Landmark Technical Evaluation Briarwood Lane Bridge

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Engineering Group, Inc.

Landmark Engineering Group Technical Evaluation & Analysis Report Palatine Township Road District Briarwood Lane Bridge & Roadway, Palatine IL June 2014


Mr. Thomas J. Kaider Palatine Township Road District 530 N. Smith Street Palatine, IL 60067


Michael R. Shamsie, PE

Landmark Engineering Group, Inc. DATE:

June 6, 2014


Engineer’s Professional Opinion & Technical Report Proposed Briarwood Lane Bridge Improvements Plum Grove Estates Subdivision, Palatine, Illinois Landmark Engineering Group Project #01-13-1228

Landmark Engineering Group, Inc. was retained by Palatine Township Road District to perform an evaluation of the proposed improvements to the Briarwood Lane Bridge and the roadway approaching the bridge from the south and justify the need or intent of the improvements, evaluation of the storm water channel flow and the obstruction the bridge causes and the proposed re-alignment of Briarwood Lane. The Briarwood Lane Bridge is located on Briarwood Lane in Palatine Township, which generally serves the Plum Grove Estates neighborhood as depicted on aerial site plan attached hereto as Exhibit A.

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Engineering Group, Inc.

1805 N. Mill Street, Suite L – Naperville IL 60563 – 847.551.5050 – fax 847.551.1919

Landmark Engineering Group Technical Evaluation & Analysis Report Palatine Township Road District Briarwood Lane Bridge & Roadway, Palatine IL June 2014

EXISTING CONDITIONS The bridge constructed sixty years ago in 1954, consists of three 12’ x 7’ concrete box culverts with an out of headwall width of approximately 27.6’ and a total length of 41’ along the centerline of the roadway. The bridge has a sufficiency rating of 69.9 according to the latest “Structure Summary Report” generated in 2014, which is attached hereto as Attachment #1 included herewith for reference. The Sufficiency Rating (Structure Information and Procedure Manual (SIP) insert is included as Attachment #2 for reference) is a numeric value that is a result of a method used to evaluate data by calculating four different factors: 1. Structural Adequacy and Safety 2. Serviceability and Functional Obsolescence 3. Essentiality for Public Use 4. Special Reductions (based on certain limiting features)

The Sufficiency Rating is computer generated by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and calculated with a formula that evaluates nineteen of the Inventory, Inspection, and Appraisal Items.

On page


2 of the Structural Summary Report, there is a list of the applicable

Inspection/Appraisal Items and the assigned value based on the current condition of that item as reported by field observation. The evaluation and technical analysis section evaluates these appraisal items as well as the roadway alignment issue leading to the Briarwood Lane Bridge and the hydrology and hydraulics of the bridge and Plum Creek.

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Engineering Group, Inc.

1805 N. Mill Street, Suite L – Naperville IL 60563 – 847.551.5050 – fax 847.551.1919

Landmark Engineering Group Technical Evaluation & Analysis Report Palatine Township Road District Briarwood Lane Bridge & Roadway, Palatine IL June 2014

CURRENT OPTIONS The proposed improvements for the Briarwood Lane Bridge and roadway consist of four different options presented as follows: §

Option #1 – Bridge Replacement The construction cost for this option is estimated to be $370,000.

The cost for the

recommended pre-cast arch bridge is $168,600 delivered to the site, and the remainder of the $370,000 is for bridge installation, footings, and wing walls. This compares to $428,000 for a conventional bridge replacement. §

Option #2 – Deck Repair and Bridge Railing Replacement Option #2 proposes to repair the deck of the bridge and to replace the bridge railing with a crash tested barrier. The construction cost for this option is estimated to be $373,000 with a design life of only 15 to 20 years.


Option #3 – Deck Replacement and Bridge Railing Option #3 proposes to remove and replace the entire deck of the bridge and replace the bridge railing with a crash tested barrier. The construction cost associated with this option is estimated to be $383,000 with a design life of 30 years.


Option #4 – Deck Repair Only Option #4 proposes to repair only the deck of the bridge with a bituminous surface. The substandard bridge railing will remain. The cost for this construction is estimated to be $227,000 with a design life of only 10 to 15 years.

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Engineering Group, Inc.

1805 N. Mill Street, Suite L – Naperville IL 60563 – 847.551.5050 – fax 847.551.1919

Landmark Engineering Group Technical Evaluation & Analysis Report Palatine Township Road District Briarwood Lane Bridge & Roadway, Palatine IL June 2014 The various options presented are in addition to the roadway improvement, which is estimated to cost $186,000.

The construction cost estimates for the various improvement options are included herewith in Attachment #3 for reference.

The costs prepared by HR Green in 2008 and adjusted to

account for inflation. Contech Bridge Solutions Inc. prepared the cost of the recommended precast arch bridge as part of this evaluation and included herewith as shown on Attachment #19.

EVALUATION AND TECHNICAL ANALYSIS The Briarwood Lane Bridge was evaluated by reviewing the most recent “Structure Summary Report” to determine what condition values were assigned to the appraisal items. The Illinois Highway Information System-Structure Information & Procedure Manual (SIP) was referenced to evaluate condition values. The following is a summary of the findings:


Structural Evaluation (SIP reference is included as Attachment #4) – This appraisal rating, is typically based on the condition rating of the Superstructure and Substructure. However, for culverts the structure evaluation rating is generally no higher than the culvert rating (described below). In this case, the culvert rating is coded at a 5 so, the structure evaluation is also rated at a 5. According to the “Structure Summary Report” a value of 5 is interpreted as “better than adequate and could be left in place.” This value has remained unchanged since January of 1986 as shown in the Bridge History Summary included herewith as Attachment #5 for reference.

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Engineering Group, Inc.

1805 N. Mill Street, Suite L – Naperville IL 60563 – 847.551.5050 – fax 847.551.1919

Landmark Engineering Group Technical Evaluation & Analysis Report Palatine Township Road District Briarwood Lane Bridge & Roadway, Palatine IL June 2014 §

Culvert Condition (SIP reference is included as Attachment #6) – This item evaluates the alignment, settlement, structural condition, scour, and other items associated with culverts. It is intended to be an overall condition evaluation of the culvert. The “Structure Summary Report” lists a culvert condition rating of 5, which generally means a “fair condition – minor section loss and cracks.”

This value changed from a 6 to a 5

beginning in April of 2012. However, it is my understanding that Cook County currently has plans to perform maintenance of the culvert as part of the 2014 Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) program, which may raise this culvert rating and also the Sufficiency Rating of the Bridge.


Channel and Protection Condition (SIP reference is included as Attachment #7) – This item describes the physical conditions associated with the flow of water through the bridge such as stream stability and the condition of the channel, riprap, slop protection, or stream control devices included spur dikes. The “Structure Summary Report” lists a culvert condition rating of 7, which is a “good condition – some minor problems.” More specifically, the bank protection is in need of minor repairs, river control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage, and banks and/or channel may have minor amounts of drift not affecting the waterway opening. This value changed from a 7 to a 5 in December of 1991, then back to 7 in March of 1994, and has remained constant since. Repairs between 1991 and 1994 would explain the increased rating.


Deck Geometry Appraisal (SIP reference is included as Attachment #8) – The overall rating for deck geometry includes two evaluations. The first evaluation criterion is the curb-to-curb or face-face of rail bridge width and the second evaluation criteria is the

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Engineering Group, Inc.

1805 N. Mill Street, Suite L – Naperville IL 60563 – 847.551.5050 – fax 847.551.1919

Landmark Engineering Group Technical Evaluation & Analysis Report Palatine Township Road District Briarwood Lane Bridge & Roadway, Palatine IL June 2014 minimum vertical clearance over the bridge roadway. applicable in this case.

The second evaluation is not

According to Table 2A, page 180 in the (SIP), the bridge

roadway with an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of 650, and an existing roadway width of 20.0’, the deck geometry rating code is assigned a value of 3. The “Structure Summary Report” also lists a deck geometry rating code of 3, which is “intolerable – high priority for correction.” This value has remained constant since January of 1986, and the only way to raise this value is to widen the bridge. Current IDOT design standards state that the minimum width for a bridge to remain in place is 30’ from face-to-face of parapets and a 22’ traveled way.

The IDOT design standards are included for reference as

Attachment #9.

Waterway Adequacy Appraisals SIP reference is included as Attachment #10. This


item appraises the waterway opening with respect to passage of flow through the bridge. The “Structure Summary Report” lists a waterway adequacy rating of 7, which is “better than present minimum criteria.” The description for a minor collector or local street with a waterway adequacy rating of 7, SIP page 196, is a “slight chance of overtopping bridge deck and roadway approaches.” See Hydrology/Hydraulics section for more information. This value changed from 8 to 7 in December of 1991 and has remained constant since. §

Approach Roadway Alignment Appraisal (SIP reference is included as Attachment #

11) – This item identifies those bridges that do not function properly or adequately due

to the alignment of the approaches. It should be noted that it is not intended that the approach roadway alignment be compared to current standards, but rather to the existing highway alignment. Based on the severity of operating speed reduction, a value is designated for this appraisal item. The “Structure Summary Report” lists an approach roadway alignment rating as a 6, which is equal to the present minimum criteria.

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Engineering Group, Inc.

1805 N. Mill Street, Suite L – Naperville IL 60563 – 847.551.5050 – fax 847.551.1919

Landmark Engineering Group Technical Evaluation & Analysis Report Palatine Township Road District Briarwood Lane Bridge & Roadway, Palatine IL June 2014 According to page 205 of the (SIP), a minor speed reduction (less than 9 mph) will be rated as a 6. This value has decreased from 8 to 6 since January of 1986. §

Railing Appraisal (Bridge Railings) (SIP reference is included as Attachment #12) – This a traffic safety feature item and is to be appraised to evaluate the adequacy in relation to current standards for the highway facilities carried by the structure. The “Structure Summary Report” lists a bridge railing appraisal-rating value at a 2, which “doesn’t meet standards.” According to the (SIP) since Briarwood Lane is not on the National Highway System, and have an ADT of less than 1,000, crash tested rails are not required. However, the bridge railing still must meet the requirements of the current AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, included as Attachment #13. All standard bridge railings currently detailed in the IDOT Bridge Manual conform at least to the AASHTO Standards Specifications.

There are two examples of a typical bridge

railing conforming to current IDOT requirements shown in Attachment #14. §

Approach Guardrail (SIP reference is included as Attachment #15) – The “Structure Summary Report” lists an approach guardrail appraisal rating value at a 1, which means there is no approach guardrail installed for this bridge. According to BLR manual section 35-3.08, shown in Attachment #16, an approaching roadside barrier (or approved terminal section) is required for all bridge rail ends closest to the flow of traffic, unless the posted speed limit is less than 25 mph. This value changed from a 2 to a 1 in January of 1996.


Hydrology/Hydraulics – The hydraulic capacity of the Briarwood Lane Bridge was analyzed utilizing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) HEC-RAS software. The triple 7’x12’ box culverts and the Salt Creek channel upstream & downstream from the bridge was modeled in HEC-RAS to determine bridge hydraulic capacity and flooding extents.

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Engineering Group, Inc.

1805 N. Mill Street, Suite L – Naperville IL 60563 – 847.551.5050 – fax 847.551.1919

Landmark Engineering Group Technical Evaluation & Analysis Report Palatine Township Road District Briarwood Lane Bridge & Roadway, Palatine IL June 2014 o The HEC-RAS results indicate the triple bridge opening passes the 100-year flow with a 709.9 water surface elevation. The top of the opening is elevation 709.7 and the top of bridge pavement surface is slightly less than elevation 711.0. o There are locations along Salt Creek where the 100-year flow exceeds the channel capacity, based on the HEC-RAS analysis; however, the bridge itself does have the capacity to pass the 100-year flow without over-topping of the roadway. The HEC-RAS data is included herewith as Exhibit #2 for reference. §

Sight Distance/Clear Zone – According the BLR manual section 35-2.02, shown in Attachment #17, the definition of a roadway clear zone is the distance beyond the edge of traveled way that should be clear of any non-traversable hazards or fixed objects. There are many factors in determining the clear zone of a roadway including: Design Speed, ADT, front and back slopes of the ditch, cubed or non-curbed roadways, location of the toe back of slope, and the presence of a horizontal curb. Without survey data of the roadway and ditches, it would be inaccurate to make a determination of the clear zone for Briarwood lane.


Traffic – By review of the traffic studies provided by the Palatine Township Road District, the roadway has sufficient capacity to handle the ADT of 670. There is not a significant amount of accidents reported on the bridge with only two since 1988. Also noted in the traffic studies, there is not a significant amount of cut-through traffic along Briarwood Lane so any need for any traffic control measures are not required.


Driveway Access – Referring back to the Approach Guardrail section, no approach guardrail is required for the bridge due to the posted speed limit of 20 mph; therefore the driveway access near the bridge is acceptable.

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Engineering Group, Inc.

1805 N. Mill Street, Suite L – Naperville IL 60563 – 847.551.5050 – fax 847.551.1919

Landmark Engineering Group Technical Evaluation & Analysis Report Palatine Township Road District Briarwood Lane Bridge & Roadway, Palatine IL June 2014 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS After the review and analysis of the existing conditions, and proposed options for improvements, my recommendation is to remove and replace the bridge with a pre-cast arch bridge, addressing all sub-standard items including the guardrail system and does not include any adjustments to the current roadway alignment based on the following; The culvert is only in “fair” condition, according to the latest “Structure Summary Report”, with section loss and cracks.

The culvert rating is important in that it is an overall

condition evaluation of the culvert. It accounts for 55% of the Sufficiency Rating of the Bridge. An adjustment in the culvert rating has a great effect on the Sufficiency Rating.

The recommended pre-cast arch bridge is much more attractive than the three culverts currently in place. Attachment #19 shows drawings of the recommended pre-cast arch bridge. The bridge deck is deficient in roadway traveled width and is a high priority for correction. Increasing the width, bringing the bridge into compliance with current IDOT standards will enhance the travel of the motoring public in addition to providing a safe means of travel across Plum Creek for pedestrians and bicyclists.

The bridge railing does not meet current standards, and we recommend the rail match compliance requirements. The new railing does not have to be crash tested; however it still must conform to current AASHTO standards. Examples of a bridge railings are included in Attachment


14. There are alternatives that can be considered for the

bridge railing that may be more aesthetically pleasing than a typical steel bridge rail, which can be found in the IDOT bridge manual.

The wood railing is much more

attractive. Our recommended heavy wood railing is included in Attachment # 20.

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Engineering Group, Inc.

1805 N. Mill Street, Suite L – Naperville IL 60563 – 847.551.5050 – fax 847.551.1919

Landmark Engineering Group Technical Evaluation & Analysis Report Palatine Township Road District Briarwood Lane Bridge & Roadway, Palatine IL June 2014

The analysis of the hydraulics of the bridge resulted in having the capacity to pass the 100-year flow without over-topping of the roadway. There were reports that the culvert walls catch debris during heavy rain and flooding conditions, which could be remedied by constructing a bridge that does not have multiple cell culvert walls. A single span bridge is the design proposed by HR Green and Contech Bridge Solutions Inc. The recommended pre-cast arch bridge would have the same open area as the three box culverts. The alignment of the roadway approaching the bridge is not centered within the Briarwood Lane right-of-way, which is not typical. It can present minor obstacles for drainage ditches, by creating scenarios where easements must be obtained from residential property owners, but otherwise nothing serious. The current radius of the roadway approaching the bridge is 200’. Referring to Attachment #18 taken from the IDOT BLR manual, the minimum radius for a roadway with a design speed of 20 mph, and no superelevation, can be calculated. Calculations for the minimum radius allowed for the approach roadway of the Briarwood Lane Bridge. The minimum radius allowed is 157’, which is less than the existing 200’ radius. The current radius is sufficient according to IDOT standards. Currently, vehicles slow down as they traverse through the turn coming from the South along Briarwood, making the vehicular speed at the bridge lower.

As evident in the traffic studies

performed by KLOA and James J. Benes & Associates, most traffic along Briarwood Lane is local with a low ADT, low truck traffic, as well as low cut through traffic. Future ADT in the next 20 years is expected to remain relatively the same. There is not a pattern of numerous accidents occurring on the bridge, as there are reports of two since 1988.

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Engineering Group, Inc.

1805 N. Mill Street, Suite L – Naperville IL 60563 – 847.551.5050 – fax 847.551.1919

Landmark Engineering Group Technical Evaluation & Analysis Report Palatine Township Road District Briarwood Lane Bridge & Roadway, Palatine IL June 2014 My professional recommendation as presented and outlined herein, is to remove and replace the bridge addressing all sub-standard items including the guardrail system, and not make any adjustments or modifications to the existing roadway alignment, utilizing a pre-cast arch bridge as outlined within the preliminary plans referenced as Attachment #


The subject report is limited to the professional opinions, evaluations and observations made based on Proposed Improvement Plan and Engineering Reports supplied by the Palatine Township Road District and other information obtained as result of Landmark’s research.

There may be other concerns or issues encountered as more information becomes available, unknown and not observable at the time of this evaluation or provided as additional studies and analysis are completed.

This Technical Evaluation and Report does not include any intrusive investigations, comprehensive design & analysis, site surveys to verify site grades and slopes of the proposed site plans, storm water management design and other typical design tasks.

I hereby certify that this report and related documents were prepared under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of Illinois.

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Engineering Group, Inc.

1805 N. Mill Street, Suite L – Naperville IL 60563 – 847.551.5050 – fax 847.551.1919

Landmark Engineering Group Technical Evaluation & Analysis Report Palatine Township Road District Briarwood Lane Bridge & Roadway, Palatine IL June 2014 Michael R. Shamsie, PE Illinois PE # 062-048066 Expires 11-30-2015

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Engineering Group, Inc.

1805 N. Mill Street, Suite L – Naperville IL 60563 – 847.551.5050 – fax 847.551.1919

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