All Point Bulletin December 2016

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December 2016

Make your gift-giving meaningful, page 8



Got concerns about the border? See page 6

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Food bank needs our help to help out, page 10

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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas... Fire chief proposes forest fire-fighting ATV By Meg Olson Point Roberts fire commissioners gave their unanimous support to maximizing their tax revenue with the goal of aggressively building up reserves. “I’m very concerned about taking our dollars in reserve and getting low,” said commissioner Shannon Tomsen at the fire district’s November 9 meeting. The total amount of tax dollars the fire district will levy in Point Roberts for 2017 will be $566,598, not including increases due to new construction, up 2.5 percent from the 2016 levy. Taking an increase of 1 percent in their levy for 2017, as allowed annually under state law, plus taking the taxing capacity they have saved from previous years when they did not take that increase, commissioners will increase their levy by $13,942 next year. Under Chief Christopher Carleton’s projected budget, $13,704 of that will go into district reserves. Unused funds from the 2016 operational budget will also go into the reserve accounts. With other revenue coming to $20,700, this brings the department’s 2017 revenue to $587,398. Financial manager Patty Merkel reported at a November 4 budget workshop that the district has two reserve accounts. The operational reserve balance is currently at $260,000 and the district’s goal is to maintain the fund at a level to cover six months of operating expenses so the department could continue to provide services if its revenue from taxes were interrupted. The capital reserve fund currently stands at $216,000. Carleton is projecting a need for $91,000 in capital expenditures in the remainder of 2016 and 2017. Identified items include urgently needed vehicle repairs, renovations to the sleeping quarters at the fire station, an onboard computer for the ambulance and an all-terrain (See Fire, page 2)

s Get your holiday spirit into high gear with a visit to the Blue Heron Gallery on Gulf Road!

Library levy fails to reach 60 percent approval B y P a t G r u bb Despite numerous polls and pundits predicting that Hillary Clinton would become the first woman President of the United States, Republican insurgent Donald Trump won a decisive number of electoral college votes to become the next leader of the free world on January 20, 2017. The iconoclast businessman helped down ballot Republicans get elected to solid majorities in both the Senate and the

House of Representatives for full control of all three arms of the federal government for the first time since 2008. Trump got scant help from Point Roberts with only 29 percent of voters giving him the nod for the White House. In contrast, 57 percent of Blaine and Birch Bay and 45 percent of Whatcom County voters picked the golden-haired businessman to make America great again. Closer to home, the Point Roberts Parks and Recreation District levy to complete

Marina resort plans to consult with community By

Meg Olson

The Point Roberts Marina Resort is touching base with the county and the community for feedback about their vision for the future of the marina properties. On October 27 marina representatives met with county staff for a pre-application meeting. “This was an opportunity for the applicant to learn the rules and regulations that will apply to their project,” said county planner Amy Keenan. The techni-

Photo by Louise Mugar

cal review committee has prepared a list of findings that will guide the marina as it develops project applications. Wayne Knowles, vice president of development for the marina, said he will now start reaching out to groups in the community to present their development plans and get their input. The marina’s master plan, dated November 4, outlines ambitious and long-term plans for the 37-year-old facility, focusing on improvements to the 60-acre basin and

new facilities on the 100 acres of upland property. Improvements to the basin are already underway, replacing the old wooden docks with aluminum ones, improving fire protection and creating longer slips to meet demand. “There are more big boats now and those boaters want proper facilities,” Knowles said. The first upland area slated for (See Marina, page 3)

funding to renovate the Julius Fire Hall into new quarters for the library has been defeated. As of November 16, Yes votes totaled 406, or 55.2 percent, versus No votes of 329, a shortfall of 35 Yes votes. The measure required a 60 percent approval in order to pass. In all, 735 voters entered ballots locally. The Friends of the Point Roberts Library board intend to meet in (See Election, page 13)


Inside Church ............................................. 16 Classifieds ......................................... 17 Coming Up ....................................... 14 Library ............................................. 18 Opinion ............................................... 4 Seniors ............................................. 18 Tides ................................................. 16

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