Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association
Neighborhood News
Working Together for a GREAT Neighborhood
A PGE Neighbor’s Warning About Coyotes By Jeff June On May 13 at 9:00 pm we lost our 13 lb Yorkie to a coyote within five feet of our front door.A week later, a neighbor found her remains a few blocks away. The week of June 13th, a neighbor on North Circle Drive was out at 5 AM with her dog, and a coyote was within 10 feet of her. She scooped her dog up safely and was able to get in the house. That same week during the day, while a toddler was playing in his Inverness yard, two coyotes ran into the yard, attacking one dog and killing the other. Palatine Township is hosting a “Coping with Coyotes” seminar, presented by the Crab Tree Nature Center, at the Township Building (721 S. Quentin Rd.) on Friday, July 22, at 7:30 p.m.
Facts about Coyotes: •
Average weight: 22 to 42 pounds
Average height/length: 2226" in height /36-48" in length
Excellent swimmers
Run up 43 miles per hour for short distances Continued on page 4
Summer 2011
President’s Message As we move into summer, even with our interesting weather patterns, I am reminded that we live in one of the most beautiful areas in the suburbs. With very few exceptions the landscaping is breathtaking and the comments of visitors to Plum Grove Estates reinforce the great area we live in. Your Board is committed to contacting the residents who do not keep their property well kept and when warranted involving the appropriate Township and County agencies. Thanks to Benie Rupe’s persistence with Com Ed, power lines and a couple of transformers have been replaced and we have not had a power outage since. Another successful fishing derby— great job Dawn Amos and Cathy Reichl. Close to 100 residents enjoyed the summer kickoff party, which was moved inside due to the weather. Thanks to Lynn Meizner and Maria Pappas for organizing the event. Thanks also to Nikko Pappas for the music and to Dawn and Larry Amos for helping with set up. After hearing complaints from residents I contacted the Sheriff’s Department about the speeders on Briarwood. Commander Brzezniak arranged for added patrols on Briarwood, which has had the effect of slowing down speeders. We are all looking forward to the completion
of the bridge work on Frontage Road West. Hope you have a great summer and, as always, please contact anyone on the Board with any issues or concerns you may have. Gary Dindia PGE POA President
Newsletter Contents Presidents’ Message ..........................1 Coyotes in PGE ..................................1 Neighbor Greetings...........................3 Blue Star Banner Program................4 PGE Electronic Archive ....................4 PGE POA Meeting Minutes .............5 Fishing Derby/Kickoff Party .......6–7 Replacing Reflector Posts ...............10 PGE Summer Construction............10 2011 Dining Directory .....................11 PGE Calendar...................................12
Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association • P.O. Box 8432 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432 •
Officers and Directors President ........................................Gary Dindia Vice President and Architectural Control ...............Dave Gearhart Secretary ........................................Dawn Amos Treasurer.........................................Maria Pappas Area Control ...................................Glen Prezembel Civic Affairs ....................................Steve Sperling Membership ...................................Guy Karm Communications ............................Andrea Brennan Social and Landscaping.................Lynn Meinzer Audit ...............................................George Reichl Past President ................................Randy Mitchell
Advertising Full page ....................once/$150 Half page ...................once/$100 Quarter page..............once/$50 Eighth page................once/$25
yearly/$380 yearly/$255 yearly/$125 yearly/$60
Looking to Downsize? Need help getting clutter under control?
Contact Kelly Godawski, PGE Resident, for home organizing services covering closets, kitchens, paper, basements, garages, toys, bedrooms, or any other space you want organized! Kelly Godawski Professional Organizer 847-361-7505
Thank you to all of our advertisers! Your ad defrays the cost of producing and mailing the newsletter. Contact Andrea Brennan at 847-404-7229 or to submit an ad Contact Maria Pappas at (847) 303-3536 or to pay for your ad
Submit News and Info The newsletter is a great way to let your neighbors know about events and issues that are important to us. Please contribute newsletter information to: Andrea Brennan 340 S. Elmwood Ln. 847-404-7229 Please let us know of personal milestones that you want to share with your neighbors. Thank you! JACKET FOUND: At the Summer Kickoff Party (June 15), men's jacket. Size M, Dockers brand, tan color with brown leather collar, left hanging on the coat rack by the door. Contact Lynn at if this is your jacket. 2
Dorie Ballati toBin
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
resident and Plum Grove estates Specialist
Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association • P.O. Box 8432 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432 •
Neighbor Greetings Welcome to New PGE Neighbors Donna and Tim Corrigan, 302 N. Elmwood Ln.
The Source for All Your Painting Needs
Carl and Harumi Ichikawa, 2035 Crestwood Ln.
Painting Source
Jennifer and Jason Kaput, 2259 Longacres George and Varvara Loukopoulos, 2308 S. Westwood
x Family Owned
Jason and Carolina Morrison, 258 Briarwood Ln.
x In Plum Grove Estates
The Plum Grove Estates Welcoming Committee brings a copy of the PGE Directory and a special gift to new neighbors. Please contact Guy Karm at 847-397-5276 for more information.
Sympathy and Thoughts for Our Neighbors Condolences to the families of three longtime residents: George Zvetina, 325 S. Elmwood Ln., who died on February 22, 2011 at age 89. d Stallman, 2293 S. Westwood Ln., who died on April 18, 2011 at age 74. Kay Snow, 324 Longacres, who died on April 18, 2011 at age 94.
x Interior/ Exterior Work
Friendly, Reliable, Quality Service Call Rick Riddle for your Free Quote Today! 847-322-4534
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Coyotes, continued
Palatine Twp Begins Blue Star Banner Program
Estimated more than 30,000 in Illinois by the IDNR
Breeding: late February through early March
Palatine Township would like to show their support for PGE families of U.S. military service members by presenting them with a special banner.
Litter: 2-19 on record; 6-7 is the average litter
Food: being the largest predator in Illinois, coyotes hunt mice, rabbits, deer fawns, racoon, and domestic animals.
Some Steps to Avoid Conflicts With Coyotes •
Do not feed the coyotes.
Do not let pets run loose.
Do not run from a coyote.
Repellents or fencing may help.
Report aggressive, fearless coyotes immediately.
When a coyote fails to exhibit fear of humans, or acts aggressively by barking or growling in the yard or playground, the animal must be reported as soon as possible to the appropriate officials—usually an animal control or police officer.
The township is looking for feedback about Banner applicants who live in unincorporated areas. “We will have Supervisor Fleming present the banners to these individuals,” stated Town Clerk Lisa Moran. “We would also like to invite the Property Owner’s President/Director to attend as well.” Please contact Gary Dindia if you know a PGE family with a military service member.
Plum Grove Estates To Create Electronic Archive of Photos, Documents, and History The Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association is asking neighbors to provide photos, historical documents, and personal stories that will be part of an electronic archive. Many new residents might not be aware of the events that used to take place, such as golf outings (see photo below), a Fourth of July neighborhood parade, or the sleigh-drawn rides to the end-of-year holiday party. If you have photos featuring neighborhood social events, or if you have any legacy documents or stories, please contact Andrea Brennan at 847404-7229 or
Bethel Church Window Damaged Around June 19, a stained glass window at Bethel Lutheran Church on West Frontage Road was broken by a golf ball. “It looks as if someone was practicing their swing and then left when the window broke,” said Marv Meyer of Forest Estates Home Owners Association, who reported the damage. Several golf balls were found on the church lawn. If you have any information about this incident, please contact Marv Meyer at 847-397-9146. 4
A PGE golf outing in the 1980s. Can you name everyone in the photo? (Photo courtesy of Delores Williams)
Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association • P.O. Box 8432 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432 •
PGE POA General Meeting Minutes Wednesday, May 18, 2011 Call to Order The General Meeting of the Plum Grove Homeowners Association was called to order by VicePresident Dave Gearhart at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 18, 2011, at Plum Grove Park.
Board Attendees Dave Gearhart, Maria Pappas, Dawn Amos, Glen Prezembel, Lynn Meinzer, Andrea Brennan, George Reichl, Guy Karm, Randy Mitchell Absent: Gary Dindia, Steve Sperling
Resident Attendees Beth Prezemel Russ Haan Martin Kammerman Bruce Williams Tim Corrigan Richard Beals Madeleine Madsen Geralyn Haan Russ Haan
Don Jacobs Jeff June Nancy Lazzaroni Alice Forbes George Loukopoulos Varvara Loukopoulos Laura Broucek Dave Broucek
Special Guests:
committee is pleased to report that all such records are in good order and all assets of the Association have been reconciled to independent sources as of year end 12/31/2010. Other members of the committee are Russ Haan, Lynn Provan, and Steve Sperling.
Architectural Control Dave Gearhart reported on the following: New Approval Requests: • 340 S. Elmwood (Brennan) Project: Landscaping Approval letter issued: April 19, 2011 • 341 S. Elmwood (June) Project: Tree Replacement Approval letter issued: April 20, 2011 • 229 Park Drive (Veres) Project: Tuckpointing Approval letter issued: April 28, 2011
Wendy McKinney, Manager of Plum Grove Park Although the Early-Bird Special for the 2011 summer season has officially ended, Wendy said that the special rate will be offered today and tomorrow only to PGE residents. Those rates are $300 for a family membership, $200 for any two people in a household, and $150 for an individual. After tomorrow, all fees will increase by $50. Residents without memberships can also use the facility by paying a daily fee of $5 on weekdays, $3 on weeknights, and $8 on weekends.
Approval of Minutes The minutes of the February 16, 2011 Annual Meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Sandy Heinlein and Denise Curry
Treasurer Maria Pappas reviewed the treasurer’s report and it will be filed for audit.
Office: 847.934.5069 • Cell: 847.822.8051
Audit George Reichl reported that the Audit Committee met to examine the financial records, books, vouchers, accounts, and papers of the PGEPOA. The 819 N. Quentin Road • Palatine, IL 60067
Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association • P.O. Box 8432 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432 •
PGE 2011 Fishing Derby and Summer Kickoff Party Twenty one junior anglers from Plum Grove Estates gathered on June 4, 2011 for the annual fishing derby competition. The derby awarded three prizes of ice cream gift cards to: Michael Monaco and Angie Cornwell (most fish caught) and Sarah Reichl (biggest fish caught). Many thanks to Dawn Amos and Cathy Reichl for setting up the derby and taking photos. The Summer Kickoff Party was stormy outside but friendly indoors at Plum Grove Park. Lynn Meizner and Maria Pappas were outstanding, bringing the fun inside. Catered Productions provided a delicious meal.
Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association • P.O. Box 8432 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432 •
Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association • P.O. Box 8432 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432 •
PGE POA May 2011 Meeting Minutes, continued •
252 Park Drive (Haan) Project: Retaining Wall Replacement Approval letter issued: May 18, 2011
In Progress: None Other matters: None
Area Control Glen Prezembel reported that: • •
All lights are currently functional. He checks them weekly. He is in the process of getting bids on cobblestone repair work and repairs on the Algonquin Road fence. He is getting quotes for replacing 28 posts in the common areas that were damaged during the winter. Residents who wish to have posts replaced or added on private property may do so at the association’s price. This information will be included in the next newsletter. (Palatine Twp. accepts no responsibility for damaged posts because they are in the township’s three-foot right of way.)
Civic Affairs
Membership Guy Karm reported that the following houses have sold: •
302 N Elmwood—Janet Sheaffer to Tim and Donna Corrigan
2259 Longacres Ln—to Jason and Jennifer Kaput
2308 S Westwood—Harriet LaPenna to George and Varvara Loukopoulos
258 Briarwood—rented with the option to buy by Jack Pretto to Jason and Carolina Morrison.
Currently on the market: •
376 Oakwood
2035 Crestwood
2030 Crestwood – for rent
2102 Brookdale
2055 Brookdale
2251 Longacres
340 Circle
335 N Elmwood
vacant lot at Longacres and Frontage
Steve Sperling reported via email that:
Andrea Brennan reported:
The West Frontage Road bridge project is on schedule, but it could go on until October if there are delays.
There have been 413 visits to the website and many users are going from page to page.
The newsletter deadline is June 15.
Palatine Highway Dept. has been doing repair work on the shoulders. Residents who need their parkway or corner re-shouldered should contact Steve.
An intern will be scanning old documents and photos for online storage. Residents can contribute photos for scanning by going to
Landscaping Lynn Meinzer reported that: •
She checks the entrances every few days.
She will ask Miller Bros. to weed and pick up landscape debris more frequently.
Lynn will be pruning and trimming shrubs in the landscaping to keep their natural form.
Social Lynn Meinzer reported that she is planning the KickOff to Summer Party, which will be held on June 15 at Plum Grove Park. 8
Old Business Sanitary District—Although there had been plans to perform work on the sewer system this summer, those plans have been put on hold due to budgetary reasons. Power Outages—On April 28, Com Ed was installing new cable in backyards between N. Elmwood Lane and Park Drive. About 35 percent of the block will get new cables. (The existing cable is over 50 years old.) Another crew will install two new transformers and then hook up everything. Thanks to Bernie Rupe for his persistence in pursuing Com Ed.
Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association • P.O. Box 8432 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432 •
PGE POA May 2011 Meeting Minutes, continued New Business Coyotes—A resident on Park Drive reported that his dog was recently snatched by a coyote that was in his front yard. He reported the incident to Cook County Animal Control and Rolling Meadows and both were very helpful. A discussion followed, resulting in the following information/suggestions: •
All coyote incidents should be reported for tracking purposes.
The telephone number for Animal Control should be added to the PGE directory.
Many residents have spotted coyotes in the neighborhood, both in the morning and at night.
Do not keep pet food outdoors.
Information regarding coyotes will be in the next newsletter.
This topic will be discussed at the next general meeting under Old Business.
Thanks to Pam Adelizzi for providing handouts with information about coyotes.
NOW in
La Margarita—Very loud music until 4:00 a.m. is annoying to residents who live close by. Residents can call the police to have the restaurant charged with disturbing the peace and issued a $500 citation. Speeders—The number of speeding cars on Briarwood is increasing. Offenders include both residents and non-residents using Briarwood as an alternate route because of the bridge closing on Frontage Road. •
Gary Dindia is contacting the Cook County Sheriff’s Dept. about the problem.
Residents can report the license numbers of speeders to the Sheriff’s Dept, which is often able to ticket the offenders.
A suggestion was made to request portable speed bumps.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. by Vice-President Dave Gearhart. Dawn Amos Secretary
PLUM GROVE ESTATES Respect, friendliness and genuine appreciation. FOR MORE INFORMATION
Sean, Dispatch, Shaquay, Administration, and Freddy, Engineering, Illinois
CALL 630.806.5590
Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association • P.O. Box 8432 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432 •
Roadside Reflector Post Replacement The 4” x 4” reflector posts along the roadside in PGE are located on Palatine Township Road District Rights of Way. Installation, maintenance, removal and/or replacement of these posts in the event of damage are the responsibility of the property owner adjoining the right of way. The PGEPOA will be replacing damaged posts adjoining common areas in the next four to six weeks. Residents may have posts adjoining their property replaced at the PGEPOA price of $30 each. To participate in the post replacement program, you must provide either a copy of the plat of survey for your property, or a sketch of your lot with the locations at which you want posts installed identified on the drawing. If you provide a hand drawn sketch of
PGE Summer Construction The bridge project on West Frontage Road is on schedule despite unusual setbacks, meaning that the road might be open to traffic by the end of July, a construction supervisor said.
your lot, please include the street address on the sketch. Posts will be made of pressure treated 4” x 4” wooden stock, with reflectors installed on two sides of each post. Full payment for the posts is required in advance, but your check will be held by the PGEPOA until the work is completed. To participate in the post replacement program, send the required sketch of your property along with a check for the full amount (payable to Quality Home Rental Management, Ltd.) to Glen Prezembel, PGE Area Control Director, at 368 Knollwood Ct, Palatine, IL 60067-7717. Please be sure to include your phone number and e-mail address (if available).
PGEPOA Board approval is required BEFORE you make any architectural changes to your residence. To learn what you need for approval and to submit your plans, please contact Dave Gearhart at 847303-5274 or
The wet Spring created schedule delays. A wing wall under construction collapsed because the soil supporting the concrete was too wet and unstable.
I’m a Help Around the House! HANDYMAN SERVICE Indoor/Outdoor Installations & Repairs The bridge, walls, and approach are being constructed using steel-reinforced concrete—materials that should help this bridge last for decades.
COMPLETE GUTTER CLEANING Most Houses $50.00 (cash only)
CHRIS DENTEN 847.338.6734 A Plum Grove Estates Family Member 10
Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association • P.O. Box 8432 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432 •
PGE Dining Directory If you are hungry and live in Plum Grove Estates, you are in luck! There are restaurants featuring diverse cuisine within two miles of our neighborhood. This list will be maintained on the PGE POA Web site, If you don’t see your favorite, please send email to 1.
Absolutely Chinese, 2140 Plum Grove Rd., (847) 963-8068 Dine-in or take-out Chinese food
21. Morettis, 1893 Walden Office Square, 847-303-0123 Dine-in or takeout Italian cuisine
Bento Time, 847 Algonquin Rd., 847-397-8185
22. Morton’s The Steakhouse, 1470 McConnor, (847) 413-8771
Take-out Japanese and Korean cuisine 3.
Brother’s Ribs, 758 Euclid Ave., 847-776-7427 Dine-in or take-out American barbeque
Chicago Prime, 1444 Algonquin Rd., 847-969-9900, American steak house,
Culvers, 1410 Algonquin Rd., 847-925-8000, Dine-in or take-out lunch and dinner American fast food
Dunkin’ Donuts, 3350 Kirchoff Rd., 847-818-9675 Donuts and coffee!
Egglectic Café, 2905 Algonquin Rd., 847-577-5552 Dine-in breakfast and lunch American diner food
Einstein Bros. Bagels, 1422 Meacham Rd., 847-285-5237 Take-out breakfast and lunch American fast food
Finn McCools, 1941 E. Agonquin Rd, 847-303-5100 Irish-themed bar and restaurant
10. Five Guys, 1424 Meacham Rd., 847-519-4410 Take-out lunch and dinner American fast food 11. Frankly Yours, 1580 Algonquin Rd., 847-397-8530, Dine-in or take-out lunch and dinner American fast food 12. Fratello’s, 3301 Kirchoff Rd., 847-253-3401, Dine-in or take-out lunch and dinner American fast food 13. Great American Bagel, 3240 Kirchoff Rd., 847-797-8686 Take-out breakfast and lunch American bakery 14. Gus’s Diner, 2160 Plum Grove Rd., 847-963-4885 American diner food, 15. Hong Kong Café, 1608 Algonquin Rd., 847-397-8208, Dine-in or take-out lunch and dinner Chinese cuisine 16. Jimmy John’s, 774 Euclid Ave., 847-776-6600 Take-out lunch and dinner American fast food 17. La Charanga, 4003 Algonquin Rd., 847-496-5642, Dine-in or take-out lunch and dinner Mexican cuisine 18. La Margarita, 1626 Algonquin Rd., 847-397-7200, Dine-in or take-out lunch and dinner Mexican cuisine 19. L’Olivo, 1602 Algonquin Rd., 847-397-9900, Dine-in, delivery, or take-out lunch and dinner dishes 20. Ming’s, 1725 Algonquin Rd., 847-221-0622,
Dine-in steak house 23. Mad Mark’s Mystic Pizza, 871 Algonquin Rd. 847-397-3100 Restaurant/bar (used to be Alumni Club), 24. Morettis, 1893 Walden Office Square, 847-303-0123 Dine-in or takeout Italian cuisine 25. Noodles & Company, 1400 Meacham Rd., 847-944-8980 Dine-in or take-out lunch and dinner pan-Asian cuisine 26. Papa Severios, 2158 Plum Grove Rd., 847-577-0088 Take-out pizza and Italian cuisine 27. Papa John’s Pizza, 2158 Plum Grove Rd., 847-776-0909 Take-out pizza 28. Pizza Hut, 2101 Plum Grove Rd., 847-397-0339 Dine-in or take-out pizza and pasta 29. Red Apple, 2121 Plum Grove Rd., 847-925-8048 Dine-in breakfast and lunch American diner food 30. Russell’s BBQ, 2885 Algonquin Rd. 847-259-5710 Dine-in American barbeque 31. Quizmos, 1606 Algonquin Rd., 847-303-1544, Dine-in or take-out lunch and dinner sandwiches and soups 32. Sakura, 4011 Algonquin, 847-397-2166, Dine-in or take-out lunch and dinner Japanese cuisine 33. Sam and Harry’s, 1551 Thoreau Dr. North., 847-303-4050, Dine-in American steak house 34. Stadium, 4015 Algonquin Rd., 847-397-2440, Bar and restaurant American fast food 35. Subway, 1414 Algonquin Rd., 847-925-8600, Take-out lunch and dinner American fast food 36. Sushi Ai, 710 Euclid Rd., 847-221-5100 Dine-in or take-out lunch and dinner Japanese cuisine 37. Vishnu Vilas, 645 Algonquin Rd., 847-925-1111 Dine-in or take-out lunch and dinner Indian cuisine 38. Westwood Tavern and Tap, 1385 Meacham, 847-969-9500 Dine-in lunch and dinner American cuisine 39. Wildberry Café, 1383 Meacham Rd., 847-517-4000 Dine-in breakfast and lunch American cuisine
Dine-in or take-out lunch and dinner Chinese cuisine Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association • P.O. Box 8432 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432 •
Plum Grove Estates Property Owners Association
P.O. Box 8432 Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-8432
Plum Grove Sanitary District Mtg, 7 p.m. at Bethel Lutheran Church
12/4 PGE Holiday Party at Plum Grove Park
11/15 Plum Grove Sanitary District Mtg, 7 p.m. at Bethel Lutheran Church
11/14 Fire District Mtg, Noon, at Palatine Rural Fire Station, 35 E. Ela Rd., Inverness
10/21 Deadline to submit information for Fall PGE POA newsletter
10/19 PGE Annual Meeting, 7:30 p.m. at Plum Grove Park (Pizza at 7:00 p.m.)
10/11 Plum Grove Sanitary District Mtg, 7 p.m. at Bethel Lutheran Church
10/10 Fire District Mtg, Noon, at Palatine Rural Fire Station, 35 E. Ela Rd., Inverness
10/5 Election Slate Mailed to PGE POA Members
9/20 PGE Board Meeting
9/15 Deadline to submit nominations for the PGE POA Board
9/13 Plum Grove Sanitary District Mtg, 7 p.m. at Bethel Lutheran Church
9/12 Fire District Mtg, Noon, at Palatine Rural Fire Station, 35 E. Ela Rd., Inverness
8/16 PGE Board Meeting
Fire District Mtg, Noon, at Palatine Rural Fire Station, 35 E. Ela Rd., Inverness
7/19 PGE Board Meeting