April 2015
Check out the design of the new library, page 5
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Commissioners An apple a day... agree to bump radio budget By Meg Olson A new study that gives a clear picture of the communications challenges faced by members of the local fire department has prompted fire commissioners to raise the limit on a spending fix. At their March 11 meeting fire commissioners unanimously approved increasing fire chief Christopher Carleton’s spending authority for communications improvements from $50,000 to $70,000. “It’s not a small amount of money and we do have it in our capital reserves, but if we don’t have communications we don’t have emergency services.” The recent radio study, prepared by Palidor radio communications consultants for NW Communications, compared reception on the Point under the current system, in which signals come from the top of Galbraith Mountain to pagers and radios used by department members, to the proposed new system that would put antennas on the Whidbey Telecom tower. A series of graphics showed poor coverage in red and yellow, and good coverage in green. With Point Roberts firefighters’ portable radios sending a signal to dispatchers through the Galbraith site, three quarters of Point Roberts came up red or yellow, which Carleton called “basically dead spots.” Carleton said department members on scene at an emergency either will not reach dispatchers or “if we do, they won’t understand us,” hampering requests for backup, calls for a helicopter and consultations with physicians. The more powerful radios in the department vehicles have a better chance of clear communications, but coverage on the northwest side of the Point is still poor. With a signal from dispatch to activate firefighters’ pagers coming through the Galbraith site, the picture was a little better, but not good, with half the Point red (See Fire, page 2)
s Local musician and singer George Wright, accompanied by Brewster’s Fine Foods owner Richard Procter, entertained diners at the recent cider tasting dinner held at the restaurant. Story, page 10.
Photo by Louise Mugar
Tower opponents looking to replenish legal chest By Meg Olson As the Cross Border Coalition to Stop the Radio Towers heads into round three in their opposition to a proposed tower farm on the corner of Tyee Drive and McKenzie Way, they are rallying the troops. “We need people to come out to events, we need people to donate,” said coalition member Jennifer Urquhart. At the March 10 meeting of the Point Roberts Community Advisory Commit-
tee (PRCAC) Arthur Reber reported on the latest move by BBC Broadcasting Inc., which has applied to build the array of five AM radio transmission towers. The county hearing examiner first denied the company’s application because the towers did not meet height restrictions and no exemption to those rules exists in county code. Whatcom County Council upheld that decision and the applicants have now appealed it to Skagit County Superior Court. “They are using the Land Use Petition
Legislative push appears to run out of gas By Meg Olson Legislation to loosen up how Point Roberts and other border towns can spend their gas tax dollars appears to be stalled in the state legislature, and members of the Point Roberts Community Advisory Committee (PRCAC) are urging people to write to their elected representatives. For the past two years, PRCAC, along with the taxpayers and voters associations, has been pursuing a small change in state code that could allow a more flexible use
of the funds for more than just “road construction and maintenance” and would include a wider range of transportation-related projects. At the top of the group’s list is a late-afternoon bus from Blaine schools so local students can participate in team sports and other extracurricular activities. “This would really be fantastic for those kids and families,” said PRCAC chair Joel Lantz. Blaine school district doesn’t have the funds for the bus but has agreed to run it
if the county-collected Point Roberts gas tax could be used, according to Point Roberts Taxpayers Association president Mark Robbins. Currently the tax is collecting approximately $8,000 per month, said former PRCAC chair Arthur Reber, and approximately $750,000 is in the Point Roberts Transportation Benefit District (TBD) fund. The cost for the school district to make the bus available and operate the (See Gas tax, page 6)
Act which allows them to say the use of the land is being inappropriately interpreted by Whatcom County,” Reber said. “The process is long, it’s painful and it’s expensive.” While Whatcom County attorneys will defend the council decision as the appeal moves forward, Reber said the coalition was determined to have their own attorney (See Towers, page 3)
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Church ............................................. 15 Classifieds ......................................... 17 Coming Up ....................................... 14 Crossings ............................................ 2 Obituary ........................................... 18 Opinion ............................................... 4 Seniors, Library ............................... 18 Tides ................................................. 12
All Point Bulletin • April 2015
Fire ... From page 1
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or yellow. “Any time we have volunteers in those areas we’ll have a high probability of missing those pages,” Carleton said. When signals were sent from test antennas taken to the top of the Whidbey Telephone tower in Point Roberts, “we have no coverage loss,” Carleton said. “All of Point Roberts is green.” Carleton is now working on agreements to allow Point Roberts to effectively create its own communications system working with a series of other agencies. “Our goal will be to microwave over to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in Blaine. That gets microwaved to Sumas Mountain, then to Washington State Patrol where it goes by fiber optic to Prospect dispatch, which is for fire and emergency medical services. This all happens in milliseconds,” he said. Timing will depend on how long it takes to get those agreements in place. “This is all on paper. We haven’t purchased any equipment; all we’ve paid for is the studies,” which cost $2,000, Carleton said, adding, “The first domino is the agreement with DHS and that could take months.” Initial discussions with DHS have been positive, he said. The system as designed is projected to
cost $50,000, but an additional $12,000 is needed to add equipment in the dispatch center that will be dedicated to the Point Roberts system. “That was an unexpected cost,” Carleton said. Another unexpected cost could come if an agreement cannot be reached with DHS, in which case a larger and more expensive microwave dish would be needed, pushing project costs up to $90,000. While commissioners were unanimous in supporting an increase in the project budget, they also asked Carleton to scale back on other proposed expenditures, like added security for the Benson Road fire station. “If it’s station security versus radios, we have to go with radios,” said Stan Riffle. Carleton agreed. “Station security is off my radar. This is my top priority.”
Crossings >>>
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April 2015 • allpointbulletin.com
Towers ... From page 1
present to ensure “a vigorous defense,” given his track record with the hearing examiner and county council. “We are not going to stop fighting the construction of these towers,” Urquhart said. “The coalition is definitely in it for the long haul, but we continue to need the help of both communities.” To pay for the next round, Urquhart said the coalition is looking to raise an additional $75,000, and several informational and fundraising events are coming up. On March 31 at 7 p.m. at the Tsawwassen United Church a town hall meeting will feature updates on the legal battle and new information about the possible impacts of the towers, if built. “We have someone who will speak on the effects of electromagnetic radiation,” Urquhart said. Coalition members will also be encouraging people to visit their website at notowers.webs.com to learn more and make a donation to the legal fund. In June, the group is holding an art and travel auction at the Harris Barn in Ladner to raise money for legal bills, and is looking for donors. “The coalition is seeking donations of all kinds of art – paintings, prints, sculpture, tapestries, photography and even wearable art – to auction off with six impressive travel prizes,” Urquhart
said. Donors can contact Beth Gunderson at bethgunderson@gmail.com. At the recent PRCAC meeting, chair and voters association president Joel Lantz said the association was also planning a fundraiser to help fill up the coalition’s war chest, to be announced at their upcoming annual general meeting April 9.
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All Point Bulletin • April 2015
All Point Bulletin The All Point Bulletin is published each month by Point Roberts Press Inc. Total circulation is 9,000 copies including home delivery in Point Roberts and Tsawwassen, subscriptions and distribution to retail establishments on the Point. The opinion expressed by contributors is their own and is offered for the general interest of our readers. Mail and classified ads should be addressed to:
All Point Bulletin P.O. Box 1451 Point Roberts WA USA 98281
Publisher & Managing Editor Patrick J. Grubb Associate Publisher & Advertising Manager Louise H. Mugar News & Features Editor Meg Olson Copy Editor Kara Furr Creative Services Ruth Lauman, Doug De Visser Advertising Sales Catherine Darkenwald, Molly Ernst Janet McCall Contributors In This Issue Peg Keenleyside, Kris Lomedico Barbara Wayland Administrative Services Amy Weaver Founding Editor Glennys Christie Business & Editorial Office Phone: 360/945-0413 Fax: 360/945-1613 Email: sales@allpointbulletin.com
Visit us online at:
www.allpointbulletin.com Printed in Canada • Vol. XXIX, No. 12
Letters Policy The All Point Bulletin welcomes letters to the editor; however, the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Letters must include name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters must not exceed 450 words and may be edited or rejected for reasons of legality and good taste. A fresh viewpoint on matters of general interest to local readers will increase the likelihood of publication. Writers should avoid personal invective. Unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Requests for withholding names will be considered on an individual basis. Thank you letters should be limited to ten names. Only one letter per month from an individual correspondent will be published.
Please email your letter to: letters@allpointbulletin.com P.O. Box 1451, Point Roberts, WA 98281 Fax: 360/945-1613
Next issue: April 24 Ads due: April 17
Letters To The Editor The Editor: The date and time for the annual general meeting (AGM) of the Friends of the Point Roberts Library (FOPRL) has been selected: April 25, 4 p.m., at the community center. It will be four years since the members decided to pursue a major fundraising campaign to renovate the old fire hall next to the community center and thus to provide Point Roberts with a new and adequate library for its community members’ needs. After four years, FOPRL has achieved 501(c)(3) status with the IRS and has raised $436,000. Although this does not fully fund the new library, it is enough for us to begin taking further steps in the building/renovation process. At the AGM, I will present plans for final funding; Judith Wolfman will detail the work of the community design committee in creating the final plans for the building and David King, the architect hired by the Point Roberts Park and Recreation District to complete this project, will show in a 3D-flyby video what our new building will look like. Books with plates of many different views will be available for members to work their way through. Getting these final plans has been one of the highlights of the last few months; another has been the $27,000 gift from the McEachern Foundation of Seattle. Two other private foundations in Seattle have also previously contributed to our new library: the Norcliffe and Archibald foundations. One of the problems of living in an exclave is the inherent feeling that nobody quite knows or cares about us, but here is living proof that people know and care, and have demonstrated that by providing solid assistance in achieving this community goal. Other “points of light” in 2015 have been the Michael Munro concert at the Trinity Lutheran Church in February, and the estate sale in early March, as well as the quilt group’s Crazy Quilt raffle and the bagel brunch at the March 21 Spring Market. Each is a gift by a community member or members to this wonderful new library that is coming to us soon. And, finally, in what we hope will provide dozens more points of life, we have conducted a special mailing to about 150 Point Roberts property owners who have not yet contributed in hopes that they will join the almost 1,000 other donors to this project. It is a community library, and it has taken and will take a community to create it. Judy Ross Point Roberts The Editor: The concerted effort to stop the AM radio tower array in Point Roberts is not over, not by a long shot. Several levels of appeal are still open for BBC Broadcasting to take and they are, apparently, planning on using them. The Cross-Border Coalition to Stop the Towers won a significant victory last month when the Whatcom County Council voted unanimously to uphold the hearing examiner’s decision to deny BBC the permit to build the tower array. The coalition has now won both rounds and this is cause for celebration but the battle is far from won. On March 5, BBC’s lawyers filed an appeal of the county council’s decision. The filing was entered under LUPA (“LandUse Petition Act”) on the grounds that the hearing examiner erred in his determination that zoning codes limited the height of structures on Point Roberts (including radio transmission towers) and that county council erred in concurring. The appeal will be heard in Washington
Superior Court in Skagit County. This venue move is common in zoning and landuse cases. Appellants, seeking to increase their chance of winning, hope for a more favorable outcome where the case has gotten less publicity. The appeal process is complex, has many layers and will take many months. The initial hearing is scheduled for midApril. After that there will be a series of filings from both sides with the actual court date expected in mid-fall. While this appeal is working its way through the courts the coalition is continuing its efforts in Washington, DC to deny BBC Broadcasting its license renewal and continuing to work with various Canadian agencies to redress the impact this tower array will have on the residents of Tsawwassen and Point Roberts. These legal proceedings are expensive. The Skagit County case will probably cost as much as the appeal before county council did. But the coalition is in this fight for the long-term. The battle is over the health, well-being and quality of life of the 23,000 residents of a vibrant, international peninsula. It is focused on the vital interests of local businesses, churches, civic organizations, schools and homes on both sides of the border. The coalition continues to need help from the Tsawwassen - Point Roberts community. There will be a town hall meeting on Tuesday, March 31 at 7 p.m. at the Tsawwassen United Church on 53rd Street, where attendees will learn about the legal process and get information about two upcoming fundraisers. This meeting will also share important new information on the impact of the towers on our two communities. Additional information is available at notowers.webs.com. Donations may always be made there as well. Arthur Reber Point Roberts The Editor: Tourism provides over 5,000 jobs in Whatcom County. Birch Bay parks, hotels and restaurants account for some of those. Another 2,300 jobs come from fishing, fish processing, boat building and repair. I don’t know how many jobs are farm-dependent but the number is significant. Farmers and fish rely on clean, reliable water for survival, as do we all. The proposed 640-acre Gateway Pacific Terminal (GPT) at Cherry Point will employ 257 people. GPT’s permit application to the Whatcom County PUD grants a daily average 5.33 million gallons of Nooksack River water until 2042. Water will be sprayed on the 2.5 miles of open coal piles, preventing dust from blowing onto Birch Bay homes and BP Refinery instrumentation. The highest demand for water will be in summer when farmers, fish and homeowners are most dependent on the already stressed Nooksack source. More than 8,500 people reside in Birch bay year-round with a summer population up to 24,000. Eighteen coal trains, each 1.5 miles long, will enter and leave Birch Bay and Custer daily, along with one or two oil trains. We are presently adjusting to the echo noise of oil trains, but it would become a 24/7 din with coal trains.
Modern coal ships are over 1,000 feet long and will share Cherry Point with oil tankers. Herring beds, fishermen, salmon and orcas won’t survive the daily arrival of foreign ships with invasive species carried on hulls and in ballast water or escaping coal toxins. New business grows steadily between the Bellingham Airport and Ferndale. Blaine added border crossing, dairy, supply and freight-dependent jobs. Whatcom County is growing new jobs. GPT will cost existing jobs in fishing, tourism, farming and home values. Alice Brown Birch Bay The Editor: GPT proponents try to fool us into thinking that the coal export terminal would be harmless; they say it wouldn’t hurt our environment. The ads and spokesmen say GPT would be “state-of-the-art;” it would have “zero percent emissions,” and GPT would have “no odors, dust, or dirt emitted that are detectable beyond the property line.” But anyone with basic common sense knows if you put an uncovered pile of a substance like coal on the ground, some of it would be carried away by wind and rain – it would have emissions. GPT will put 2.5 miles of six-story high, uncovered coal stockpiles completely exposed to the wind and rain on the ground at Cherry Point. Wind, rain and tidal currents would spread GPT’s toxic coal dust through air and water to our bays and beaches, to our communities, our homes, our gardens, our food and our lungs. While GPT proponents try to fool us with these ludicrous claims, GPT’s official permit application on file in Whatcom County says that uncovered coal stockpiles generate windblown dust and GPT’s techniques for trying to control coal dust emissions would consist of “…perimeter soil berms, regular pavement sweeping and/or application of chemical surfactants,” and spraying the coal with up to 1.9 billion gallons of our Nooksack River water annually. That’s water we need for farms, fish and drinking. And while GPT proponents say it would be harmless, GPT’s permit application says GPT’s potential impacts include “degradation in water quality, impacts on spawning fish populations and shoreline and tidal impacts,” and GPT could “impede tribal or commercial fishing success or tourism.” We the people of Whatcom County depend upon the shared natural treasures provided by our beautiful environment – clean air, land and water. We’re not fools. We won’t permit GPT to destroy the natural treasures that our lives and livelihoods depend upon. So SSA Marine, Montana and Wyoming – please keep your coal, cover your own homes with it, breathe it or eat it. Here in Whatcom County we prefer to keep and eat our salmon. Paula Rotundi Blaine The Editor: What’s all the hoopla? A marvelous new service, free from your local library, for up to 12 movies a month! It is so easy to sign up using your library card. Go to hoopladigital.com and start enjoying free movies, music and audio books with no late fees. One more good free thing from your library! Kris Lomedico. Point Roberts Library branch manager
Please send letters to editor@allpointbulletin.com
April 2015 • allpointbulletin.com
scheduled flights to Bellingham!
s The library design advisory committee and community guests watch a 3D “flythrough” video of the current preliminary design. Photo by Ed Park
Avoid Border Lineups! Make your connecting flight on time.
See the new library
The community will find out what the 2030 Benson Road new library will look like when the project architect comes to Point Roberts for Hours: the Friends of the Point Roberts Library’s 2030 Benson Road annual meeting. Monday 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. Hours: David King will be at the April 25 meet2030 Benson Road Tuesday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. ing to present a three-dimensional flyMonday 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. Hours: Daily, Scheduled, Charter, Freight and Scenic Flights. through of the Julius fire station renovaThursday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. tion into a new library. Plates of different Tuesday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Serving the San Juan Islands, Seattle, Port Angeles, Canada and other NW destinations! views will help community members viTuesday 9 a.m. –from 5 p.m. **Closed 12-1 p.m. Thursday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. sualize the new facility and how it could Thursday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. enhance library services. **Closed from 12-1 p.m. Call 945-2580 **Closed from 12-1 p.m. Judy Ross, head of the library’s fundraising committee, will share recent sucCall Call 945-2580 For945-2580 info & appointments cesses in meeting the $500,000 goal. So For info & appointments For info & appointments far the group has raised $436,000, much of it through community donations and Visit our website: www.pointrobertsclinic.com 15-week CSA program runs mid-June - September. Visit our website: www.pointrobertsclinic.com local fundraisers. A recent $27,000 grant Visit our website: www.pointrobertsclinic.com Contact: homegrown@pointroberts.net from Seattle’s McEachern Foundation has The Point Roberts Clinic is The Point Roberts Clinic is Limited spots available. joined grants from the Norcliffe and ArOwned by the Point Roberts Owned by the Point Roberts Public Hospital District The Point Roberts Clinic is chibald foundations. District OwnedPublic by the Hospital Point Roberts Still in the works is a $130,000 request Public Hospital District All Local All Organic All Year through Senator Doug Ericksen from state capital funds to complete the funding.
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All Point Bulletin • April 2015
New U.S./Canada agreement to speed up crossings By Steve Guntli The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Public Safety Canada have reached a new agreement that could reduce wait times at the border. On March 16, DHS secretary Jeh Johnson and Canadian public safety minister Steven Blaney signed a preclearance agreement that will expedite land, rail and sea travel through the border. The deal would allow U.S. and Canadian border agents to work in each other’s countries. This would allow agents to prescreen travelers at locations away from the border, easing congestion at crossings. Under the new arrangement, agents would also be able to carry firearms in the neighboring country. The new arrangement is part of the U.S.-Canada Beyond the Border deal, signed by President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Stephen Harper in 2011. Beyond the Border is intended to increase security on both sides of the border while making it easier for people and trade goods to pass between the countries. “Today is a major achievement that will produce significant benefits for the United States and Canada,” Johnson said. “This agreement will help facilitate the legiti-
mate trade and travel that keeps our economy thriving as we maintain utmost vigilance to the security of our borders.” Preclearance measures are already in place in eight Canadian airports. Travelers can clear customs before they board a plane and skip the long checkpoints in U.S. airports. Beyond the Border has been delayed by some legal and technical problems. In 2012 both countries missed a deadline for a legal agreement that would allow law enforcement agents to operate inside the neighboring countries. Congresswoman Suzan DelBene, a representative for Washington’s first district, was present at the signing, and hailed the move as a big step forward. “Reducing border wait times will encourage even more Canadians to cross into our great state, supporting our local economy,” she said. “This will be a big win for the first district going forward.” DelBene discussed the preclearance issue during a recent visit to Whatcom County. On March 12, DelBene met with border experts from Washington and B.C. at a round-table discussion on border policy at Western Washington University (WWU). The discussion, hosted by
WWU’s Border Policy Research Institute, focused on ways to make the border more efficient and reduce wait times, especially for those doing cross-border business. The discussion covered ideas ranging from preclearance to implementing a higher-level NEXUS card or visa for travelers who frequently cross the border for business purposes. “The goal here is to make sure we have a strong economic border,” DelBene said. “I keep hearing, ‘How can we simplify or make things easier at the border? How can we streamline?’” The countries still have a few hurdles to jump before the preclearance agreement signed on March 16 can be implemented. The impacts on the program’s budget have yet to be finalized, and participation with private companies that manage bus and train lines still needs to be negotiated. Additional legislation is also required on both sides of the border, which could be a lengthy process. At present, no timeline is in place for when the new program will be implemented, but DHS representatives say they are hopeful the legislation will go before the current congress. (Additional reporting by Ian Ferguson.)
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s The Tiny Art Show at Auntie Pam’s Country Store raised over $800 for local charities including Dollars for Scholars. More than 60 people attended the March 14 event, enjoying appetizers and a sampling of organic Belgian chocolate. Over 50 pieces of miniature art, from paintings to sculptures, were sold at the event. Photo by Ed Park
Time for students to apply for Dollars for Scholars awards The website for the Point Roberts chapter of Dollars for Scholars is now up and running, said Linda Hughes on Thursday, March 26. She announced students will be able to apply for Point Roberts scholarships as well as others listed on the Scholarship America website. Dollars for Scholars is a national organization that provides opportunities for high school students to apply for and receive scholarships for college tuition. Local students can go online to pointroberts.dollarsforscholars.org and create their own profile. Applications for the Point Roberts chapter are due May 15. For additional information email pointrobertsdfs@gmail.com.
Gas tax ... From page 1
service is estimated at $25,000 annually. “This year they wrote up the bill, they got the sponsors, it went to the transportation committees of both chambers, and then it just kind of got stuck,” Robbins reported at the March 10 PRCAC meeting. “It’s such a simple bill. It doesn’t hurt anybody, it doesn’t change a tax; it simply gives the TBD more flexibility.” Robbins said it was especially frustrating because with county council endorsing the proposal and the Whatcom Council of Governments providing the services of their lobbyist to promote the change, it was simply legislative inertia keeping the bill from moving forward. “The problem is the support is waning and it’s sort of fizzling out,” he said. “Write your elected representative,” Lantz said. State senator Doug Ericksen is sponsoring the Senate bill and can be reached at doug@senatorericksen.com. Freshman representative Luanne Van Werven is sponsoring the bill in the House of Representatives and can be reached at luanne.vanwerven@leg.wa.gov.
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s Mallard ducks visit Ladybug Nursery on a rainy spring day. Photo by Darlene Gibbs
April 2015 • allpointbulletin.com
s Tenor Allan Marter and Esther Rosenthal on piano perform Irish songs in honor of St. Patrick’s Day at the March 13 senior’s lunch at the Gulf Road Community Center.
Please phone or e-mail to reserve your space or to get more info.
Photo by Catherine Hilgrove
s Rhinoceros horns were among the seized items entered into evidence during the trial against Tony Guan. Photo courtesy U.S. Department of Justice
Dealer in endangered wildlife parts sentenced to jail By Steve Guntli A Canadian man accused of smuggling rare rhinoceros horns out of Point Roberts has been sentenced to 30 months in jail. On March 25, Xiao Ju “Tony” Guan, 39, from Richmond, B.C. faced a federal judge and received his sentence. Guan was the subject of a lengthy sting operation, part of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s Operation Crash program. Authorities have been monitoring Guan’s activity since March 2014. He was arrested in May 2014 and pleaded guilty in November. “Wildlife smuggling is a transnational crime that knows no borders and requires an international response,” said assistant attorney general John C. Cruden “Cooperation between the United States and Canadian law enforcement was crucial to cracking this case.” Guan, owner of Bao Antiques in Richmond, was arrested in New York City, along with a female accomplice who acted as his interpreter. Guan had arranged to purchase two rare black rhino horns from undercover U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agents for $45,000. After making the purchase, Guan asked the agents to drive him to a nearby package delivery store so he could mail the horns to an address in Point Roberts, approximately 17 miles from his
home in Canada. Guan told the agents he had accomplices in Canada who used the Point Roberts location frequently to smuggle animal parts. After he was arrested, Canadian authorities searched Guan’s store and seized several items carved from endangered elephant ivory and coral. Nine items were determined to have been smuggled in from the United States. Some were shipped directly to Canada and others to the Point Roberts address. In addition to the contraband animal parts, authorities found approximately 50,000 ecstasy pills in the store. In addition to the prison term, U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain ordered Guan to forfeit wildlife items found during a search of his business. Calling it “a very serious offense,” Judge Swain said Guan “helped to feed a hot market for these goods” and said his conduct “feeds demand for the slaughter of rare and already endangered species.” Black rhino horns are in high demand on the black market, particularly in Chinese and Southeast Asian communities. Horns are used for ornamental carvings or are sold in powdered form as a cure-all. A single black rhino horn can fetch up to $25,000. All species of rhino are protected under U.S. and international law, and under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.
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All Point Bulletin • April 2015
P a & ntry l e u F 360-945-7611 1557 Gulf Rd.
Across from the Post Office
WE ARE NOW OPEN Hours: Open 7am-11pm 7 days a week For your
e n i w d n a r e e needs. fuel, dairy, b s Andrew Grubb tending the garden at the Point Roberts Homegrown Co-op. The co-op is now taking reservations for its 15-week CSA program. Participants will receive a basket of freshly picked organic vegetables each week from mid-June to September. To learn more, go to prhomegrowncoop.com. Photo by Meg Olson
In The Garden By Peg Keenleyside
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The Ontario government recently announced that effective this July, it will introduce the first regulatory restrictions on neonicotinoid pesticide use for agricultural application in North America. “Neonics,” as this group of chemical-based pesticides are commonly called, were introduced in the 1990s and have now been definitively linked to high death rates in commercial honeybees, as well as a range of harmful effects in native bee species, bumblebees, birds, butterflies and earthworms to name a few. Gardeners and organic farmers are celebrating the good news, the first in a while for a beleaguered environment where bees and other animal pollinators have the critical human food security task of pollinating about 60 percent of the world’s crop plant species. The list includes the majority of the world’s fruits, many vegetables, seed crops and animal feed plants. Recently published meta-analysis studies of global scientific research tell us that neonic insecticides – among other toxic outcomes for pollinators – affect bees’ brains, compromising their ability to forage, learn and remember navigation routes to and from food sources, according to the Task Force on Systemic Pesticides Report in 2014. Imidacloprid, a widely used name brand neonic, is currently used as a seed treatment on 95 percent of U.S. corn and canola crop seed, the majority of cotton, sorghum and sugar beets and about half of all soybeans. It’s also being used on many North American fruit and vegetables, including apples, cherries, peaches, oranges, berries, leafy greens, tomatoes, potatoes, cereal grains, rice, nuts and wine grapes. Neonics – mostly in the form of foliar spray – are widely used in the ornamental plant industry as well, and home gardeners
are advocating for change in this practice. A recent Vancouver Sun article notes Art Knapp’s Plantland is one of the first large nurseries in B.C. to tell their suppliers they are responding to consumer demands for “neonics-free” home gardens and will no longer sell plants treated with Imidacloprid or other neonics. Gardeners and food security advocates have also been campaigning for pollinator animal survival by encouraging the planting of bee-friendly and other pollinator-feeding plants wherever possible, from industrial wasteland sites to highway roadsides to vacant city lots. It’s been called “guerilla gardening,” and you can find out what kind of seeds and plants will attract and feed pollinators by visiting feedthebees.org. We can also actively advocate for pollinator survival by introducing a few mason bees to our backyards or properties this month. Orchard mason bees are small, non-stinging, non-honey-making bees native to North America that pollinate fruit trees and early season crops. Just a dozen or so of these hard-working creatures can pollinate thousands of blossoms in your neighborhood. Keeping mason bees is an amazingly easy and kid-friendly practice and begins with setting up a small nesting box with paper nesting tubes alongside a small group of bee cocoons in a sunny sheltered spot in your garden. Find out more about getting started with mason bee keeping by visiting West Coast Seeds in Ladner, where you can also buy mason bee cocoons, or by visiting the beekeeping information page on their website, westcoastseeds.com. For a U.S. mail-order mason bee-keeping kit, visit the Oregon-based Orchard Bees at orchardbees.com.
April 2015 • allpointbulletin.com
MARCH-MAy 2015
School Calendar
MARCH 28 - PTO sponsored Community Egg Hunt, 1 p.m. at Point Roberts Primary
ApRil 1 – Library/Beach field trip 2 - Field Trip to Blaine Elementary to see BPS/BES drama production, “Ananzi!” 6-10 – NO SCHOOL, Spring Break 14 - Sally Roberts here for art; PTO Meeting at the school, 6:30 – 7:30, childcare provided 15 – Principal Dr. Craig Baldwin here, time TBD 21 – Sally Roberts here for art 24 – Pizza lunch sponsored by the PTO, kindergartners join us at 11:45 a.m. 27 – LATE START at 11:10, bus on late start schedule, kindergartners join us at their regular time 28 - Sally Roberts here for art 30 - Annelle Norman here for a nutrition review MAY 1 - Donations accepted for the PTO garage sale. Please bring them to the school between 1:30 and 4:00 p.m. on school days 4 – NO SCHOOL, Learning Improvement Day 5 – Sally Roberts here for art; PTO Meeting at the school, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m., childcare provided 6 – Library/Beach field trip 7 – Annelle Norman here for nutrition 11 – Principal Craig Baldwin here 12 – Sally Roberts here for art 19 – Sally Roberts here for art 23-24 – PTO Garage Sale at Point Roberts Primary, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. 25 – NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day 26 – Sally Roberts here for art 29 – Pizza lunch sponsored by the PTO, kindergartners join us at 11:45 a.m.
Last summer, our family embraced a wonderful opportunity to make Point Roberts our permanent residence after serving on the foreign mission field in Honduras for nearly nine years. The youngest of our six children, Carlton, began attending third grade at the Point Roberts Primary School last September. Traditionally a home-school family, Point Roberts Primary was the most extraordinary find. It transports you back to a time of the one room school house, where every child is attended to in a remarkable fashion according to their specific needs. Children are able to work comfortably at their particular level without necessarily being placed in the confines of a single grade. This is much like the atmosphere of being homeschooled, providing the opportunity for children to excel. Mary Edgley is a truly devoted teacher overseeing the individual education of each child along with the assistance of Deb Wilkowski, and Tracy Kelly, as well as many community helpers that come and share their expertise in different arenas. Carl, who had struggled in many areas, is coming along nicely under their tutelage. Not only is the faculty exceptional, but the PTO with its many volunteers has overwhelmingly blessed my heart. They have outdone themselves this year with organizing and orchestrating special events and programs for the children and community. Personally, I have never seen any school operate in such an exuberant fashion. I can’t say enough positive things about Point Roberts Primary School. It is truly the jewel in the crown of Point Roberts. My only regret is that the education of children does not continue pass the third grade here on the Point.
e t i r e d r Bo t r o p e R
Point Roberts Primary • 945-ABCD (2223) 2050 Benson Rd, P.O. Box 910 • Point Roberts, WA 98281
Brought To You By The Blaine School District
Editor, Deb Wilkowski I would love to hear your comments or feedback. Send to: borderitenews@blainesd.org
PrinciPal’s CORNER by Craig Baldwin, Principal Point Roberts Primary & Blaine Elementary
With Spring Break just around the corner our students are busy with a variety of events at Point Roberts Primary and the Blaine School District. On April 2 Point Roberts Primary students will visit Blaine Elementary School and watch a student performance of Ananzi. Blaine Elementary and Primary student-actors take center stage playing a variety of roles. A big thanks to director Shari Akers who, with the support of staff and parents each year, produces such wonderful dramatic performances highlighting the talent of our kids. What a great opportunity for our students! Over the past couple of weeks I’ve had the pleasure to visit Point Roberts Primary on three separate occasions. During my visits I’ve had a chance to spend some time with staff and students. It’s been fun to see them at work and play! One of my favorite moments was a student-initiated debate about a management system used in the classroom. The kids were so excited to voice their opinions, taking opposing positions and seeking to influence classroom management systems through persuasion. One other visit occurred on March 23 for the Blaine School District school board meeting. This is an annual event and highlights the important role Point Roberts plays in the overall composition of the Blaine School District. My next visit to Point Roberts is planned for Wednesday, April 15. Finally, between the months of March and May, Blaine schools will administer Smarter Balanced Assessments to our 3rd through 8th and 11th grade students. These are Washington State Assessments, which measure the new Common Core Standards. Students will test on computers this year and individual students will only take tests on approximately four days of this window of time. Testing will include English language arts (ELA) and math. This means that only the 3rd graders at Point Roberts Primary will take the test this year. Prior to the start of testing, Mary and Deb will be in communication with families about the testing schedule. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have about these state tests. Happy April everyone!
Teacher’s CORNER by Mary Edgley Our 3rd grade students have worked so hard this spring on their book report projects that I wanted to share them with you. This is the second book report this year and all of the 3rd grade students were required to read a biography. Students were given three options for presenting their book reports and at least one student chose each of the different options. As you can see from the pictures, three of the students chose to build a diorama. These students were asked to create a scene that represented their book in a meaningful way. They were expected to develop a written summary of the book and to explain why the scene they created was important to the story. Students were then asked to present their work to the class. I was so impressed with the dioramas and the oral presentations. As you can see from the photos, students did an incredible job of demonstrating their understanding of their books. It’s nice to have a way to show you what an amazing group of students we have here at the Point. Students who did not want to create a diorama could choose to either develop a comic book that represented the biography they had read, or to write a script for a play based on a meaningful scene from their book. The one student who chose to write a script was then able to direct a live performance of the scene for the class. Students were each given a scoring guide specific to the type of book report they chose to develop and were asked to rate their work on each of a number of quality indicators. As their teacher, I used the same scoring guide to score their work. The students and I then each met individually to compare our ratings and determine their final scores. All of the students should be proud of the quality of work they completed; I sure am.
by Sandra Almond, PTO President
Again this year, on Memorial Day weekend, May 23/24 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., the PTO will be hosting our Giant Garage and Bake Sale. We will be collecting donations for the garage sale at the school in May. If you’re doing some spring cleaning, put aside those garage sale-worthy items. We’ll be happy to take your items beginning May 1. See you in May.
Time to register for Kindergarten!
Thank you for your continued support!
PTO Garage Sale - May 23 & 24 at Point Roberts Primary School • 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Check out our district website! www.blainesd.org
10 All Point Bulletin
• April 2015
s Masses of herring eggs were laid on the shores of Point Roberts in recent weeks. Photo by Richard Swanston
There has never been a better time to ...
Get To The Point
s Bruce Wright, l., and Peter Stuart explain the ins and outs of cider to an appreciative crowd at Brewster’s on March 17.
Photo by Louise Mugar
“... as enjoyable to play as it is to look at.”
An evening of cider, food and music
-- Vancouver Sun
B y A l e x G r u bb While much of the country was celebrating March 17 by wearing green and knocking back hefty Irish brews, a friendly crowd of locals and out of towners gathered at Brewster’s Fine Foods and enjoyed a night of farmhouse ciders paired with a delectable dinner. The cider dinner held on St. Patrick’s Day at Brewster’s pleased the cider aficionados and convinced the non-believers. I was indifferent to the taste of cider until I tried the farmhouse ciders that were skillfully paired with the plates prepared by the chefs.
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The evening featured fine ciders from four farms, spanning three different countries. Two cider makers, Bruce Wright of J.K. Scrumpy’s and Peter Stuart of Thistly Cross from Scotland introduced each of the ciders along with eight dishes. Both comedic and informative, the cider makers explained the origins and process behind their cider and even revealed the truth about the commercial cider that many drink. For example, I learned that most cheap cider is made from concentrated apple juice from China. The food was scrumptious, from the selection of hard cheeses to the cooked-to-perfection pork tenderloin. At the end, we enjoyed a sweet yet sophisticated dessert ice cider. Ice cider is made by harvesting apples at their peak ripeness, storing them until the first frost, juicing them and freezing the cider outdoors for 6-8 weeks. The concentrate left over after thawing is fermented and bottled as ice cider. Along with mouth-watering food and ciders, Point Roberts local George Wright delighted the room with his singing and guitar playing. (Speaking of which, the folks at Brewsters are planning live music on Thursday nights, so stay tuned for details.) The evening was filled with laughter and “ooohs” and “aahhs” as the drinks and the food kept coming. The event reinforced the importance of small communities and locally produced food and drink grown organically and sustainably.
on stands may 2015
April 7 • May 5 June 2 • July 7
April 2015 • allpointbulletin.com
Satpal Sidhu appointed to council By Ian Ferguson Whatcom County Council voted 5–1 to appoint Satpal Sidhu as the district 2 representative left vacant following the resignation of Sam Crawford. The appointment is valid until the general election this fall. In a phone interview, Sidhu said he was “excited and a little bit humbled,” to have been chosen for the seat. “I think my approach will be to listen to the needs of the community and make common sense decisions to support job growth, environmental protection and simplifying government,” Sidhu said, going on to highlight the importance of agriculture in Whatcom County. “People are always surprised when I tell them we are one of the highest berry-producing counties in the United States. We have a lot of berry production, but fairly minimal processing. There could be an opportunity to bring in business and create jobs. These are things that should be explored, because agriculture is an important feature of our local economy.” Sidhu, Kathy Kershner and Jim Cozad applied for Crawford’s seat, which he vacated in January citing a work promotion. Councilmembers Carl Weimer, Ken Mann, Rud Browne, Barry Buchanan and Pete Kremen voted for Sidhu. Councilmember Barbara Brenner said she voted for Cozad because of his commitment not to run in the general election. Whatcom County Republicans issued a press release expressing their disappointment that Sidhu was chosen instead of Kershner, a Republican who served four years on the council. The release said Crawford was a Republican-endorsed candidate who was voted to the position four times in a row, and as such his replacement should also have been a Republican. “Why then has the current county council gone against the will of the people and given the district 2 seat to a liberal Democrat who did not win the vote of the people in district 2 in his bid for state representative in 2014?” the statement reads. Whatcom County elections are historically non-partisan. Sidhu took exception to being labeled a “liberal Democrat,” and said he would be able to represent the wants and needs of the district he has lived in for 30 years. “I really defy this labeling of people,” Sidhu said. “The same person may make a ‘liberal’ decision one day on one certain topic, and a ‘conservative’ decision the next day when faced with a different issue. Our values should be, make a common-sense argument and let’s weigh the merits of that
argument, instead of this political rhetoric pitting liberals against conservatives. It’s not good for the country.” Sidhu lives in Lynden and has worked as an engineer, business owner and a dean at Bellingham Technical College (BTC). While working at BTC, Sidhu helped create a degree program that trains local students for high wage jobs in local refineries and manufacturing industries. He also owns two businesses – The Spice Hut, a teashop in Bellingham that he co-owns with his wife Mundir Sidhu, and LyndenBerry, a company that exports berries to Asia. In 2014, Sidhu was the Democratic candidate for district 42a of the Washington House of Representatives. He received 44.3 percent of the vote but lost the election to Republican Luanne Van Werven, who garnered 55.7 percent of the vote. County councilmember Ken Mann, who voted to appoint Sidhu to the vacant seat, said Sidhu’s business background was a major draw. “I’m excited to have the benefit of his business experience on the council,” Mann said. Sidhu said he intends to run for a council position in the fall election. “The new county jail and water rights are some of the issues that will be facing the council fairly soon. As an engineer with construction experience, I think I will bring a valuable perspective to help the council deal with some of these issues,” Sidhu said.
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s Satpal Sidhu speaks at council. Photo by Steve Gundli
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12 All Point Bulletin
• April 2015
S An early March morning on the Salish Sea as viewed from the south Lily Point lookout. Photo by Pat Grubb
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Tides at Point Roberts DST Not For Navigation 49° 0’ 0”N - 122° 46’ 0”W
Time Height Time Height
We 1
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Th 2
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Su 26
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April 2015 • allpointbulletin.com
Welcoming the arrival of
pring S s Three girls Sophie Wolfman, front, and Ava and Sophie Tupper try their hand at weaving. Photo by Meg Olson
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s Candy Harper, l., Sandy Holland and Jane Donaldson were part of the crew of quilters that put a quilt together during the event.
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Photo by Meg Olson
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s A wide selection of local creations drew crowds of shoppers who also enjoyed a bagel brunch. With donated bagels and fixings from SaveOn Foods and the International Marketplace, the brunch raised $375 for the new library construction fund. Raffle tickets were also on sale for an antique crazy quilt. The raffle is ongoing and Rose Momsen is selling the tickets until $1,000 is raised for the new library. Photo by Meg Olson
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14 All Point Bulletin
• April 2015
Coming up ... Events Community Egg Hunt: Saturday, March 28, 1 p.m., Point Roberts Primary School. Children under age 10 can hunt for eggs. Free.
ity Tree Care
945-0842 LICENSED
Cross-Border Coalition to Stop the Radio Towers Town Hall Meeting: Tuesday, March 31, 7 p.m., Tsawwassen United Church, 693 53rd Street. Learn the latest on the legal battle, current options and financial stats and about two upcoming fundraising events. Info: notowers.webs.com. Maundy Thursday Service: Thursday, April 2, 7 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. Good Friday Service: Friday, April 3, 11 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. Info: 945-7105. Brewster’s Wine Tasting: Friday, April 3, 6–7 p.m., Brewster’s Fine Foods, 1379 Gulf Road. Info: 945-4545. Easter Service: Sunday, April 5, 11 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. Info: 945-7105. Trinity Community Choir and St. David’s Community Choir Sing ABBA: Friday, April 10, 7 p.m., St. David’s Anglican Church, 1115 51a Street, South Delta. The combined choirs sing a selection from ABBA’s hits. Info: 945-7105. Antique & Collectibles Evaluation Event: Saturday, April 11, 11 a.m.–4 p.m., Bellingham Senior Activities Center, 315 Halleck Street, Bellingham. Bring trading cards, books, antiques, sports collectibles and antiques and get the scoop on their worth and turn them into cash. $6 per item evaluated or $15 for three. Food available for purchase. Info: 733-4030. Capilano Flute Choir: Sunday, April 12, 3 p.m., Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. Professional flutist and professor Brenda Fedoruk, conductor of the 17-piece flute choir, will be returning with this popular group in their fourth appearance. Info: 945-7105. Cowal-Earle Duo Present “Vignettes of Canada”: Saturday, April 25, 3 p.m., Trinity Community Lutheran Church, 1880 APA Road. Brilliant clarinetist Shawn Earle performing pieces from his doctoral recital for UBC accompanied by Rory Cowal. Info: 945-7105. Throwback Thursdays: Thursdays, Brewster’s Fine Foods, 1379 Gulf Road. Live music upstairs. Info: 945-4545. Sunny Sunday Flea Market: Every sunny Sunday, 11 a.m., Auntie Pam’s Country Store, 1480 Gulf Road. Vendors need not register. Space is by donation to the new library fund. Info: 945-1626.
Scheduled Meetings/Ongoing Events Quality Craftsmanship Custom Work
PR Garden Club: Wednesday, April 1, 7 p.m., community center. “Homegrown 101: Getting started in the vegetable garden,” with Kristin Crouch.
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PR Taxpayers Association: Monday, April 6, 7 p.m., community center. The public is welcome. Info: Mark Robbins, 945-1357.
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ALAN RICHARDS (360) 945-2672
PREP (PR Emergency Preparedness): Tuesday, April 7, 7 p.m., community center. Info: Henry Rosenthal, 945-1711, Virginia or Ed Lester, 945-2827. PR Hospital District: Wednesday, April 8, 7 p.m., community center. PR Fire District 5: Wednesday, April 8, 4 p.m., 2030 Benson Road. Info: 945-3473. Point Roberts Registered Voters Association AGM: Thursday, April 9, 7 p.m., community center. Town hall format with guest speaker Whatcom County Executive Jack Louws. Info: prrva.org. PR Park and Recreation District: Monday, April 13, 7 p.m., community center. Friends of the Point Roberts Library (FOPRL): Tuesday, April 14, noon–1 p.m., Point Roberts Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Info: 945-6545. PR Water District: Tuesday, April 14, 5 p.m., 79 Tyee Drive, Suite A. PRCAC (PR Community Advisory Committee): Tuesday, April 14, 7 p.m., community center. Info: 945-5075. PR Historical Society: Wednesday, April 15, 7 p.m., community center. Info: historicalsociety@pointroberts.net. Friends of the Point Roberts Library AGM: Saturday, April 25, 4 p.m., community center. Learn about final plans for funding and design of the new library building.
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Cemetery District: Tuesday, April 28, 5 p.m., 260 Tyee Drive. PR Chamber of Commerce: Tuesday, April 28, 7 p.m., community center. Kindergarten Registration: Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Point Roberts Primary School, 2050 Benson Road. Your child is eligible to enter kindergarten for the 2015-2016 school year if he/she is turning 5 years old on or before August 31. To register your child you need a copy of your child’s birth certificate and updated immunization records. Info: 945-2223. Point Roberts Clinic Hours: Mondays 11 a.m.–6 p.m.; Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 a.m.–5 p.m., 2030 Benson Road. To make an appointment, call 945-2580. Free Taxi to Bellingham: Every Tuesday. Call 676-7433. Pick-up at Cordata. Info: 945-1640. Point Roberts Library Hours: Tuesdays, 1–7 p.m., Wednesdays and Saturdays, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Info: 945-6545. Knits and Crafts at Point Roberts Library: Tuesdays, 5–7 p.m. Knitting, crocheting or other yarn crafts. Practice, advice, chat and hot drinks. For adults and grades 8–12. Info: 945-6545. Wackie Walkers: Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesdays, 8 a.m., Lighthouse Park. Call for Thursday location. Info: 945-1934. Preschool Storytime: Saturdays, 10:30–11 a.m., Point Roberts Library, 1437 Gulf Road. Stories, songs and more for ages 3–6. Families encouraged to attend. Info: 945-6545. Point Roberts Writers Group: First and third Saturdays, 2–4 p.m., community center. Info: 945-6545.
April 2015 • allpointbulletin.com
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Your Canadian purchases are PST & GST exempt when shipped through a bonded carrier to the U.S. s West side of town, looking east from the dock in the early 1900s. The town was platted by Horace Brewster, an early pioneer. The George and Barker Store, r., the present site of the Breakers. Waters Mercantile and the Point Roberts Post Office, George H. Waters, Postmaster, are across the street. In the background is the town hall, built in 1902, and was the Grange Hall for many years (next to Cafe Cappana). Other buildings in town were the Bayview Hotel and Saddlerock Chop House. The George and Barker Cannery sat on the present site of the Reef Tavern. This photo and others are available for sale at the Blue Heron Gallery.
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s Randy Larson, l., Peter Homenuk, Linnea Gibbs and Ted Downey, of Trombones al Fresco performed at Trinity Church on March 22.
Photo by Lucy Williams
Church News B y B a r ba r a W a y l a n d Easter this year falls on the first Sunday of April. A total of four services will be held at Trinity to mark this most important time on the church calendar. The first will be Palm Sunday on March 29 at 11 a.m. Palm Sunday celebrates the return of Jesus to Jerusalem and will begin with a procession into the church. The Maundy Thursday service is April 2 at 7 p.m. and commemorates the Last Supper. On Good Friday, April 3 at 2 p.m., the crucifixion of Christ is contemplated, and Easter on April 5 at 11 a.m. celebrates the resurrection. Father Chuck Cannon will officiate on Palm and Easter Sundays, Jean Barrington will officiate on Maundy Thursday and Pastor Emeritus Ernie Loreen will lead worship on Good Friday. Please join us. Days are growing longer, helped along by the onset of Daylight Saving Time. This always feels like being given more hours in a day and most of us begin to look for more to do. The Trinity Chamber Series is ready to help fill that need with three wonderful concerts this month. On Friday, April 10 at 7:30 p.m. the Trinity Community Choir joins with St. David’s Community Choir in a concert of ABBA tunes. Unlike the rest of the series, this concert takes place in Tsawwassen at St. David’s Anglican Church, 1115 51a
Street. This is an evening the whole family will enjoy. On Sunday, April 12 at 3 p.m. we have the Capilano Flute Choir. This is the fourth appearance of this very popular group. They play a wide range of music and appeal to all listeners. This is the choir’s 21st season. Director Brenda Fedoruk is principal flute with the Vancouver Opera Orchestra and a member of Vancouver’s esteemed Turning Point Ensemble. She is on the faculty of UBC, VCC, Capilano University, Douglas College and the Vancouver Academy of Music. This highly regarded group performs throughout Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. Finally, on Friday, April 25 clarinetist Shawn Earle returns to Point Roberts. Pianist Rory Cowell will accompany him in a program of all Canadian composers titled “Vignettes of Canada.” You will not want to miss hearing these talented musicians. Spring is the season of new growth and renewal. Many of us spend our spare minutes in the garden, clearing out the old and planting new. This is a good time to think of doing that with life in general, leaving behind habits that hold us back, renewing contacts we have let lapse and forgiving old grudges. Have a happy, prosperous and productive spring!
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16 All Point Bulletin
• April 2015
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By Meg Olson Brothers Robert and David Li’s introduction to Point Roberts was the same as it is for many who choose to visit from Canada. They were picking up a package. “We buy a lot of things in the states and it’s ridiculous waiting in line,” said Robert. “We wanted to think of some way to remove the inefficiency.” What they did was start In Out Parcel at 145 Tyee Drive, a building the brothers had purchased in 2013 as an investment property. After spending too many Saturdays lining up at the border, then standing in line in the rain at a parcel service, then lining up again to return home to Vancouver, “We came up with the idea of opening our own parcel place so at least we didn’t have to wait to pick up a package,” David said. “Line-ups for parcel pickup can be excruciatingly long, especially during weekends and major holidays.” The problem of long lines plagues all traditional parcel places, David said, because with an employee at a computer terminal locating and retrieving a package and collecting fees, it takes minutes per customer, and there are usually no more than a few terminals at each business. By automating
parcel pickup, minutes are shaved to seconds and, with more than 2,000 lockers, In Out Parcel can promise parcel retrieval in 30 seconds or less. “Everything is automated,” Robert said. “It’s extremely quick. Kind of like a bank machine.” Clients set up an account, prepay their fees and have parcels shipped to their account number. When the parcel arrives at In Out, the client is sent an email with a pin code. That code will allow them access to the building and to locate and open the locker that contains their parcel. “It’s available 24 hours a day,” Robert said. The business also offers traditional counter service during staffed hours, “for people who like to talk to a person,” but Robert said 90 percent of their volume goes into the lockers. Robert said in addition to enhancing customer service, they also thought of community impacts when making the decision to automate. “We are offloading a lot of trips to the night, so it impacts traffic,” he said, especially on Saturday, the day that most people can make it during traditional business hours to pick up a package. To learn more about In Out Parcel and its services, or to sign up, visit inoutparcel.com.
Voter AGM to feature county exec By Meg Olson Whatcom County Executive Jack Louws will be the featured speaker at the upcoming annual general meeting of the Point Roberts Registered Voters’ Association. “We did this the year before in a town
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hall format and it was very well received,” said association president Joel Lantz. “We have invited him to come up and discuss any issues that come up as important to the community. This is something we are planning to do every year to get some face time with the county executive.” The meeting will start at 7 p.m. at the Gulf Road community center. Following the open forum with Louws the group will elect board members, with the positions of two veteran board members coming vacant: Ruby White and Connie North. White was one of the founders of the association. “Her term is up and I guess she’s served her time!” Lantz said. Lantz added association members would also announce details of a golf tournament scheduled for July 25 as a fundraiser. The association hopes to make it an annual event as a community fundraiser and this year the beneficiary will be the Cross Border Coalition to Stop the Towers legal defense fund.
April 2015 • allpointbulletin.com
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SHARE BRIGHT 3-BR, 1-1/2 BA house, great kitchen, 2 living rooms, 2 decks, yard, carport, Gulf Road. $440/mo. includes utilities. Gary@ BrightHorizon.net or phone or text 719-659-5075.
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18 All Point Bulletin
• April 2015
Time stops for no man or woman By Meg Olson Point Roberts is old and getting older, and some residents are trying to make it easy for older community members to stay in their Point Roberts homes. “Point Roberts could very well be in for what I call a slow emergency,” said Annelle Norman, who is working with Chris Cameron and Dina Boykiw to start Circle of Life, a cooperative that would put together caregivers and those who need care. Norman pointed out the 2010 national census found more than half of Point Roberts residents are over 55. The median age on the Point is 52.7 according to census results, more similar to Palm Springs, California (51.6) than to the rest of the state of Washington (37.3). Friday Harbor, which shares similarities with Point Roberts in terms of both its isolation and its appeal to retirees wanting to get away from it all, has a median age of 41.3. It also has hospice care and long-term care facilities, which Point Roberts does not. Fire chief Christopher Carleton has been working for a year with the hospital district and organizations in the county to decrease the isolation of seniors in Point Roberts. “This is a huge issue for our seniors,” said Natalié Davidson with the Point Roberts Clinic, as they become less and less able to access services in the county. “I’m trying to incorporate telemedicine into what we and the clinic can provide,” Carleton said. He is currently in discussion with a cardiology group in Bellingham that serves 20 patients in Point Roberts about the possibility of online video chat appointments, using telemedicine to “give
them that face-to-face with their physician.” He is also investigating the possibility of some specialists making regular visits to the Point. “Our demographics are definitely older. My end goal is to open up more avenues of specialty providers to the community,” Carleton said. Carleton also said he was looking at ways medically trained department members could help. “We want to get our medical providers out in the community meeting medical necessities outside of 911,” he said. He is working with Whatcom Hospice to help them have more consistent contact with their patient in Point Roberts. “We could make sure they are OK and meet any acute needs,” he said. “We’ve been working to establish cooperative ties between the hospital district, the fire district and these outside providers.” While response to a Circle of Life survey has been small, Norman said respondents overwhelmingly would like to stay in their homes as they age. “Many of them are here without family close by and concerned about their need for in home care and their ability to pay for it,” she said. In addition to transportation, key concerns from survey respondents were help with housekeeping, yard work, lifting and grocery shopping. With more survey participation Norman hopes they can develop a clear picture of needs and work on how to meet them. “If we don’t tackle this issue as a community we could soon have a huge challenge on our hands,” she said. The surveys can be found here: for prospective caregivers, surveymonkey.com/ s/3VR2L6C and for prospective in-home care recipients, http://svy.mk/1HMc7bo.
Nordic Construction New/Remodel Construction Roofing Siding Concrete Decks Fence Jared Hanson
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Library Picks K RIS L O M EDI C O Bestsellers: The Gospel of Loki . . . Joanne Harris A God in Ruins . . . . . Kate Atkinson Rock with Wings . . . Anne Hillerman A Quiet End . . . . . . Nelson DeMille Movies: Bad Works . . . . . . . Jason Bateman Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles . . . . . . . . Megan Fox, Will Arnett Short Term 12 . . . . . Brie Larson, John Gallagher Jr. Poetry . . . . . . . . Lee Chang-dong Music: Lazaretto . . . . . . . . . . Jack White Ultimate Hits . . . . . . . . Bob Seger Smash . . . . . . . . . Patricia Barber True . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Avicii Teens Reborn . . . . . . . . . . Jennifer Rush The Vault of Dreamers . . . . . . . . . . . Caragh M. O’Brien Breaking Stalin’s Nose Eugene Yelchin Kids: Breathe . . . . . . . . . Scott Magoon Fish in a Tree . . .Lynda Mullaly Hunt Farm . . . . . . . . . . . Elisha Cooper
Richard (Dick) Page December 19, 1916 – March 23, 2015 It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Dick Page, 98, of Langley, B.C. on March 23. He graduated from St. Edwards High School in 1934 and went on to work in his dad’s business, Page and Sons Construction. In 1939, he volunteered for the Royal Canadian Air Force. He was quickly recruited to be a fighter pilot instructor. He was honorably discharged from the service at the end of WWII and went back to his family’s construction business. Dick was predeceased by his two sons, Richard Jr. (2003) and Jerry (1999). He is survived by his loving wife Sylvia and stepsons Darren, of Point Roberts and Jamie (wife Tina and children Nicholas, Anna, Matthew) of Ferndale. Dick developed a tremendous love for Point Roberts during his vacations with his family at Boundary Bay in the early 1920s. From that time forward, Point Roberts always held a special place in his heart. Dick loved visiting with family and friends, telling joke after joke, to the delight of all. He also enjoyed singing and had a wonderful voice. He was an extremely talented carpenter, and built homes from San Francisco all the way up to Fort St. John. Named after two British kings, Dick lived up to their bravery and courage to live life to the fullest. He was loved by all and will be greatly missed. Funeral arrangements are being made through Alternatives Funeral Services in Aldergrove, B.C. A private service for family will be held at a later date.
Hours: Tuesday 1–7 p.m., Wednesday and Saturday 10–5 p.m. wcls.org
Senior’s Point Events
fo r
Open 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays 9 a.m.: Pool, coffee and snacks. Noon: Hot lunch 1 p.m.: Wednesdays, Bridge Fridays, cards and games. Wednesday, April 1: Taco salad, cornbread and fresh fruit. Friday, April 3: Roasted chicken, roasted red potatoes, peas and carrots, spinach salad and fresh fruit. Wednesday, April 8: Asian chicken salad, veggie egg roll and fruit. Friday, April 10: Lemon pepper fish, roasted potatoes, steamed broccoli, spinach salad and fruit. Wednesday, April 15: Macaroni and cheese, Italian sausage link, carrot coins, cucumber salad and fruit. Friday, April 17: Veggie lentil soup, grilled cheese sandwich, garden salad and fruit. Wednesday, April 22: Shepherd’s beef pie, green beans, garden salad and fruit Jell-O. Friday, April 24: Teriyaki chicken, brown rice, Asian veggies, Asian sesame slaw and mandarin oranges. Wednesday, April 29: Turkey meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, garden salad and peach slices.
Blaine, Birch Bay & Point Roberts FEBRUARY 2015 DESCRIPTION HOUSES ABOVE $500,000: 1- story house with 1,943 s.f., 1,338 s.f. finished basement, 3 BR, 2 BA, built in 2005, 948 s.f. garage, 1,571 s.f. deck, 512 s.f.; good marine and territorial view.
5668 Nakat Way, Blaine
Stairs are now open to the public
April 2015 • allpointbulletin.com
Point RobeRts PRoPeRties
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ChRIs hughes s Lily Point Park visitors can now walk a long loop from the park parking lot, down the trail to the beach, west along the seaside and up to the now-open-to-the-public stairs at The Cottages at Seabright Farm. Photo by Pat Grubb
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20 All Point Bulletin
• April 2015
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UPDATED DAILY! View color photos, listings and complete information of all properties for sale.
Renovated 4 BR, 3.5 BA. Gourmet kitchen, living room, large family room, bonus room, 2 fireplaces. Master with luxurious ensuite. Views of Boundary Bay.
Two lots totaling 1/2 acre (130x162) located on Cliff Road. Sloped land, very private and possible city, mountain and water views when cleared.
407 West Bluff. 3BR, 1BA. $429,000 490 MoosE trail. 3BR, condo. 1400 s.f. $139,000 2155 fir1.5BA, st. $129,000
1615 Edwards Dr. 3BR, 2BA 1,836 s.f. $869,000 #10 - 1726 Edwards. 2BR, 2.5BA. 1541 s.f. $299,000
Benson Rd. 5 acres.
1363 Gulf Rd. 3BR, 2.5BA. $399,000
Cedar Park cleared with septic 71x110 .......................................$43,900 Boundary Bay Rd. septic & water 80x100 ...................................$49,500 Victoria Way. 70x130 ...................................................................$21,900 South Beach Rd. 114x178 (.47 acre) ............................................$48,900
If you’re serious about purchasing at the “Point” do yourself a favor and visit our office for a complete list of everything for sale in the area and also check out our website for general information, color photos, maps and full property search function.
Quality Built
125 Park dr. 3BR, 2.5BA. 2400 sq. ft. 753 Walters Lane. 2BR, 2BA. $649,000 $379,000
d Re
1917 ProvinCE. 2BR, 1.5BA, Chalet, built 2012. $259,000
viEw HoME
.83 Acre lot backing onto the Point Roberts Golf South side lot in covenanted area with great Course. This is a very private, sunny and low traffic water & island views. Sunny 90x135 lot affords area. Site is cleared with septic, power, water. plenty of room for building area and large yard. Ready to build. Septic permit being issued.
210 Mark Drive. Backs onto golf course. $249,000 490 MoosE trail. 3BR, 1.5BA, 1400$249,000 s.f. $139,000 611 Crystal BEaCH rd. condo. 3BR, 1BA.
1363 Gulf rd. 3BR, 2.5BA. Built 2005. 609 Highland Dr. 3BR, 2BA. 2000 s.f. $529,000 $360,000
1630 Edwards. 3BR view home on Marina beach.Formal $495,000 Estates.1/2 block from private 1860 wasHinGton. 3BR, 2.5BA, living/dining, 490 MoosE trail.family 3BR,room. 1.5BA,$389,000 condo. 1400 s.f. $139,000
D SOUTH BEACH - VIEW CE U ed lily Point D RE duc
2170 Alder. 2BR, 2BA condo.1400 s.f. $279,000 1469 Gulf road. 5 offices +1 BR suite. 0.85 acres. $369,000
658 Marsh Lane. 2BR on 2 lots close to beach. Immaculate. $275,000
490 MoosE trail. 3BR,lot 1.5BA, condo. s.f. $139,000 ClairE lanE at Chets Rd.1400 $58,000
James H. Julius, Broker* James Julius, Broker* James H.H.Julius, Broker*
Notary Public
Notary Public • *Successfully listing and selling * Successfully listing and selling Point Roberts real Notary estate since 1968 Public
1385 Gulf Road, Point Roberts
www.pointroberts.us IN ND
LARGE VIEW LOT overlooking Boundary Bay and Mountains. $34,900
BOUNDARY BAY PEEK-A-BOO. View property just steps to Lily Point Marine Park trails Lot size is 68 x 135. $49,000
Road, P.O. Box 17 • Pt. Roberts, WA 98281 360/945-5555 • 1339 Gulf BEACH PROPERTIES
Point Roberts real estate since 1968 Point Roberts real estate since 1968 www.pointrobertswashington.com E-Mail: prprty@Whidbey.com • www.pointrobertswashington.com E-Mail: prprty@Whidbey.com • www.pointrobertswashington.com • 1339 Gulf Road, P.O. Box 17 • Pt. Roberts, WA 98281 360/945-5555 Successfully listing and selling E-Mail:*prprty@Whidbey.com
1790 Benson. Contemporary 2BR cottage. $179,000
FREEMAN BEACH 697 MARINE DR. FREEMAN BEACH 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. 697 rights. MARINE DR. $219,900 Beach 2 BR cottage at Freeman Beach. Beach rights. $219,900
1275 BROUGHTON LANE 247 BAYVIEW DR. 3BR, 2BA waterfront home facing 2BR, 3BA beautiful west side home. 1275 BROUGHTON 247 BAYVIEW $199,000. Adjoining lotLANE $35,000. $595,000 Mt. Baker. Crabtown. DR. 3BR, 2BA waterfront home facing 2BR, 3BA beautiful west side home. $199,000. Adjoining lot $35,000. Mt. Baker. Crabtown. $595,000
731 ocean view ct. 4BR, 4BA, 3,602 s.f. executive home on canal. Best buy in town. $499,000 A RARE FIND IN CRYSTAL BEACH. Large 70x104 lot just a short walk to the beach. Private beach access. $89,000
IMMACULATE COTTAGE overlooking Boundary Bay with views of Mt. Baker and the San Juan Islands. Large deck for entertaining or sun tanning. $399,000
ACRE WITH VIEW. Zoned small town commercial. 208x208. Has expired septic permit. Cleared, services at lot line $79,000
ALMOST MAPLE BEACH. 800 sq. ft. cottage on Double Lot. New roof and septic tank. Only about a 10-15 minute walk to the beach. $129,000
611 everGreen. 2BR, beautifully crafted log cabin in South Beach area. Lots of love went into this home. $299,000
LARGE REMODELED COTTAGE in a quiet woodsy setting. Price includes the subdivided lot next door giving you almost 1/2 acre. $159,000
Paul 604/968-4006
Carol 360/945-2967
Greg 604/690-1468
JOHNSON. 75calGary x 200 lot.& province 668 SOUTH BEACH RD.on 2117 ROOSEVELT. Maple Beach rD. 2BR, 1BA. Great home 722 claire lane. 2BR bungalow backs on1845 to Lily Point Park. 2BR lot. cottage 2 lots near beach. large $79,000plus as is $319,000 FP, 1920s cabin, 2 BR, wood-burning Furnished, private, excellent 1845 JOHNSON. 75 x 200 lot. 668 SOUTH BEACH RD. 2117 ROOSEVELT. Beach $200,000 2 blocks to beach.Maple $169,000 condition. $115,000 2BR cottage plus 2 lots near beach. 1920s cabin, 2 BR, wood-burning FP, Furnished, private, excellent $200,000 2 blocks to beach. $169,000 condition. $115,000
WEST SIDE. Great little home, just like new inside. Concrete septic, sunny and small yard. By appointment. $159,000
317 Marine Dr. 3BR, westside waterfront, plus casita. Across from golf course. $699,000
r WP
Marina channel lot. The last one! 98.2’ frontage. Sewer. $259,000
us nho
Gulf aire 2Br MoBile hoMe, furnished. Only $10,000. Plus serviced 50x100 condominium lot for $37,000.
huGe north slope lot.
140x190. Water meter in, site prepped. $89,000 ricCLAIRE LANE 1877 WASHINGTON 676 E 2.6 acre 2lot east Bluff. 3BR, 2BA backs onto Lily Point BR near designer home. A must-see!
542 MCLAREN RD. ree w/front and rear deck. 3BR cottage G542 WASHINGTON MCLAREN RD.Park. 676 CLAIRE LANE 378’ frontage on1877 Herring Lane, deep. $299,000 Park. Make an297’ offer! Adjacent to Lily Point 3BR, 2BA backs onto Lily Point 2 BRPotential. designer$99,000 home. A must-see! 3BR cottage w/front and rear deck. View $159,000 Park. $299,000 Make an offer! Adjacent to Lily Point Park. 1677 seyMour place. 3BR, 2BA on quiet cul-de-sac. Beach lot w/water meter, ACREAGE: DESIRABLE EAST SIDE,south SUBDIVIDABLE $299,000 $159,000 Private. Backs onto 6.39 55 acreACRES, forest. $189,999
landscaped, 65’x76’. $39,900
www.JuliusRealty.com See more listings at www.juliusrealty.com www.JuliusRealty.com ACREAGE: 6.39 ACRES, DESIRABLE EAST SIDE, SUBDIVIDABLE $299,000