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from May is National Physical Fitness & Sports Month, 2023
by M-NCPPC, Department of Parks & Recreation, Prince George's County
Come out an explore all the activities designed for the active aging community. Show off your moves from Belly Dancing to Line Dancing, or join us as we celebrate Cinco de Mayo! From the fitness room to the dance floor, we have activities to suit everyone’s lifestyle.
Tuesday, May 2, 11 am-1 pm
Step it Up & Just Move!
Join the Harmony Haller’s Senior Club for an important discussion on bone health and safe exercises for seniors. The afternoon includes various demonstrations, mini-fitness classes, onsite orthopedic specialists, and other fun activities.
Ages 60 & up; FREE Harmony Hall Regional Center harmonyhallrc@pgparks.com
Thursday, May 4, 10-10:45 am
Senior Spin Class
Join us for a FREE spin class that is sure to decrease stress, burn calories, promote a healthy heart, and build mental strength.
Ages 60 & up; FREE Hillcrest Heights Community Center hillcrestheightscc@pgparks.com
Thursday, May 4, 10-11 am
Line Dancing for the Ages
Join us for this FREE line dancing event during National Physical Fitness & Sports Month. Have fun dancing, socializing, and getting fit with our awardwinning line dance instructor Denise!
Ages 60 & up; FREE Palmer Park Community Center palmerparkcc@pgparks.com
Thursday, May 4, 1-3 pm
Hola! Let’s Celebrate Cinco de Mayo! Have fun learning about Mexican culture and heritage! Discover how to make two healthy Mexican dishes, have fun playing games, and get your heart rate up with livevly music.
Ages 60 & up; FREE Camp Springs Senior Activity Center campspringsseniors@pgparks.com
Monday, May 5, 10-11 am
Fitness: Seniors, Intermediate
Exercise at your own pace! We offer this fun, medium paced, low-impact fitness class designed to help you reach and maintain good physical health. Build relationships, self-confidence, awareness, and lift your mood in this active course.
Ages 60 & up; FREE Cedar Heights Community Center cedarheightscc@pgparks.com
PARKS DIRECT: 17531-212A
Friday, May 5, 11 am-1 pm
Line Dance: Seniors, Beginner
Step it up! Get your steps in learning the latest nightclub line dances in this beginner level course that builds from simple to more complex dance patterns! Line dancing is easy to learn patterns of repeated steps done as a group in rows. Improve your fitness, social life, and feel great while moving to energetic music!
Ages 60 & up; FREE Southern Area Aquatics Rec Complex saarc@pgparks.com
PARKS DIRECT: 23501-275C
Monday, May 8, 1-2:30 pm
Line Dance: Adults, Beginner
Step it up! Get your steps in learning the latest nightclub line dances in this beginner level course that builds from simple to more complex dance patterns! Line dancing is easy to learn patterns of repeated steps done as a group in rows. Improve your fitness, social life, and feel great while moving to energetic music!
Ages 18 & up; FREE Huntington Community Center huntingtoncc@pgparks.com
PARKS DIRECT: 23407-235B
Monday, May 8, 3-4 pm
Balance & Stretch: Seniors
Balance your workout routine while stretching the entire body. This workout is designed to improve flexibility training and reduced risk of injury.
Ages 60 & up; FREE Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Ctr laurelbeltsvilleseniors@pgparks.com
PARKS DIRECT: 17543-246M
Thursday, May 11, 6:30-7:30 pm
Belly Dancing: Seniors
Dance the exotic! Discover the beautiful and graceful art of belly dancing. Enjoy improved flexibility, upgraded core strength, and boosted self-confidence as you learn a basic stance along with moves for the hips and upper body. Sign up today and shimmy your way to fitness!
Ages 60 & up; FREE Harmony Hall Arts Center harmonyhallarts@pgparks.com
PARKS DIRECT: 17522-203A
Monday, May 15, 10-11 am
Aerobics: Seniors
Stay active and proactive in maintaining good health. Aerobics is a great way to improve your oxygen capacity and to feel refreshed. Build endurance and flexibility. Enhance your fitness level. Register with us and enjoy moving to fun music which will give you joy.
Ages 60 & up; FREE Cedar Heights Community Center cedarheightscc@pgparks.com
PARKS DIRECT: 17521-212J
Monday, May 15, 10 am-12 noon
Exercise: Seniors
Do you want to improve the quality of your life through physical activity? Let’s get moving! Staying active helps to keep your mind sharp and body strong. Join us for a fun, balanced, low impact exercise class. Make friends and boost your mood with other seniors excited about being healthy.
Ages 60 & up; FREE Langley Park Senior Activity Center langleyparkseniors@pgparks.com
PARKS DIRECT: 17517-244D
Wednesday, May 24, 10 am-2 pm
Senior Health and Fitness Day
Get your body moving and engaged at the 2023 Senior Health and Fitness Day! Come out and enjoy activities including Zumba, line dancing, bingo, Drum ‘n Tone, swimming, a spin class, chair massages, wellness screenings, art, and more.

Ages 60 & up; FREE Southern Area Aquatics Rec Complex saarc@pgparks.com
Thursday, May 25, 12:30-1:30 pm
Fitness Boot Camp: Seniors
Designed with you in mind, this is a program of lesser intensity than a traditional exercise boot camp but as powerful in results. Extend your range of motion, lower blood pressure, maintain healthy weight, and elevate your mood in a supportive environment of seniors serious about good health.
Ages 60 & up; FREE John E. Howard Senior Activity Center johnehowardseniors@pgparks.com
PARKS DIRECT: 17511-239D