8432 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432 •


Power Outages in Plum Grove Estates Result in New Equipment The “Groundhog Day” blizzard created multiple and extended power outages throughout the neighborhood. Bernie Rupe on North Elmwood Lane worked with ComEd for months to find the cause, and then ComEd replaced faulty old equipment. Bernie posted updates on the LinkedIn Plum Grove Estates Neighborhood Network site. Here is a summary of the information he shared: •

The outage lasted from February 2 at 9:00 p.m. until 3:00 a.m. on February 4.

A ComEd five-year outage history report stated there were five outages within six months of the February 2011 outage.

38 customers in the neighborhood reported they were without power. There is a circle through the neighborhood with the tub transformers in between. It is designed so that, if a section fails, they can come out and easily reroute the power without having to place new cable.

• • •

Bernie had seven outages betewen November 2010 and April 2011. Six were due to cable faults, with four of those being in one section between transformers along Park and Elmwood. Those four outages qualified for a cable replacement. The section of cable to be replaced ran across several backyards.

The February 2 outage was a problem with the short above-ground section of cable on Longacres. This affected 45 people. The tub transformers are good and will last 100 years. They are better than newer ones. There have not been problems with the transformers.

There is a second section of cable which has had two outages in two years. This does not qualify for replacement at this time—there needs to be three within three months or five in two years.

Because of Bernie’s efforts, ComEd replaced cables and two transformers in May and June. Some of the cable was said to be more than 50 years old. Thanks again, Bernie!

Adapted from a book by L. Frank Baum with music by Harold Arlen and E.Y. “Yip” Harberg

Performances run February 11-26, 2012 at Cutting Hall, Palatine, IL Ticket prices range from $17.00 - $22.00 Group rates available Ticket info can be found at or call the Box Office at 847-202-5222 4

Cutting Hall is a facility owned and maintained by the Palatine Park District

Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association • P.O. Box 8432 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432 •

PGE POA Annual Meeting Minutes Wednesday, October 19, 2011 Call to Order

Civic Affairs

Board Attendees

The Annual Meeting of the Plum Grove Homeowners Association was called to order by President Gary Dinda at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 19, 2011, at Plum Grove Park. Dave Gearhart, Maria Pappas, Dawn Amos, Glen Prezembel, Lynn Meinzer, Andrea Brennan, George Reichl, Guy Karm, Randy Mitchell, Gary Dindia, Steve Sperling.

New Neighbor

Sharon Richardson of 275 N. Elmwood was welcomed.

Resident Attendees Debbie Denten Larry Amos Martin Kammerman Amy Kammerman Bruce Williams Alice Forbes Tim Corrigan Art Meinzer Richard Beals Jill Sperling Russ Haan

Approval of Minutes

Don Jacobs Mary Jo Hoadley Sue Dindia Joanne M. Olsen Rich Olsen Sharon Richardson Deb Cutts Thom Cutts David Freeman Kris Freeman Bill Huley

The minutes of the May 18, 2011 General Meeting were approved.

Steve Sperling reported that: • Sidewalks along West Frontage Road have been completed. He will inquire as to whether a hand rail will be installed on the section that is on an incline.

• •

• •

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Maria Pappas reviewed the treasurer’s report and it will be filed for audit.

Architectural Control

Dave Gearhart reported that there were no new requests for approvals since the last meeting.

Area Control

Glen Prezembel reported that: • All lights are currently functional. • 30 posts in the common areas were replaced. One homeowner purchased posts at the association’s price. • He is in the process of getting quotes for repairs to the Algonquin Road fence.

Palatine Twp. plans to replace the Briarwood Bridge next year. Roland Sachs, the township’s road supervisor, has listened to our concerns regarding the appearance of the bridge and the lack of lighting and has relayed this information to the architects. Palatine Twp. does not permit leaf burning, or any open burning. If leaf burning is taking place, property owners may call the fire dept. and it will come and issue a fine.

Schaumburg Twp. residents are allowed to burn leaves. Any other burning requires a permit from Cook County. However, residents are asked to refrain from burning leaves out of consideration to their neighbors. If the fire dept. is called, it will come and ask the person doing the burning to stop. Residents of Schaumburg Twp. who are at least 60 years old, and are disabled or a veteran, may have their driveway aprons plowed, at no charge, by the township.

Flooding has been occurring on the vacant lot at Longacres Lane at Frontage Road. It is caused, in part, because the adjacent business park is pitched incorrectly. Rolling Meadows is trying to get the owners of the business park to rectify the situation and will talk with homeowners in the area to help find solutions. The flooding is not Rolling Meadows’ responsibility because it is too far from the road.


Lynn Meinzer reported that: • 65 mums were planted in the common areas. The burgundy and yellow ones show up best. Next year she will ask neighbors to water them when necessary. •

Christmas lights will be put up in early December and taken down in mid January.

Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association • P.O. Box 8432 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432 •


PGE POA May 2011 Meeting Minutes, continued Membership

Guy Karm reported that the following properties are currently for sale: •

335 N. Elmwood (Williams)

2251 Longacres (VanderHeyden)

365 S. Elmwood (Ballati-Tobin) 2260 Longacres (Jacobs)

2055 Brookdale Lane (Meyer)

376 Oakwood Ct. (Hinrichs)

Treasurer – Maria Pappas Secretary – Debbie Denten Director – Steve Sperling (3 year term) Director – George Reichl (3 year term) • A motion was made and seconded to accept the slate. A voice vote followed and the nominees were elected unanimously. •

George expressed appreciation to outgoing officers Dave Gearhart and Dawn Amos for their service on the Board.

The following properties have sold this year:

New Business

2259 Longacres (Caleo to Kaput) 3/2011

2308 S Westwood (LaPuma to Loukopoulos) 4/2011 302 N Elmwood Lane (Sheaffer to Corrigan) 5/2011

2101 Brookdale Lane (Estate of Passarella to Frain) 6/2011

2035 Crestwood (Dotson to Ianikawa) 6/2011 340 S Circle (Wistar to Siemianowski) 7/2011

283 Park (Gouskos to _______-under contract)


Lynn Meinzer reported that she and co chairman, Maria Pappas, are planning the holiday party for Sunday, Dec. 4, from 4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at Plum Grove Park. A separate flyer will be mailed and residents will RSVP to Lynn.


Andrea Brennan reported: • The newsletter deadline is October 31. •

Residents who would like to receive PGE email announcements and the online newsletter should send their email address to Andrea.

Residents who have changed their email address, phone number, or any other contact information should inform a board member.

Nominating •

Members of the Nominating Committee were George Reichl, Debbie Denten, Lynn Provan, Susie Winklebleck, and Russ Haan. Chairman George Reichl presented the following slate of officers for 2012:

President – Gary Dindia Vice President – Dave Freeman 6

New Board members Debbie Denten and Dave Freeman were introduced.

George requested to be informed throughout the year of any residents who express an interest in being a Board member.

Burglary—Mary Jo Hoadley of 2260 N Circle Dr reported that her home was burglarized during the summer and wondered if there were other burglaries in the neighborhood. Although the police were helpful, the case has still not been solved. Police speculate that it may have been committed by gypsies who are known to wander the neighborhood. Gary said that he will invite the Cook County Sheriff’s Dept. to speak at the General Meeting in February. Delinquent Dues – A resident suggested that a collection agency be used to collect outstanding dues from property owners who refuse to pay. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. by President Gary Dindia.

Dawn Amos


Do You Need Help Designing/Setting Up Your Outside Christmas Lights?

Call Len Brown 630-485-1042 For a reference, contact Randy and Lauri Mitchell, 306 Park Dr. in Plum Grove Estates

Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association • P.O. Box 8432 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432 •

Landscaping Report

This year your PGE POA approved funds for the purchase and planting of the ornamental fall mums to be planted at the three exterior entrances and the three interior entrances to Plum Grove Estates. Some of the larger center islands were decorated with two or three plants. We hope you enjoy their vibrant colors and decorative effect. Future projects of this kind would be made easier with volunteers to help with watering, because we do not have a water source at the entrances or at the center islands. Thank you to Lauri Mitchell for suggesting this project! Driving past Plum Grove Pond, you may have noticed that the two declining Willows have been removed.

This project began last year when the entrance designs were completed. Estimates were submitted but not added to the budget at that time. This year, five estimates were obtained and the winner was Mario’s Tree Service of Addison. They worked safely, quickly, cleanly and at the best price. Replacement trees will be planted in 2012 after the consideration and approval of the PGE POA. Holiday lighting will be placed at the entrances and wreaths on the pillars around Plum Grove Estates prior to our Holiday Party and will be in place until mid-January. Hope it adds to your Holiday Spirit. Lynn Meinzer

Frontage Road Bridge Complete

The bridge project on West Frontage Road was completed by October 2011, replacing the bridge, road approach, and sidewalks along the west edge.

PGEPOA Board approval is required BEFORE you make any architectural changes to your residence. To learn what you need for approval and to submit your plans, please contact Dave Gearhart at 847-303-5274 or


Sandy Heinlein and Denise Curry Office: 847.934.5069 • Cell: 847.822.8051 819 N. Quentin Road • Palatine, IL 60067

Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association • P.O. Box 8432 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432 •


Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association

P.O. Box 8432 Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432

OA 012 P 2 E PG Y IN act t? t c W R NE CTO r Con orre E u C DIR Is Yo ation age 3 rm See P o f In Fire District Mtg, Noon, at Palatine Rural Fire Station, 35 E. Ela Rd., Inverness

3/20 PGE Board Meeting

3/13 Plum Grove Sanitary District Mtg, 7 p.m. at Bethel Lutheran Church

3/12 Fire District Mtg, Noon, at Palatine Rural Fire Station, 35 E. Ela Rd., Inverness

2/24 Deadline to submit information for Spring PGE POA newsletter

2/15 PGE General Meeting, 7:30 p.m. at Plum Grove Park (Pizza at 7:00 p.m.)

2/14 Plum Grove Sanitary District Mtg, 7 p.m. at Bethel Lutheran Church

2/13 Fire District Mtg, Noon, at Palatine Rural Fire Station, 35 E. Ela Rd., Inverness

1/17 PGE Board Meeting

1/10 Plum Grove Sanitary District Mtg, 7 p.m. at Bethel Lutheran Church


12/20 PGE Board Meeting

12/13 Plum Grove Sanitary District Mtg, 7 p.m. at Bethel Lutheran Church

12/12 Fire District Mtg, Noon, at Palatine Rural Fire Station, 35 E. Ela Rd., Inverness

12/4 PGE Holiday Party at Plum Grove Park RSVP by 11/ 29 to Lynn Meinzer (847-417-6494) or Maria Pappas (847-303-3536)


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