September 2017

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Research rreveals Research eveals h high igh number n umber o off ttrade rade iinjuries njuries


Volume V o olume 55 | Issue 8 | S September eptember 2017

As survey urvey of of ccustomers ustomers b by y Toolstation Toolstation has has revealed revealed that that many many plumbers plumbers and and electricians elect e ricians have have suffered suffered e work w ork related related injuries, injuries, b but ut ffear ear o off ffinancial inancial loss loss means means they they are are reluctant reluctant to to take take time time off off to to recover. recover. New New research research has has revealed revealed that t hat almost almost three-quarters t hree-quar ters of of installers installers have have suffered suffered from work from w ork related related injuries, injur ies, aches, aches, pains pa i n s and with 79% off tthose and sstrains t r a i ns – w it h 7 9% o hose ssurveyed u r ve ye d believing has affected ability carry believing iitt h as a ffected ttheir heir ab ility tto oc arry out as well out ttheir heir work, work, a sw ell as as having having a negative negative impact impact on on ttheir heir personal personal llife. ife. The The survey sur vey of of Toolstation Toolstation customers customers was was carried carried out out in in June June this this year year and and highlights highlights the t he challenges challenges ffaced aced by by the t he trade t rade when when injuries injur ies occur. occur. Nearly Ne early 75% 75% of of respondents respondents were over were sole sole traders, t raders, with w it h o ver half half of of those t hose surveyed confirming needed sur veyed c onfirming tthey’d hey’d n eeded to ttake ake time off work due time o ff w ork d ue tto o ttheir heir injuries, injuries, resulting resulting in in loss loss of of income income and and causing causing high high levels levels of of stress, as by one s t r e s s, a s ssummarised u m ma r i se d b yo ne rrespondent espondent who who ssaid: aid: “Being “Being self-employed, self-employed, if if you you get get injuries injur ies at at work work iitt can can have have an an extremely ext remely adverse adverse effect effect on on your your mental mental wellbeing, wellbeing, causing causing stress. st ress. If If you you are are unable unable to to work work then t hen you you are earn.” are unable unable tto oe ar n.” As As a result result of of the t he pressure pressure to to work work and and earn, with ear n, many many in in the t he trade t rade just just ‘get ‘get on on w it h it’ despite pain and as it’ d espite ttheir heir p ain a nd ssuffering, uffer ing, a s

highlighted highlighted in in comments comments including: including: “I “I find find it very hard my continuous it v er y h ard tto o rrecover ecover ffrom rom m yc ontinuous pains and pains a nd sstrains. trains. The The facts facts are are that that these these injuries injur ies rrequire equire resting rest ing the the affected affected areas, areas, but and pains but the t he reality realit y is is that t hat my my aches aches a nd p a i ns are overshadowed off financial are o vershadowed by by tthe he iimpact mpact o financial loss due loss d ue to to not not working.” work ing.” In In tterms er ms of of the t he nature nat ure of of the t he aches aches and and pains 71% pains that t hat mostly most ly affect affect tthe he trade, t rade, 7 1% reported repor ted back back problems, problems, whilst whilst 64% 6 4% had had trouble with trouble w ith ttheir heir knees. knees. The The neck, n ck, shoulders ne shoulders and were and hands/fingers hands/fingers w ere also also key key problem problem areas. and 65% off areas. Some Some 75% 75% of of plumbers plumbers a nd 6 5% o electricians work electr icians highlighted highlighted difficult dif ficult w ork

postures as main cause p ostures or or movements movements a s tthe he m a in c ause off pr problems, movements and o oblems, rrepetitive epet it ive m ovements a nd working cold and wet were w ork ing iin nc old a nd w et conditions condit ions w er e also a lso important impor tant causative causative factors factors across across all all ttrades. rades. Other off tthe Ot her respondents respondents sspoke poke o he iimpact mpact with ttheir heir work work had had on on ttheir heir ffamily amily llife, ife, w it h one commenting: body very o ne c omment ing: ““My My b ody iis s v er y ttired i red after work, which makes hard a f t er w ork, w hich m akes iitt h ard to to have have ttime ime with w it h my my kids, k ids, which which upsets upsets me. me. I’m I’m always a lways tired, t ired, which which is is draining draining mentally.” mentally l .” John Meaden, Marketing Director att John M eaden, M arket ing D irector a Toolstation, highlights T oolstattion, ssays ay ys tthat hatt tthe he rresearch esearch h ighlights tthe he daily daily pressures pressures tradespeople tradespeople are are under unde d r maintain tto o m aintain their t heir income: income: “Our “Our research r e s ea r c h extent rreveals eveals tthe he e xtent to to which which tradespeople t radespeople pains ssuffer uffe er injuries, injur ies, aches, aches, p ains and and strains strains in in getting day g ett ing the t he job job done done d ay tto o day; day; but but more more sso o it it highlights highlights the the financial financial and and emotional emotional on and iimpact mpact o n iindividuals ndividuals a nd ttheir heir ffamily amily llife. ife. Ass a leading A leading ssupplier upplier to to the the trade, trade, we we believe belie eve we have w e h ave a rresponsibility esponsibilit y to to support suppor t our our customers after and c ustomers iin n llooking ooking a fter tthemselves, hemselves, a nd sso o we we are are working working on on ways ways to to help help improve improve ttheir heir health healt h and and wellbeing.” wellbeing. g”

Concerns C oncerns about about cashflow cashf low for for contractors contractors Cur rent c Current cashflow ashflow problems problems iin n tthe he U UK K construction c onstr uct ion e engineering ng ineer ing iindustry ndustr y a are re unsustainable, u nsustainable, a according ccording tto o The The S Specialist pecialist Engineering Engineering C Contractors’ ontractors’ ((SEC) SEC) Group Group – which which represents represents small small and and medium medium enterprises enter pr ises (SMEs) (SMEs) iin n tthe he ssector, ector, a and nd a acts cts a as sa an nu umbrella mbrella body associations ass BESA body for for trade t rade a ssociat ions ssuch uch a BESA and and S SNIPEF. NIPEF. The The S SEC EC Group Group says says that t hat contractors contractors are are having hav ing to to rely rely y more more and and more more on on ttheir heir directors directors for for funding, funding, given given the the problems problems of of late payment late and and lengthy leng thy p ay yment periods per iods and and lack lack of of access access to to reasonably reasonably y priced priced lines lines of of credit. credit. Directors construction businesses Directors llent ent ttheir heir c onstruction b usinesses £38 2015/16, £38 million million iin n 2 015/16, a significant sig nificant

increase 2013/4. increase on on the the £29.7 £29.7 million million llent ent iin n2 013/4. “With “With SMEs SMEs now now relying rely ing more more and and more more on on ttheir heir directors directors ffor or ttheir heir lliquidity, iquidit y, tthe he cashflow cashflow position posit ion iin n tthe he industry industr y is is now now critical,” cr it ical,” ssays ays Professor Professor Rudi Rudi Klein, Klein, SEC SE C Group Group CEO, CEO, who who describes descr ibes the t he figures fig ures as as extremely ext remely worrying. wor r y ing. This This is is against against the the background background of of the the poor poor state balance off tthe UK’s state of of the the b alance ssheets heets o he U K’s llargest argest construction firms highlighted by constr uction fi rms rrecently ecently h ighlighted b y the debt-ridden problems by Carillion the de bt-ridden p roblems ffaced ac a ed b yC arillion (the construction company). (the ssecond econd llargest argest c onstruction c ompany). Klein companies are Klein adds: adds: ““These These c ompanies a re ttaking aking longer and pay chains, longer a nd llonger onger tto op ay ttheir heir ssupply upply c hains, with with SMEs SMEs having hav ving to to spend spend the the bulk bulk of of their their

contract up before contract values values u p ffront ront b efore rreceiving eceiv ing any any payment.” pay men nt.” The SEC The S EC Group Group is is pressing pressing the the Government Government to mandate use to iintroduce ntroduce legislation leg islation tto om andate tthe he u se of project of pr ojject bank bank accounts accounts across across the t he whole whole of of public public sector sector construction, constr uct ion, ring-fence r ing-fence cash and make 30 day payments cash retentions, retentions, a nd m ake 3 0d ay p ayments mandatory. mandator y. Public bank accounts where Public b ank ac counts ((PBAs), PBAs), w he er e monies are paid by public clients monies a re p aid b y p ublic ssector ector c lients directly firms chain via direct ly tto o fi r ms iin n tthe he ssupply upply c ha i n v ia a ring-fenced ring-fenced bank bank account, account, are are already already used used in Northern and Scotland, and by in No r t her n IIreland reland a nd S cot land, a nd b y some some government government departments departments and and agencies agencies such ass Highways such a Highways England. England.

Win a Mira Mode! See page 39

Whale W hale done

Once tthe Once he home home o off D Dippy ip ppy tthe he d diplodocus, iplodocus, tthe he 1 150 50 y year ear o old ld dH Hintze intze H Hall all a att tthe he N Natural atural History H is story M Museum useum in n London Lond don now now plays plays host host the tto o th he skeleton skeleton of of a blue blue whale. whale. Thanks Thanks to to air movement specialist Gilberts and a ir m ovement s pecialist G ilberts a nd tthe he iinstallation nstallation of of a new new ventilation ven e tilation system, system, tthe he hall hall is is also also d delivering eliv ver e ing a an no optimum ptimum environment en vironment ffor or th the he e exhibits xhib bitts sa and nd visitors. visittors s. The manufactured T he ccompany ompany m anufacture ed and and supplied supplie ed 24 off it its Mistrale 2 4 bespoke bespoke versions versions o ts M istrale Model Model ‘‘A’ A’ n natural atura al v ventilation entilation units, units, with with a further further 42 4 2 s standard tandard W WHF50 HF50 high high performance performance llouvres ouvres tto op provide ro ovide tthe he rrequired equired llevels evels o off ffresh resh air air intake intake and and exhaust. exhaust. Alongside Alongside a w wide ide rrange ange of of p products, roducts, G Gilberts ilb berts h has as tthe he a ability bilit y tto od design, esign, m manufacture anufacture a and nd ttest est b bespoke espoke s solutions olutions tto om meet eet s specific pecific p roject requirements. requirements. project



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